may Lair of the Corp or Wireand had mired at 13 Wheat for numtnr of years He carved overcoat in World War 311 with tho South Saskatchewan and manner of of the Condition Legion Anuni did also belonged to the 1m took ace in Wood lamtajComtcry at noon Ont Left to mourn his pausing are his 5mm Mn Margaret Craig of Pennant Soa sister in British Colurh two bmtbers Orville of Regina Sash and Wallace of Me dina Out and five children Mrs Violet Morris of Alberta and Norman Vera and Don elda qr tendon Ont Mrs Mockie Sitter Mrs Morrison Dias Toronto General Hospital Mr Gordon Mackie formerly of and Barrie died on Satu Nov is 1952 at T0 ronto ml marital through ixeaiuumene which had troubled her for several years The former Lucy McWaters mod sister of Mrs James Morri fsonof Poinswick she was born on July2519w in Beeton daughter 01 lehte Da id McWalers and tMirlani Houg ton The family moved tram there to Saskatoon and 1131 returned to Painswick and then initialed Brrie Business neon inhalation moved to To rout took position and had lived inuie Eilyfglace that time In 1926 she you married to Gordon rumble and for the past 12 years beddith at 2528 Bloor St We had been critically ill in hospital since late in August BEEREZFRESHED mil until the 1mm attack Site of the United Chanel of mm Tiara lame attuidance in the funeral which was held on Nov if from the chapel of Yorke Bras moor St with mice lair on by Rev Edgar Foreman BA Burial in Port Lawn cemetery will the following pallbearers Al bert Buggies James Morrison Keith Gibson Ronald Ron Alex Maude and Munroe Gibson The large number of beautiful flowers expressed the esteem in which she was held Surviving relatives are her hus band Gordon Bruce Mockie two sisters Mrs James Morrison Leila Painswick and Mn Al Buggies lorenal Long Branch two brothers Nelson of Toronto and Laurence of Barrie An infant son Donald brute died in 1926 Relatives and friend were pres ent for the funeral from arrie Alliston and Bradford may Mother Of Barrie Woman Dies In Duncan BC Mrs Pater Poitier 78 Funeral service for Mrs Peter Poirier was held on Monday Nov 10 1952 at the lllrst Funeral Chapel in Duncan Vancouver 13 land Mother of Mrs Frederick Allan Kelsey of Barrie the late Mrs Polrler died on Saturday Nov at King Daughters Hospital Duncan after more than year of illness She was in her 79th year native of Ewell Surrey Eng land where she was born on April 14 1874 the deceased came to Sooke Vancouver Island in 1919 from England living briefly there before settling at Duncan where she lived until her death Mrs Poiriers first husband James Hammond died in 1911 in England in 1917 she married the late Peter Poirier who served with distinction overseas in Worl War as sniper She returned to Canada with him in 1919 member of the Church of England she belonged to the Lad ies Auxiliary to the Canadian Le gion branch No 53 of Duncan The late Mrs Poirier is sur vived by four daughters and two Jack Tidm Norfmk Melvm Fletcher sons Mrs England Mrs Glroux Vancou ver BC Mrs Ordano Chem ainus Vancouver Island Mrs Freder hymn Abide With Me was sung Ck an Kelsey Big113 With Paul Michelin as organist Floral tributes included those result of ertoni DR LOTTA HIISCHMANOVA executive director of the Unitarian Service Committee of Canada is shown at Ganno oque as she accepted delivery of three Canadian Pacific carloads of pow gum or the drain popuh term WV Med rei able but data on Wwou 113am in order to properly delr who whens to exam or it create their own scale of apes cm Results 01 these survey be Kim wide publicuy This survey is absolutely condit mall and its no cmmeetion wbot mil never with taxation Individualitbrougb the press and in we M0 Ataxia of on are grouped togethtrm Wilma Cm 8390 01 the Depart um Statistics office of the OntariohD men 63 in the How Year me am pm on my pertinent of Agriculture are mu and the coat of hired labor term limits of the required Imarl um my being mu lien are made on county bests to all farmers and will be in their The Minister of Agriculme hands about Dec iColonel the Honorable Thomas The Ontario Department of MfKenncdy recently stated that these 136 acres of lots bolts poem wood Christmas trees etc riculture hopes it all former itatisiics on agricultural produci wili complete and return this Lion were of very great help to schedule to the postage free en him in determining the state of Time is mu portion you applied because reliable agriculture and in drawing up polq game for In statistics on the min situation can icies to improve and further the number from here were in Barrie on Saturday for the Santa Claus parade Mrs Hodgson is home after her visit in Detroit and Toronto Mr andMrs Alex McMurray Stayner spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs