mam gust HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN IAIRIE THURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pun GALAXY OF GREAT STARS IN THIS BIG TECHNICOLOB SOUTH SEAS MUSICAL Uho Screed Big South Pacic Feast of Music Maids and Men EVE snows AT 655 pm FOX NEWS OTHER TREATS STARTS MONDAY FOR DAYS MATINEE WED 230 pm EVENING Snows AT 650 pm ARTHUR GARY Ellllllllo MERRILL Hill MIME VK AT BOTH THE ROXY GRANADA THEATRES ENTERTAINMENT LAST SHOWINGIONIGHT WEDNESDAY ARTHUR MEL KENNEDY FERRER RANCHO NOTORIOUS Also MONA FREEMAN inVlTOUGH GIRL THURSDAY FRI DAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY 230 pm ACTION PACKED FEATURES LOADED WITH THRILLING SUSPENSE Miamio nf md to beam who all wwron Rooskirouuo 33 JAWS CARTER JOHNNY wrissieiucun unitsuni RYAN win 3HEJUNGLEMANHUNT EVENIIIIGSIFIOWS ATiToniSJIOpm AllinFEAWE ammo 112 Earrir Ixa Nearly 30 dinner are known to attack ooybeans in the Unitas Stated Group Captain Sheldon Cob man 415 Hamilton will be pro moted to the rank of air data and appointed air officer mm minding tactical air group at monton effective Dec Headquarters announced at Ottawa Group Capt Coleman leaves the directorate of air plans at head quarters to succeed Air Commodore Kerr of Arnprioi whose pro motion to air vicemarshal and ap pointment as air officer commonl ing training command were ari nounced recently native of Montpelier Vermont Group Capt Coleman served during the Second World War at head quarters and at various stations tilities he was stationed fit the Can adian joint staff in Washington In January 19 he was appoint ed senior technical staff officer at Northwest Air Command Head quarters in Edmonton and in Au gust 1950 took command of the air station at Camp Borden In Feb ruary this year he relinquished that position to assume the duties of director of air plans Guest of Innisfil Reeve At County Banquet We were invited to attend the banquet given by the County of Simcoc to honor James Hurt on the completion of his term as war den We Were there as the guest of Reeve Clilt Lockhart one of the oldest members of the county coun cil in years ofmcmbership other than the past wardens The dinner was scrved in the Barrie branch of the Canadian Legion Hall by the Ladies Auxiliary Although the number attending made it necessary to sqrve the overflow in an upstairs room the bounteous dinner and the attentive service mad up for any crowding We thank tho reeve for his consid eration as it host Boyhood Neighbors Bottle Far Reeveship The contest for the rceveship of Innisfil between Reme Lockharl and Councillor William Gibbins was between two native sons of the township both being raised on farms within mile of each other These men grew up together and were both interested in similar sports especially baseball Mr Gibbins who accepted an offer as ydung man to take job on farm in Western Canada where he Iived for some years until return ingwa fulll few years ago was born on the 11th line on the Gib hins homestead Mr Ockhart still assists in oper ating the Lockbart homestead to gether with his brother and mother who occupy the famin borne also on the nth line couple of lots from where the Gibblns family wero raised Trustee Will Wornico Reports orCollegiote At the nomination meeting in Innisfil William Warnica who since the inauguration of the Barrie District Collegiate Board has been Innisfils representative gave re port on the progress for the year At theirfirst meeting in January tIQ representatives which include one from each municipality paying into the funds appointed Motrim MBE as chairman It was big year owing to the building program under way By Sept the new wing was ready for occupancy and this was ofcial yeperiedto the public Nov There are now total of 41 class Formr co Comp Borden RCAFE Air Commodore to Edmonton Ordcr of Otldicllows and Rebekahsl slcuduncc of local and district mem WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1952 across Canada At the end of hos AIR COMMODORE COLEMAN gGrand Master at IOOF and Rebekahs On Fraternal Visit Illrrc ld5 of the Independent iwcr honored Monday night Nov $17 by the