it EWHV Pioied Remenbme miful service was held at On behalf of the commume is the park at Manseld on em names of lhe fallen were read from bronco Day Nov 11 beforcefffoonl the plaque by Mr Bates The names lintxi Churclldrd JL when the cenotaph erected to thei of those surviving were read by memory diode of the dislriezj George Armstrong and Gordon mm who have served their country in Walker time of war was officially unveiled The building of this memoriall hula wreath be placed at was community project headed 00 at me cenumph and from by the Mamie womens mqu the community was laid by Mrs mm with Co David Kiernan whose son Herman he mmum Park As Herbert bad sedation dud Mulmur Townshiplalm bmherfmmlv Council represented on the comi Ewen V85 war mm gOther tributes were laid by the The cenotaph has plaque beat3 Lemon IDEA LOL 734 and me bus per acre Alliatmi 617 Alluzzan 597 Alliston 557 iUtupia 534 di Jack 7111 rank ton all lUlll Garfield Ker wl 451 Elplick free icontraci Charles Alexander and Son have difficult proposition on hand in the roofing repairs now 11am Bates president of the Wo Extensive lier mens institute requested that the Mansfield now has representa chtfgfngi iniadc go thud Siaal1sTVell Cenotaph be unvoiled Reeve Auxl tivc in Korea in the person of Lame 41h Line of Tgulnmth was ounleaiUIULS 3101158 the Slynl de tin Rutledge performed the unveill Anderson son of Mr and Mrs Al agar in his cm parked Beside Highlmchmtnl the Ontario PrOViMial going in Barrie Post 0173139 mg lben Anderson way 27 1w miles south of N0meipoliic are being built in the basei The building is one of the high mm recently by horseback ridergmcnl and new heating unit has lest inrtuwn and to reach the roof John Bannister Toronto fbccn ordered gaboui 60 feet up high metal ad 9th Homer McMnnn pthK E40 137 Exhibit lat Clarence Leach man Scott 3rd John McKei Eugene Smith 011 Ken Whlcside Leach 8th Truman Kc Eimnk Elpliick ioui Elgin Coroner pt wusom Rich the rear of the building in the Jusmble 5mm was Teqmred mom Hull said westover died from old basement fourroom office is 53 35 mam 135 WQQk and carbon monoxide poisoning whichibeing constructed for the OFF It wedlfSdal Strong Wind sprang leaked froma faulty mufer Ponccycomists of out and inner obit from the south and continued who investigated said they bejficc stun room and washroom l0 homer the WOFlUmn Who Siri 7th heavy asphalt shingles end 0f 10 Will Tlic flag on the adjacent pole was kept flying horizontally by the steady breeze which veered around the gables of the roof and made it necessary to watch every move The parade and cold snap on Saturday again held up the work and yesterday snow provides an over to the side of me mad andgtwo police cruisers it will be went to sloop The ignition keyzrendy for occupancy early in De was still on police said lCClllbir Polce said Wcsiovcr attended The lumlmsc 0f new Ollbum wedding in Toronto Saturday andiing furnace system was authorized left for his home in Tecumseihiby the special meeting of council Townzliip shortly after midnighMOn 195m The KDPFOXimWCOSI His parents did not expect himEOf tlC 1513114110 Will he $2000 home as he had been living andlplUS the 605 Of 1110013110 un lieved the unfortunate youth lieEmrrncc is from the east side of Cd if lml Slide came sleepy while returning to his the blllldingi PTOVlSlon is also wor removmg copper whirl Will be opened before the Home early Sunday morning Pulled bung ldc garage 3W for hm hm roplacmg nth and Northern Alberta Maclnnis commenting on ions centres he visited Addressing the Grande Rotary Club Dr Mnclnnis other hazard Peace River country and could on oflntheToilOgga 33333dwhllnea3rtlge Vision me arm having popumion lmg includim the han the my of 30000000 omrd by police Orillia Moderator Rev Dr Maclnnis At Western Kirks Edmonton Journal urcrs office quarters and the new police ian congregations hem and British Columbi Stayner Sportsmen Get Talk Movies Elmvale Minister Dr John Angus MacInnis 0f Ollllla Ontario moderator of the Over 50 sportamcn and hunters St Andrew lprCJbvmnan Churn canada