Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Oct 1952, p. 12

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an group got Mtn together under one roof is the question we unuulmted stuff inantms were akin each other at The Examiner Social Club party on Motility evening Anybody who cant play at least three musical instruments and sing song as wet is not rated as true artiste in total newspaper circles any more With Mrs Howard Dyrncnts home at our disposal lovely food and square dances and reels we have to admit nevertheless that the stars of the evening who really gave our Square Dance on air were the Cough Twinkand were lucky enough to be able to claim one of the versatile sisters as mcmbcr 9f the Office staff Marlin tshcs The Examiner out and Sits to the right on tho plillloi web so that you can tell her from Eu sister and even then Storey claimed the night of the party that hcrcouldntl just plays the piano accordion and the guitar and sings as for as we know but her twin tvas whole orchestra in herself Monday night Margaret played the piano the fiddle called off squares at rm expert pace and acl companicd herself and her sister at the piano for their vocal ducts for which theyre famed throughout the countryside With all this Gough talent ut our disposal as well as WKW at the piano and he offered to go home for his cornctl Alfred Early Bird Shepherd on the sax Louise Shan hon shyly Offering to play mouth organ duct with Herm Tomlinson and admitting that she docs play the guitar as well as the piano our hostess herself joining in at the PILOLWE SHAMPOO Cor Dunlap rowonri 10300 WAlHHERMOSlAT ZI It the exact degree of heat you want The QUAKERSZIOT giant your home at that con Itant warmth is 3110 OIL Hill No else like it The 3210heqts Derv tly 011313 cu manywea er $11101 dues it unm ETROI automatically delivers the rightamouiitottpr to theJimner for maximum risinokeafreesqothee calm in Let us show you giltthat the QUAKEB twain form lathe Lsavest Why dollars in of that have bee soldtlan 0I gt to see naturism NORWICH would r4 fl17 xsag ANDERSON murmur MANAGER TELEPHONE 4160 Ito SMOKE keyboard calling squares and reels on the side and Tony Fehrenbach who is too new staff member to nicknamealthough that situation shouldnt continue for long teach in us all how to swing our part nerswe claim were the only bus iness in town that needs musi cians union flux for mission school in British Guiana was the prolcct which inspired the Goodwill Mis sion Band of St Andrews Church to hold its first autumn tea and thc tea was such success that the group is hoping to moire it an an nual event Lost your study book was on South America and the mission bond decided to buy Un ion Jack for the rriission school in British Guiana taught by Rev and Mrs Andrew and her two children have since returned to Barrie to make their nussionory home here and the teacher is now on the staff of Holly School but the flag bought by the St Andrews children was flying on her school when she left South America The Flag Tea at which the younger mission band members Mrs Andrew is Married in lgndon England sold small replicas of the Union Jack raised more than money to py for the flag proceeds werx $103 netting the group $38 The Womens Mission ary Society also shared in the ten holding bake sale for the cx pensc fund enough Pouring tea at table centred with three wooden bowls of nu tumn fruits gmpes pours apples peppers etc were Mrs William Gates Miss Jessie Hunter Mrs Ed mund Hardy and Mrs George Brown Mrs MucLarcn lead or of the Mission Band and Mrs John McCaw president of the spon soring WMS received at the door with the ministers wife Mrs James Ferguson Mrs Alex Cowan was in charge of the kitchen and Older girls of the Mission Band served Boys of the Mission Band acted as ushers during the tea hour from three to six oclock Rushing the season by few days members of the 135111 Battery held masquerade party in the Sergeants Mess at the Armoury on Friday evening Attended by about 80 battery officers and men with their wich and guests the mas querade was given seasonal Hnl loween touch with orange and black decorations and guests in fine array of costumes The best cpstumcd battery member was Vern Hook who came dressed as an old flowermlady and Hayfield Barrie rl NORWICH UNION VVBIG FURNACE PERFORMANCE at fruition of the test ross Jack Ciuch won it second prize for his Cavalier costume Everybody was in costume including the officur in command of the battery Major Clark and Mrs Clark Dancing was to the rnusicvol thrccpiccc Orchestru made tip of Wally Perkins