Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1952, p. 8

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Writ of Mamabranch Educttlon simply as showpiece for the raising money for activities or highly of Barths Mute skills the students had learned WW than octtvitfes Viewing marina or Shun to come It Ebeck think very highly winter sport pnrticulsriy became v14 dawnua nubileQ them with exerclsein short being one of the few winter sports in which girls can participate fully Watching that 15 juniors out practicing their figures and an cic memory dance step in the utter noo Mr Ellbcck felt that the potion in the group instruc lion owed very successful club Based on the one group it is catoring to the club will be continuing and overgrowing thing providing the club keeps abreast of the needs of the children He was impressed with instruc lress Mm Muriel Whytcs Club as thcy prac ticed cf the Anna Hominy often and evening the district rep resenutive Jack Eilbeck felt that there was good possibility that the Club would be continuing our evergrowing thing in years of figure skating in general as it am female physical feds giving iris grace uni provxding very the during the winter groups at the Barrie Fix Mn amt ladmnd who was most anxious to have Mr Eilbeck see the young Barrie club in ac tion pointed out that the younger juniors doing their figures out on the ice were just at the stage the older and more skillful skaters had been the year before As the lCommunity Programs represent ltive was quick to see the skating Iclub is an overgrowing thing Mrs Whytes unique influence ovcr the children in her charge is shown to advantage at classes lwherc one soft word over the microphone from her will set the children in motion At one gpoint in her instruction period isht had all the children grouped around her repealing the safety lrules of the clubmaking those gfun to learn through her pittasunt handling Even the four and fiveyearolds lwho were out on the ice in large inumbcrs Monday afternoon are skating with considerable amount gof skill for thcir years And the older children who have learned Lawrenceleighl Nuplials are Held in Lisle Church fErnest Lawrencc Rev John Kerr performed the marriage cer lemony The bride who was givrn narriagc by her father chose istraplcss gown of white nylon net fwith lace pcplum ovcr taffeta and chuntilly lace jacket fash $ioncd with peterpan collar and llily point sleeves llcr appliqued gvcil which was ngertip length ifcll from lace juliet cap and she lcarricd cascade bouquet of red roses and white mums Miss Audrey Jean Coishwas gmaid of honor and wore gown Donald Lawren cc for bluc taffeta with matching bol cro and julict cap ller owers Iwerc colonial bouquct of pink roses The llowcr girl Miss Carol Ann chnrns wore pink nylon over rose ltnffcta with flower headdress lnntl carried noscgoy of blue mums and yellow roses was his bro thers groomsman and the ushers were Donald Lnrsnn and Leonard Alcamo ence son of Mr and Mrs Albert in rm edbytheRWDEmtm Given in marriage by her fath wert tiny buttons to the wast and her flared skirt ended in an 13 inch train me sleeves were longt larrd petal pointed and she was wcums white velvet jullet with scalloped edge holding double fingertip veil of tulle illusion Her flowers were cascade of white pinnochio mums pink sweelhe roses with white satin ribbon The mold of honor Miss Jean Gordon of Brantford was wearing gownof gold velvet styled with stroplcss bodice and fitted jacket with threequarter length sleeves and Queen Anne collar with tiny buttons to the waist and full flared skirt Her flowers were cascade of yellow and bronze pin nochlo mums with gold ribbons llhe bridesmaids McKay of Call and Miss Marion Elliott of Delhi were in identical gowns of bronze velvet and green velvet and were carrying cascades of bronze and copper pinnochio mums with multicolor ribbons Robert Jordan DC of Sarniu was groomsman and the ushers on um in mochmm at Clarkson last Wednesday eve Mom in honor of recently marrsrd WW couple Mr and Mrs Barry Ger Mn wag phyed wed hart The bride is the former May Ming music ind mmpanied the soloist Leslie Walker in the sink In is wetting of mauve and whit 12 William YW 3114 lmums at St James Anglican Ive li lChurch Lisle Miss Sheiln trun ibcth Keight daughter of Mr Ind er the bride was wearing white Mrs Reginald William Keighlyqu Veil9i 20W Willi lm bOdice married to Albert Ernest uwr ind Epigrtan 68 pie The mommy was thn Anne collar There and white and Miss Barbara their thunk shooter was held at it home MW of no and ms Fred Pengillcy 10 35 used as vegetable 3m ning Packard of Hawkestone large number of friends wcrc count from Toronto Streeuville and Claritsnrt as well as Mrs Lena Webb of Palnswick null Mrs Flora Runs from foolcvtown During the social evening the bride and groom beautiful and useful gifts inclntlztrg box of shower gifts from or brides friends in lizlwktrllorl mtl gift from the WA of St Aldon Church Mr and Mrs icrhnrt cxpremcd in their tripods and TKCt wed many refrcshmnm were