wmwwww NMr Meltmm Mil Good new for thou who ion from rbeonntic ptin but feel ThomMs mile Ind uthritic TRCo Dont let and sharp nab vein handicap you say loam Try ernlctonl TitCs my Only 65c 3145 druggtsu Lou lv roar Invul re puntefv ms Relic Cnr tor of oriliiu surrounding tint she would be undidre for the office ad mayor this year in the neighbon in town and few other indies in the country throwing their lists in the ring following the example of Bert12s Mm Marjorie Hamilton we were interested in hearing Can WALK ll BLOCK AND SAVE for relief hopeless Ivecdy relief from rheu Ecring by using weldnome other about the Mdawmwmom theWnWctce ram alveolar mmuw them At mmwmw were entertained conundrum by memberseftbeconcertwdstion execxnlve workers and 11m muthwpruzatmow wwwmmmnmy iArmstroanmlmerAsmoer udss foremost woman mayor Miss Charlotte Whitton of Ottawa be gin her address to the Empire Club over the air yesterday noon intro ducedby one of her dwn solid statements that woman had to do twice as much to get half as far as man the famous Canadian wo man with many fights for right in the welfare field as tveii as in politics in her background bod some interesting statements to make about the duties of elected leaders They ask me to compromise and take the middle road said Mayor Whitlon but you cannot take middle road between right and wrong Mayor Whittons talk and her declared ideals should be enough to quell any doubts in the 73 5110 mm ron CHRISTMAS 9R0 PopUp Toasters Electric Irons Elec tric Kettles Table Lamps etc til at our special prices BUY on our Lay Awnytplnn or Budget Term HITS TRADING mic Biggest Little Store in Barrie 33 Collier St Phone 2301 and Mrs Lloyd Oopelnnd and Mr and Mn Arthur Comm of Elm vnle Mr nod Mrs Frank Crtlg Mr nnd Mn Rowe Mr sud Mrs Glories Wllronerlurs Stewart Mn lsobel Chlttick Mrs Cameron Min Raina Shopoff Mr and Mn Ronald Pile Peter Costco and potty from Coiling wood Rev And Mrs John Morris from Stroud Ind Mr and Mrs Warren Wilaur Mr and Mrs Flynn Miss Marlon Rickard and Miss Doreen Steele On line the two brothers from Texas certainly made dramatic picture that was little like seeing double With their two concert grand pianos facing in the same direction one slightly in the fore ground and to the right of the other the effect was of oneblondc Teltschik brother being merely shadow ofthe omenand the effect become really startling when the two pianists played in unison the fingers of each going through the same motion like reflection in mirror Once more the ladies of the Pro testnnt and Catholic churches of Camp Borden are joining forces for their popular Christmas Bazaar which is now just week away fine selection of aprons knitted goods dressed dolls home cooking candy etc will be for sale and younger people will find the fish pond and parcel post booth spc WrightFreeman Miss Alclona Craft Nuptials are Held Becomes Bride of In ElmVale Manse Herman The mrriagc of Miss Marilyn The mart and Mrs Jnmcs Freennn of Elm vnle to Douglas Wright son of Mr and Mrs George Wright of Cross isnd took pine on Ssturdny Nov lead at no oclock in the after noon in the Prsbyterian more at Elmvsie Rev Burgess per formed the ceremony Given in montage by her father Vibe bride was gowncd in sky blue bridal satin with white lace Her accessories vvere red and she was wearing corsagc of red roses Misc Valerie Freeman of Elm vale who was her twin sisters at tencant was in navy blue and was wearing red accemorics and cor sagr of cream roses Bernard Wright of Barrie was groumsman for his brother reception for 60 gum follow ed the home of the brides par ants where the mother of the bride received wearing American Beauty silk crepe with come of white flowers The grooms moth er who also received was in black satin with lace trim and was wear ing white corsagc Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to Southern 0n tnrio and tho United States the bride travelling in beige and black ensemble