is Elie and lining Only One Sermon To Preach if had only one sermon to preach there would have to be lot of pruning of the nonessentials and sticking to the main truth and message of Christianity Why dont ministers do this every Sun day instead of giving us things which are not essential Well some things are more essential than oth ers but all truth is good The peo ple would not want to hear the same sermon Sunday by Sunday Yet that is what would happen if they preached only the central message Also if had only one sermon to preach would have to presume lmewhai on the understanding aiprevious knowledge of my con gr Iation You could not say it all in one sermon would pre sume that they believed in God the Father Almighty And would presume they understood that the worlds were framed by God and are sustained by his power would take for granted that they knew about the one whom men called Christ about his coming to earth his doing good his preaching about righteousness And would presume that most people had yearning for what we call im mortal life or personal preserva lion But that is about all Also would want at least an hour Woe betide those persons whose minds are exhausted in 15 minutes And here think is what this preacher would proclaim Introduction At the start would attempt to make contact with the people in their real interests And the best way to do this seems to be to re count the story of their accomplish ments We should go back over their existence as Hitler did in Of Where they Started from how far they have come and by whose hand they have arrived at their present state of affairs Here we would part company from Hitler and join the companyof Stephen and the prophets Stephen showed the Councillors how they had been blessed by God and tolerated by him for many pninfvlmars Auci then he began to point out how far short they had fallen of Gods expectations It would not too difficulLto show how the World today was little dif ferent fromthe world the prophets denounced as rebellious and wick ed Of course one would talk in different terms The falc gods of today are not wood and stone but ideologies beliefs practices that take the place of the worship of God And as for breaking the com mandmenls one would just have to refer to the income tax returns to clinch the point there As for idols how about hockey In other words we would en deavor to point out how the sen tences in the confession of sin ap plied here and now to the people Iiiouoalonennowest howpften we have sinned in wandering fromtby ways in wasting thy gifts in for getting thy lOve First Part We would spend the next few minutes on the concept of the Fall notasin historical event but aS mirror reflecting the human heartrtoday so that in Adam every body could see themselves We be lieveGenesis 3to be one of the profqundest chapters in the Holy Book Then wwould sketch in briein the story of the Hebrew people be ginning with Abraham whom God chose to bethehthep of peo pie But we would show how the People failed to measure up to the mission of being blessing to the whole earth We would recount every speech reminding the people Conde By JOHN GIA 1101113 Hm Einslrumcnt for the Salvation of the iworld each instrument upon which ihc lays his hand either bending for breaking under the weight Second Part Here we would cross over mm the New Testament to hear about Ellie Word of God incarnate We would tell again the old stories about Jesus who went about doing good teaching and healing the peo ple and in general reflecting the very grace and glory of God in his daily walk But we would also show the risk in not recognizing God For many spoke against him and at the end he went down to his doom at their hands Or should we say our hands Then we should show how this man fulfilled all the expectation of men from the foundation of the world He was Hero King Judge Friend Son of Man Son of God Prophet Priest and Sacrifice And we should speak about the resur rection Third Put We could not finish without speaking about the Christian hope Christians believe that the King dom of God will be established among men by God at the end of time And in that new order of which the Church is even now an anticipation there will be no evrl nor pain for the former things are passed away We should also speak of the belief in resurrection and that mystery of our different shape and form yet the some Conclusion Then since this would be our last sermon on earth we could not let the people go without posing the eternal question What must do to inherit this Kingdom And we should have to give the age old answer Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ We would go on to expand on what it means to be lieve much the same way that Canon Green did the other night not belief with the mind but be lief that leads to action much as the young Green threw himself on to his fathers arms when he was learning to swim And if we had still time we would promise the people the things Jesus himself promises the recrealion of personality which makes the new man not in the faroff future but here and now It would not really be