re enjoyed turkey De 5m turned to Edmonton recently after up visit to Presb teran con al net Tuesday Nov 25 at the am gr Elmvale Lance ltions in Whitehorse and the Peace nual fall banquet of the Siayrier Rev Reynolds Eimval River country and Gun full It 35 hem was honored in being chosen to At Whitehorse Dr Maclnnis of 50000 manufacturing migr11 Egggnd catered to by deliver the Old St Andrews Me ficiatcd at cornerstone ceremonies ments with employment morial Lectures on public worship of the new Presbyterian Church about 1924000 workers Harold Darrow of Master Feeds concregation by the end of her 111 Avenue Members of Mansfield Wl ai Remembrance Day Service Alliston 500 805 gPotato Club Get Awards at Dinner Pint winnrs of the Alliston 500 fBushel Pound Club were presented St Johns 132 Ken Whileside Alizsaun 721 lUtop 636 35d Clarence beach 112 mi Oscar Murphy 5th Homer McMami Utopm 517 812i Norman Scott Eg berl 515 91h Ralph Leach Allis=i 144 8th Kenneth Whitesidc 143 Garfield Kurt 141 lllh Frank Ei thli Ron McKenzie 2nd Nor Sth Willard Cole am very encouraged with the stntu of the church in the Yuk0n was iieiriendously impressed by the D1 Maclnnis will visit Presbyter in Southern Al lowing the other prairie provinces He expected to be back to his home While in Edmonton he stayed at the home of 91 Siemens 12430 NEW YORK WORKS New York State department of commerce records show more than establish was outstanding celebration Wilson mphmk still going strong Allis 144 own community lOih worthwhile community its imposaiblc to what extent our gone but we hope we have izie 4th Ralph 91h comm unin Service 1T Blakcly iaiiier present also gives an the captivating program gi 85 actorthe creator of the said Dr the var in capturing the Prairie said he to coast college graduate and of the Marilimcs be this fictional caught the osophy of toothless some of our below stitutions including soap Novem rolls of in Emmanuel College last week OrangeVIlle was the speCial speak DOORS SASH er Mr Darrows main subject was lecmr were CStaDhShed detailed account of big game perpetuate the tradition of digni fled public worship at Old St An as txgtoeugiato 13 Eeggg drews Church Toronto during the moose and mo tam mm ministry of the late Very Rev Sclater Two or three years ago Old St Andrews was sold and the congregation united with that of WestminsterCentral United Church and the combined congre gations took the name of Si An drews Along with the lectures the lec turer preaches at St Andrews on the Sunday before the lectures are given He illustrated his dramatic talk with movies of the expedition showing the actual taking of the big game as well as interesting happenings and beautiful scenery experienced by the hunters It was return visit for Mr Der row When here before he told of goose hunt to James Bay and at the close showed the movies taken on that trip wire fences open gates and ek often start bush andgrass fires on private property mowinis There are stilltoomany we end hunters who sally forth into the rural areas in the belief the A1tnaVManECh land belongsvto them They blaze away at rockS tin cans trees and Two quarts of liquid should be buildings with little thought out drunk daily by an adult give515i 56 Ellen St OF GOOD LUMBER PHONE 2517 ARENAAil rubber genuine zipper overshoe Comfortable builtin felt in sole Shaared fur cuff with inside hose protector Blanket fleecelimng Womens black and brown Childrens IlPPElLAll rubber overghoe Womens buck and brown misses biown childs white and brown Snug blanket fleece lining taco adjustment for good fit over most SNIlGSGiva maximum protection Brown allrubber enuine zipper heels503Mlumlm hrownonly ovarshoelaslxc we cliff and watch PM llqngu keeps 539 silica min Full rangeotc liven SLuSHEaArubbu min zippar overshoobuilfin fe finsole ngnkalmlinin black brown ramiosnngrshsggr mtyimucminm STYLES Hill Plan or All AGES up OZIOOOCOCQOOifbidcbwi trunnion rubber shoe Mens Boy choose from lull mch Alien misnomwuuproof l0 lop new overshooa oi WATER FOOTWEAR favourrAvouaireiroomrggsides prices to ill your