Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Dec 1952, p. 10

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Orv Toaster in an attempted deal with and with Weston the Marlboro organization struck with defensive injuries Mateo through University ons they pulled Sander upfmm Weston for the tour rough We and on the gth of one game against Mont li junior Canudicns are jumping lib joy on the kids showing Sanderson sustained cut foot early in the game against Quebec itadellcs and has not been able to lay since At the present moment Marb ma claim Sanderson as their best rofessional defence prospect and re gloating over the fact that they of him away from Emma In defence coach Hap Emms of Die Flyers stated guess we all ignite bad deals some time in our vcs can remember one last year which cost Marlboros the champ ionship They sent John Lumlty and Ron Stewart to Windsor for Hod McElroy Stewart wasnt good enough for MarlborOS but he won spot on Toronto Maple Leafs in his first pro try Emma also added think if you go back overthe records we have had plenty of good Toronto hockey players such as Gary Gordon Don Ashbee Sid McNabney and now goalie Bill Hanin on There are others too which arlboros missed out on cant see where they have any room to crow From all accounts the relation ship between Mariboros and the Flyers is reaching the boiling point and when the two teams meet at Barrie Arena Friday night plenty of thunder should take place on the ice The Flyers eyen with their vast scoring punch and sturdy netmind ing from Bill Harrington will have their hands full in attempting their first win of the season over the Dukes First they have the leagues top frontline unit in Wally Maxwell Eric Nesterenko and Parker Mac Donald to contend with This irio have scored 56 of the teams present mt which is little better than However Emmshopes to have Skip Teal and Don McKenney than blushing deep red when neared the potent goal puncim for his Flyers min about the fast one pulled in securing 7uoo starred in Flyer minor ranks for several lost year was loaned toOrilila senior Terriers law this year to the Dukes when he requested back in action after twoWeek ab sence with injuries Both have re celved two treatments from Archie Campbell of Toronto noted trainer of Toronto Maple Leafs and who has doctorcd thousands of nth letes during his work in sport Their presence in the Flyer roster may offset the Dukes frontlino punch Marlboro goalie John Henderson with an average of 250 goals against heads the circuit but wili have plenty of opposition fromi Bill Harrington who recorded shutouhin his debut as Flycr According to Barrie ticket agen cies great demand in the early part of the week indicates large crowd will watch the battle oc twccn the two rivals Due to the late Friday night store hours the Fiyers have moved the starting time of the game to instead of the usual 830 Siayner Drops Out Central Ontario Hockey League Central Ontario Hockey League has admitted two new clubs this season Durham and Rocklyn Siayner will not enter team This means the group will com prise nlne teams one more than last year The others are Mcaford Markdale Fleshcrton Dundaik Shclburne Honeywood and Crec more The league imphy was won last year by Fleshcrton who edged out Honeywood in thrilling seven gamc final series Has Track Extensmn CNR engineers have completed track extensions in Central Sta tion bringing the number of tracks in the terminal to 18 largest in Montreal The job involved demolition of old Tunnel Station the erection of new section of the viaduct and steel span across St An toine Street as well as intricate track signal and switch additiOns and alterations cannon TIRE oceans VREAL FOR THE KIDDIES sonwONDER nous Scotlies Pandas Teddy Bears etc Clearance Prices Also Bunnikln Ware and Childrens Sets FOR MOTHER An cndlosa variety of USEFUL aims for the home from Cup and Saucer to Dinner Service Doulton Figurines Danish Glass FQRDAD sets of Colored Tumblers Book Ends Ash Sets lionson Lighters cinsms CARDS Boxed loco WRAPPING PAPER V371lSTliEtii foolish thins an Sift Shop con commit DAWWLDSTS am no HM tensions jfhotikcyploalure Afterwards ior department the Dale so for no Oro Nominations Monday Dec 29 the regular meeting of Oro Coun cil on Dec in the Township Hall at Mitchell Square with Reeve Smith Campbell presiding Communications were receive1 from Bayne Fred Hunter Ludgatc Wilkinson Mrs Elizabeth Smollett Smollett Mrs Margaret Lambie ll flames Watkins Mrs Van Valkenburg Paterson MacLarcn QC Ty rell Department of Public Welfare Herbert Kaalac and Alex Ross Mr