Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1952, p. 5

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County Tobacco Growers Rally At Allister Continued from page one that further reduction Will not only benefit consumers by saving the average smoker at least $50 year but also growsr5 workers on the farms and in the factories a$ well as the Government which wlli get more revenue in the long run Mr Rowe and Mr Ferguson will com to the meeting direct from the House of Commons ln Ottawa and are expected to bring the dcl clsions of the metting to the at tention of the mvcrnmcnt in Par llalnent during the current session Entertallmlcnt will be provtdcd by Harold Morby of Mornings Mills who is officially rated as one of Canadas leading oldtime fiddlers He will be ilCLliilxpilnItd by his wife on the piano and assisted by stepdancing team composed of his nineyearold soanaync and eight yearold daughter Connie Democracies Must Take Action Meet Communist Threat Continued from page one with all the supporters of capltlb ism OI Thus no tr the very can at Mile creed of the Communist no levery one of their leaders but isaid this verbally and in writing over and over again The Communists call this des ltructlon of capitalistic states the gWorld Revolution but the real jintention is the conquest of the world by Communists Commun 15m in fact amounts to world wtdc conspiracy for the total da ltruction of the existing order of human society He showedby examples that os ltcnsible changes in Soviet policy either domestic or foreign are merely strategic or tactical moves lunch of which is based on carc gfui appreciation of the relative strcngth of the Soviet visavis her avowed enemies Never for second has the main unwavering lpolicy of world conquest for com imlmim been abandoned The moment the war ended Rus sia proceeded to flout every agree ment she had made at Yalta In Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Rumania Bulgaria Albania Man CllllIlO North Korea parts of Fin land and Austria and in Eastern Germany shc proceeded with ruth less energy to subject these States and areas to absolute control Only in Yugoslavia has there been cffcctive opposition Behind Iron Curtain Behind the Iron Curtain is hardy virile fast breeding race old Alcorn THORNTON smother of Thornton Masons and their wives attended the Kai Joni supper on Wedllcsday ever Mr and Mrs David Mossoplmg and then daughter Barbara all Sudbury were visiting this weeklms brxher Mcrflsm for few days with Mrs Mossops we mother Mrs Benson Km from Peace Bivtr it hurt Prantice arrlvcd home on Mr and Mrs Juries Flavcilc ofSatllrdxy morning uftcr spending can and may two children arelttbe summcr or DIS farm rl the visiting the home of Mrs Fla7Pare RIVLT Clirzrml velles parents Mr and Mrs 11 last Bouncing Baby Boy Congratulatuns to Mr and Mrs or Mr and Mrs Ross Nixonund Lem zled gift of UJl11lelg bony on me 3011 Ricmd Jahn Port their first Wedding nzlrlilcrgurvz Huron Mich spent the American1NWh 1951 Thanksgiving weekend with Mrs1 Nixon Baby Iloy Arrives Ciligrntulailuns In Mr and 51111 Mr and Mrs Vernon Walker of Jack Landry or the arrival Of aL Oshawa were vistting last week baby boy in the Royal Victoria Husi with and Mn walken plial Barrio on Sunday Nov 30 1952 Patrick Poland Jr of Sudbury Elected mm Council spent the wcekend with his pal Congratulations to Mr IrctorlE ems Mr and Mrs Patrick 01 who was clcctcd to Illllisfll council and He 13 now with the InternalEon Monday large majority llonal Nlckcl police force JV 3L 51m lbomc after visiting nus rlturllcd llcl diltlglllCl MSW new Murrywu Emmi vmwd It Was inches ports and British oi Capt Vlctur Clarkc Halifax left Puncher Mr and Mrs Gordon Frank To ronto spent the weekend with thc laiters parents Mr and Mrs Cu Gauley Saskatoon visitedi Mrs Hozghlon Nlwlilll ltoblll son Mrs Dalton Bunting is visiting her daughter lll Barrio Christmas Meeting of WI inhabiting an enormous territory with