with red accessor ies On their return Mr and Saturday Nov ceremony was performed by Rev played the wedding music the bride was wearing gown of race over mtin styled with long dearlength and she was carrying fascade bouquet of red roses and em Mrs Thorho Rose of Barrie who was leer sisters matron of honor and Miss Mary Louise Edwards of Barrie the bridesmaid were wear ing ballerinalength gowns of lilac met over taffeta with heuddresses of blues They were carrying bou qucts of greenwhite mums Donald Craft of Barrie brother of the bride was groonisffian reception followed at the home of the brides parents where the mother of the bride received wear ing of royal blue with corsagc rust mums The grooms mother who also received was weaning rust suit with corsage of matching mums lage of Kim Aldous Joyce Freernnn daughter of My Craft daughter of Mr and Mn Arthur Craft of Barrie to Michael Anthony Hemp son of Mrs Clare licrman of Barrie took place on 1962 at three oclock in the tfternoon in Burton Avenue United 31mph Dante The Eugene Beech and Mrs Beech Given in marriage by her father Wright will be making their hone in Eimvalc OuioHown guests at the wed ding wcrc from Buffalo Toronto Port Credit Weston and Barrie cial attractions to suit their tastes After their shopping spree the adults will be invited to refresh themselves with tea and cakes This year the bazaar is being held in the evening from eight to 50 to limo on youown signature Get extra cal Fastfor any good purposeat android Him loans made without bonkablo soprtchpoyMplomiotyourheom Upto 24 months to repay Phone or stop in today for bloody micl mmmrmm lllSEIIOLD FINANCE Mt larva CUM unicum Illaboth Sn and oor phone 552 slimnom amiumuumumm 10 oclock on Friday November 21 The proceeds of the joint venture wril go to church charities We hear thnt there is possi bility that the employees of the General Electric Works will be prea scntirm another musical show this year probably encouraged by the remarkable success of GE Min strels of 195152 The show that is being talked of this year is musical comedy from an original script The Wedding of Daisy Mac based on familiar Dogpatch characters and timely at the mo ment because of Sadie Hawkins Day coming up on the 29th of the month If the musical comedy goes through it will be quite an ambi txous project for the plant players with cast of about 25and will give the public an opportunity to hear again some of the fine voices that we remember from the min strel show Toronto CV Visitors Tell Soroptimisis Of Conference The Soroptimist Club of Barrie was favored with visit from two members of the Toronto Soropti mist Club at its November dinner meeting The guests were Mrs Claire McIntyre editor of The Canadian Churchman whose classification was journalism and who is now sustaining member and Miss Mary Lawson also sustaining member who is buyer for Robert Simp son Co Mrs McIntyre was the speker for the evening and talked on her visit to the Copenhagen Interna tional Soroptimlst Conference which she and Miss Lawson both recently attended She related her experiences while visiting clubs in Germany France Switzerland For travelling the bride changed to drc$ of navy taffeta worn with purple velvet coat and black velvet accemmies and corsage of red roses and torn Mr and Mrs Herman will be making their home in Barrie Delegates Aeltd St John National Meeting Mrs Hood steervisor of the nurdng division the Barrie branch of the St John Amtnihrre and Min Purl Shoppers attended thegflt John Mince national conference at the Chateau Laurie in Guam on Nov 345 Civil defence was the primary concern of the St John Ambulance at the and many re ports on the matter were received from the various pmvimes The delqntes from Barrie felt that the coastal areas in particular seem ed to be well orgnnized MayorCharlotte Whittpn of Of taws was weaker at the Monday luncheon Her sublect was the history of St John Another week er