Allen was present regarding business on the new machine shed Departmental approval was rpcciv cd of snowplow tenders accepted The treasurers list of receipts since last meeting was presented and accepted as satisfactory also several Hydro contracts The question of electrical work at the machine shed and township hall was considered Plans and spcciliczltions had been preparcd and lenders advertised Two tend crs were received and were acccpi cd by Council and left in the hands of the committee to take further action Plans and specifications for the proposed new bridge at Lot 14 Con 12 zmd 13 were presented accepted and lch ovcr to 1953 Bylaw No 715 to provide for pro ruin contributions to the cost of Mo rooms in Orlliia District Col leginic Institute was given third reading and passed bylnw setting Monday Dec 29 at 100 pm in the Township Hall as the time and place for nominations appointing deputy returning of floors etc was brought in and passed An election if necessary will be held on Monday Jan 1953 Report of November work done pay sheets etc and voucher to cover same was presentedby Road Superintendent Besso and passed for payment He was instructed Ito have 500 cubic yards of gravel crushed and stockpiled for use next spring Several accounts were passed for payment Next meeting was so for Monday Dec 15 iriniiy School Presents Annual Concerts The Trinity Anglican Church an nual Christmu tree concert and party for the children of the Sunday School was divided into parts this year Held Friday afternoon and eveningthe program was divided so that the junior children had their concert in the afternoon between four and six oclock and the older boys and girls enjoyed their Christv mas tree in thr evening Around 115 little children up to seven years of age were present along with many of the mothers for the hfternoon program in the parish hall Various games were played and Miss Molly Brown childrens librarian at the Barrie public lib rary told an interesting Christmas story Several recitations were giv en by the little children before the group went downstairs info the par lor for supper Supper fertile youngsters includ ed sandwiches chocolate milk cook ies and fruit the children went rs to wait for Santa Claus who finally appeared and talked to the kiddies who received him with much enthusiasm He gave each of them orpresontiandaiittie box of candy from the large Christ mas tree touching the ceiling of the parish hall which had been decor ated byiTrlnity Junior Guild mem bers Before waving goodbye to the children he told them all time good andhwwld see them on Christmas Eve Then he went out thedoorto get into his sleigh and they all went homohappy but fired The Christmas party for the sen at 730pm and there wcro clo on to 200 chil SAVINGS EDDIE SHORES peeks bad fence star Chic uarda had fromch Dr cm Emmi At New Town Doc TO Was Native of Thornton Funeral service for Dr Charles Oswald Lennox Lake Shore Road Toronto dentist for 26 years was held from Century United Church Ninth SL at one pun WW Dec 10 1962 with interment in Spring Creek Cemetery Clarkson He died Sunday Dec of heart attack Kcenly interested in the welfare of young people Dr Lennons ef forts were partly responsible for erection of Lake Shore Lions War Memorial Arena He was deputy reevr of New Toronto for turn years Born at Thornton he received his high school education at Cooks iown and graduated from the Uni Versily of Toronto in im He pracv used in Ncw Toronto until his death He was member of Clark son United Church former mem ber of New Toronto public library board member of Misxlssauga Golf and Country Club and An thony Sayers Lodge AF and AM He took very active part in the LairA Shore Lions Club since its in caption and was past director He is survived by his Widow the former Morgcrite Edgerton and one daughter Joan sister Mrs Harry Charles Richmond Hill and three brothers George Toronto Frank Mono Mills and Joseph of Thorn ton also survive Teacher for 40 Years boy former Barrie Flyer de 115 suspension lifted this week and is now eligi le torreturn to the rearguard contingent of North Bay Troppers favored contenders for the NOHA senior corwn North Bay manager Pete Palaiiglo after series of 19 phone calls finally got Shore to agree to release Guards for the bal ance of the season The purchase price of Guardas tempor ary release was not disclosed Shore former Boston Bruin great who is now owner of Syr acuse Warriors of the American Hockey League had Guarda suspended shortly after fall tr fenceman refused to turn pro versial form ainlng when the Trapper de Hc is signed to