Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1952, p. 10

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pics historyofmdemic achievement wt bemusedtin VWVMWMMNWW mmmshmmlhmmllegi themcnrbers dimmintobeoongratulntediorthe Willeyst with prolect enieunmmanummorsemndue to the war and shortage ofmaterials ghe opening of the beautiful and well additionissomethingof again oc earlobbecauoeitoouidbedeemcd toman the beginning of new era iiisecondary edu cation in this area as has been stated by Morrison cbohmanof theboard the idea ofteolm lmte District by which those who live in the area pool their resources in order to give equoleducational opportunity to all is dcm ocracy in its finest form However to achieve that state considerable knowledge and plun ning had to be shown to implement the idea The new addition is worthy acquisition to the Collegiate Excellent planning has pro vided large airy classrooms and considerable thought has gone to the provision of some of the finest equipment available for school furnishing The new wing is the epitome of comfortable surroundings conducive to study Provision has been made for the vocation al courses but the Board has been very firm in its contention that the different shops and domestic science rooms shall not take the place of academic education There is no disputing thewisdom of this line of action as it is in accord with the general con census of Opinion throughout the countrys scholastic circles that more and more atten tion must be devoted to the teaching of Eng lish Mathematics Science History Geog raphy and hostages At the same time how ever vocational Work is useful and necessary but its basis mist be an academic foundation Fbr me time now the Collegiate has been faced with the problem of accomm lion which becomes more acute as each palm and the numbers coming up from the public schools increase With the opening of the new building there is no doubt that there will be considerable alleviation of this dif culty Extending his cordial greetings to all con nected with theCollfgiatc Duiilop Minister of Education points out My ideal incducation is that our system will produce strong rowed intelligent rightthinking bletomndontheirownfectwmtakca pride in hard work and will not lose the man which enabled our forefath vmtobmldnpthisbmninionofihnada mummnmnnenpncem rihewmldinwhichtolive mmmthchpoflhebepart mentofmocaonandmindilofthehigh ideals ofihe teachingme has pet vided this community with secondary school facihtieswbicbareequaltoanyinomario Publicsnpportishchindthcmnowasthey go ahead to facethc responsibiliflw of up holding the yorthy traditions which have playcdsuehapartinthelifeouhcname District Collegiate Institute No Member needsso great number of musclesasthe tongue this encode all the in tlvnmher of its movements da Vinci Vililbppy 153v Fund the nationalcharter of and which was issued cynic state in 1mthereisthc clause ye fallen or who die in future toproniote and care for memorials to their toprovidc suitable bur ial to on man the bloodred Emireasy to understand mm mm 91911101531 day overview emu one there Is wilhontidoubtnom0re pbiguant reminder ngrh Miriam 31W em alonecenthelogionmdnhininunm form theidealsonhbltttbim Whenweremernberwhctltmlordhe nonlineweareoskedtOmnkeisinflnitce final fromtbctimeitwasfirctldOptedaStbe symbolofsacrificeaftutbemllwd War Don tbeDOWYhukindledmmkindemmmwm people throughout the British maxim wealth of nations membries of those who gave their lives for freedom Each year the contributions of generous citizens to the Legions ylund has meant material relief for of needy veterans and their families The Legions annual Poppy Gimp is the only coordinated national appeal to the public for funds to alleviate dktrcss among or service personnel and their These annual campaigns are conducted by Legion branches aided by their Provincial Commands and the Dominion Command The poppies and wreaths are manufatured in Veteran shops of the Department of Vet erans Affairs thus providing employment for thalidom end tentative conclusions leotatjve became the problem still changing Problem And my first pointk that the ileum prof 1cm isa problem it used to bi that the people concerned with this problem were churchmen cartoon ists caricaturcd them as loot faced umbrellacarrying killjoys who interfered with other peoples rights Perhaps that was never really true and certainly it isnt now many disabled veterans generally unfit for 909 WM insisting industrial work Their products are sold by the Department to the Legion under spe ibai the liquor problem is prob lem are not special group but cross section of the whole com ial agreement and distributed through the muniY 1me Provincial Commands to branches The poppies wreaths and other emblems are then offered to the general public After the campaign costs are deducted the remainder of the money receivedis retained by the branch in each community in the form of Poppy Fund for direct relief pur poses anll other welfare work During the initial distribution of the poppies and wreaths small profit is charged by the Dominionhand Provincial Commands which is included in the branch campaign costs These charges at the Command headquarters help to support their Service Bureau work thus enabling the national body to obtain material benets for all Canadian veterans Each Legion branch is therefore able to give food clothing shelter and actual finan cial assistance to veterans and their families in extreme circumstances approximately 3275000 was distributed in this manner The Canadian logions Poppy Campaign requires lot of organization and work More and more Incmbcrs are needed to in this project is no return for such voluntary work the deep in thermonmqm are Owen Street you are in position to do be more than grateful for yourassistance There is something which we are all in position lode however and that is