on the first day was Carl Central Church Junior WA Holds Autumn Tea pn Wednesday afternoon the Junior Womans Association of Central United Church held very successful tea in the school room which was decorstcd with autumn leaves and autumn owers for the occasion The weather was very good and the large turnout made the tea one of the most mccess ful the WA formerly the Wohelo Class has yet enjoyed Guests were received by the invite of the minister Mrs Bugdcn and the Junior WA pros idcnt Miss Agnes Lavcry Tak ing tickets at the door were Mrs Doidge and Mrs Pickles The main ten tabl had floral centrepiece of bronze and yellow mums with white tapers on tight sleeves Her veil was shoul mond Quebec sisterofthcbrige Hl Bal r10 Wed in Orillia Couple to Make Bellevillec Church ls Setting For Autumn Wedding The marriage of Miss Eileen lsa Home in Barrie belle Peirce daughter of Walter pence and the late Mm pe Orillia Presbyterian Church deo irce to Herbert Edward Stanleywrated with white mums was the Sugg Gravenhurst formrly of setting for wedding of wide in Barric was solemnizcd in Hollo wrest0n Saturday November way St United Church Belleville1952 at two oclock in the after Rev Roy Peirce staff chap noon when Miss Gwendolyn Mad lain Central Command Oakville dern of Orillia chughter of Mr brother of the bride performed and Mrs George Maddern of To the Cerem and the churCh W85 route was married to Ross decorated with standards of white Gray of Barrie son of Gray mums and candelabra and the late Mrs Gray of Orillis The bride given in marriage by Th Rev her father wore gown fashioned thee maniaglygrgggniy perform with basque of frosted Chantilly lace featuring jacket of the Weddmg mus was played by Gordon lace with collar embroidered with seed pearls and long tted Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing gown of sleeves The bouffant skirt worn blue satin with matching lace over crinoline was oftulie over Sillin Her nger V911 01 lune jacket and blue lace bonnet Her veil was shoulderlength and she illusion was caught to coronet or seed pearls and She carried was carrying bouqdet of red ros es and streamers with white pink noses and white stephzmofls bible in cascade arrangement Mrs Raymond Ealey Rich Her ramndanhwmm 7777 Barbara Clarke of Toronto was gowned in salmon pink lace and net and was wearing juliet cap of silver Her flowers were talisman roses Donald Gray was groomsman for his brother reception was held at the Or iliia Hotel where the mother of the bride received in gown of navy crepe wearing corsage of was matron of honor gowned in yellow tulle over lime satin with jacket of yellow lace She wore matching headdress and carried bouquet of yellow and bronze mums Frank Sugg was groomsman for his brother and John Sugg pnd Robert Sugg ushered The brides stepmother Mrs Peirce received the guests in gown of French blue crepe with talisman roses navy blue accessories and bronze The maple left on wedding mp Chm mage The groms to Buffalo and points south the 1h wore 3mauve crepe 30w bride travelling in flame boucle mm lace Cket ma access wool suit with black accessories cries and corsage of coral roses Following wedding mp to On then return Mr and Mrs Gray Quebec for Which the bride chosel Win be making their home in Ba suit of beigegray gabardlnerie with purpleaccessorles and an or chid corsage Mr and Mrs Sugg will make their home in Sarnla The groom is nephew of Mrs George Wright of Barrie PHONE 4109 selections The Barrie Venture Club ha been invitedto the dinner meeting and each was entertained by Sor 0910M of cutwork cloth and the individual small tea tables were centred with bouquets of bronze and yell ow mums Pouring too were Mrs Walter Cook Mrs Roy Bishop Mrs Roy Yorke and Mrs Jack Garner Mrs George Hook was convener of the dining room Tea assistants were Mrs Robert Parker Mrs Gordon Grbham Mrs James Hart Mrs Charles Scott Mrs William Stephenson Mrs William Linton Mrs Clayton Wil