We 1m William Blake mi 153 win Lotta Breton attended the Mt show at the Winter Fair in Toronto on Saturday of last week Mrs Crabb her daughter and Mr Bloke were visitors on Saturday tnlhtiedseivspmdinf MIthvooliurvisitingher self his Wife Mr and Mrs maxim Penny Gill Barrie spent the weekend at her home in town mu Lila Wesson Toronto spent the weekend with her mother Ila Thomas Williams zllr ind Mrs Sam French and children spent Sunday visiting the latter cousin Mrs Muir and nally In Minesing Mr and Mrs Bernie Goddard and children Oatville spent the weekend with the latters par ents Rev and Mrs Lewis Mra Hugh Hayes is spending few days the guest of Mrs Will iam Draper Mrs Albert Gilroy Miss Betty Gilroy Mrs William Kell and children Mrs Donnell and James Arnold spent Thursday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Orville Smith and daughter Nobel were weekend guests of the farmers mother Mrs Glass Russell Draper and Harry Cross spent Saturday in Toronto and saw one of the big games on tele vtsron Mr and Mrs Westlake accompanied by Mr and Mrs Br with Mr and Mrs West lake Visitors during the week with Mrs Robert Roy and Mrs Sam Cole were Mr and Mrs Walter Cole Mr and Mrs Walter Wright Aurora and Mr and Mrs Cecil Runnals Manitoulin Island Recent Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Cole were Mr and Mrs Clarence Cole daughters Ann Velma and Madeline lcrv onto Mr and Mrs Del Cole and daughters Brenda and Dianne Barrie Mrs Cole spent few days in Barrie last week visit ing relatives Mr and Mrs Garnet Lcy and Mr and Mrs George Paris were among those who attended the Winter Fair in Toronto Recent Sunday visitors with Rev and Mrs Lewis were Dr and Mrs Kenneth Lewis Midland Miss Sylvia White Angus spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Lewis Mrs McClcan is patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rie where she underwent major operation Mr and Mrs Howard Hooper and family Melton were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs Eldon Neilly and Mrs Gollop Mr and Mrs Ira Wilson and 77SlliEATERS Sweaters styl cd by Tony Day and and Cashmere Lambs sleeteless long sleeve styles direct drum Scotland imported tend many others Stephens The Store roi Men Orig Est 1885 15 Elizabeth st Phone 2566 nQ 47 WI SNOWZBtOwsR EASILY Arrnentpo Youamtcron 17410 unmanned wmram ay Ctvwn 5N3Qu fiddlhlfltttdsmr AVAIBABIAE roe At on machine r5 Mrs Stanley Halbcit went Tucs day in Toronto Presbyterian 83 Presbyterian Sabbath Schooli concert will he held on Friday Dec 10 at pm in Hughes Hall Please keep this dpte open for further announcements More To Toronto Mr and Mrs James Fitdey andif family moved on Saturday to Tom ronto where they will take upl residence Bens Sock Group Rosas Social Group will their next meeting at Mrs Nix ons on Thursday when the elec ticn of officha will take place En Route To Vancouver Mr couver spent few days this past week visiting the latters mother Mrs Russell and brother Char lie Russell on their return trip from England At Tuchers Conference Miss Wallace and Miss Dodd of the Public School staff were recently in Orillia where they Btu tended the WOmcns Federation of Tcnchcrs conference Presbyterian Social The ning in Hughes Hall Supplying Barrie Pulpit Rev Lewis is now supply ing the pulpit of Central United Church Barrie Itcv Bugi dcn is patient in the Soldiers Memorial Hospital Orillia Mission Baird Bazaar Asucccssful afternoon tea and bazaar of Cookstown United Church WMS and Mission Band wzu held on Saturday afternoon in the Sunday School room WI Meet Dec Regular meeting of the Womens Institute will be held on Thursday evening Dec in the town hall The subject is Historical Research and Coming Events United WA Dec United Church WA will meet on Dec instead of the regular night of meeting This will be held at home of Mrs Westlakc The program committee is asking each one to bring gift for Christ mas exchange United Church 88 Concert The annual suppemand concert of the United Church Sunday School will be held on Friday Dec 12 Supper will be scrvedfrom to and concert at pm Fair Plan Entertainment The Agricultural Society are making plans for their second en tertainment euchre and danccn on Wednesday Dec 10 in the town hall Walter Beattys Orchestra will be in attendance Two New Babies Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Earl Bell on theblrth of daugh ter on Friday Nov in Steven son Memorial Hospital Alliston Congratulations go to Mr and Mrs Douglas Ross on the birth of daughter at the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Friday Nov 21 Easternmturmlnstallation Monday Nov 24 was the in stallation of officers of Pinecrest Chapter No 263 when Mrs Emily Ramsay was installed as Worthy Matron and Lorne Arnold as Wor thy Patron The installing Worthy Matron was Mrs Pearl McDonald PWGM Wltii Alex McDonald as installing Patron Mrs Helen Mul holland was Marshal Mrs Laura Shering chaplain Mrs Muriel Webster