Mac McBride and Bob Powell and buffet supper was served late in the evening Pori Severn Pair Married 68 Years Enioy Good Health Mr and Mrs Edward Brisscttc Port Severn although 68 years married on Oct 29 still enjoy good health for their years They are very well known and held in high esteem in this district having rc sidcd here since childhood Mr Brisscttc born 86 years ago at Pcnctanguishenc clinic to Port Severn at the age of 12 and be came lumber juck two years later After many years in timber work he became assistant lock mastcr retiring after 13 years in the position Mrs Brissettc was born at Stur geon Bay and was the former Her min Bonneville There is an unusually large fam ily connection with seven daugh ters four sons overt10 grandchil dren more than 100 greatgrand children and several greatgreat grandchildren living mostly in the areafrom Pcnetang to Port Sev crn EDGAR Mr and Mrs Bidweil Mr and Mrs Hutchinson and children were in Toronto on Thursday at tending the funeral of Mrs Baines Cooke and Mr Reynolds TO ronto spent day this week at Cookes Sympathy of the community is extended to Spence in the loss of his brother George Funeral services were held on Monday Gen 20 at Midhurst Mr ondiMis Bartley Toronto visited at HutchinsOns during the weekend Mr and Mrs Ockenden and Dennis of Toronto spentlSunday at Strachans Mrs Porter of Barrie visited Mrs Shelswell this week Hayes and Hutchinson re turned Sunday after spending two months in the West TRY EXAMINER AWANTV All PHONE 2414 Clair who also said the nuptial SEVERAL VISITORS from Canada were among the guests at wedding in the Kensington Registry Office Kenslngton London England in the middle of October when Miss Helen Jean Rugman daughter of Mr and Mrs George Rugman of Shanty Bay was married to Corporal John Thompson for merly with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps School at Camp Borden son of Mr and Mrs Thompson of Wood stock The bride and groom with their attendants and guests are pictured after the wedding In the front row frOm left to right are Sergeant Joseph Dowllng 0f Sudbury groomsman Corporal and Mrs Thompson and Miss Edith Little of Barrie the brides attendant In the back row left to right are Ser geant Archie Coates of London formerly of Camp Borden Constable Jack Ratcliff Mrs Jack Ratclif and Miss Maxine Woss of Midland WEEEINCS cream to rust and falling in points at the hemline Hcr headdress was of matching net and she was carry ing bouquet of cream mums and ivy Miss Joanna quusolcf Barrie sister qf the bride andMiss Jose phine DAmbrosio of Barrie were bridesmaids gowned in identical anklelength dresses of nylon net in shades of mauve and periwinkle blue Their hcaddresscs ofblack orchid velvet matched their ribbon sashes and they were wearing jacketsand mittens Of the same material as their gowns Their flowers were white mums shading to yellow in the centre against English ivy Patrick McGrath of Barrie was groomsman and the ushers were Wallace Kenyon of Barrie and Mario Giacomelli of Hamilton reception followed at Clans mansLLodge Big Bay Point where Miss Grace Caruso sister of the bride of Barrie received in grey antique taffeta with velvet trim wearing corsage of gardenias The grooms aunt Miss Ethel Cor coran of Orillia who also received yvas in navy crepe and was wear ing corsage of gardenias CorcorariCaruso NUpiials are Held At St liryysyif St Marys Romzin Catholic Church Barrie was the setting for an autumn wedding on Monday October 13 1952 at ten oclock in the morning whenMiSSJ9aonett Girolma Caruso daughter of An thony Caruso of Barrie and the late Mrs Caruso was arried to Ed ward Maurice Corc ran of Toronto son of the late Mr and Mrs Ed ward Corcoran of Orillia The marriage ceremony was performed by the Very Rev Dean James mass Miss Margaret McKinnon the church organist played the wed ding music and accompanied St Marys Childrens Choir Miss Anne Murphy Of Barrie was soloist Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing gown of white chantilly lace and nylon net over ivory satin the long bodice of lace styled with long tight sleeves coming to points over her hands The bouffant skirt of nylon net had pleated insets bordered with the lace and headdress of handclipped lace roses in stiffen ed crown effect held her three quarter length veil Of sheer illusion net The brides bouquetwas all white with bouvardia mingled with stephanotis and gardenias against maidenhair fern The maid of honor Miss Clair saint Jacques of Ottawa was rgowned in nylon net overtaffeta the net varying in shade from You CAN WIN NOTHING TO