IIvb rv fl New Katee contain to Indian machine in addition to reservations DUQUKVV Windy icon from Madam Brynn are mode Sometimes as little us 20 admin completes loan Very seldom does It take more Sign 24 Inn JOINSYou can have wb$I000ondmo times more Its good business to borrow to help yourself IWhmy loom up to 000 on lifmimurnd for your protection Woo Cairo and to you Repayment plans allow you in to 24 months to rcpoy If you feel that Niagara loan will help you 3m in for private friendly suntanudoauuoollub ITrtlli tMOAI onounloonc in The Wilson Buildin Ioot Office Sq BARBIE Phone 300 Activities Sorry to report that Grahamgdsscusszon on the Rural Church Small is patient in the Royaliztftcr adjournment the lame scri Victoria Husptial Barrie ied lunch Congratulations to Mr and Mrsi Charles Horton who celebrated Hockey WE Ovens their 5591 wedding anniveggafy mi Calling all Stroud hockey fills Dec South Simcoe Hockey League Recent mm3 includw pened the season Friday night and My Frank Graham Hag lift 94 score Struud vs Brad V1119 at Russel Cgmmbies Mtfford Stroud ploy Allister on Frf and Mr Smith Md13n mayday Dec at pm iii Alllaliit Rev and Mrs Moms jArena Come one on and Irma mum give our team your unis splendid Frank Murphy the new presiduwun ent presided at the meeting Stroud Federation of Agriculture mum from he mended NOV 24 CDmmunny Hamdhc Commencement exerrises ii The was allendance 0f 2iLLBDCI in Barrie on Friday nzght some of whom are members of StNW 33 11wa fro Pauls Farm Fumm was 595ieccivmi ccrtitirazes ivcre Dori MC ml 31 566 the PIN93 Micah Grant Wallace Irving Nei the Royal Tour of Canada lounedisun Dam web1 Rubin wngm by the 51mm Comm Ftj13Kay Gibbons and Catharine Far and shown by Leonard Martin ma Congmmhtmmg Eugene 5mm premiem 01 the Mr and Mrs Frank Graham county Fwemumm Agvilagersville spent the weekenc was me Speak 319d thatwith Mr and Mrs Russell Consta the Federation at the local county bk provincial and Dominion level aids ed all farmers whether they supi BBC Certificates here will At Barrie Parade The majority of the childrcr pone It examplehuwerc in Barrie on Saturday to set Ihowl of mi um Dguzln225aiita Claus and the very splendic eve 33 Supp illoats also bands which arcour into effect dfollowirllf Oumflfral anicd or heralded Santa Claus do an mout isease 115 action was taken at the request oil Exchange of Mbiisters the Canadian Federation The Rev Muir was in Brad Simcoc Federation of Agriculturcford Sunday with Rev Me has three yearly events the counlnrnon conducting services here ty picnic in cooperation with thci Coops Rural Life Sunday setE him FQL Pu vice and the Rural Life Confer V0 U033 m9 met The speaker said mat thspcnt by thoscattendinglthc LOT Federation of Agriculture wasieuflm aim dmc Flidiy mbm backing the beekeepers in theiriwith Mrs Bert Mulliuliand protest against business assessmentiBCe WCC finding GENRE Drillto in selling their own honey Hejllcrt Mulhoiiands Ortnestu said we need trained emciemcd for the dance wtth the priu men and women and urged moreLfDr 9510 dame gmg support for public speaking com11nd Jatk WIN pemmns ald SChrsmps we Presbyterian WMS will be held mu brzbllomgd gogetggr $2 gigglion Thursday Dec at Mrs Ncl our 1p em There was lively discussion on3011 ms several topics the hog marketing wl Meet Dec 11 scheme the price paid for wheat December meeting of the Wom thc price charged for feed grainlcns Institute will be held in the the weaknesses and good points of Community Hall Dec ii with Coops and the action of the BeeiMrs Dunn district president keepers Association The next as guest The members are re meeting will be Dec 15 at which minded of the white gifts to be the local ministers will lead thelwrapped and labelled also gift the Greatest Value Houows Winter must be here for sure was ture below this am with about three inches of snow Dr McKenzie