to sup port the campaign by buying your popr and wearing it with gratitude and humility On this tenth day of June 1940 the hand so offer your help to the branch They will tenure of the things Im going to lban its use has beer for from crs cducationalisis are writing are tides which homer in such use nines as nucleons Readers Di gest Atlantic Monthly American Mercury and others These maga zines are an indication of the in terest and thinking of the general public they show that this prob iem is one which is troubling peo pie through the whole range of our society New Problem Our subject is an Appetan or Jo can MhWiM ominousor ynmmm tbemwny Further Discussion Regarding Bible Revised VeiSion liming in 1962 To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir following my letter about the which you so kindly two Bibflm to bored foilsy published would like fenalve at socialgaiherinz where drinking is done believe this cmild be done with half the ingcn may the liquor trade has shown in maxim drinking the thing someone says that this is poor compromise of goal then re jply that it is possible goal and lion feel that part ofthe solution rests with tmpennce leadership leader of the tanpcranoe for be the oil thinking if the persist in seeing the present titration not as really is but they would like it to by wiihyinnlorities just waiting foribopportunlty to vote beer parlors put of existence ith church members ready and in eed eager tosign stacks of pledges if they pmpme measure and pro grams which are lauded by the few and anathema to the many they will not indeed they do not avoid the risk of discrediiing in the eyes of many the very cause they would advance prn the other hand the temp erance cause is headed by respon sible and informed people who will see the temperance issue as it has developed who will face the entirely new situation as it has developed who will see the facts as they are and offer meas not all the guests present will drinkJ urcs appropriate to them then they will not full to awaken the public conscience nor lack supporters ThB means that new goals must be set and new techniques found Education has always been stress My next point is that this prob ed out feel its content should lem is new problem Becausexbe changed and its scope enlarged the problem has changed many Soffg people thinking about it have be an temperance people of this province conscious groups have spoken with less of the danger of tuberculosis come muddled and clear voice and many things spok en in the cause of temperanceare less convincing to the people who and what hear them Let me explain this change which reasonable and 10 time ago the public health riiies set out to make the in comparatively short time they reached everyone with their story is more convinced al most everybody so factual and is making the liQuor problem presentation There are some as new problem Before prohibition the problem was simple and the solution wassame way and from their very During 1951 clear Liquor was an evil to drink nature could win from the public pects of the problem of alcohol which could be publicized in the was sin and the solution was to an agreement as general as the This clear and simple reading of and manufacture tuberculosis campaign Temperance has made bad blun the problem prevailed among tem ders with law but laws have been perance people from the beginning and can 5be passed which would 1811 for example when com have the great bulk of public mince urged some churches to ban opinion behind them The laws the use of liquor at their gather ings unifiwit was worked out its ultimate conclusion in the pass faction of helping the less fortunate runs mg of the laws of national prohib ition in Canada and the United Since prohibition the problem very complex Here are some of the main reasons why it has be some so do not like to say say now But tell you these things not as opinions mine or anyone elses but as obvious facts of the situation Many people honestly feel that in this matter of drinking or not drinking the question is not lied once for all by divine flat There is no clear Thus saith the that held the dagger has struck it into the In 19 Bible back of its neighbor lranklln Roosevelt OPINIONS OF OTHERS lnaiionReaI Villain monk Bay Nuns them who oppose drunkenness stigmatized as sin there is no doubt on that point but on the of moderate drinking the Blbe is ambiguous That means that as far as Biblical teaching is concerned the total abstainer and the moderate drink er can argue to draw but not to lconclimion The second thing ibat haematite this old problem new and com Wham Wm plex is the YaleScbool ofStudies higher freight rates on the mag Alcohol This school as you that any increase will addito the already high mtpmbably know was under ofqivmg Yet amome ream0 the wing as it were of Yale Urii4 530 um reveal vanity and certain church groups of that is being levelled at them particu larly to western Canada were it not that circum stamesmadcraieinctearenimperafiveifthe rail ways are to survive without becoming charge upon the Canadian Wyeth Nor for matter would responsible public tnbunalsucnasiheoardofamort emwmwmmoemmnmm ofCanadaintberalmofrailwayfrcigbtrates disposedtovmwsmpdbelialiyfherequestofibe muwaysmmmmraMwasitmtiheirfirm that the railways would 1y invite the barrage lot alcoholfrom as scientic point narcoticandnocrstim toinvestigate the whole problm of View Its ndings as published from time to time are widely read and have had enormous inuence The Yale Studies have corrobor ated some of the things temperance They say thatalo thought But their findings include other which upset some 101 the id They state 2in limited sense alcoholis does not shorten life it the germ cells it scem to cause cirrhosis it H130 it which concern drinking and drlv are case in point believe very strong case could bepre sented against advertising