served by the hostess at the close of the evening The mongrel is considered de sander of the chard which the LOOK REPOSSESSlON 5l PREFECT SEDAN SMALL MILEAGE GOOD CONDITION TAKE OVER BALANCE DANGERFIElD MOTORS USED CARDIVISION Z33 Bridford Sf you 4331 successful way of handling groupghow to bnlancc themselves cflort gt gt instruction observing that she hadl lcxsly are moving on to the intric everybody working and still had acies of figures and the elementnrg the ability to pick out and coach dance steps of die Dutch Waltz anyone Her understanding of There were number of boys in chdren was the combination with the junior age group which looks her skill that made her an out promising for future years of the standing instructrcss in his cycs club Monday afternoon for the offl But the most striking aspect of cial visitor the junior groups had the Barrie Figure Skating Club is their instruction all in one class the enthusiasm of its young mem so that seeing the intermediatesbers We often see them running and seniors skate in the eveninglalong the street with their skates he might have complete idea over their arms hurrying so as how all sections of the club work not to be late They dont want Zed and locked Mrs Whyte was to miss minute of the fun being mkted in the afternoon by were Richard Gordon of Brant ford and Harold Hutchinson of in New Lowell CA reception followed at the ommunily Hall in 59 ner wher the mother of the bride received in navy crepe wearing navy ac At the home of the bride hcr illiOlllPl received in dress of rny ottoman cord with black vel tl accessories and corsage of rod roses Ihc grooms mother as sistcd in black crepe with match ing ncccssoric and her corsage was of rod roses For wedding trip to the United Slntcs the bride travelled in dress of green jersey with black velvet accessories Her corsage was of yellow mums Sourriddle Cit6 wlnoto by Andrews Allistou CUTTING THEIR WEDDING CAKE following their recent November marriage in St Johns United Church mouse Alliston are Mr and Mrs John Leslie Plaxton The bride is the former Margaret Anne Cumberland daughter of Mr and Mrs Cumberland of Alliston and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs JMiller Plnxton of Angus The couple will be making their home in Angus Theme for 1953 cessorics and pink corsage The grooms mother who also received was in navy crepe with matching accessories and was wearing yellow corsage Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to the Southernl States the bride travelling in dusty rose dress with autumn rose coat and black accessories On their returnMr and Mrs Gordon County Quill It is hoped that at For the sixth ynr the choir of number of young skating coun sailors one boy who took over the children in groups underhcr directionwhile she herself divided her time equally among the child rem Mr Bilbeck was interested to learn how interest had grown so rlpidl in the club that it could b2 fully organized in such short period of time He felt that this community wide interest was well illth in the number of moth en who were over at the arena in the monsoon to watch their chil dren skate fit in been tremendous of interest in figure skat the last eight years or in in the country for which Barb art Arm Seoit mlxht be partially responsible But the Department representative felt that what might have been greatly responsible for the popularity of the sport was the coming of indoor ice rinks with their reliably smooth and flown frozen icesurfaces and com parative warmth and comfort shel tered from extremes of winter weather lle did not want to compare the Barrie gure skating movement with that of othercentres in his Central Ontario district but non commitally told us that any person who wanted to see model of succasaful club would be well ad vlgeddn see the club here The skatinzlcarnival was project of which the highly approved as means of advertising the club and quvu ms rum liekeying Lock Combin nonwhmmm DurClounrcpalred wasnmo MACHINES Anawry Wnu aunanc lt Collier Strect United Church is preScnting its dramatized version of the Bclhlehem Cantata by Maundcr this coming Sunday and Mondly evenings Christmas tradition to attend the colorful pageant in music depict ing the story of the Birth of Christ Singing the solo parts in the drama will be xMrs Kenneth Taylor Miss Edna Theodore Miss Ca ltherine Bartlett Alfred Shep herd William Inmbert William Knox Victor Knox John Hart and Donald Thacker The entire pro duction is under the direction of the cnoirmastcr and organist Lloyd Tuflord Home Helpers Meet With WMS Of St And rews The Home Helpers were enter tained by the Womens Missionary Society of St Andrews Church at the November meeting held at the home of Mrs Clarence Simp son 101 Hayeld St The two groups meet together at least once year to help promote the missi ionary cause and to give the members of the society the Oppor tunity to meet the Home Helpers The meeting was presided over by the president Mrs John Mcl Cow and she was asisted in the devotions by Mrs Biggar who read