out PRIZES PRESENTED At nous CLUB mama IS THEME OF SPECIAL Trinity Church won mimicking and Herb Dickinson will tract in the basement of the lCrecrmre and Mrs Fleming9 The molar meeting of the Lions Club of Barrie last Friday night had tall Wm Their guess for dinner were Pro fesor 3mm of Guelph Ag ricuitnnl College special speaker andalaothcmembersoftbe Ora 4H Calf Club 1m who were de clared winners on Achievement Day at Oro Pall Fair September 10 Prices were awarded on points with possible 1000 under seven different headings exhibiting judging answering questions showmanship care and feeding monthly reports and attendance Cash prizes were presented by Reeve Andrew Bartholomew of Om to the following Mel Stra chart Oro Station who took 911 points Kay Caldwell Shanty Bay with 909 points Ivan Stra chan Ora Station who had 906 points Tom Ross 0m Station with $9 paints Stuart Strachan 0m Station with 896 points George Caldwell Shanty Bay with 818 points Erma Stoddart Guth ric with wpolnts Pat Jamie son 880 points Ivan Clark of Shanty Bay was an extra winner llhcse prizes are donated on basis of one third each from the nonunion and Provincial Depart ments and one third from the span soring organization this year the Lions Addidional specials by the dons went to Mel Stracban grand cham pi beef showman Stuart Strach an erve champion beef show man Erma Stoddart grand chair pioo dairy showman George Cald well meme champion dairy show man He and Kay Caldwell were also winners on yearling heifers 1961 Club calves Amara on plowing were also presented by the lions and with prizes presented by Bruce Emmi word to Alex KcNabb Housing for plowing and also best crown andfimisblnginclasstochoysmd girls under 18 Third prize was won by queoroldVerml Bowman Smyncr ER it the same class Special 8m Profmor Motion was intro duced by Agricultural Representa tive James Hancock who spoke of that pleasant duty as happy occa sion The Profusor is head of the Physics Department of Ontario Ag ricultural College Guelph and has been on the stat in that capacity for over 35 years Among his pu pils were both Jams Hancock and Stewart Page an earlier pupiL Professor Muffatt complimented the Barrie Lions upon 13 sports sorship of the lll Club and con gratulated the winners Speaking on the subject of atomic energy he stated that he had kept in touch with the fundamentals of that subject and the place it plays lochy In the old days agricultural production wu outstanding but now energyiis the most important The universe consists of two IlOiSOM 10 kt coldMad Mereihanils most fractured Gill il ll ill orgy is that which enables us to do work suns ability to provide food and to keep mm was the rst developman of entry Next can boasts of burden the ox can el and horse Then the wind was wed for saihn pumpan at gnndm amount wood coal oil and gas and now atomic energy will have its place It is as old as the mm and has always existed but only now is man that in how to control it Although 150 years ago the only means of denmtxatiug electric power was by rubbing amber on the cats the power was there all the time but not used Then Farraday discovered the difference between magnetism and electricity and as result man teamed bow to control it Actions of the body come through electrical charges Cartel of atomic energy must come next Resources of coal oil and gas are limited and in mm paratively few years all economic sources will be exhausted Back in 1890 it was thought that all discoveries possible had been made ahd then in Germany came another great development with Rontgen Xrays In 1896 in Frantic radio activity from pitchblcndc taruranium ore was discovered By an accidental discovery it was found that from gas mantel ash picture was pro duced without light proving that some type of energy was hidden there In 1898 Rutherford found that radium gave 03 radiations of three typos Radium was chaag ing to radon gas and finally to lead dream of the alchemist of old transmutation In 1896 SirJ Thompson dis covered the electronln1905 Ein stein said that matter could be annihilated andltcbanged to energy In 1913 an Englishsciehtist brought out thertheory outhe nature of matter and as to the structure of the atom which the smallest component partof matter It takes 25 million atoms tocover one inch and yet each atom contains struc ture similar to the sour system with sun and planets revolving around it The sun is 93 million miles aw theearth revolves around it at 600 million miles year 70000 miles an hour through spacc or 1200 miles minute At the equator the earth spins at 1000 miles an hour here it is 750 miles an hour The same solar System has been developed in the atom Electrons are another part oi an atom tom dug shaltuniverse few sim pledawsgoivcrn ln= 1911 auvaerrord discovered that the nucleus is composite One isa neutrons Ina match isbumed church on Ihurschy mm this Barn Spoonill Anode Sale It Ramas ale last Wedneng day was quite worm realm as he did high prices tor istcrcd Holsteins one in Wmmfge if with