though have never seen the case against it presented in way that would convince the general public Here simple INS again it is matter of education but of the general public not of any temperance minority group believe it possible to mould pubiic opinion so that the non drinker would not feel on the de Christian you have do idea what boon it would be to litany young couples remnu Action This is one problem which can never be solved apart from per sonal action Here are some im mediate practical suggestions Some of you who hear me today do not drink do of need to say anything to you on this point Some of you do shall not challenge your position but this will suggest Let me put it this way occasionally am present at gatherings where liquor is served and invariably receive the most coulieous consideration from those whodrink and serve They are most careful not to make me feel outofplac or person of odd habits am accepted with per fect hospitality What suggest to you that you give this per fect hospitality to all nondrinkers This action in itself would have an inculculoble inuence Some of you sometimes have the arrangement of dinner for off ice factory or club See that the serving arrangements assume that it is not fair that the assumption should bewhoily the other way Some of you are young people You would just as soon not drink as drink You have no desire to form the habit you cannot really afford it for you are paying for your modest home which cost you live gures You are perfectly sure of yourself yet you would just as soon not incur the risks involved But sometimes social pressure makes it lot simpler to conform To you say take straight look at this bogey social conformity remember that one perfect exam gical W85 thelr ple of it is ocK of sheep on the my Church 35 PmI way to the butcher Be yourself Dont be afraid to stand alone sometimes It isrthus men grow T= Grace Gospel Hall gt 37 Mary St Barrie 945 mmSUNDAY scnOOL use nmBREAKING OF boson 700 pmGOSPEL MEETING Speaker AITKEN Shelburne =70nt Wed 800 pm PRAYER SERVICE Stiran simm LOYAI mus Hiousmrr BLUE HALL smells ISUNDAYDMORNING SERVICES 11 noon SUNDAY SCHOOL cm ALL wotounces scumbag common AREWELCOME If limeThe Adult Bible Class iplutuvrnuvo wonsniri to dW one no mu meal03mm mime Massaging ch oer Of IMQUW 33 more than Vim there were manufactured Eleam er when and it Will in their diet According to fear meet The WW mgnatnrc and women their up tinned in verse one are flour and 3th more could not be oil mined weather the was this for an examine of v1 paste butter or new changeomadd in the latest mi incited the result would be take would we not be justified ibiseult or broslt3 concluding that most if not all in Webster Difom the allthth are towards infer used ind nilbald 49m ioriiy rather than impmvemcnl dim email is to feed 10 ft is even claimed by some of nourish and Sto calf The 6111 leading religious writers that meaning giyen is food in general new text taken as whole contra sanylhing eaten for nourishment diets one or more of the sac ielther by man or beast it is thciholy ind necessary fundamur name of offerings where portionag the Christian faith This seem either animal or vegetable is seti ito be the gravest danger of all aside to be food for the Leviticle Thanking you remain priests Yours sincerely Therefore meat is the most ERNEST STOKES CRAWFORD co Est 1919 Members The Toronto StockExchonge 91 Dunlop Shut Barrie Telephone Day 2443 Evening 2388 BOARD ROOM FAClLiTIES Cr DIRECT WlRE The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worship SR MAJOR MILLS Commanding Officer LT WOOD Assistant BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH REV EUGENE BEECH BA Minister Mll HAROLD DEMPSEY Organist SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1952 11 amHOLINESS MEETING 11 amBEGINNERS pm ASSIEXgafgLnggNG DEPARTMENT 11 mm Armlstice Sunday Service Subject Let us Walk in the Light of the Lord pmChrisiian Missions and the rising tide of Nationalism fireside hour for the congrega tion will follow the evening service All Welcome Holly Sunday School pm SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1952 945 armSUNDAY SCHOOL TRINITY CHURCH Rev dernncmn WRIGHT Rector REMEMBRANCE DAY amllOLY COMMUNION 10 rumSUNDAY SCHOOL ii amMoinvmd roams Subject Lest We Forgot pmEvensong and Sermon Auworm invitation is tended to Preacher for the day THE BECTOR Road Presbyterian Church REV mum on THE CHURCH SCHOOL Minister 9453mr1unior1nlermediate and mirmuhnronnn Senior Depts Organist ll amNursery Beginners and Primary Departments Fromj Collier Sf United Church REV LEWIS MA no Minister LLOYD TUFFORD Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1952 Remembrance DayServiccs Ill turnMORNING SERVICE IThe Torch We Still Must Carry SUNDAY NOVEMBER 91952 amChuroh School nam Nursery Classes Pre School Age 11 ismTho God of wound The Prince of Peace impService Broadcast CKBD 815 pmTYoung Peoples Meeting pmEVENING SERVICE Their Name Liveth For Evermore 815YPU FIRESIDE laud Collier Sf Baptist Church Independent omrcm1 um SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1952 945 tunBIBLE sonoor 11 rumMORNING wonsnlr putEVENING woosuie REV LUCK BA BD Minister MISS CLOUGHLEY Organist SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1952 SUNDAY SCHOOL 950 am 11 amllforning Worship painEvening Worship one FRIENDLY CHURCH VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOME may JAMES FERGDSON BSA Minister MR MAURICE BAKER Organist and Choirmaster enlrol United Church Minisicrgr Organist and Choirmaster WARREN LMocIEAN SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1952 toss dineSundayjswool 1i aimBeebibersnnd SUNDAYNOVE1VEDBER 1952 smREMEMRANCE SERVICE The Minister at both sewices mum amendment 1215spmoung Tobpiecnibld Close snowizjiienewimo zcnuroh FIRSTBAPTIST CHURCH 12A BEWELL BAN

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