vast and varied resources suspicious of foreigners and accus turned for centuries to Obedience to an Iron dictatorship This State is under the rule of cluster of able men animated by the driving force of the Com munist creed whine avowed me thods rest on terror treachery and deceit and whose doctrines And worstof all we saw risen in Russia tyranny just as mun strous as that of Nazis and the Japanese World Divided So now in 1952 we see the world divided into two camps and it is most important that we should understand clearly what sort ofl people are in the other Said for mer Ambassador William Bullitl The Soviet Union is unique among they applymg State Which gof all States in the world was Great Powerh It mt only 8i probably the most amenable to State but the headquarters of an international faith To understandlsubmit to them It 13 fOlmldable combination it as State is lmportant To un dcrstand tho Communist creed ls IWJruemlme State and this vital 053d have their missionaries and thclr soles in every country inthe The Russmn peoples history lst world ceaselessly and earnestly oncxlong tragic story of war star vation torture rape murder andl slavery General Macklin remind ed his listeners In the hard school of experience they learned to re gard foreigner as man who tries to kill you and take your land They have thus become onel of the most suspicious of nations To them all foreigners are poten kind for Communism They are present in Canada That fact is one of the most dangerous things facing us in the democracies today There are more ways of conducting war than by shooting or dropping bombs We have seen in two wars what Working for the conquest of manFalls St Catharines and Toronto tial enemics Moreover they are hardy and fast breeding Over the centuries the Russians became inured to the system of totlllitarian dictatorship Except for occasional intervals of anarchy or approaching anarchy they have never known condition even ap proaching our conception of free dom Communism Religion The creed of Communism he des cribed as resembling religion rather than system of govern merit state of perfection to be reached by certain methods When the entire world has attainedpure Communism there will be no more wars for all wants will be satis ed there will be no governments to raise issues and each individual will be engaged in socially nec essary task The Communist envisagesa spe cies of Heaven just as the Christ ian does but the Communist hea ven is on earth The creed seems harmless and even attractive in itself In particular it seems to appeal to certain type of scien tic mind Consider the cases of he Germanborn Klaus Fuchs the nglishman Allan Nunn Maywthe Italian Pontecorvo and the Cana dian Boyer These people seem to believe that if only all the dogmas of politics and religion could be swept away science couldsupply all the answers But General Macklin considered that the deadly menace of Com munism was not so much in the creed itself nor in its conception of pure state of humanity as in the methods which thevexpon cuts of Communism have pre scribed for the attainment of the Communist state of humanity The rst cornerstone of this doctrine is the contention thatgno capitalistic state will ever tolerate Communism from which it follows logically that every capitalistic state must be destroyed together yours torgivethsil Xcan be done by propaganda or gas lt ls now termed psychological warfare The Communists have developed this to ne art One of their methods was successfully eused by Goebbelsthe method of the Big Lie If you tell big en ough lie and repeat it often en ough people will believe it The characteristics of the op posing camp are very frightenin It seems to me that if these versaries triumph and our way of llife which we have developed over the centuries disappears the world will sink back into another Dark Age as Mr Churchill said made darker by the lights of perverted science There you have this Great