necessary to speak of the Church as the new community for that would inevi tably take place among the new men long after We were dead and germ Text And if text were wanted for this last sermonit might well be Pauls words in Corinthians 15 For delivered to you as of first importance what also received that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures that he was buried that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures and that he hath appeared unto Cephas then to the twelve May God bless this little sermon Pil sbury Canada ltd Head Office To Be at Midland According to Oct edition of the Ontario Gazette Pillsbury Canada Limited has now beenorganized Gazette reports Pillsbury Canada Limited private firm will have capital divided into 15000 class $100 each 35000 class Bpreference shares of par value of $100 each and 100000 common shares of no par value bu not exceeding $100000 in value Head Otices TO the new Can adian firm which Ms formed ful lowing merger last spring jof CopelandmcnenownFlour Mills of Midland and Calgary respective ly and Pillsbury Flour Mills USA willrbe in Midand MRS PURCELL of Fort William president of the Federated Womens Insti tutes of Ontario and Miss Ethel Chapman of the Womens Institute branch of theOnt ario Department of Agriculture and home economics service with members of the new area executive of the Womens Institutes of Slmcoe County at the annual convention here this week Seated at the right in the front row is Mrs Ottaway of Barrie who was elected 195253 area the more than 200 delegates attending the Everett Girls Win Beef CalfCiub Honors WINNER OFTBEBEEF CATTLE PRO Peference Shares of par value if JECT in the Provincial InterClub Compete itions at Ontario Agricultural College on Oct 17 was the South Slmcoe Calf Club Members of the winning team Margaret Gilmore left and Ruth Ireland both of president by Ruer left ==l===l99===o=o====o=o==s Everett Shown with them are Keith Mc Simcoe south who is holding the Farmers Magazine Trophy and Frank Stone As sistant Ag Rep annual gathering in First Baptist Church Mrs Purcell is seated in the centre between party for them in the school the president and lst vicepresident Mrsfj Charles Miller of Severn Bridge left In the back row from left to right are Mrs Lane of Goldwater 2nd vice president Mrs Erness Douthwaite of Stays nor secretarytreasurer and Mrs King RR Barrie immedi ate past president of the area who was elected to the office of honorary president at the convention Miss Chapman ELcisnman is vicepresident Section ZPoges to 12 LORNJ lNNINGEM W42 izmllu may Thu exams are coming near uui Iltull lild Ilnx inn duo to the fact that our Hound going to play at the Nai tinml Mllldehi Band Clinic in Chi cago the xtllilillt uili be very different But more about 111 later pr miner you mun znnvs about llulli uguziiuiuns and their ex etulinvs on here The Boys AAtl Le Soruly of 195263 is Don litlii the secretary Noon jilillil lciivuum Will be under the jsupcrvisum of John Wurnicu wule flintDonald IS incident of hi Girlsf Athletic Society this jwux up oi lyrnn Synnutl 15 vicepresi jdcnt and Sandra MucKiunun as secretary 0h llllli the girls initiation is planned for Wednesday Oct 29 The Girls Athletic Soulcty executive and the girls athletic reporters from every class are organizing it llllliillloll concerns every new igzrl the BDCI no matter wheth er theyre first formch or fifth So on the 29th if you see any girls trudging to school wearing fantastic outfitr and makeup youll know what isgoixigz on The girls will wear their rigs to school all day null then in the evening therell be ill Well Ive rather drifted off the subject of organizations and their executives The Camera Club of ihe collegiate this year will be un der the direction of Marshall Wice who has recently been elected prcsiucnt Also on the executive tare Don McKmnon vicepresident and Joan Ferguson secretarytreas urcl Tin ComeruCIub is unimport nut asset to theschool and to the Overlones stuff Many off the re cord and interesting pictures are lsupplicd by the members to give Overtones its newsy and informn live flavor Current Events Cuucnl Events Club president this year is TomTaciuk Dorothy Mary secretary and Hcler McVeigh is lAnn Harris i= treasurer Agricultural Representative sports scene in second spot Jcim Warnicn heads the Glee lClub as president this year and Pat Wilgar is vicepresident Other members of the Glee Club execu tive are Joan Ferguson secretary Myrna Synnotl treasurer George Jamicson Lesley Scott and Joan Busohlen librarians Jim Lamont Marg Aycliffe Pat Bayes Marion Pickles and Bob Hooper social converters and Mary Peacock sec rotary The Drama Club hasnt yet been reoganized but Ill let you know through the column when the clubs election takes place Ru by NeWS for some news from the Heres the setup in the senior rugby division Alliston is in first place and the Alliston team stands undefeated Barrie is with one loss and Orillia places third with two loss es Midland is in fourth place and hasnt won game The Barrie senior team captain is chardfighting guy who goes by the