Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1952, p. 8

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Nations Day the people of Barrie like their and sisters throughout Canada and in all the freedomlovmg nations of the world should mo little time at least thinking of more of the things which have gone to the establishment of the organization whose founding is remembered on this the twenty lourth day of October United Nations Day At this moment in the bitter conflict which is Korea and in those other parts of the world where bitterness unrest and social upheaval prevail the United Nations is cog mount of the tremendous task with which it has been faced to formulate some basis on which the future and lasting peace of an al ready warravaged world can be securely es tablished It is no light undertaking Already many people who have watched the UN become the clearinghouse for international difficul ties which appear at times to be insurmount able feel that the fundamental ideals of the United Nations Organization are doomed to fate similar to that which attended the relatively shortlived existence of the Lea gue of Nations The UN however differs from the League of Nations in that the great powers have membership as well as theynajorlty of small nations America never joined the League of Natiohs and Russia was member for only short time If there is to be common understanding of the worlds problems our basic step must surely be the establishment of some organ ization and meetingplace where these pro blems can be discussed and analyzed This we have in the UN but do not let us run away with the idea that its formation should automatically have led to the abolition of war Such an erroneous idea might be the reason why certain people have lost any belief they ever had in this world group If faith in any ideal or conviction dwindles it is regrettable Were we to lose our hope in the United Na tion which after all is probably the one in tegrated bulwark our Civilization has against the frightening possibility of another world war we would be failing in our duty to help preserve thepeace Iveryititle of this organizatioln the Un ited Nations symbolizes the hope of the mem berocountries that they can join together as one and stem the advance of aggression of any type Only by common understanding and an acknowledgment of the dangers and hardships of war can we nape to be strong There is no doubt that the United Nations in itspresentiormhas its weaknesses and faults but there is no one more conscious of these failings than those people who re present the countries bound together by this organization Such weaknesses and faults are tr live The difficulties of establishing lasting countless and it can only be the strongest in heart who can goforward along the road of hope to an ultimate destination where war can be eliminated That however should be the goal of each and every one of us If we have the courage of our convictions and that must surely mean opposingthe threat of conflict of any pype we can achieve It great deal and we bio thereby making the finest contribution ppssible to outlawing wars We will have re dined ihpt peaceand freedom are the two greeted possessions of humanity This is an appropriate time to reaffirm our belief in the strength of the greatest or ganization Which is the epitome of peace the United Nations Organization importance of Understanding 11 Various meetings which have been held inRBarrie recently olfe of the predominant themes which has interspersed the address 30 the siren haenemmpuof curlcalming the importance of Canada and of the part we as citizens must play in its lire Addressinglile Womens Canadian Club here Byrne Hope Sanders outstanding Can adian woman end cooWnerrapd directory of pileglandular Institute offyrublic Opinion mode the topic of berchrlilengiug address re Weld lutbOurFutllreiW noncommtodanwew taking the not that wellolivine 31 country that was on v11 inevitable in the type of world in which we the point should be brought sharply home No Questions Permilred Not Small to End in Gaol of his life In prison were jusLaslarge on those which UN cunnever afford tolurn nbllndeyc to any act of aggression and will be used by the UN in doci curled forces words and to stcecingihecourseofiheUr or of the most prosperous and expanding na tions of the world too much for granted Each individual she warned had to keep on working thinking