vial of Ontario Grand illiaslcr Shepherd Durham iand greeted him with large at bcrs and representatives from Elm valc Alliston Midland and other plums His address upon the principles of the Order was both interesting and instructive An appetizing supper was served by the local members as fitting conclusionrla an enjoyable fraternal gathering COIlier United Dinner Meeting With so many new families com ing to Collier Street United Church tho Session some weeks ago agreed that mens organization of some kind was needed so that they could get better acquainted Accordingly dinner mceting was arranged for Thursday evening Nov 27 which was attended by over 100 The ladies of the WA served delicious rcpost come and get it style Dr John Postnikoff as chair man welComed the men and ex plained the object of the meeting Rev Ernest Lewis introduced Ives Stayner who enter ined with colored slides showing beauty spots in Simocc County al so rare species of birds with re cordings of their calls This was most interesting and Neil Mac Donald on behalf of the men ex pressed appreciation to Dr Ives Another meeting will be held early in the new year when the form the organization will take will be discussed rooms two gymnasiums cafe teria and the auditorium The school has an average daily attendance of 832 and the enrol ment is expected to increase an uually When increase has reach ed 1000 it will be up to the maxi mum for handling and eficiency After that point it will be necessary to divide the area and construct new school Warnica gave details of the new courses added with the new wing which made it possible for those not desiring tiltake academic education to divert to various types of commercial training and that way get their matriculation The night courses are fast becom ing as large as the day classes and by next year if the increase con tinues they will fill all the rooms There is no charge for New Can adians taking the courses non for student nurses in studies suitable to their training Mr Warnica now living in Dar re is still 41 ratepayer in Inmsl and takes keen interest in the afaifs of tho bigaschool murmur calculi Blilllfl stilliosnlrusx AurromUM THURSDAY 815 pm ADMISSICINzSc entitles you to 15 game for chickens SPECIAL GAME Iron TUBE ms 500 or moors raucous nut fill sums lhc TOWN the LAW IIIIIIISIIIIY MPERIA SHOWS NIGHTLY AT 630 and 900 pm and the shallows Damn who llUtlIEli its outlaw 11180 31 an ITS BIG SHOW All In Color HOURS AND 30 muons NIGHT PRICES CHILDREN 15o ADULTS 40c INCL TAX mm 1mm now run our ANOTHER GREAT BOOSTER PlllZE till SPONSORED BY gt lt Bun Iiyers Jr turnkey on WHEN JABARRIAE JR Av nylon PLAY HOST To WINDSOR sruriites Barrie Arena Fri 0905 r1BGFANL xs400oo Courtesy of Conodion Gneml EIectric Company Ltd Free Game for Cash Door 30ROniI nouns ffor Movie MerryGolloundeum KBD coco LAftornmrotr 40mm of Objagrrnon biitweeu IT wit Eouncil and provincialtand fedr ousipgogenciec At aspeciai meeting or Council gt bylaw authorizing the signihgnf the agreement for 30renta1 thlSeS plus fullyscrviced building lots rillia Packe and ones wasgiventhrce readings andrpasst lowTell homing velopment will besstarlecl in 015 filial Lhthe near rotor 83 the rogult es corrErned it by the three part1 expected that Central Mortgage days travelled by canoe from Mom trealto the jRockies with many loaders to the ed ODCCJEIIO agreement is sigried and Ho tuglerbgration will call construction of the homes Sixty buildinc lots with 00foot frontage have beep purchasd from John MacIsaac at price Of $100 aflotl The lots are located onBay viewParkviay Oxford Delia and Bennett directsso that the new dBVelopment will in effect he an extension or the earlier Normandy Plains developmnhsouth of the Atherley Road RUGGED The voyogeurs Canadas early famous partner smiths noon SOCKS 51005150 $200 $495 $595 $650 $795 $1095 stos others $395 $695 oomph HATS 5335 POLO mums Ion1 3395 5450 M95 $1095 BROOK $595 Avail bound Thin son2 anGE FLOOR POLISH Elt Value supGr MANTEL RADIOI volue $491 4044 MANTEthADIO Volvo $3650 SuiGr MANTTL chronicclock smAEIIKrvcsrw m9 TutO MANTEL gchTklc LooK pm BIHE uremic Karma