name of Wayne Stewart and the assistant captain is another 0w with the Mau Mail troublemak ers The British decision was taken against broader background of racial difficulties highlighted by weejltendiep01is of fatal rioting husky boy Ron Christie In the junior rugby picture Oril lia is in first spot undefeated and Barrie again holds down second placeuvith one loss Alliston and Midland are tied for third place with two losses each and Penetang gis in fourth spot with no wins We adda special note to the xiick has ended at the Bluff uzd 13 um great bggETlm bulsufvolv ibcfaulivofcuurtu nearer Sin 15111th examination lnuduri Jack Gamer uilh Brute Yuppieion in vicepresident audl by lin way lve heard News of by moms in numeric iWho is To Home TliE COLLEGE PRESIDENT Such rawness in student is felmme but lack of preparation is to hlarnef iIiIGli SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Good heavens What erudity is With the public school PUBLIC SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Would that from such duncc Eznight be spared they send them up to file so unprepared JUNIOR TEACHER Pour kindergarten umi they cull Worse than none at all KINDERGARTEN TEACHER Never such lack of training did 3103 What sor of person can the liiuckhendf mother be MOTHER You stupid child But then youre not to blame your fathers family are fill the some lSee You Ar The Royal Tile local series of full fairs uc ipnst and forgotten well almost gforgoitcn Our county plowing imatches are uvur and the plows have been carefully stored until another your Even the great In tcrnnlionul where the mayors tried ito turn straight furrow is now history The one big event re maining in the agricultural show year is the Royal Winter Fair Each year it gets bigger and better and more popular We hear the cattle entries are so large they exceed by over 300 the capacity of the Royal Winter Fair stables Approximately 25 head of cattle have been entered from Simcoe Countya slight decrease from last your in the Junior section of the fair Martin and Juiicn Maurice and An ita Robitaillc of the North Tiny Grain Club have made entries in the 4H Club exhibit North Sim coc will also be represented in the annual IntcrCounty Livestock Judging Competition This will be held on Nov 13 the day before the Royal opens Four young men from the Elm valc district Bob Lambie Paul Bertram Larry Clement and Clif ford Grcnier will take the special coaching and will be the group from which the team of three will be selected to represent our county The Queens Fifty Guilieaivill be competed for on Thursday Nov 20 Nearly century ago the late King Edward VII then Prince of Wales created fund for the de velopment of agriculture in On tario and placed it in trust with the Agricultural and Arts Society of Ontario Later when the Agri cultural and Arts Society ceased to exist this fund was turned over to the Department of Agriculture of Ontario to be kept in trust in per petuity the proceeds of which were to be awarded at the discretion of the Minister of Agriculture This year the Queens Fifty Guin eas and the Hon Kennedy Challenge Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor of the Champion Baby Beef Steer owned and ex hibited by qualified member of the 4HBeef Calf Clubs of Ontario Five boys from North Simeon have entered their calves These are Mel Strachan Ivan Strachan and Stuart Strachan of the0ro 4H Calf Club and Bill Horne and Mel Mawdsley of the Orillia 4H Calf Club The heavy siveet aroma of the him as fleetfooted runner piling up points for Butte at theannnal Tudhope meetsor reproachfully holding up chipped reed at band practice as he explained away the miss ANONYMOUS lltiltllll ill cxectilive mudr Nil liSiElIlG P05 Interest to Junior Farmers flowurzs the tangy smell of the hi Elntosh apples the raucous uproar lirom the poultry sanctum the pole fished bluehloods parading in the Earth ring the raspy crisp mu nouncements of the ringmaster the ggroan of the crowd as some iii grand steed topples pole at the glust jump and the roaring of the tractors as they level down the touburkwlheyre all part of the exciting week Well see you at the Royal Council President that preparation RAY WILLIAMSON was named chairman of the Barrie and Dis tricl Film Council for the coming your at the recent general mem bership meeting lie succeeds Will iam Porter president of the film council Since its formation The new president was formerly chair man of projection services Last year in its first complete year 01 operation there was total at tendancc of 6580 reported at 92 film showings of the council Some of the organizations which have used the film council service are the Federation of Agriculture 102 Air Cadet Squadron the Ten chcrs Council the Sea Cadets Home and School Associations the Canadian Order of Foresters the Womens Institute the Key Club scout troops and cub packs church youngupeoplefs organizations and other church groups as well as industry 200 POUNDS 0F RIBBON Enough ribbon to surroundusec tion of land is used at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Nov 14 22 The four miles