HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN CARRIE Perfection lodp fall Assorbly WEDNESDAY NOVEM BER l952 Days Starting Tonight Wed MEIER Swms itYlRS NEW YORK lRlP CONTINUOUS SHOWS SAT 230 p111 MGMs DAZZLING TECHNICOLOR MUSlCAL HlT COMES TO YOU 650 pm NO ADVANCE IN PRICES MOVERS FOX NEWS Fun Filled Days Starting Monday YOULL POP YOUR BUTTONS AND BUST YOUR BOWS WHEN YOU SEE THIS LAUGH SHOW EVE SHOWS START AT 650 and pm SORRY NO SNOW NEXT WED NOV 12 BECAUSE OF COMMUNITY CONCERT PERFORMANCE SON OF PALEFACE CONTINUES THUR FRI SAT BOB JANE ROY Ki AND iii roe AND JANE llll INS SONG AND LAUGH TRAILWITH cor ROGERS AND TRIGGER CARTOON omen SHORT SUBJECTS SPECIAL MATINEE TUESDAY 230 pm OVKT 200 omnibus and candi dates gathrrcii at banquet on le remind day if the Fall Assembly ot rhc alley Oi Barrie $Oltlsh Ritr Masonry 111 St Andrews Church llecimc mum turkey dinner with all the iirimmings was served by the Wou Lmans Associatzon lll Bro Dr 316 2D Shannon TPGM presrdcd untilI lcallcd for the was to the QuceIIp EFoliowing this Ill Bro Rev IVcals proposed toast to Scil promo Council would have felt more it horn pruposmg toast to thc Grand Master of Ontario as he land went to the same school he lsiaicd Ho outlined the growth land size of 11m Scottish Rite Order by sizzling there were 5294 mem hch in Canada and 54 per cent of lihcsc were In Ontario 8200 DIGSOYIN With the 14th DC lgrcc in Canada There were n1 Bro Dr ll Graham 33 Ciccmorw replied There ibecn many changes during the past lyuar in Supreme Council he stated land advised that Mr McLeod Pitts iwas now the Most Sovereign Grand have lConunandcr would like to tell the candidates they limo iuincd very high order and ishould endeavor to bring in more members to upr Valley chairman of the music committee Ill Bro Chili Murray of To ronto Salvation Army who had on force the Scottish Rite in Barrie Valliy was colicii on to propose the toast to the czindidutcs Years ago VllCll decided to join the Salvation Army my old grandfather told Inc was leaving soft ship to climb on raft have been there cvdI since The candidates are to bclcongratulntcd for the zeal they haile shown for learning how much has come to them The steps already taken in Masonry have inspired you with knowledge that will pass on1 through to your natioxial life and the value will be ever abparcnt Frank lioycs of Baric replied for the class of 35 it is pious ure to have this assignment he said to reply to the kurevercnd gentleman making the toast We may not have received any Itangible benefit from our associations yet but we go out with something worth much more to our 1i c5 and our way of living Ernest Burton played cello in strumental solo accompanied by Mr Tufford The Junior Warden rm strong reported that although the ladies had asked not to be includ ed in the toasts they appremftcd the fact that the members had en joyed their dinner The members adjourned to the lodge room where the Milk of the Assembly was completed With th degree of Peiiectionf ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY WARN ER BROS THRI LLSWEPT TROPICAL SOUTH SEA ADVENTURE HIT llIo m1 til then on the ship celled COMM scum SEIs IITEIIIIIIIE stolen fortune vaged from the mummied pursuit through hidden catacombs forbidden treasure fOrbiddewps ADDED ACTION HIT QT uwwwwx 5IchTINuOqusnow SAT 7230 pJnI 77 summonTorrun THE HAPPIESTPICTURETHAT EVERLlTlJBBRQAPWAY7 31 MATINEEMOMNO Wharton RAPPER on youf ngjghp he live scar Fire Alarm Starts Halloween Off Siayner Parades STAYNERIlalloween was cel ebrated in ery way here Oct 31 The fire siren went at 645 and some thought pranksters had turned in false alarm Others thought someone planning gala night would have things in re verse but the goblins had their frights and frolics have at this TIIL brethren were favored with solo by Miss Catherine Bartlett accunipuniui by Lloyd Iulford 18 ELDON McKEVER 45 Shirley Avenue Barrie the lucky winner of Barrie Flyers trip to New York for two is seen here being handed his tickets by Charles Christie presi dent of the club Other Winn ers were Herman Jennctt Ivy mans suit valued $60 by Cliff Brown Ltd George Simp son Shanty Bay Krochler ch air valued $50 by Smith Furniture Mrs Gordon Roach 101 Clapperton Street Mc Brine Luggage valued $35 by Harry Twiss the Presto lighter draw regular featur by Joseph Harmonic Jr Barrie is Flyers supporter of long Copaco Agencies Established Now In Venezuela The First Cooperativc Packers of Ontario Limited for years have been exporting beef and pork pro ducts from their Barrie plant to the variousports throughout the world some of their better trading centres being located in the West Indies Trinidad and British Gui arm The hope of maintaining and strengthening trade rrelationswwith these countries prompted the re cent trip of James Simpson As sistant Manager of Copaco to visit the companys agents in these con tres gram re was out of control at the south side of town and was burning some stumps and rails Wth sp ung up at dark several build ings would be in danger if the fire was not controlled the strong windsr which The wail of the re siren the sight of the dancing flames and strong moaning wind