purse Barrie NYLSTRAPExciusive new iyling in WEATHERTIGHT NYtOlt 5mm fur cuff with warm bltqketfleeee lining Dome strap adiustabla for neat fit Womens black and brown TORRENTFor mutiny and children Allrubber buckle oven rim Waterpmofto by Full eece lining Heavy nonailp tread Five charter members of 1113 were present Frank Dobson Tony 28am Art Pugh Bill Bell and Frank Craig all active members mi 3le 9f Shh Frank Dobson recalled the pro gram given on Nov 28 1831 and We like in feel that during the past 20 years our club has made contribution to this to say inuence has done good job This charter night us do bit of stocktaking and re dedicate ourselves to the work of let His advance notice of the enter idca of ven by Max Ferguson whom he describes very outstanding character famous Old Rawhide Max is young man 511 in his 20s who has succeeded imagination and admiration of Canadians from coast naiivc in creating air character mannerisms and phil tobacco clievi in old man who pokes fun at most cherished in Operas politicians child psychologists the ion 490 mg meme 5mm spoliu on International Lionism He In the names of 61 members of the Lreamer mmuy lUtupin 481 isuggesied Mansfield District who served ll Ilie veterans and school children luau go omMd Lions mgrlauuly party two wars lour lost their lives mi filed by pinning red poppies on the ybioragc Inspection maximal at Chicago together mm World Wetland one in World Warl while cross at the foot of the Com 151 WillaM C016 3nd Home gasaurance of loyalty and ctroper loiaph The Last Post and Reveille MCMHM 31d star Murphy 411 alien from Barrie Lions The large crowd assembled stood were sounded by an officer from if lam an gJoh MCKGMW hi Rlpb Lfadb Earl Cox in the amwumemem that chilly morning while menibeisl Camp Borden mam 131 Wilson hank igiven in The Roar wrote has in BigClieeifiil Charter blight Thursday Nov little his men our 27 with the Lions Club of Barrie inoy music and the this year and Eugene Swim Icorrungofage With let birthday player His incurred mum hm of Commons and thinskinned Monaco we part at the post show Lion Bill very special dim ranged by boat Linn Bog at Community Houoe in my the charter event unto at that letter of apprecm bars of the Liam Amid11 proposed by Lion Bob 1m with response by Jack Richardson Tbetoosttotbe Lady Lion Mayor Mrs of the Legion from Everett and 8m Gareld KM 9m real deal has ha ned iiicc ammo bmugm Manseld Muhmu Township All repaired to the church which Truiiuiiilfeirl011i KennelhWhitc gmmsm came to $9 bask in icongratulations the Tom Council and long line of schooll 35 fllid 93 the 59 Young lsayner Town lASPhalf Shlngies de 1123 fmenw smm Lth 31 Think The Course Barr children marched from the Orangcl Em wmcl Iowan Rev mm mm 5er 135 been Changed mm mm Cenotaph pm 590 from Matthew 27= 42 an oun ea iBein tered or ace cum Gm Wm hm disappeared mum mu In He saved others himself he cannot licilors have arisen Some have ReidTownship Clerk was 1st borman Scott 161 paints mer isave Followm the Masters iv been swept away and others still Chairman and gave aummdry Off footsteps our brgave fallen have MonOXIde POISO lPOIlce Ofce Bigggfng illfiW We 79 differentl think Luw INNfgfligpodePBnir 521m even leadmg up m5 me CI loan that mes that we mg be YK differently There have been cerning the memorial Mrs wiih 8000 world summer Sun Through me awarding of the JglLIIlIantlltlg iRszipgl L682 ichanges everywhere We in our pert says the sport is the moot popular in the world Sir Arnold told club here that be had been skiing spread likea fire during his lifetime HOUR SERVICE casn AND cm mornour NOEXTRACEAIGI CLEANERS Pickup and Delft 14 High St Barrio mun 50 MW on you on manifestfor any good pupaed Foam than and will warm plmublyowmWb 24mintoropoyJhmomf3UPh MMW GOODNESS GRACIOW ITS GWQ Induth WMMDII ousuou NIWM who VI mgwluiwm mom cumnun tHmlhh sumWJu Sturdy mom oxililofor man and off Abe Min supol momma Fllll EVERY 0001181 easy pullon over unicis rmtTchiiIls lawn only mm lieecalimng inside Easy Waterprooflo loo cometamnuseelt oul snow Popular Quintana our