and being vitally alive to everything that was going on if he or she was to become mature person Unlecs as nation and as individuals we are not alive to what is going on this proi gress is not going to continue she stated emphatically At the area convention of the Womens Institutes of Simcoe County which was held this week Mrs Purcell Fort William the provincial president urged the members to increase their understanding of the young peOple of today The Hon Walter Harris QC Minister df Citizenship and Immigration told the local branch of the Canadian Legion this week that they had to try and understand the ways of the new pe0plc who were coming to this country In world which is torn with internation al strife and misunderstanding it is import ant that before we can start along the road to recovery the men and women of all na tions must learn to understand their neigh bors To do that however we must first of all be able to understand the people with whom we live in our own communities For the wellbeing of the world it is our duty to do our utmost to live harmoniously at all times with our fellowmen International NeWs Review Continuedfrom page seven lists of people attacked livestock slaughtered and other destruction Mr Harris told the Legionnalres that the of property example which we all set for our now Can adians was matter of prime importance to the future of our country It is great rc sponsibillty and only by being good neigh bor ourselves can we live up to it Latest reports are that Mau Mail is putting the social structure of Kenya itself in jeopardy II is destroying confidence between blacks and whites in the colony Man Man is believed to repre sont relatively small section of the Kikuyu tribe which numbers about 1000000 Thloulsl intimi dation however it husenlisted Editorial Notes an unknown number of the Kiku Top prize for Canadas bestloVed husband in its activities went to man VWllO on their 10th wedding Up this mg the Kikuyus anniversary gave to his wife solemn pledge have worked closely with white to do the dishestwlce week for the next ggopllem Mfrmj 1mg 123 an an lascena eo 12months while she sat down to read the deal surprisingly swift and heavy 1339913 blows at social order in Kenya largely because of the feeling it has been able to create that the government cannot protect individ uals against its attacks The Kenya Government has passed emergency legislation and All this world needs according to The Lon don Free Press is peace harmony goodwill understanding freedom an international language more steaks bigger dollars smaller Late at Osaka Japan closed since organized Home Guard to deal with the terrorist This will now be reinforced with British troops in addition to the two battalions of Kings African Rifles already sta tioned in Kenya It is possible too that other reinforcements will be drawn from the Kings African Rifles stationed in Uganda Tan ganyika Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland CANADA Following the rst skirmishes ill preparation for general election campaign it now seems to be quite clear that the Canadian elec torate will vote on one of the Bid est and most familiar Issuestaxes Regarding this the course of Canadian politics is running along similar lines to the present clec tlon campaign in the United States The Conservative opposition party is on the offensive against present high tax rates and the Liberal gov ernment on the defensive The Canadian Government however may possibly bring in tax relief if reelected This will likely come In the next Budget before the election It seems tobc quite certain that Can adians will obtain some relief from taxes despite the outcome of the election but the question is just how great the relief will be High taxcs are regarded as one of the basic reasons for the re peated defeats of the Liberal Party in provlcjnlelectlons from New Brunswick to British Columbia Guided to certain extent by this It seems clear that no government and childrenlwilL Mould wlllingly face the people not very smartWo wind up Wilhoul 1X GUI JAPAN At the present time it seems to be fairly evident that neither the Communists nor the United Nil tions are prepared to make conlt leessions Lnecessavyr to bring the hats less talk more thought faith hope and chance to throw away the aspiring bottle warning is not enough says The Listo wel Banner concerning damage by vandals Evidently warnings are not enough to