Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1952, p. 6

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tally you one WE che could one have Wit an iris force percount collation tip with an Minute object iVIttemtookubhthcmeat Mhoim Trot no loved the world that lie ave ills only begotten Son and whenever belicvcth in mm ail not perish but shall have everlasting life Scheduling on this point Canon Green said that if child went homo and did some particular thing of which it was proud the child wont to its porran and said look what have done This was the pernml aspect in life our pleas ure over somethingachieved There was also personal power behind this world If God made the world surely be loved it On the other hand the speaker said if was difficult to believe that God could love this world when we looked at how the world be haved with its snobbishncss and class distinctions In New York for example they had their own social directory There Was no fam ily spirit there It was just snob bish c1353 consciousness There were even certain churches where individuals could gain high post lions because of the amount of money they happened to possess In some churches white people would not take communion with blacks beside them That was not the Christian spirit When we had wars and killed each other how could we call that the Fathers world Then too one had to consider the question of everlasting life and what it was The Communists and atheists dismissed this arrpie in the sky when you die would not mind that said Canon Green if it were piece of good apple pic rather enjoy that and always have several pieces when make these visits to Canada and the United States Everlasting life however was much more than that There were people who were prepared to die THE COMPLETE POWERSHOP IN ONE MULTI PURPOSE TOOL veniul drill press inlunlal drill Vtlftullr ll dist tinder vmii llillt 2395 molar FK Machinery 113 Dunlop 8t ch 2319 BARRIE illuminant from put three not prelim in the tonic low but they made veteran All to it and Buffalo Bloom with release after the me he gave them they should then theyll be good opponent Former Flyor Vince Leoour has re tired from the Hawk defence this season while Leo lamoureux ex Montreal Canadian who handled marlottetown Islanders part of last tench is the new coach The goalie is Les Colviu former awe General Other exFlyers are Jack Lechie Danny Wilkes and Chick Guarda Former Coll Black Hawks onlheroster are Jack Hill defence and George Gosselin and Don Hogan fomvards note in the Windsor Star has Jock Ad aims of Detroit Red Wings raving about Gummy and Archie Burton Jr expected with the Spitfires ummy has been listed in the Spits lineup but Archie hasnt been in in action as far as we knew It is believed Archie tends to remain in Sudbury Both are sons of Ar chie Burton formerly of Barrie and according to vetcmn WKW the best baseball player ever to come out of Simcoc County Cummy is 10 and named after Cumming Scott of Barrie who caught for Archie dur ing his baseball days here They should also be prepared to live properly and thereby assure everlasting life Aftcmbon Address In his afternoon address to capacity auidcnce of women from church denominations in Trinity Parish Hall Canon Green likened the problem of human relation ships including the most important relationship for human being with Godto the problems that oc cur in marriage The real basic reason we have wars he declared is because we do not know how to get on with other people The biggest problem men and women have to face is our rc lationshlp with other people Marriage he statcdu is com plate selfgiving of one to the other Without that thing you can have the most wonderful house in the world but it isnt home fundamental truth about marriage he had found in his marriage coun selling is that if you want de cent home you have got to get your personal rclatiomhip right In the some manner thcsccrct of good shopkeeper is his right relationship with the customer If were not right with other peeplc the world doesnt go right The people of the United States are mad on psychologists rc marked the famous British evan gelist The psychologist will tell you again and again that one of the most fundamental things that makes people ilLis resentment The competition in life today in cluding social competition is felt deeply by women and they get rc sentful and jealous The trouble with church people is that theyre always condemning the wrong sins the sins they commit they never condemnjealousy resent ment tho sins of had personal re lationshlps The most important personal re lationship is persons