made per fect start for the teenagers and the childrens party that followed With the Stayner Band in the lad big parade left the CNR Park for the Recreation Centre where judging of costumes dis tribution of candy cider and doughnuts tookrplace along with dance for the teenagers and adults Vandalism and other destruction was almost nil with only few pranks reported SPECIAL iDANcev SHIT DANE Dancing every Venezuela Here JAMES snuTSON Like7 so many other sterling area countries the British West Indies is suffering from an acute dollar shortage and until there is an easing of these restrictions Cana dian trade is limited The Caribbean countries are an excellent market for Canadian pro ducts which are highly regarded but unfortunately are not readily BVOilable under the present trade arrangements However there is every hope these restrictions will be eased in the very near future With this in mind Copaco will make every effort to increase their distribution of pioducts from Bar rie During the trip few days were spent in Caracasrthe Capital of you find the monetary situation completely re versed as Venezuela is one ofthe worlds wealthieSt nations and one republic obtains its wealth mainly from oil andmining ThefirstpoSCOice in the United States was estabilsbewinBoston In Thepotential prosperity and pro grass Of Venezuela practically Among the newcomers to at all home games was won The winner in each case standing ANGU Fine New Choir Voice the village Angus United Church choir especially welcomes Mrs Taylor whose lovely voice w1li be an in spiration to all who attend the ser v1ccs Mr and Mrs Knight London and Mr and Mrs Hammond Montreal visited Mr and Mrs Hammond Deepest sympathy is extended to iMrs Dean in the death of her lsister Linton is visiting Mr and Mrs Linton since returning from Calgary where he was harvesting Weatern Vlsitors Frank and Howard Stribbell of Saskatchewan attended the funeral of their dear sister Mrs Coombs at Hamilton on Thursday They visited relatives friends and neigh bors at Angus on Saturday Mr andMrs Thomas Stribbell Detroit attended the funeral of Mrs Coombs Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton spent Saturday in Collingwood Mrs Coulson is spending few days in Allandale with Mr and Mrs George Coulson Mrs Jessie OConnor and Mrs Brennan Allandale speht week in Hamilton with Coombs Agnumber of people of Angus attended the funeral of Mrs Coombs at Hamilton on Thursday 2Lt Partridge Valcartier Quebec is visiting his wife and Mr and Mrs Linton Seventh Birthday Johnuyf Duckworth eldest son of Mr and Mrs Duckworth celebrated his seventh birthday on Nov and entertained his play mates to birthday party United WA are holdinga bazaar afternoon tea and bake sale inthe church basement on Wednesday Nov Everyone welcome Come and bring neighbor Mr and Mrs Churchill Barrie spent Friday evening with Mr and Mrs Taylor guarantees that it will be one Of Canadafs leading customers in the very near future Copaco formany years has been exporting to theiragents in Jani aica Barbados Trinidad and Brit ish Guiana and has now taken further step and established agents in Venezuela Chi Carrie Esta NORMAN ARCHER ONOGHN ncluu MINham FIRST BARRIE SHOWlNGS unis ouvrr Curwoods nODchioI 351ka Kill NIGHT PRICES ADULTSAOc CHILDREN CONTINUOUS snow sarunnav are Barrie Telephone Service Outgrows flue percent of their group Telephone growth with Barries steady recentyearsandiie4 telephones here now exceeds by In conformity with regulations of the Board of Transport Com missioners for Canada the Bell Telephone Company has reported that Barrie has outgrown its present rate group Accordingly the com pany has recommendedithat it be reclassified into the next higher group If approved by the board the re groupmg would mean increases in local telephone rates to make them the same as those now paid in other centres of similar size Gar rick Bell Manager here explained Tolcmone rates for any exchange are governed by the number of telee phones in itsllocal calling area as established by the board on the principle that the service increases in value as the number of tele phones within tbe local service area increases The company is re quired to report to the board twice yearly the status of exchanges whose total telephones have in creasedor decreasedmicro than TOPCOATSI WITIIzmintrnmo $3600 $4950 more than five per cent the limits of its present group The following table provides eati amples of the rates for typical classes of service in Barriea pres Present New Res Service Group OWE Individual Line $i65 $390 2Porty Linc 295 310 Rural Line 285 295 Business Service Individual Line 740 2Party Line 805 Rural Linc 435 Mrs Dorian Parker entertain ed at her home 36 Memos St Bum several fellow members of Glens diesl SOBtball champions The ev gressive euchre after Which de hostess $5959 STATION cons S2450 $3250 sun COATS $1951s215IISSsSr w1I1= H10DD The District of the few countries ireeof exter if nal debt This progressive little takes pleasure in announcingithe is 1Newpairwiselt ent andnew rate groups ENTERTAINS mansam Aces Barrie and District 1952 Les ening was spent in playingpros lightful lunch was served the