pre vent young vandals from stupidly causing da mage Just for the fun of it There have been some cases of youths throwing stones at street lamps with intent to break them and in no sense of the word is this funny and OPINIONS or OTHERS Saskatoon StarPhoenix Of one thing we are quite sure no leader of the opposition will rise to his feet in Pelping month or two home to ask the government how much it spent for travel In connection with this mission to Moscow and whether the expenditure was really justified Nor year from now will any senatorial committee on public finance express ctmcern at the cost to the Chinese people of government reprc kontation at international gatherings North Bay Nugget We disagree with the public schoolJnepecior who thinthhc notoriety of the Boyd gangwlll give chil dren the idea that crime ls Emart The headlines which told the public that Boyd will spend the rest dealt with his escapes and robberies surely realize that it is in foil Capable UN leadership North Bay Nugget if Canadas 13 Pearson who has assumed the re sponslble job of president ofihe United Notions General Assembly is providing his usual fine and capable leadership Mr Pearsons statement that the American election This can be deduced from re tth names warning and the same Communist leaders rejecting he diplomatically soyailiat udmcntmust In bowio use provided under Jilllltrlgeillont for col lective security It Is reassuring to read Mr Pearsons know that men of hlscallbrenre W09 request for resumption of armis GencralClnrk Said the Commun ists proposed nothing new in their letteg dud emphasized tbai th Mlicd command irrefused to telg minute the indenite recess estab lished on October until UN do mods for voluntary repatriationf of war prisoners was occupied or suitable alternativeproposedl While the UN command has not closed ughe door on further daemon ciidlllbbtr olden propoaall In the near future In vIr ewoy41Fridclv ro Earrio50ntarfo caudally that thePopmuniom talks ore fin fliis is the realise war if item wlllber reach outside the likelyto be 18ch even if eveni Ill mubjom vmluiliecncln sdelivered throuall Korean war to ll close prior to the cent reply by om Mark Clark their latest truce proposal and lice negotiations at Panmunjom liability that either iually ruled outrglnformed observe ors Illl Tokyobelievo Some feel evilsbeholtboucb illlllllx side in willing yet admit ublicly that gt one people claim the settlement of thexorcag omn neutralzone conference title Thin their aey Ia Drive They are of mom The Home of Friendly Worship mcr King Farouk will be ordered For 1050 shows the Canadian REV EUGENE BEECH BA SR MAJORJ ii MILLS to ma mr high treason and pop arm provides transportmmn mu Minis Commanding Officer hops for other charges commodaiion rations and nails in MR HAROID DHMngy Organist LT WOOU ASSISmm Wellknown in Ontario clergy dcnml mwmmg expense Tou SUNDAY OCIOBLR 19 clrdes them Edward Baker 82 sort If billgzywrll 132032320 SUNDAY OCTOBER 26 1952 1m liollness Ieetino $511 m5 home ms weak at 01 the Gooey ml the Canadn 945 n5UNDAY SCHOOL or Fiftytwo weapons and pieces of armor from the collection of the late William Randolph Hearst Am cricnn newspaper owner are to be added to the national collection at the nrmories ill the TOWCI of London Britain is to reopen its consul ezlrly in World War II Old hrun has been named consuhgen erak and will take up his appoint mentfoon VIIAITIIE rJ mm BQUGVieJm $50ch ficmnent centres in Japan irklluni 3055 in mid wl mid hfmgd if blld Awomrntxiation and trailsportummlm mm ldfged Sfuuuared if jmv mm mmmmcs Kama resululqevll in ii and 200 210m 315 pfmxIe tile size of the shows During the standing milly the Slouch River rib iutri wluler months each Show will be Today Manuel Weiks crop is safe Imam Illnlllcd to four entertainers bulgfrom the utalller lxwause friendsl ilhey may be slightly increased inand minim mm voluntarin Islze when boiler weather comes mm 5rgrrgjuudmg area and lit the fighting area bmugm with mom thousands of Two ambulances have been condolhlt in harvest machinery and vested into caravans Ipruvlde liolh sleeping accommoda li0n and transportation for the ex liertalners in these they will tour Ellie from giving shows wherever IhrOlgh 10 Inn 310 0103 lined lsoldiels are stationed up six combines and an equal num Connda Inlet cntrlb ltl to of trucks and two gram augem giliiigrlliaaogil The Combims wheeled mm the by plane for