Burrs ENTER TODAYl rEiErrror ELEchlC GEO TheiesahautuuirnwcnnON Electrio crocktorevery jroom in the house 00 Ilurryl new Furtherintmton AaMutAhisavonderni fut weenie artm Webbs Joyollery commas or For her wedding trip to Limber Ottawa Torontogndlflamilton IverSwitched to Bordens xEvapoIalodllllilklMy if thallolbll Dont let old shopping habits make you miss the truefounilk Evaporgtchiikl hf hl exrtimc on she reac or can Willi Elsie on ll figd out what adtfcr 9MB there can be in evaporated mil WhereVetyOuuseovaporatodmilk gt coiledon cerealsin cooking Layout taste the improvement that Borden true twmilk flavor makes EvaporatOdMilk and October mm in St Johns Angli Emiiy Rnwn daughter of Mr and Of John Nevill and the late Mrs headdress was studded with thin well as the veil which dilated to the fingertip The bride curried crude bouquet of red roots he bridesmaid Miss Ellen Walsh sister of the groom urn in pink not over satin Her gown Nuptials Of Wide interest are Held in Moose Jaw Min Helen Bernice Coates dau ghter at Mn Fm Comes of Moose featured brocsdcd bolero and xhel Jaw Saskatchewan formerly or was wearinrt elbowlenzth cloves Barrie was married on Saturday and bandwu of pink brocaded net She carried cascade bouquet of doisy mums Groomsmen was Sign Coates can Church at Moose Jaw to Wal ter John Walsh son of Walk Walsh of New Westminster form cousin of the bride and the ush crly of Caron Saskatchewan my ers were James Patterson and vest decorations and tall standards Jam GUM mums formed the setting for Darby mulling was me OrtiamSlt the late afternoon wedding cere and M355 Mice Shepherd 53D Ill mony which was perfbmied by walk 363MB YOUA Ven Archdeacon Williams DD recepllon if 45 guests was The bride was given in ntarriagc mm in We Cupid R001 the by her pride Robert Johnmn of Montcrey Cafe where the brides Barrie and was wearing gown or mother received in grey dress nylon net ovor satin fashioned with mmmei Wllh While and blaCk net yoke trimmed with lace and grey ha and While glOVBS 37 scattered rhinestones Lily point Corsage W35 01 red 3569 sleeves were afashion feature of For her wedding trip 30 N3 the gown Her negfovefed crown Westminster British Columbia the bride donned an ice blue wool jer sey dress with black and white accessories and block shortic coat corsage of red roses comple mented her attire Mr and Mrs Walsh will be making their home in New Westminster Saskatche wan Outoftown guests at the wcd ding included Mrs Robert Johnson of Barrie and others from Spirit Mrs Christopher Rawn of New Albq Cam 38M LOvvcll to John William Nevillson an Catherine IRawn Becomes Bride of John Nevill The marriage of Miss Catherine gmw Nevill of New Lowell took place on Saturday October 18 1952 at twothirty oclock in the afternoon Kiwanis Ladies in the United Missionary Church at Learn New Duties New Lowell The ceremony was performed by the Rev Shepherd Mrs Arnold played the wcd ding music and accompanied the 50101 Miss Milly Mlllmp the timely topic of an address given Given in marriage by her father by Miss Mildred Meredith to the the bride was wearing gown of members of theWomcns Auxiliary whitc satin styled with lace to the Kiwanis Club of Barrie at bodice and seed pearls around the their regular meeting on Thursday neckline Her veil wasfingertip evening in Community House and she was wearing string of She acquainted her listeners with pearls and carrying bouquet the facts of circumstances of the ltd FOSCS new jury service for women which The maid of honor Miss Mildred came into effect in Ontario with Grant of New Lowell was gowned the amendment ofJan 1952 out in blue nylon with net and lace and lining jurors qualifications and was carrying bouquet of pink duties carnations The bridesmaid Miss Appearing attheKiwanis meet Lorrainc Brandow of St Thomas ing through the Ontario board of was wearing gown of lime green the Canadian Federation of Bus nylon with net and was carrying iness and Professional Womens bouquet of pink carnations and thc Clubs the speaker was introduced Jury Service For Women was flower girls Miss Bernice Rawn by Mrs Frank Perkins and thank zmd Miss Sheila Rawn of New ed by Mrs Felt for her in Lowell sisters of the bride were tcresting and educational talk gowned in pink satin and were Trial by jury does not owe its carrying bouquets of carnations existence toany positive law It All the attendants wore veils to is notthe creature 0f any act of match their gowns parliament It zirosc silently and Sherman Rawn of New Lowell gradually out of the usages of was groomsman and Jack Brarow state of society Authorities