of ribbons of various colors weigh 200 pounds and are awarded as prize awards BACKBONE OF NATION Without the small town and the farms of Canada where would the cities be It is the rural population which is the backbone of the na tion Fori Macleod Alta Gazette ilEilll 0F iilSilRililEE fought this FUR COAT for an hour before found out it wasnt dog that For Goodness Sakes gone to the bowwows Your Fur Coat will hot be complete loss if you have it INSURED with usFur 00am and other personal property can be in suredvat low you should 115151151219 intuition NEWS REVIEW in in clarinet me Reg was so much part of school life in its humor2 its endeavor that It is extricate believe he surviVed only the firsthpinhisown Forthose Fur Clint too Should come to us mogt wise folks do Stevenson Ga rider and HOme in Relation Ito at Port Elizabeth South Africa column today with tributeto one decision is directed at Mm of the former students of the Gob NAM AigidiwlioSTlaglcdeath OCWIQd only few yearsaftgrhisgradua tion from the schdol The tribute the constant narrowing down of Gods agency from the people to remnant from the remnantto the single figure of son of Man f= standing between earth and heaven sXAMIuEnsIAEEwmIERL may in uo===oao==onou==o=O==E= Kenya which in the past few Chanceorhdenauer says ratificationor EurOpean De weal has be accused mu me OldTesmnent seems to be MAsouEkAoE lo Pumas GADOR series or attempts bvaoditofind an Home and School drummer of the Prince of Wales Home and Schmlhssociation on Monday ev 5eningwrll be Earl Cox whohas chosen asjhis subject Beautifica tion of the Home and Garden Vin Relation to Schools andHonieS The topic isintendd to open how trainmf thoughtiinconnection with home and school work The potent with buddinggardener in his Or her family knows the Op portuilty 8garden holds The gents own informational well Mthat of his child hug shou1d broaden the par Biffr The meeunewube heldat he catnip icing at 918 pm dering scores of people most Of fence Communityrtreaty alone will resumfy Germany them Africans but few whites Britain tosnd trOOpsto Kenyato supprs liifOYlStSI Following request for aid by Canadian election issues again taxes Likely no concessions the Kenya authorities the British by Communists or United Nations to bring Korean war to an end at present GERMANY Speaking at the annualcongress of his Christian Demperatic Union in Berlin Chancellor Konrad Aden auer stressedthat the earliest pusl sibl =rgtiilcatjon the European Lljfende WCOmhiumty treaty was the only way to reunication of HGermanyiripeace and freedomT Dr Adenauer centended thpt only with the inclusion or Ger4 malt divisions could the strategic plahs of the western Allies against possible Soviet attack be developed in satisfactory way They would drop Berlin from its blockade and would bring treedomto it and to all Germans behindlthe Iron Cues Such reyuuited Germany would be abulwark of peace for the whoieworld 5V Henieted out strong criticism critlcizpdwhat theycall Dr iauers Hillel Millie mm now seekth lad ill treat rot theiSoeialfDemoctats Who at their recent congress in Docurdurtid ratication by tidbit 33 andlt who German md Union Congress last week rejected resolutions con demning West German participa tion in European rearming JntwommmmthJEtrade unions are against theAdenauer governments pulley They demand that the citpartnership principle be extended beyond the coal and SteelI industries to all main indus trial undertakings Dr Adenauers government parties rejected this demand few monthsago This Government began working out de tails On numbers andtransporta rm of additional troops to the colony For thenmoment ofcials in London are saying only that the Kenya Governmenthas asked for military aid to insure law and Order and relieve presSure on the Kenya police However the urgency in Kenyas Iqucsf for aid isegmphiasiidmby reports now reaching London from Nairobi saying that the damage from Man Man activities for ex ceeds that which can be seen in Turn to page eight phase broughtthea trade unions and 50 cial Democrats much closer The trade unlonsalsokwant some form of public ownership in the coal andsteel industries This waai rejected at the Christian Demo cratic Union congress The Chan cellor criticized the argument that as these industrieswwere so im portant for war production they about be under public control and ignite drummer ailme xvritten by line of his former teach ers speaks for all Reg Roachs as sociates who remember him well from his school days In Memoriam Death lathe tragicexperience of everyones life but it is Superlativer so when itcomes tobacco young aisle Mm The recent graduates of tin school and those staff memhc is of the were shocked on Monday Oct 1301 looming of To his school friends and utes are malty it seemsirr fortunate enough to reach the home stretch there will be memories of the starting gun and the attractive youth who flushed down the cinder track and then broke on the first turn therimmmut conceivable that Rex mm lose once even with such grim competitor They FIRE AUTILAND OTHER oasonmw msonaxoa I5 DUNLOP ST PhonOSZOI