Pow er With all its military potential and there you have this monstrous antilChristian creed corrupting the souls of men There could atcfor us to do anything about come time when it wouldbe too this menace ltgt lEFROY Edgar Woods Albany NY spent few days with Mr and Mr Jack last week Continuation Commencement Continuation School Commence ment was held in Lefroy hall last Fnday evening with splendid at tendance of parents and friends Grade 12 and Grade 10 were pre scnted with their diplomas and eld day awards were given out Shirley Reive was valedicotrian Choruses folk dances play Rumors Wanted andInIImerous other numbers were fully enjoyed by all present Womans Association The WA met at Mrs BillShel dons Thursday evening with the vicepresident Mrs Les Paul pre Sldlng Mrs Grose read the Scripture selectd for the meetin and Mrs Maurice Reid read the lesson thoughts The treasurer Mrs 00 reported having paid accoun due and tidy sum in the treasury which was left intact un til the spatial meeting Mrs His lop gave very interesting paper on Contact Events and Mrs Stephens read htimorous paper Six Love Letters Serving with the hostess were Mrs Tuckey Miss Donnelly and Mrs Frank Corner Owing to Christmas fastivities the next meeting will be held at Mrs Paulsrontbecvening utilize117T NILand Mrs Letts and Mr and Mrs Foster and daughter Grace of Sutton spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Pete Letts Mrs Harry Stewart 111 Sorry to reportuthat Mrs Harry Stewart suffered seizttre on Thursdayevening Sbeatterlded WAhinceting and appeared her us ual self but shortly after returning horse was taken ill At tune of to betredured mom atliali yearscan measure your portriitr most aectionate of all ways to bring your Christmas wishes to thoroyou lover roam soda writingmhef is resting with slight improvement rs Walter Colnor Sh receiv ed sadchs Wedocday morn roll YouNGSTERS all blockgone available in sizes No1Sot Nasser lcogssqt N0SGR $795 $1200 Blocks on mule of soft rubber $595 Mr and Mrs Hoskin Wye vale Miss Hazel Hoskin Norland Much concern is felt for the western aircraft which is supposed to have crash landed in or near this community Some of the search is in the Orr Lake reforestry cOuple of miles northeast of here but at present no clue has been found of citber men or plane Stayner are spending few days this week with Mr and Mrs Allan Johnston meet at the home of Mrs Lorne pm Roll call will be an exchange ins rom fall down few steps atone home 01 her daughter1n law Mrs Bill Noble his aunt Mrs Rnwson and Mr Rawson on his return homclmcns Insiitlltc will be hold on from Ottawa Rev Norman Rawllhursday owning the lith in that son and Mrs Rawson Hamiltonibascmcllt of St Judes Church withl were also guests during the week Mrs Reid US llostcss There will be 1111 cxchuugc of Christmas gifts not to exceed 250 Roll call cllildl hood mCIIIOIlLS of Christmas Decembcl Miccling of the W1 Mr and MrsW Walls vi5 Itcd Mr and Mrs Harvie Merrick in Toronto ovcr Saturday Proz gram will Dc in charge of Mrs in Black Ralph Snclgrove is attending meetings of the Canadian A550 White Gift Sunday Dec 14 will be Wllllc atlon of Broadcasters in Toronto Sunday the rst part of this peek Glft Sunduv ll tho Ullltld Chillchl Sunday School Ralph Snelgrovc and children Lyn Timmy and Toby accompan ied by Frank Hall of Owen Sound spent several days last week with friends and relatives at Niagara lkirlity WMS Trinity WMS will meet at Mrs chman Thompsons on Friday Dc 12 PlczISe nozc the calangc of dzltc Here for BIICI Commencement Mg Miss Moira Grout came up from University of Western Ontario London last weekend and attended the Commencement Exercises at BDCI Friday evening Her father Death of Mrs Donald McKay Grout Toronto and her This comfounity was saddened aunt Mrs Hope Oakville also last week by the death of Mrs were present for the happy event Donald McKay who had been and spent the weekend with Mrs highly respected and lifelong