argue of St Thomas acted as usher as to its Actual origin but the most reception follovved in the New probabletheory that it is partly Lowell Hall where sta Rawn modificatiOn of the Grand A54 mother of the bride rcceivcd in Size established IbY Henry and grey stilt wearing black acces partly ailimitation of the feudal series courts erected in Palestine by the Later the bride and groom left Ccttsaders on an wedding trip to the United Althoughiisorigin will never thts and Sodtliigx points the be POSltivlyembliShed trial by bride travelling in navy suit with jury has develqud through the matching shoes purse hat and years and is1fundamental to our gloves On their return Mr and system of idsticeand democracy Mrs Nevill will bemakiing their It stands for thetfrights of the man homoign the farm of the grooms father Outoftown guests at the wed ding were Mr and Mrs Bran dow of St Thomas Mr and Mrs Players Of St Thomas and oth ers from Heathcote Newmatket Aylmer Flint Michigan Toronto and Barrie lost Lodge Algonquin Park the bride chose suitfofxnavy wool with matching short cape lined with navy ondgyhite striped tatr feta Her accessories were navy and she was wearing corsage of gardenias On their return Mr and Mrs Corcoran are making their home in Toronto Outoftownguests at the wed ding vvere from North Bay Arn prior Brampton Oakville Onillia avor Of Bordens ust tryBorden see for yourself achance to combine the with the best in dryolean ing for Nutclothes Theres winner drawn every day Monday through Friday inthcstreettobetriednaby bix wigs but by other men in the street The recent amendment permits any woman win is served with summons for jury service and does not wish to serve to notify the sheriff in writing within three days that she claims exemption for zporiod of one year This really puts jury service forwomen on voluntary basis which is funda mentally wrong Many of us be lieve that woman should not Do Sexertipt from yury service without just cause it is our hope that every woman except the mothers uf small children will answer that ljury summons when it comes in her talk Miss Meredith at tacked several statutoryexemp lions now in effect stating that she felt all of the exemptions rshould be repealed with the excep tion of age where there is infirm ity some active branches of gov ernment service and persons who have been convicted of treason perjury or felony Every citizen every man or woman if called ishould be prepared to giVe week or his life to that form of democ racy called jUry service Shc outlined in detail the pro cedure of choosing jury panels and the great deal of time and effort lthat goes into picking those best able to perform jurors duties by dint of their integrity of char acter extent of education etc constitution was adopted by the Womens Auxiliary to the Ki wanis Club at the meeting The constitution was drawn up by committcc convened by Mrs Parsons and brought in to the cltrb lwho accepted it as read with one amendment Thcre were 33 members present and after roll call and the minutes the treasurer reported that $17150 had been made at the tea held in September at Mrs Rodgers home Correspondencc included thank you notes from members for flowers letter of thanks from the Salvation Army for donation made by the Auxiliary during their Red Shield appeal and letter from the Kiwanis Club thanking the ladies for their assistance with the recent chest Xray clinic The Barrie District Collegiate Institute Board secretary Felt and the school principal Bowman wrote expressing deep of the school to the Auxiliary in offering an annual award of $2500 to the student in Grade XII who obtains the highest standing in French and Latin Announcement of change in the annual bridge was made by the president Each member was ask ed to have one table of bridge in her own ho some time before the middle of November when the draw for prizes would be made Refreshnyents were served after the meetingwas adjourned BARE NEWFOUNDLAND STAMP very rare own cover valued at $7000 from the unsuccessful attempt to the Atlantic from Newfoundland in Martynside ma chine in 1919 is amongompilec tion of airmail stamps and flown covers prints pictures works of art and books presently on exhibi tion at Londons Science Museum South Kensingto Thisis what youth Have our driver can at your heme for an order ininir dry cleaning to one of our depots and you areauto frantically eligible to win six pilund chickemllere is best infood for your table so bringin your clothes ZWINNERS 9mg in surgery Thompson St

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