pianist and Mrs Jessie Monkman Soloist Mrs Lena Webb did the floral work The other offices were filled by members of Pine Star Chapter Alliston There were visitors from Stroud Allis ton Weston Bolton andvOrillia Mrs Ramsay was presented with bouquet of red roses from Mr Ramsay and daughter Isobel Officers installed were Worthy Matron Mrs Emilylltamsay Wor thy Patron Lorne Arnold Assoc iateMatron Mrs Both Robinson Associate Patron John Robinson Secretary Mrs Anne Hunter Treasurer Mrs JeanHughes Pian 1st Mrs Laura CarfgConductrss Mrs Bessie McQuay Associate Conductress Mrs irene Gilroy Chaplain Mrs Elizabeth Donnell Marshal Mrs Muriel Jamieson Ada Mrs Jean OrrRuth Mrs Kathleen Lennox Esther Ada Smith its Hyacinth on EECiTMiS Jeanne Fry Wardcn Mrs Betty Elines Sen tinel Torrance Hunter he the close of themeeting dainty lunch was served by the socfii committee The mtewltongldn Knowles News has been received of the death in Calgary of Ronald Knowles formerly of Cookstown He had not been feeling wall for several weeks but it was only on Nov that Items taken to hos Day at the agezdf 70 ALnative of Streatham 811117 England he two mileam 1990 Eight his youngest dab lit andMrsiJobn litre bride took toks Atber since lived an hold and Mrs Davey Van Presbyterian Church held an enjoyable social on Friday evel the new Fall and Winter coat after being struck by cur last Mrs Poodle Cloth Coot Theehieimegtatrdeotam licipaliiy in order to he mom must have two attributes the fol ent of being able to get Mon with people and the talent of aeehgtbe other persons point of view Speaking to the Womens Auxiliary to the Kiwanh Club last Thursday evening Mayor Mn Marjorie Hana ilton added to this that it we more particularly true when one was woman and that because of her fe minine sexshc must do the same job little better than man in order to receive the sachemunt of credit Mrs Harrelllon was asked to take as her topic Day In The Me of Lady Mayor and Thursday as the day Starting with her first appointment at 1030 in the morning she reviewed the day from succession of appoint ments some arranged some not until she addressed the closing ceremonies of purity Council at 545 pm was if able to attend the Wardcns Banquet at 600 pm due to being guest at the Lions Char ter Night dinner at 630 pm on to addressing the Kiwanis Auxiliary at 830 pm From there she proceeding to the ratepayers me iling at Hillcrcst School While admitting that this not an average day Mrs Harm pointed out that nevertheless hers was very busy demanding life and she felt one had to be free in Mi if lt LWDEMtmia Poodlecloth remains on thel popularity list of fabrics for styles Margaret Sheridan featured in Edmund Graing ers One Minute to Zero for RKO wears threequarteri length thick pile clipped poodle grey coat with full back and wide cuffs lined in red taffeta 31 Oro Woman 84 Hit by Car Has 3th legs Broken Orillia Packet and Times Mrs Emma Patterson 84 Hawke stone RRl is in Soldiers Memorial Hospital at Orillia with both legs broken and possible other injuries Sunday night on Highway NO 11 about six miles south of Orillla Mrs Patterson had descended from northbound bus and wasin the act of crossing to the opposite side of the road when she apparent ly became confused by the lights Of oncoming cars She was knokedto the pavement by southbound auto driven by Allan Abernathy 21 OrilligPolicc said that if the driver had not swerved to the opposite side of the order to give freely of ones time Nowadays the public seem to be more demanding perhaps because they are more interested in com munity welfare and there are more problems more requests People young and old come to the mayor of municipality asking for advice and that is very complimentary part of the duties Taking office in 1051 as the first woman mayor in Canada Mrs Hamilton received great deal of publicity across Canada She has addressed many clubs in various towns and found that at first she was invited as speaker because people were curious about lady mayor and she was regarded as an oddity Since that time women in other communities have been elect ed topublic Office and the speaker emphasized the point that more and more women are being appointed to positions of responsibility in public office and that opportunit ics for women are widening every day making an entirely new way of life for them One of tliclnew phases for women is the appointment to jury duty that many Ontario women will be re ceiving this coming year As chief magistrate Mrs Hamilton assists in selecting jurors and this fall was extremely pleased to be able to choose women as well as men jur ors for the list submitted to the county Mrs Hamilton remarked that for the ol er womanrwho haswraised her Chl dren and finds more time to give to other things the op portunity of servingdn civic affairs is of great benefit both to the com mitment road he would have struck tlapwo man squarely probably killing ha Instead she was struck glancing