son Mrs William Sarjcant Mrs Elwood Beavis and Mrs Ellsworth Gilham Mrs Thomas Givens Mrs Hutchinson Mrs Ralph Gavin and Mrs Honey assisted at the bake table and Mrs Llew Beaver Mrs William Hinton and Mrs Sid Justin worked at the ap ron table The kitchen convener was Mrs Arthur Worrall assisted by Mrs Theo Lainson Mrs Russell Jory Mrs Keith Meredith and Mrs Vernon Cameron Hollows lnsiiiuie Holds Second Euchrarseason The second euchre of the season was held in Hollows School on Fri day Nov under the auspices of the Hollows Womens Institute branch Eleven tables played The ladies were pleased to see so many of their Gilford friends with them Ladies prizes Went to Mrs Earl Dales first prize winner Mrs Earl Carr second prize winner and Mrs Andrews consolation winner mm Wit minim beam luminaries KIMC dint stout intended Dr due of the civil idem ptth group 011 of Hutton cl Health and Welfare So out ducted in dixumo on the civil def fence fir aid program end films were shown depict the ingoffimtsidsbmlnaseof national classicr The flint showed the plans for Win the std and injured from devas ltrrted area to the Wraitve fay and comfort of hospital or emer gent ital Mich Pepper civil defence nursing militant who was an other speaker at the conference skewed the fact that knowledge of home nursing is very necessary 1in case of disaster She painted out that every one who has liken course in home nursing would be of great help Those who had had further training would work with the doctors and nurses as near to the devastated area as possible Ml$ Pepper explained how im portant it was to help oneself and ones neighbor Trained first aid workers would help with lost chil dren the aged the ctuonically ill the newborn and anthers St Johns part in civil defence is very small but if it functions smoothly could be of great help to the whole civil defence program demonstration on care of mass msrmlllcs was given at the YOU cm nee eyelid injuries chest Sucking mail arched arm when detract tech Wind man of man no and 3mm usury at the wtcrence the with of the ts John mg tint everyone had Mk mica oi rid EARN AT HOME Dress 16 yang111 ymfrmnrnjobmcmy IMIpllthtc scientific method Buy to Ian Cl canton roe Mlmnox Hume cum 40mm or um prison as suntan Avt A00 to 1010 004 Mt Nos SWEDlSH ANGElCHIME mode of brass 15 high The heat from the llghtcd candles rotates the propeller and the thumbs attached in merry dance mating soft and lovely music on the chimes Including at of candles $395 MOWER RAKE mod of Nomi SUNDIAI of brass on butth NAPKIN DOlL of wood stands which Including nap linsto make the skirt very ottractlzo table decoration long 125 pitta 255 175 CANDLESTIIK of solid brass Beautiful design with 325 CANDELAIRA of solid brass arms high 360 EXT not illustrated Per pain 695 MINIATURE ANGELCHIME high Madeof brass 195 ANGELCRIME with music box in base Plays fSiiInt Night 13thin 1250 stun esprit room Prim wonder plum AGENTS WANT ED Write for particulars 373 Ch Winner of the mens first prize was Patchett with second and consolation prizes going tow Carr and Andrews pAquE maton rmsra swrmsn hinnmmcnm urtlt St Phone 60832 rono N10 til ormonuouns to CLOSED SAT AFTERNOON England and Scotland Miss Lawson read an editorial 15 CLAPPERTON ST optimist member coffee party was held after maa semi popcrabout the conference in Cop New Munro Walterltd from Nomngham England newsl wards at the Community House enhagen entitled Spotlights Women in Gay Danish City Miss Marian Lambert of Barrie entertained at the piano with two incrs mum ms um liekeying Lock Combin aliens Changed Malaria Door Closers repaired fullled on WASHING mourns Hamilton UM Wlllnl Machin es for ulc Over Bell Telephone Office Extramh TRUSHAYsspeclslric tiers softens dlyskin quicklyl Smoothes handpelbows ind ill othcrskin areas powde flattering and greaseless householdItssknptolrny v1 motorbikes enckjtwti skin tiniest you 119 TEEUillAlrl the only nun pblallyblgoj prevent