RIGHT MEMBERS OF CANADAS ARMED FORCES receiv ed awards for bravery at an investiture held in Edmonton on Sunday Oct 20 by the Rt Hon Vincent Massey Governor General of Canada The impressive ceremony held in the as sembly Chamber of the Legislative Building was witnessed by relatives and frlends of the recipients as well as by large number of military and civilian personnel The inves titure was part of busy program during the governorgener als threeday visit to the Alberta capital Seven of the awards went to officers and men of the army for service in Korea and one to an air forceofficer for service in Europe during World War ILThe above picture shows the recipients immediately following the investiture Left to right Lance Corporm Smiley Douglas DeiburneAl berta awarded the Military Medal Major George Ed monton awarded the Distinguished Service Order Major George MC Saskatoon awarded the Order of the British Empire LizCold Stone D60 MC awarded the second bar to the Distinguished Service Order Wing Commander WWV EGanderton DFCrEdmontonrawarded the Distinguished service Order Private Kenneth Barwise Vancouver awarded the Military Medal captain Mills Winlil em peg and Calgary awarded the Military Cress Officer Cadet Kerry Dunphy Carleton Place Ontariowho received the hargesihcaamtblmhs 39 Military Medal is missing from the picture ye 85 em Mr andgrlsgylgipsey Osh awe Mrs Byrne andMiss Pelton Lintowal were recent visitors at 833 amiciu Frasers Miss Pelton stayed for no Boom two weeks with her nieces Mrs 2313 no Fraser and Mrs Jory guslcuby Buglh Ives on 91180 OW James Partridge and Fraser no Wm am are away for week hunt with Edgar Hunt Club 000 New 010 BDCl cocaine Cere Th dgtoryuudv iooo limiti Party gin33 0W8 WI wm MG NM 11 1030 Rows CKBB Ravioli Party Womens Institute will meet at 1045 In the Chw Ranch Boys Mrs McLeans on Nov 11 at pm Mrs Fraser convener for Citizenship and Education will be in charge of program Current 111 Pauls Penthouse News Headlines 1115 Sports Dream Time events Mrs Jory MottoMrs Dicker Pushes Bags 115000 Miles Fortyone years and 85000 miles ago Raoul Collett veteran CNR ggage foreman at Montreal was timed down when he applied for job because youre too small and wont last here 10 days today is boss of the shop in which they said he wouldnt last 10 days He figures the job is especially hard on his feet more so when he remembers 14965 working days hes put in walking about eight miles day mostly around in cir cles because his department isnt large Always on the move and al ways on my feet he says the miles but the worst of it is Im not going anywhere Most on trains But not me do it right here without even getting on 1535 Movie MerryGo Round 545 Prelude to Dinner 000 News Headlines 602 County Hour until QOiNUW Elton Week contd 930 Address by John Fisher 1000 Sunday star 1030 News 1010 aommsliln Bonds Serenade 1100 Revs Headlines Weather 15mm Tim MONDAV EM 30 also on 00 News Headlines and Market Report 31 musical Clock News hoodlum 12 News Headlines Way cut or Town 00 News 191 TOMBa Tim Hockey Broadcast News 1010 Orson Interlude 1115 Sports 1111 News Headlines etc 91 SATURDAY kl p30 slunOn 630Nows Headlines and Farm Market Report 031 Musical Clock 44 News 700 News Headlines 715 New Farm Market Report 40 Weather Reno 00 News 00 Time also 00 Sports Roundup News Headline News Books 011111 Years Styles in Sons 930 Bond of the Week 945 Radio Bandstand 1000 News 1005 Western Woxworka 1100 New 1100 Bonus by Sinatra 1180 The Story Book emotion My 1200 Luncheon mule mnt until iiitllthilm 311 1230 Time or 1230 News 1250 bulletin Board 100 Aldoutturoi Representative 415 Western Kit Parade 100 strictly Instrumental 1411 Report Prom Purim mentltill roar lt1 the 01 DoctorfoOrders 221 Boturdosaoeoio1j 830Weekend Boorts MO mum Report News 800 Time also sunonv no 000 Snort Roundup 55 Blair on 030 New Haltlllnol OONews Headlines 0008trensmans fashion 00 gnsivcrsary Service 52 cc mm 905 Moviotown Theatre Church Stern 945 Hymns ofthe World 30Trodin Post 1000 News 1000 TM 1000 sellers Bhoppius i913 llama it Go tro Em 1030 Trillion Post oohtd 1100 NOWv 1100 Church Service iron 1106 Hilielzhbor CcntraiUnited 1100 Roundallp Time Church mono Mt 1300 Luncheon Insane ment until 1210 are Duos 121013 mum uaofnme sues 1230 News 1200311119011 Board 100 Parmliooturol 100 The Notes of the 395 Weather 30 Trading lolt New Oosoel Sinner outlier