relationship with God Ifwthore is God then my relationship with God must be the most important thing in life to me The worst thing we could do to God you see if God loves us like Christ shows He loved us is not to bother about Him at all Thots what makes the Cross of Calvary lthey in what sure way can the Jury Service is Challenge Women Continued from pm one out to the merit her audj lance that their names might appear on one of that lists Women On Jule Women on juries1 not radical innovation the declared For over 30 years there have been women jurors in Adlerta British Columbia the United Kingdom and most of the United States You and are just as copablc as responsible citizen safeguard the life liberty and property of the individual than by taking an ac tivc part in the administration of justice 01 most importance however is the Circumstance that women are needed on juries in order that jus tice in Ontario for both men and women should not be limited to the bounds set by the solely male experience The pity is that under the current statute many of us who would serve find ourselves in an exempted category by reason of our occupation our husbands oc cupalion our ago our lack of pro perty qualifications It is thus especially important that thoso Of us who are among the few women summoned accept our responsibility readily In jury service we will find both chal lenge and on ennobling experience If the opportunity comes your way accept it give it the best you have and more power to you for re sponsibility accepted and job well done Qualifications And Duties In her talk she particularly stressed the qualifactions or duties of each woman juror to live up to her solemn oath and to be con scientious juror First it is your duty as good juror not only to seem to listen but to actually hear each word of testimony not only to hear each world with the physical ongan of audition but to comprehend its meaning It is not enough to hold your eye on the witness and turn to him your ear and then let your mind slip miles away to your vndotion to that new suit you want orth the little chores awaiting you nthomc The trier of facts and that is the juror must not only have but exercise an ability to attend hour after hour somellmE day after day the slow and tedious outpour ing of the evidence lest one grain of trutlr be overlooked That abilr ity and willingness to Igivc undivid cd attention is essential It is the duty of each 355mm who will give jury service not only to comprehend the testimony but to remember the evidence in all im portant parts Then she must apply the low to the facts instructed on the law by the judge Jury Service Jury service calls for excep tional qualities of mind for sus tained attention and powcr of con centration for long and iull rc tcntlon of evidence inmmory for ability to judge and measure men to analyze their testimony reject ing what is false holding fast to what is true for power to reduce massof fact and fluff and fancy to essential truth andwior capacity to comprehend the meaning of the law applicable to the case and in telligently to apply it The greatest tault of the jury systemwhich the speaker pointed out is identical with the great est menace to domocrqcy is putting the power to decide important ques tions into the hands of the incom petent Our juries will become better Going to church isnt the some thing as botheringrrabout your re lationship with God and being right with God Thats why Jesus was so hard on the Pharisees They werent right with God in their hearts laithougm they did all the outward acts Canon Green did not under estimate the good about going to inferring that it was the church best place to catch religion be cause there person was exposed to it like measles But there is no genuine contact with Godnone whateverunlesa We have got some personal genuich aurrcndertood in our own hearts The barrier is our own self will and sin Jesus said Scott Mo and yo shall find There is no burncr on Christs side only as soon as climbs lawyers and judges with sufficient in tensity want them better It is notthc system it is the unwilling ness to serve of the persons best Mu MARFAK LUBRIC Acitthould be preperly in hostfoorvioc mortal Lubrication will assure you of properly operating car Hmong OIL pram DOWN CA No time to frost cake Then make an opaldcdown cake which needs none Combine melted mil Karine brown sugar fruit and logs of the evening in the pres entation of card table to Mr and Mrs Allan Brown Allan has been active in Junior Farmer work in North Simone for number of years and the Junior grasped the opportunity presented by his recent marriage to