the contro dren of eight years of age and over in attendance The evening performance opened with the singing of carols and Carol Davidson played Christmas selec tion at the piano John Warnica en terfained the group with several sleightvofhand tricks which held the audience in suspense and were greatly appreciated pantomime in costume Dick Whittington and His Cat was pre sented with Mrs Creasy as the Cat and McCraw teacher in the Sunday School as Dick Acting as narrator was another Sunday School teacher Miss Eleanor Aid ish hsil on Sunday evening Dec 21 for the congregation and the public It was directed by John Spence and Robert Hood Santa Claus arrived by plane for the evening Christmas tree having left his sleigh in Orillia He pre sented all the children with bag of candy and gifts before the senior group left for home Both groups were welcomed to their annual Christmas tree concert by the Sunday School superintend ent Fred Andcrton and the rector Rev dePcncier Wright also had few words to say to the children Miss Dortha Jackson superintend onto the primary department and Alloth mime 0f eveninglmrs Gocd along with assist which was greatly enjoyed was the showing of Sound films of the Barn um and Bailey Circus by Allan Beach Mr and Mrs William Kooman played piano duct and the classi taught by Miss Laura Lennox pre rented Christmas skit and alpha betical recitations Another musi cal number was duct Good King Wenceslaus sung by Mark Fish er and William Baker But the high point of the evening was the Nativity playprescntcd by the Free and Easy Club the young people of Trinity Church This play which was about anhour in length ants took very active part in look ing after the afternoon concert Mrs George Jamieson superintendent of the nursery department was in charge of that part of the program Arthur Smith was pianist for the Sunday School pupils performance and Mrs Roberts of Orillla church organist accompanied the part of the choir present forvthe play swnrr amen The Ogoki River in nOrthwestern Ontario was named after an Indian word meaning swift river is to bcjprescntcd again in the pur SMWKQ WSW Wm mrms mommy Molina Desk Moder only one of the many moneysaving SINGER Sewing Machines Top openly up to give plenty of work space roomy drawers will take care of youratlbnbry as well as sewing needs SlMOIlt II on only win Inuhlnl mod lnCunddovn by Chadian workroomSol Conudlbntmriuin DOWN PAYMENT Eisy hunt ions tibial diam anchoring from Willno1 nowrsllloll QComlileto plasmaoops in course or your uncommonlym Set of OSINGliR Valiant of manufacturing pm em your For hum Iii rm John Gilchrist Dies At His Toronto Home For over 40 years public school teacher John Gilchrist pass ed peacefully away while sleeping on the early morning of Nov 1952 at his home 2165 Dufferin Street Toronto He had worked in his garden on the previous afternoon had on joyed the evening meal did some shopping and later had the custom ary family worship and retired apparently in his usual good health Born in Oro on Nov 23 1870 he had come to Barrie with his family when boy had attended Barrie Collegiate and London Normal School and started teaching at Van Vlack near Wasaga Beach He had taught also at Allenwood and Gibson was principal at Kirk flcld for six years and at Mark ham for nine years For the remainder of his teach ing years he was principal of Vaughan Road and Memorial Schools Fairbank Toronto After retirement having taken two summer courses at Guelph Horticultural College he ltook up ower gardening at 2165 Dufferin Street He lived beautiful life and its close came peacefully Mr Gil christ had quite number of out side activities and interests was faithful member of St Cuthberts limited Church was an elder Sun day School teacher and and treasurer He was also life mem Mr Doc 195 MEADOWan Distinguished MW museumon WMLWCW you as we do with The amid where every rad er who when they write that famous Meadow Brook Artistic Barrie we think you have one of the most picturesmie towns on the map That Chrmmas parade was veritable wonderland What an inspiration How it brought the cm as spirit to our hearts There are still fever old Scrooge in the country squeezing their bills Your market is one of the best and your hotels where one can lest when on those busy shopping days rgfreshed and go on feeling better My Won McCalroll prominent busi ness man of Alllxtoo is in seri ous condition in Stevenson Memor ial Hospital Engaged in the meat business over great many years Mr McCarroll as boy learned his trade with the late Roon ey and later formed partnership known as Gallaugher and