SUNDAY LI 1200 Echoes 215 TeenArte Book Review 1210 News 1240 Prolrem Bulletin 1240 Jobs for Worlorr 1255 The Church DIrtctou 100 The Music of the Waits 130 Melodicaliy Yours 200 Brando Hymn Tim 23033111 to the 31le Hour 1130 Billy Graham 100 New 10 As the Twin 90111 430 Address by Premier Manning 00011 Moria Hour 530 Chapel Chimes 346 Orson Air Heres the product based on the recommended VP Formula as developed by the Ohio vstatee University that 380No am 300loturdoy Special AbnllnnTrwMuiic 38 uoritnucladmyic 1mm youngertn 01 he who chimp 9m Mlle 010 Hits of the week Etirtitttl Raoul took the job anyway and gt just walk and walk and chalk up form III at Maori PIONEER PREACHER Scotia was Rev Ebenezer Moulton Pioneer Baptist preacher in Nova who settled at Yarmouth in 1761 peopleiuthereilweyrun up miles The at the new addition tattle war will be carried on CKBB this ovum components at 805 The live broadcast will fea ture several of the speakers and music by the concert band and glee club The 03rd anniversary services of Jubilee Presbyterian Church Stay ner were held last Sunday CKBB prepared special broadcast our in the evening for use Sunday morning Nov at it oclock The service was conducted by Rev John Greig St Andrews Presbyterian Church Fergus Hymns oi the World quarter hour program featuring some of the bestlovad hymns and sacred selections is heard on CKBB every Sunday mornipg at 915 Immed iately following is This is My Story public service feature prmnted by CKBB in cooperation with Barrie Citadel Corps Salve lion Army Sunday afternoon at 430 CKBB presents rogram prepared Wed nesday on he arrival in Barrie of Premier Manning Alberta Hon Mr Manning was here as dir ector of the Back to the Bible Hour program heard on CKBB Sunday alternoons at 230 GILFORD GertscnberxerEuert The marriage of Miss Inge Eg gcrt daughter of Mr and Mrs Ernst Dggert Traventhal Ger many to Manfred son of Mr and Mrs Richard Gertsenbcrger of Noer Germany on Saturday after noon Oct 25 1952 took place at Dunbrody Fermthe home of Elmer and Miss Reba Rothweii of Gilford The doublering ceremony was per formed by Rev Mr Sanders The bride looked charming in white georgette gown floor length which she briought from Germany Her veil was of Brussels embroidered W108 mmmmmam mm Ottawa Schism rhislawattheheueuc QWMR to Ottawayesterday Cook 11 has been visiting her moment and and lecturer or speaker in Orils ii Wednesday this week at the an nual meeting oithe Bunnie Bli toric Sitesand Tourist Association in Drillia Collegiate auditorium Through the facilities of CFOR Orillis CKBB presdots broadcast of Dr Fishers marks Sunday evening Nov at 030 Chm come to CKBB week from Monday All the old favorites istmas Stock ing Hel Christmas White Christ mas an couple of new ones not lorgetting Santa Claus all start on Nov 17 net caught with pearls on the headdress She carried sheaf of yellow roses and chrysanthemums Ronald Calder Toronto played the wedding music reception fol lowed at the Rothwell home number of guests from Toronto were present The bride and groom will live in their home Bennct Brook on the Rothwell farm Mr and Mrs Bayes and family Toronto were visitors rev cently with Mr and Mrs Robert Bayes School Ballowecn Party The teacher Miss Bell and her 40 pupils had very enjoyable and well organized Halloween party at the school on Thursday last daughter Mr and Ike Roy Smith Mr and dirt orval Toms Downsview were at stir hits Hounsomes Mr and lira Eric Wright and molly visited Mr and Mrs Sateen Cooksville recently Mr and bits Norval Whi Hamilton also Mr and Mn seam ice Leloun Toronto were at Mr and Mrs Harry Mrs Stone and son Russell Sinner Toronto were at 12 Bow dens last Thursday PRODUCT MOI FOOD Britain in 1062 produced enough load for twothirds of her popula tion compared with only bolt in 1939 ERASE any possibility of better trouble in you car He sure your battery is in top shape Drive In Today can Auto Electric Service want ONT nu BARRIE tRON worn High Street ORNAMENTAI Phone PORCH Mus STEEL FOR SALE nmorrsmrrmno WELDING eren you buys new car you naturally Want full measure of sound value for every dollar you invest it And thats exactly what Pontiac gives youl you buy Pontiac you possess which will give youjycars and years of dependable economical driving gl the prestige of one ottlre most respected names in the 33 alumnamenace automotive worldNCpme goon and out