Japan on Nov from Vancouver week tour rulurnlng to Canada just before Christmas fund us they cave me county another troulw will llllVO from some other part uf the Empire The Smile Show and are popular weswn Canada entertainment reles makwg the trip in be Mrs Ircnc Henderson of 7765 New toll SL Mrs Verna Moore 951 Bay St 31 and Jerry Gosley of 522 Beech Legion is making up the salaries 11 am BEGINVERS Chm 03 351 me Iripp 0mm loge by takmg the DEPARTMENT SPECIAL SPEAKER 11 fun and pm The Rug Mr Kim MILBURN Church Anmyersay Alli ARE WELCOME YOUR LOCAL mum senices m1 CRAWFORD co Est1919 Members The Toronto Stock Exchange 9l Dunlap Street Barrie Telephone Day 2443 Evening 2388 BOARD ROOM FACILITIES 6r DIRECT WIRE gt QNTREAI For business or pleasure travelln comfort and style on thofast dependable Internationallimited For mm than years Ifs been the relioble allweather serving MontrealComwallBtockvlllcK ripe ew lined up in 731 wide drip and gobbled in Lle 33 Walling trucks book the gfdlii fr the combine hoppers on the Iamsng at Saves Barley Crop Concert Party by MW lets In Korea hustled the bukheianncre 39 OTTAWA Ocl 10Soldlers oil 051 BONITAA1L3W Cpl lo shelter the Commonwealth Division fightIThn 01d waggem spun helping The oldfashioned oneday opalalum The mm in in Korea now have diveraivia friend in solved harvestV fled enlalainment program an thelmg trim his 5931mm beamed lillt lo linkll the job but up 35 Ricemim rSWIMclietrict miles south of lxihlwmked no 29 than it law by the countries who compiler lhtabridga men who impaled the form divimm By this agreement eochi we um 33 friend in nallollwlllc United Kingdom Aus Us mend mdwd holds mm mm 33 New Mind and LanadawlMamlcl wen left behind lot or in turn supply concert pony orhrimh his death hem variety show which visits all ung its as well as hospitals and reini 315 13 behind OW Wu BIKES LIMITED Boy Scouts of Swastika llar ducks which are not for sale or which will neighborly Willingness while leav lng their our crops ungarncred for 1Whilt Below they Stopped Coming They will make six The Gosley group are known as BURTON AVE MW The Salyahon Army Elmer Dcnoni l228 Iiaulaln wCOILmR ST UNITED CHURCH SALVATION MEETIM 299 Elizabeth St Phone 811m conducted by Opposite Cloverleaf TY Repairs Remodelling Rev Milton Sanderson BA TRINI CHURCH Storage and Clcnnln of North Purkdalc United Church Rening Toronto kpmcmn 78mm Small repairs while you wait Specin Music by the Choir Rector Cordl invitation is extended to All liolly Sunday School and Church withdrawn for the day gummy OCTOBER 25 1953 guamn0 COMMUNION amTSUNDAY SCHOOL ll cumMorning Pmyer and SUNDAY OCTOBER 26 1952 ll tumMORNING SERVICE An Appraisal of Our Liquor Problem Broadcast CKBB come GOdS House His Day1 Essa Rood Presbyterian Church REV MUIR BA Sermon Emma nds m0 Preacher for the dav I6 SI United Church THE RECTOR REV LEWIS MA BD Minister LLOYD TUFFORD m3rw Ch rganls an oirmaster Central United Church Minister REV JI BEWELL BA Organist and Choirmasier WARRENN MacLEAN SUNDAY OCTOBER 26 1952 IdiomsSunday School ll amBeginners and Primary ll am and 7pm REV BUGDEN Orillla THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 armJunior Intermediate and Senior Depts ll MILNursery Beginners and TORONTO Primary Departments palmThe Adult Bible Class pmEVENING SERVICE 815YPU FIRESIDE Mr Tufford will give talk on the Pipe Organ All young people 15 Years and up are anlled Minisier ER FRAO KDEUTC MR MAURICE BAKER Organist and Cholrmaster sunning 26le amMORNING SERVICE pinEVENING SERVICE The Minister at Both Services 11 nanTHE CHURCH SCHOOL 1215 pmYoung Peoples Bible Class NT GEORGES panWill unit with Burton Ave United for Anniversary Service 815 pmYoung Peoples Meeting FIRSTBAPTIST CHURCH REV LUCK BA BD Minister MISS CLOUGHIEY Organist nArooroBMHEn 261952 Church or ALLAN SLAVE 0F CHRIS Mecheler ADVENTURE The FRIENDLY environ CollierSiJoptisi Church independent AL Gl minister Scum ocronun 26 1952 RECTOR Rev NewtonSmith 5WD OCTQBER 261952 WmHOLY commie ll InaMORNING mum mcveumo rkucn lIMIIEDI iv 1le ms anguish out wagmvo SWDAX OCTOBER1 1953 PN0L1 suction ru emfmule 11mm v1srmus concur Serviceman sIoronFGOn mm luxldwbearmblwnge Imgmoyerthfdwemkmlbsdk do WW meek mum theiwaylyoul amverdmded offalIlium tlmmm 111 WU virtualmlnlrembwwheroloony NIIMW ieuoynblueewbbmoo sololdilcdnodiqn Mnhwmyiomdm Mi Ruthenium outlet in new crammed

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