George Bidwell James Sinton was home from Orlllia at the weekend Congratulations to Mrs Fern Hodgaon and Shirley Summers who children during January February and March under the churchs Milk for Korea Fund thding over the necessary customs clearances and other documents is Gates sales manager of Cow and Gate left of the first Also surviving are brother and two slstersin England The Cowichan Leader said of Mrs Poiriei following her death Mrs Poirier was of ready wit and staunch loyalty to the Empire and the Canadian Legion charac terized by life of helpfulness to neighbors and large family which included 21 grandchildren and 26 greatgrandchildren The funeral service was con ducted by the Rev Canon RK Sampson Pallbearers were Odell Powell Donald Butt Far quhar and Castle Interment was in Mountain View Cemetery Somenos Vancouver Island The from the Canadian Legion branch No 53 Ladies Auxiliary the Elks Lodge and relatives and friends including those in Barrie ltv Former Barrie Council Member Thomas Gray Dies inamilton gfnf for 91 111 Barrie rown 353pm edia il yninibls Sean amagfgghe ol albumen Spell ay yamj 9h alivedns dealiryvaift jeoronolfi th iiiadkifof mm 315 Wendi Bar Flos ago lgllyligfgglhl of ill late and Mrs Georgecray both natives of England His wife the former Margaret McConkey of lnnlsl predeceased him year and half ago They livedvin Al landale for more than 40 years where he was wellknown build er At one time the late Mr Gray served on the town council and he was member of the Barrie Band On his retirement to years ago he and his wife moved to Orillia and since the death of Mrs Gray he had been making his home in Hamilton The funeral service was held on Saturday at pm at the Pethick Smith Funeral Home in Barrie tawa formerlyaif Barriehwas in charge ofitlielservice assisted by the Rev Frank Cookeyi of Oril lia Pallbearers were Dough erty Coles HStephehqn Brewer Robertson and Full The deceased was past noble grand of Barrie Lodge No 63 lOOF and Past District Deputy LenAirrless of Orilliaconducted the Lodgeservlce at the grave side asisled by Chaplain Arnott Laking Mr Gray is survived by his hil dren Cameron of Toronto pile cost FilERVl catholic Church massimas celebrated bnyev Fran ltiBsIiiih assisied hmev Wil Rev Dr Ru Sinclair of Ot Died In is Year Ironside Edith of Orillia and Mr Lovelace who was in his 90th MrsE Spence Alyce of Hamil year ton eight grandchildren anbfour Goldwater district Heiwas born greatgrandchildren IA daughterat Port Severn raised Yolir driving dollor boy wwlthdhiYohgbdtdlYovget the luxury looks brilliant per ormoncedrmholrcomfort at ohioli Ii on iclie marketfiodoy Ask your doglorobouttho Did onguor Iioelsloevedfenginoon orvpoo bosiiivo its trainendovs valve loplporformonce sea and drive the 1953 1Slle alwaytlillereiotyourzservieeliketelephonemelt Ve ll We you time and troublylf Joule need help inen emergency vmulo menccment Miss Theresa Glisinski is in the Royal Victoria Hosplal for an or alon for appendicitis DALSTONJ number from here attended dered milk to be used for 25000 Korean Canada Ltd suppliers received their graduation ccrtifi WNW 031$ for the commercial course on and James and George of Duncan Gladys predeceased him 30 YCGrSl Friday evening at BDCI Com ago Friends and relatives were pre sent from Orlliia Holland Land ing Niagara Falls Buffalo Tor onto and Hamilton Among the oral tributes were wreaths from the IOOF and the staff of Generalr Transportation Office CNR Tor Mrs Armitage was home for the weekend Our sick neighbors Mrs Pur vis and Mrs Keely areablc to be out again Ms Bliss has gone to Toronto onto for the winter the Commencement BDCI on Interment was in BarricaUnion Mr and Mis George Hunter and Friday evening Cemetery family left on Tuesday for Florida Mrs Handy Sr spent few If litoy both find work there they Former Barrie Resident Slay 593 Mr and Eckhart are in Toronto Dunn Dies Three for few days weeks After Brothel Mrs Coughlin spent the week On Sunday Nov 23 1952 0nd in Toronto with friends Many of our chil ren took in the wellknown CNR conductor Will sum Claus Parade lurday mom iam Dunn passed away at his residence 11 Eastbourne Crescent ing in Barrie Snow men and sleighs are the Mimico His death occurred just Sign at the beam W133 N97 it three weeks after that of his bro ther Bert Dunn who died on Oct will be Christmas tiees We are sorry to report Jenkins 31 He also was with the CNR at the time of his death as train had the misfortune to break one baggageman leg He is with the CPR and was in Winnipeg at the time Mr and Mr Dunn was born in Graven hiirst and was the soncf the late days with her daughter Mrs Cameron Centre Vespra great many parents and their children enjoyed the