Mc Carroll in recent years with his run Joe who returned from over seas he carried onia most exten sive buainoss its December only few more days until Christmas it is month known for ice and snow but this year the weather has been of armild type Some very heavy rains but wonderfully fine Cat tle in some places are still graz zngon the meadow and some bo lnted plowing was finished last week Fifteen years ago winter arrived Dec with the thermometer down to 20 above zero High winds and driving clouds of snow Twentyfive years ago temperature dropped to zero Saturdaynighi While 35 years ago Meadow Brook and surrounding district were in the grip of King Winter with blizzards low temperatures bnd snow First Flock of Geese Celia Gagen has the record of year after year having the finest flock of geese of any farmerelte in the country With ock of 50 which comprises the old stock of five geese with two ganders Miss Gagen is to be congratulated on this ne success McKay also of Orillia Mr and Mrs Lambe Washago Mr and Mrs McLaren Miller Parry Sound and also relatives from Moon stone Elmvale Vasey Barrie and Wobdbrldge 33 Briiish Pianist Addresses ORMTA and ex aminer of 1056011 England Lloyd Powell spoke to the members or the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association Barrie branch on the evening of Dec at 39 home of Miss Jessie Brywn Mr Powells subject was The Approaith to Performance and he illustrated his points with many demonstrations and the perform ance of some of the old masters and the new some of the modem composition being of much into and value The works of modern and pop ular music are sometimes CDnluscl Some modern music is of very th order and will probably not be understood and appreciated ill our time as in the future was the distinguished visitors message lo the teachers This happened in some of the old masters such as Beethoven in his later works and Wagner The speaker is graduate of the Royal College of Music and an cx aminer of the associated board of the Royal Schools of Music llc has been around tile world threw times in this capacity The Dow gcr Queen Mary is the presidcn of the Royal Schools of Music and upon her accession to the throne Hcr Majesty the Queen has grab iousl granted hcr patronage An enjoyable social hour foli owed the lecture and the teacher felt that the evening had bccn very protably spent The next meeting of the Barrie branch of the ORMTAwill be held on Jan 12 when Miss Brysou wlll speak on The Whole Tour Scaleimpressions as Used in Modern Music W5 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2014 LASTING Fl Crawtord C0 Est 1919 MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK BXCHANOS Govroman Municipal and corporation Stcurities Dunlop Strdet Barrio TRY AN EMMINER wANT AD ROSS Campbell Leslie Clarke her of Fairbunkf Lodge AF and Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 AM and had held several offices camel Wins in the order 0f the family still surviving are his wife the former Miss Rachel Miller whose home was in Med onte Township SimCOe County and other relatives in Orlllia and Tor onto and in different parts of the USA in Niagara Falls Brooklyn Buffalo anszewickly Pa The funeral service on Wednes day Nov 12 was at St Cuthberts United Church and conducted jointly by Dr Mustard Rev Mr Sanderson and Rev Mr Carruth era Burial was in Guthrie Ceme tery Oro and pallbearers were all former tedchers in Memorial School where he was principal in You race up nous As your hmbands chief beneciary would you know how to handle the admmiatra tion of his estate Inexperienoa in such matters can he export Haldenby Smyth McQueen and Morrison Beautiful owers gave unmistak able evidence of the esteem in which Mr Gilchrist was held They were from relatives and friends and from rabbitan ness Mens Association Fairbank LodgeAEand AM St ClalrMena Association York Principals As sociation St Cuthbatflls United Church former teachers of Mem orial Sclypol and St Cuthberts WMS Some of therelatives and friends from distance who attended the fundral were Mr and Mrs Bes wick Niagara Falls NY John William and Annie Gilchrist Orti lla Mr and Mrs Timon Mr and Mrs Hewitt and Mrs husband Such an interview could be the answer to yopr future peace of mind men rush urn omca much and Dunk III Company Amorico hnounee that tell GARMAN summon the tuna duo rtorod Llfo Underwriterlaunch Scuman byThe lath writou Association of candun the cocoonaful completion of an nomsz tunayour connect study in lifth allch and us allied norm Serving Than 041 ll

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