daughter or this pg ni mnom Wilson Ecular cow close runnerop Thai um WM neckjchy was ne and all conditions WWW um bncd ucccsxful sale lo and children Arthur Mr and Ilrs New noose andj wwwmmaqxemy WINA rustcm mums This moth meemx was held ms llast Wednesday noon at mi hone wrh Mr and Mn Johnllnnak with aggwmry grandam in spite of seva ab MalMum scrums The presidan Ms Len Kelley lit and Mrs David Patterson pox was in attemhncc and had Mrs Fred Cruse read the Scrip lldltorcl have been guests ma turc and Mrs Hughes the lesson 25 ca 23 as $er at Nelson Moore lid Covey is at present visiting at as 31 his daughters Mrs William Ellis and with other relatives in this vicuitq VISMIS with Mr and Mrs W2 Dvrltinscnhwere Mm JHorri son Crcmorcand Kr and Mrs Franklin Grey Toronto last Sun day and during last week Mrs dragon Onthat basis it is con sldircd that the sun will last for 20 millionyears Atomic energy depends uponth ability of malt to control it It thought thatsoon it will bepto duced from uranium by fdsion Cer tain substances can be made radio active artificlally Salt Spot of these scientist swallowad radio active salt and with Gicgcr counter the effect couldbc traced right to his finger tips Radio tbougtus Mrs Orville Cart read the report of Presbytery WA convention at Thompsonvillc Mrs Wilson who has charge of the parcel post boxes for the honor gave out the necessary information As result of particular discussion regarding the coming bazaar it was decided to carry it out as of other years The note is set for Dec At the conclusion oia busy meeting the usual refreshments were served Mn Boake wasassistcd by Mrs Carr andyMrs Blacli amewmmosss couucutons as REDUCED TO sux active calcium ed to hen pro duced radioactive egg and shell and when batched radioactive chick Ihe same principle is used pumping various types of oil through long distance pipelines inserting aradioactive subshmcc at certain puints on thElinc tobel Continucdfrom page one checked with counter and change to another gradc when one had gone through The threat of destruction throug bombing couldibe SIIIIIIIII to Nthat Imwn as think 0f the cm gunpowle andlnot letthings slip very much gas when first used but such not been the case Alderman gGrrdwood said the reason for the bylaw seemed to Le based on the assrnption that they could probably got six coun Eclllors where they could not get 12 My own theory is that if we have alargecbuucil3 as we think twe should have for this town it is morc democratic heptatcd can Iconceive of six councillors form ing little union and running the In this prscnt council we do has tlunk that is all to the good doi gnot think there is going be 37 The speakers opinion regarding guamptee that we will get SIX Russian bombing of Canada was 1people to runanywoy he added that it was not likely Stalin is il doubt the sudden wisdom of this wise enough to retrain from bon1b ithintL His doctrineis spreading byg propaganda andinltrstion Morc WILLING T0STAND iover if he did so the Unitcd States in 24 hours LONDON oCP In letter to and Great Britain would respondlthe press MrS LeaSmith Sldl iit seemed people were more coni should be banished and it loomed about the seating of visitors could be by mmng Wm he in got the Commotion parade than that of aged British citizens diVidual ILeaSmith whose rslst Mac Fendley extended Mrs birthday he ifnlls on Coronation day next June thanks of the club tothe speaker said she stood to Queen Vic and 9313133911 lhe 13013915 he torias funeral 50 years ago and might be able to make return ishcllstand again at motorcad visit ation if necessary asrnallashresultsChanging one clemenl into another constitutes artificial transmutation Matter is annihilated but energy produced Thewiar developedproduction of Each Gwen Witch rcgardlcso of price in of craftsmanship and another day ticks away not our wide and wondetflll selection of GRUEN Prouaon WATCHES for both men and woman small dc holds our delivery JETW Stuarts ta fci timgs elementson earth titaniumiis healyxergtban lrvdrogcn It could be 4159 other ele mentbJby splitting into to parts Produce energy taxatinihilate en array fsr Hydrogen atoms combine togetlu gt can enjoy everyqu of the mogicot GeneIoLElectric Tale or legal helium Thisgequircs 10 million ates energyfrll ngfof sun being chalked intofbelium back into thc recent Simcoe Modulated at mm Vt 39c Guides In Cheese as 28 Mmha it 56 mm rumSZ vowm moo auvma an um rum caumuui cm cannon IIIPWIL 23= FLORIDA NO GRAD WIN SKINNIO JUICY Elliills e29 ONTARIO GROWN GREEN PASCAL CELEBY HEARTS um 19 IMPORTED FROM SPAIN GENUINE MILD SWEET till in BRADFORD MARSH NO GRADE WASHEO mintM mile Mali SNIIR THE NAME mmsllEEON WIN rah MAKE We Sou mu mtaws ram Imbalmhs 33 POWDER SKIM MILK Hitilk IISCIIIYS aoa 5s 29 can and 115 Nicollemes to CHOICE woulst amorous memo FARM ROY Whisks LADY JEAN IIRSWEEIENEO kaolin hit 27 CREAM mu cum tantra msa CHOICE lea caoxca moanss an conrmsrs no can amour was fr brawn inhabits mucmhauii liloT var jwatterropolloat ableln martiniLoot