Santa Claus parade in Barrie on Saturday The United Church service will be held at 130 on Sunday Dec also for the winter months Sun day School at 230 following the church service tux moon no0 Hodouhtebaotiltlmaroatco0Pvaluolndimmd 000 Refrigerators Gleaming bemtycompoct appearance Iniulngfoedopeuoemniyafopmtlonrommhlo costtliecopointsadduptoliionfrigmloryoullwanttoownl mecoOPBWMchoOPWammmt muidmwmtoedtogmtin portamuneoyouflwentl 71 Glen of Melduf spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs William Miller Leo ABerthelotte visited his mo ther Mrs Berthelotte Utopia on Saturday Frawley attended the school meeting at Moonstone on Mrs Jenkins are our new neigh Mr and Mrs Joseph Dunn He bors formerly lived in Allandale untilvMOUNT ST moving to Toronto in 1933j He is sunin by wife thgatormw Congratulations to Mr and Mrs ClifFailefaFFHiMLBVRv and Peter Maloney on the arrival of Chdrenglyvlyllq JFizNaryiHekn baby boy at Royal Victoria Hos alld MlchaeI hlWlSleiTS MW pital Barrie JMr3rideinKathleen3 of Mini7 ic9 fandsgMargarot andieciie of Barriealsoaiiuriyeg= Thewfuneialw at St Lads Roman Mimidp was m1 attended Salton requieb omnmthmu0MoWLlwmmiim Mi Mi lwlivvvielcwmwukloruthenium Mrs George Travis was the lucky winner in the 5050 Club this month with Bernard Travis as sponsor gt Tom Berthelotte and Ewing Toronto spent the weekendswitb Mr aners Leo Barthelotte Rose Marie Buchanan spent few days with her grandfather Mrs Buchanan Eadyn Mrs Frawley attendedtlie Club Leaders convention at the Royal York Hotel on Thursdayand Friday of last week Refrigerant JP $299999 midrib nonavnusmiasa sumo DISTRICT 000PERATIVE sermons room 2429 banana Norman and Bertha Travis Gril lia visited Mr and Mrs Georg Travis Sympathy of the community goes to the friends of Miss Anne Frawley who died last Friday and was buried Monday morning at the Roman Catholic cemetery here Mr and MrsAlbert Mount and HiJAII WITN lMi INHED OQPIHAHri Lt OHara fred Firth nephews of Mrs Dunn and Rev Father Bolger Rev Dl Markle 0181 Leos Mimico and Rev Father Dorsey of St Mich aels College Toronto were in the sanctuary Interment was in St Marys Cemetery at Barrie upon arrival of motors with Rev Deari Clair of Barrie saying the prayers at the grave Pallbearers were six fellow CNR and Medonte townships Until33 years ago he farmed 100 acres at Sturgeon Bay He then went to live with his son Orla at Rose mount and assisted him with farm work until 1947 when he resided with his daughter Mrslhomas Show first at Minesing and in re Cent years at Orlllia emPIOYeeS Jack Calvert Cecil Mi Lovelace was an Orangeman Clarke Ralph Duncan Fred for over 70 years and won the Grieveson Archie Hubble and prize as the oldest man in the par Gerry OLearyJ ade at Orillia last 12th of July He was member andxlater an honor ary mbmber 667 Until taken ill With cold about two weeks before his death Mr vovelace had continuedjactlve and Visild3mobgintes7td trict He Conservative in politics g5 Mr Lovelaccwas redeeeased by his wife the foiimer MoeefiAnn Wil son of Brecht 14 years Interment At Goldwater of Coldwater LOL No John Wellington Lovelace Coldvfatr Corespondence As the United NChurch was un available duetowork under way installinga iicw heating 35 em funeral servic for John We ling ton Lovelace washeld Nov 24 in gx the Presbyterian Church Cold SiijiIiving amtwo dauhgterSMlS water with Rev Ross Cumming in Thomas Shaw1 Rita and Mrs Wes charge Iutciment was iuCold lei Potter Oda About 01 0111113 we Cemetery and pm sent om Lovelace Rose Pallbearers ware Charles Mc mount also sister Mrs Ewen Moonstone William Peden Anderson Lydia Dorsal three Steve Grntrix hallsisters Mrs Joseph Wright Walter Gratrix James Mclndoo and Russell Bran Alice Vasey Mrs Charles Hgines rs don all ofRosemount Marv Midland and Mrs Raw iey IdarMethesona halfbrother was lifelong resident of Alicia hillgtter Mdoonstone mute ran ren an nine grea ammonia gt Yuma volcano ed ccir but your budget con talllyou thattiie Vanguard men59 he Y9 hueblkeslio her leuioown operate and moinloidthonyoifoiherWV 7V tbasmildrff you know she nillineel that cheileage loo Meditation usuwonaennio Itll nlfp9pl3h bring 3119150611 an understanding of cagdigowy no uer 3oooz ll vreiernouricouIAil or canned 8130 be mnpmihdameukommx 3pc agsumaf fijzrgaiauom lion and Barrie Price $3000 at me throughout the wow such as The Federation Ag sh in culture made great deal of use Ba Thu aimed to pm of these gures the preparauom Exam ncr vide answer to such questions as of their briefs to both me Provan Box 6131 and Dominion Guvemmenui WWW 39 30W Toronto Visual Mr and Mrs Cart during the weekend Ills Betty Caxton Toronto was ho for the weekend rs Snider has gone to Elinvale to spend some time with Mr and Reg mmm