blow by the fender which knocked her to the pavement She was brought to hospital by Orillia Ambulance and was found to have broken right leg and compound fracture of the left leg She is being kept under observa tion for other possible injuries buried in the Okotoks Cemetery Surviving besides his wife are his son Douglas of Calgary two daughters Helen and Muriel wives Of Weir Calgary and Rev Canon Kemp Vancow ver respectively Five grandchil dnen also mourn his loss His brotherinlaw Thomas King for mem member of the BC Legislalt ture for Golden and Mrs King were among those present at the funeral as were also Canon and MrsKemp and Mr and Mrs Weir pital He died orig Remembrance pokatown in SingerSewing Centre 22 tlvum Just up from the Post Office Come in and see the beatnti the opening of it new MOW Hamilton Dean Minty if the mm to leave out her sex and equations and to herself for showill find that the is farm rat dell The older become the WIrmu how much how to turn With her experience in civic affairs bgltlnd her tit wondered now how the had but the unmllllated nerve to suggest that she might run for mayor in 1961 Working on the welfare com mittee of the town as hbe had done when an alderman Mrs Hamilton found that the ordinary ridden does not know or realize haw great is the need for welfare work and commended the service clubs for their continuum assistance to the needy In closing the mayor said that while the cities during her terms of otfice had been the most do mending her llfethey were the most rewarding because of the op portunity to do something for oth err Mrs Hamilton was introduced by Mrs Roy Christie and thanked by Mrs Leighton Clarke As further enjoyment Miss Doris Kearns accompanied by Mrs Griffiths sang the lovely Still As The Night and Milnes Vespers During the business part at the meeting it was reported that the annual bridge had been very sm cessful Ballots were distriituted for nomination of the executive for 1953 the results to be given at December meeting Plans were made for the December meeting which is to be the Christmas panty cheque for $50 is to be given as Mnation to the welfare com mittee of the Kiwanis Club to be used for the Christina baskets The president announced that she would be presenting the annual award of $25 for the highest stand Exercise Owen Sound atmmes Officers and men of the 45th Anitarzuk Regiment and the 200 eld Ambiance mourned on the Mustard tank range recently for joint weekend tactical exercises Heather at all of the 6th Antiohnk mamas from Barrie Grubs and Owen Sound took part About no ofcers and men par ticipated in the range activity whldt had been chnified In tac timl exercise in the preparation of battalion offensive position night attack and consolidation the pod tion after attack and organizing deliberate withdrawal The regiment was commanded by litCol Kennedy D60 ED with Major Candler sec ond in command The Field Am bulance unit was under the corn mtmd of LLCOL Dr Arthur Mid dlebro of Owen Sound ers saw no bears but Jack Mcuaig fired at wolf Accompanying their husbands on the hunting trip were Mrs Crow ford Mrs Caldwell and Mrs Duncan it STRANGE Fish Among more than 1000 species of catfish in the world the Nile catfish in Egypt is capable of giv ing an electric shock Put on em Mn Wu hf 3f5 the Mango lays pol Baumr always my choice for canal affairs well for everyday the Youtoo will love Bum Bondhush my avor just adulation when be than rigerator vi the nutrition thisjno quality all WWMMBLUIBOW margarine really helps your food budget Buy Bonn Bonmtodm Bur Boom Margarine in in the regular economy puekago with color wafer Almin tbofamooa chww Qtnx bagfctfut myoclorp IF utw toynmrss ovERlIoim Replaui lost natural ing in Grade 12 in French and Lnt in worthy Ross Morrow on Com mencoment night Nov 28 Crawford Hunt Club Oro Get Seventeen Deer Oritlia NewsLetter Amopg the few hunt clubs from this district which obtained their full quota during the deer season was the Crawford Hunt Club of Oro They hunted at Manitoulin Island Frank Crawford headed the list The Oro native brought down six deer himself including two pairs twice All told thcvgroup of 16 retumd with adeer egch and had one at camp Oro Deputy Reeve Lloyd Scott and his son Eric both of Rugby and Murray Duncan Shanty Bay eacu shot twofdr while Ernie Banbury Hawkcstone Murray Caldwell Guthrie Vic Crawford Guthrie and Jack McCualg Shanty Bay each obtained One Thehunt fut singer Sewing Machines on display and make arrangements forydurhew Singer for Christmas Free demonstration in yourZhOme sum ttwllltuttatiuco 22 Owen Sta anyone ll you BARklE 436$ GIVEN Bitty Your MOTHER PARKERS Wmoyouslup TEAM COFFEEuloday and mciiyour entry to win great re outwith AWAY ISATURPAY linsicafiituster tli reprogram tritium animal ranrnisiurtami7i on no form indie rm nonyin be IStb memorialmg an mmmmeuym ohowlllboovuidnlmndmnom smuwmmm home gold the Indirect pirate boothor do no METEOR MD $200 cAfsn