thescripture lesson and Mrs John Powell who led in prayer During the business period that followed Mrs Frank Smith the treasurer reported that the nan ces of the society were encourag mg and with the December meet ing still to be held the allocation for 1952 should be met The balance of the meeting was in the nature of social gettol gether with refreshments being servedbythe hostess of the after noon GOOD MANNERS Courtesy in reality doesnot so much suggest way of acting as it does way of feeling and that is why it is so greatly Worth while And it is quite accurate to speak of the grace of good manners for good manners is thing that grows in amanvs heart or it is nothing at an but emptiness Trenton Ont CourierAdvocate elmrind Conidian Senor colorful It is bccoming iast and Present has been chosen rangemcnts are being made to hold least one group in each township will make block for this quilt Those who are interested in this project are asked toiapplon the theme Simcoe County secretary Miss Colley as soon as possible Members of the local committee for the 1953 Quilt and Rug Fair are Mrs Dawson Mrs Cavanugh Quilt Rug Fair by the l953 Quilt and Rug Fair committee to highlight the fifth annual event of this kind The committee in charge vizualizes selling for Late Autumn Wedding The marriage of Miss Bernice Ilcne Thomas daughter of Mr and Mrs Carl Thomas of New Lowell to Roy Edwin Gordon DC son of Mr and Mrs George Mrs Orscr Mrs Farrell Mrs Pal such features as hostses dressed met Mm Beaver and Miss Coney in oldfashioned cotumes to tell people about some of the historic Gordon of Brantford took place in the Church of the Messiah Sun quilts an oldfashioned quilting bee and rooms with quilted spreads and handmade rugs in the old and modern style new County Quill showing the in dustries of Simcoe County will be displayed alongside the nowfam ous County Quilt which was first exhibited at the 1950 Fair The fair will be held in Barrie from Wednesday July 22 to Sat urday July 25 Due to the large crowds which came last year ar this event in larger building possibly the Armoury or the Arena Three meetings centring around then fthvannual Quilt and Rug Fair were held during the past month and an excellent start has been made in getting plans un erway At the rst of thesaMrs Dawson of Barrie was elected chairman of the committee in charge Mr Cavanagh is vice chairman this year Mrs Pal mer treasurer and Miss Louise Colley of the Simcoe County Rec reation Service issecretary Representatives frbm all over the county not in Community Home here on Nov 187 About 20 people from Mincsing Guthrie Shanty Bay Orillia Stnyner Brad ford Stroud Barrie and Centre Vespra Were present Many worth while suggestions and new ideds for improving the fair were pre sented At meeting of the local com miltee on Nov 26 these idem and suggestions were gone over in do tail Special committees are to look after ther various features Conveners of some of these were appointed as follows quiltmaking demonstrations Mrs Lorne Orser rugmaking demonstrations Mrs Farrell arts and crafts for sale booth Mrs Ken Cavanagh quilts and rugs as shown in past and pre sent home furnishings Mrs Llew Beaver Mrs Torrance of Orillia has agreed to design the new it canAt= if IIPHOESTEB We are having duo galthMn ornoitss ChaitthNj bristling tenable deepusoring limitersr Comet Ammunirs Qc new Chesterfield suite in your living roomfor Chri that will make Christmas I952 one to be remember Upholstered in good hard wearin Frieze these guseuble sectional suites are so easilypiaced to suit any will be making Brantford Outoftown Drantford Stayner Toronto Bar rie Snrnia and New Lowell Todays Great Lakes were born With the melting ofthe last huge their home in guests were from HOW LAKES BORN ice sheet over North America WEB Essa Road With every Christmas purchase of $100 or more you have an opportunity to win 44 Pce set of White Or chid communitys newest pattern in silverware value $7995 Draw to he made Christmas Eve rs errurnr Phone 2267 stmas is fornin gift Therillustration Shows one of thepolmlar swcdish modern Styles bill you Wm nd suites of every kind and style in our wide selection SectiontrllSuile ILLUSTRATED AT mom typoof room caglonal and stagchairs Timcome and see them today Thejriison if able prices will surprise you fiusr our Liuwir PLAN Darlene havoalready taken odvantaoe or our convenient tapaway mfmt make your climate now pay tatsmall deposlty than titlitlhqlialance in moth tth militants to suit Friezes are very much in demand and give excenentLBcrvice the my Nylon and Jim well as the brand new miniour Du Pont Flinn Cover Ire available in all tho shades ottoman Choose The Fines Gift of All Fuuurruur FOR THE HOME will bring happiness and comfort to every member of the family It PRICES designed to meet every budtot land your presentfurnituretakon Vas marina PAM5 coronal piano Lamps tosks CedarChests Tablets fact Wagons Autos if 1V=Rttlket w00dforjrnestat nestss DoHCarrlaues heelbnrrowsa etc

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