and his sister Miss McKenzie of Guelph Were recent visitors at his and Mrs lid Me Lands Ailcti Bowden Allistun was at his home here on Sunday Mrs Bowden spcutaturday evening at Mr and Mrs James Steers Fishers Corners COULSO Hill St Pauls Bazaar St Pauls Anglican Church held very successful bazaar on Sal urday afternoon ill the basement of the church Communion Service Communion service at St Johns Presbyterian Church on Sunday was conducted by Rev Muir Essa Road Kirk Allandaie Carol Ann Melbourne Baptized During the Presbyterian service on Sunday Carol Ann baby daugh Irt of Mr and Mrs Carl Mel bourne was baptized Present for the ceremony were Mr and Mrs William Melbourne grandparents lnd Mrs and Mrs Charles Mel bourne greatgrandparents of Bradford Mrs Edwin Knccshaw who has been quite ill is feeling better and is staying with her sister Mrs Kneeshaw for two weeks wins Guernsey Prim Stuart McQuarrie was success ful in winning several prizes for llS purebred Gucrnseys at the Royal Winter Fair Amelya llambly Toronto iomc for the weekend Presbyterian WMS St Johns Presbyterian WMS will meet at Mrs Ernest Bells on Thursday afternoon IS exchange valued at 35c Visitors are welcome but please bring gift so no one may go short Christmas program including carol singing has been arranged Mr and Mrs Sheldon Bowman moved to their new home on Sat urday 0R0 STATION 11th Wedding Anniversary An enjoyable evening was held at Mr and Mrs Garfield Burtons on Saturday evening for Mr and Mrs Karl Gilchrist on their 11th wedding anniversary The evening in Ginger GlNGEIlAlES comes to 35 mcwnrisc covr TAX oursnnniua wnrnrnnrnrv are Skilled tough and proud of their reputation Canadian Infantrymenarev the nest ghting soldiers in thorworld They are the top men inztlioChdim Modem developmentshaveonly ofplufantrymoren complen carehrlltmininm many elds Wherever they have has nshed amass Today in Ken and RomanyCanaansinaiaysouim may99 again gloriousratingtheirsuperiorityiris1 humidier1cm 7x5 Wallis flouth axiom aliqnuwalmh conjugal Wignloqnh CordilleraAmy no Swim comma have rummage 7han Wolulnx Wigwama scumbag tendon om mimosa 30 Mos My 7t pm omv ASL 1W It 99 Ales was spent in cards and those win ning prizes were Mr and Mrs Karl Burton Orillia Douglas Pickering Toronto Edna Johnstone and Law rence Graham dainty lunch was served at the close Mr and Mrs Norman Leigh and two sons spent day in Owen Sound with Mr and Mrs Cecil Ma dill and family Master Terry Tunnah of Bur wash is spending some time here with his grandmother Mrs Tun nab Mr and Mrs Howard Crawford and family spent day in Cold water visiting the latters parents Mr and Mrs John Galbraith Mrs Edgar xBryson and Mrs El mer Caldwell Barrie called on theirbrother Frank Dunsmore the first of the week More than 200 species of North American birds are known as win ter migrants in Guatemala The Canadian Army needs more of these men Canada needs mere of Infantry Soldiersto help our Wino helpassure ourfutureForfxoung SPiIit of adventure there is challengoandzsahso serving with Canadasworldfarnous Infantry it hean if you are triomeat of physically and ganmea test requirements Applicantshopld bring birth certificatelot other proof of age when importing for intetoiew aria nmw arrive RQRCE lic mm fdlEWEiA Mommy MAN NEEDBA Flll IT 5TART5 TOW THEM H5 AINT GONE BITE on HAULEI ou AN on ALL WET at nth 91V DIAL 2433 2434 2222 DRIVURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS WM VALLEY PROP MUGGS ANDSKEETER WELL SKEETEIZ HOW WAS YaJll GUEST SPEAKBZ AT SCHmL ASSEMBLV THIS MORNING COOKE CA THE worm moves Our family is never COLLINS Ginger bottle just for 35c BOIJTTIi THATWM new WE two WHOLE RAINY DAYS VALLEY TAXI AND TRUCKING SERVICE Ale large without BEVERAGES mum filletE3 WWN BELOW simN zouume TELuNuaa BUT WK IF 5930 iED TOGO415 Wg 60 GONE WALKWmI WON HIM K4 iiii 243mm moan moment it Well ti