resi Grim and MIS Luell dcnt of the Second Line We ex tend deepest sympathy to Mr Me Kay and family Mr and Mrs William Thomp son Doris and Margaret motored to Queensvillc and visited Mrs Thompsons sister Mr and Mrs Johnston spent Sunday visiting Mrs Johnstons parents Mr and Mrs Lloyd John son presulcnt who welcomed the guests Ed McCready and Pat Smith and later thanked Churchill WI Alex were visitors with Mr and for the lovely supper The toast to Mrs Alvin Johnston me WI was proposed by Black Mrs Lockhart Vasey is visiting who spoke of the good work of her daughters Mrs Percy McGrath the members past and present It and Mrs Rupert McGlath was responded to by Mrs Cunning ham Mrs George Holt in an amusing way proposed the toast to the guests rcplied to by Fletch er short business meeting was held IOIIOWE by musical selections byVarious groupsA number of lucky draws were made while play ing progressive euchre The high score for the ladies Mrs I7tcwart and for the gentlemen George MacDonald Dancing to Intarc by Mrs Nelson Moore and Walter Beatty brought happy evening to close HAVE loll ANSWERED your CHRISTMAS LVf Still mm illllll FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS WI Entertain Husbands Thornton Womens Institute en tcrtairled their husbands to tur key suppcl at the Churchill hall on Thursday cvelllng witll Churchill WI catering About 60 sat down to delicious banquet at seven oclock After supper Joseph Len nox proposed the toast to the Queen and called on Mrs Spencer Plenty of Snow This part of Simcoe County has had real snowfall about 18 inch es Visitors at Mr and Mrs Wesley Johnstons recently were Mr and Mrs Ray Church and children Mid land Miss Nellie Hoskin Barrie Mr and Mrs Johnston and children Mr and MrsNeil Ken nedy and children Minesing Federation Forum The fourth meeting was held in the school last Monday evening when Saurin and Victoria were vis iting members There was splen did attendance and Mr Naughton showed number of pictures which were much enjoyed friendly hour was spent enjoying the lovely lunch and tea Missing Aircraft from West WI To Meet Dec 11 Dalston Womens Institute will Randys Thursday Dec 11 at of Christmas gifts Motto The Real Meaning of Christmas to be cornmented upon by Mrs Wood demonstration on candymaking by Mrs Brown will be featured log thatlher brotherinlaw Ernest Item had passed away in Eng land Mr and Mrslreton Spent the summer with relatives in Lefroy three years ago snummmsteps Mrs Mervyn Noble isrecuperap baa of hreus tth caulk themselves duglccs Grade Grade tinnitus 10cm VISIT Shipping Season Noon Close Port of Montreal The Canadian National Steam3 Snip 1952 Shipping season from they port of Montrral closes win the dwparzure of me l500torl desel cl Xrzddttjsl Llllcr fur Bri iulana Nov 25 Tm sesscls farnllar to tho Mczlzrcnl watclfron for the past 21 yours val not bc back again ufzcn St Lawrence navigation ses reopens in tin sprlllg ttll CNS Lady Nelson and lady Boringy which made last this to Montiv11 this fall Sccund to last Canadian Nation li pumcugcz Jllyillg LCSSEI to soil flare tilts your the Canadianl licngcr under the corzlrllqzld Jl Itttlllly for tlll Caribbean Illck until With her sister ships the CilllSLl and the Constructor will moiw several wmtcr lung to the tl Indies fom Halifax Will Oats Threat To Prairie Farms REGINA Oct 31 lCPl midi unis rcpunslble for more cropf loss than any other weedinfestcdl 75 pur cent of the cultivated corpg lgc lll western Canada this year Beck weed specialist with the plant industry branch of the Saskatchewan agricultural depart1 znczlt warns that the wild oat inf USLIIIIOII is more serious thls year in ltgllld to acrcngc infested and Lllt amount of seed produced than at any other time in recent years Mr Bcck said the probable rea son for the high infestation wasf llllL curly spring which was foil5 owed by cool wcnther in June lllcyi Pecans Unika NUTS med IL CELLO BAG IL DIAMOND RIondsScftShll IIlheslllerm 47c 26 343 2111090146 crLLolfsiAr 49 53 63c DIAMOND MIG Walnuts IUVII EXTRA LARGE WASHED lLl mun CELLO no am Shelled ALVB crttzxa Shelled Almond cmo rm Pm maritime Shelled Broil Shcued morn NOW ON SALE EXCLUSIVELY AT LOBLAVIS HOMEMAKEIIS ENCYCLIIPEIIIH VOLUME 11 ILB ClLLO BAG 21c 24c 33c 29c 24c CELLO PKG 401 CELLO PKG 401 CELLO PKG NEEDLECRAFT FOR Pm THE HOME Wild outs germinate ill the spring and only at temperatures below 50 Wild oats were found thi your in areas where they are not usually problem There is some controversy as 10 how to control wild oats Somcg farmch burn their stubble in thei fall But Mr Beck recommendsl um oilslgucz BUNCH 19 LB early fall tillage of stubble land whether it is to be summerfalli FRESH TENDER IMPORTED owed or cropped One major control problem is the fact that different strains or possibly different varieties of wild oats infest different parts of the west Control methods that work well in one arca may fail in other districts Wild oat seed on the surface of the ground may not germinate and if plowed deep may remain and ger minate later where infested land after being under grass or clover for seven years still contain serious infes tation of wild oats Where spring cultivation is done the mm of wild oats should be allowed to grow for about week said Mr Beck The crap may then be growth and after the cmp germin ates the land can be rodweeded above the germinated grain kill ing the wild oats and allowing the grain to grow mam PRICES DECEMBER 1952 11068 CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Ciroperative Packers of Ontario Barrie HUGS Prices to Farmer Basis Grade $2550 30W $16 $1850 gt EGGS Large Medium Small CHICKENS Over 01118 Special Grade Grade Grade Ste6M Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade 39 37 Grade 18 Canons 2o over the above prices PO 27 24 gt 26 23 Over lbs to lbs Womanla Swan new filial Bullis Cases are on record seeded fairly deep into the cumin run nouns ronmws um null 27 16 I4 TASTY NEW CROP EASY TO PEEL Tonnerinas One Size Available srzr SIZE 39 33c DOZ SELECTED QUALITY Bananas 19c swsn JUICY FLORIDA SEEDLESS IIrnpeIruli 1229c oumuo GROWN PASCAL 19c Celery Hearts room 570 Swiss angers 1352212 41 Imperial am 45c CID Werltdrlgou 47C PKG Ionian Rouse Chase 1131 85c PLAIN 0R PIMENTO Chateau Cheese hit Me 20111 ANNIVERSARY ow aolharsrgkm lec 83c elite Fraud Nucoc Margarine BAIT OIVJUNIOR 1111031qu rm Swifts Swiftan Losuwswcllym Tangy Old While GENUINE ILI CTN SFL OZ TIN 143 cm 9c 32c rle on Iltolln l2oz PKG 12c COTTAGE snubwalrzacowNcucxro want 14 93c SLICED 2401 Oil UNSLICED LOAF ftou show ITS IRISH somws rn 00359 succumb corral POUND BAG Lonny5 tom run corn sum msrm com 5st 50 ostlcmvms rustm monastic 139 Aouilurv mower osrllr Losuw sum mwrumrm cadmium castaway yum $121159 until 26 37c Itoissuean 21 crLLo no 29 PLAIN QUEEN WETHKYS rust emu CLOVER BRAND NO PASTEURIZID WHITE 00 mm BUTTER 15 111100000 27 Puddings mueslim LOBLAWS cihru 59c Plum Pudding Pl zlfim 55c CROSSE ll BLAC KWELL 39c Plum Pudding 19c Film Pudding 33c CHRISTMAS CINDY festivaler ll 0m cmafm LOBLAWS Minnow emu no mun Assorted Chocolates 111139 Christmas Candy Inns 11 1602 IA FANCY ILB TIN Ital TIN murmur Lu Mrs Hamilton cm Walkers Mincelent llis Libby Intelsat 01 Till Bowen Miriam 14 201 lentil ovum arcs Portcrhousc Wing Sirloin lb Boneless llolulll Ib 75c Short llilrllollsl Choice lb 49 ltlllde lions parlors lb 49 Brisket Flute sugar 1b 49 Shoulderllonslnkratswu 49c CHOICE FRESHGRADE ProDressed Frying or LB lionsng chickens 59 Methanol poultry cash no room You do no for the hand feet or ihsldo vgsh when you boy tit Predmsed may inside is removed 1900s 77 igzaMOKED RINDLE Pork Sausage Chill Frosted Sea Foods READY TO cools V43 also 301 um no SMALL lINK nt JUMBO QUEEN COMBINATION ghter Olives LGIANT QUEEN PIMENTO Phyllis Wm oLJu as 31 all 51 Coronation Olin DYSON SueeIGhm gt onle ms chasm Irlmo owls

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