tangibly demonstrate their appreciation of his leadership Paul Bertram past president made the presentation While the contestants were pre paring their impromptu speeches agricultural representative Stewart Page presented the winners at the recent livestock judging com petition with their awards and associate agricultural representa tive James Hancock presented prizes to members of the livestock feeding competition SpODSOled by the Nerth Simroe Junior Farmers Aswciation last winter Dean Jones Midland thanked the ladies of St Johns for the splendid meal and complimented them on the ef ficient manner in which it was served HOLLY and family Toronto Kr and Mn WencherMWMMPam Anniversary services in Holly wick were guests at Kr United Church on Sunday were pounced on Smitty well attended and the services oi my we was both quartet and ministerswere we um um when fogwmgbgzcd P333012 team enjoyed by all but the weather wasj and mm made mm cake mix and bad Martin Sn Tliiatlctown were in moderate oven till tooth 33mg gagogts guests of Mr and Mrs Siesaor pick comes out clean 3Itedfern Barrie were guests of Mr and Mrs Elmer Dyer and Morley Miss Campbell Cookstovm visrted her aunt Mrs Kell Mr and Mrs Roy Bancock Peri ferlaw were guests of Mr and Mrs Graham and Mr and Mrs Ci Campbell W5 limo Ire most economical enamel Mucous on it Tom Ross Wins Public Speaking Continued from Data out choice with France Barthelotte second and Ross Rowat third Kira Teresa Prawley secretoryatrewn er of North Simcoe Junior Farm ers Association was then called upon to present the contestants with their prizes $10 for first $8 for second and 86 for third Any of the contestant would have been credit to North Simcoc in the provincial competition which will held in Toronto next Janvnry The many friends of Tom Ross wish him every success in the larger field Turkey Dinner capacity crowd was in attend time at the turkey dinner held in St Johns United Church basement preceding the speaking competition Joe McLean vicepresident of North Simcoe Junior Farmers A5 sociaiion as chairman called on Warden James Hart for few re marks Mr Hart in commenting on the Junior Farmer movement noted that in no industry other than agriculture were the juniors organized surprise event in the proceed CW Olwaandroliltww TH MIOAPHONEJHM 051 ns SCHOOL SPIRIT Jimmy rested his mega phone on his shoulder and squeezed his way through the victoryhappy crowd The halfpint cheer leader with the big voice was in hurry For the remainder of the even ing the young people danced to the music of McNamaras orchestra in Eimvale Community flail Tonight was the Homecoming Dance And more important date with Betty Before you borrow check these HFC lectures Fast You get $50 to $l000 quickly on your signature without bonitoblo security Friendly Select your OWn repayment plan Up to 2monlht to repay Dependable Household Finance is Canadas largest and mast recom mended consumer iinunco companyso you can borrow with coddonco Phone or stop in today OUSEHOLD FINANCE MONEYWYOUNEDHI JOckeying his Dads car through the heavy trafc Jimmy felt just little proud He and his megaphone in their own small way had helped the team to another championship qualified to serve on juries that is the trouble with our juries to day Rise Of Jury System Speaking on the rise and growth of the jury system she informed her audience that in Ontario there are in common use three kinds of juries the Grand Jury of 13 per sons the Petit Jury of 12 persons and the Coroners Jury of five per sons The Grand Jury listens to the evidence or parts thereof which the Crown plans to produce against an accused person in criminal case This evidence is not heard in pub lic It also inspects public insti tutiom such as gnois mental hos pitals county homes etc to report on their condition and to make recommendations should it see fit Right here is one of the reasons some of our officials are screaming against Women on junics They know that few hundred gallons of paint will have to be purchased and So lot of spring housecleaning done in many public building in Ontario The slow moving uphill traffic grated on Jimmys nerves He pulled out from the crawl ing line of cars his foot down hard on the accel erator Jimmy barely caught glimpse of the trailertruck over the rise of the hill Today lonesomewmcggphone stands quietly in the empty schdol gymnasium SARJEANT 49 Dunlop 5r iNSURANCE AGENCY Phoneill do 28 Elizabeth St second oor plum 052 BARRIE 0N7 OIILUA IIANOI 55 Minisaga St West mend floor plan Barrie JUST ARRIVED THE NEWEST OF THE NEW 11953 Henry Corsair HconudosMdliiliiiciicol Louies Priced iull rSize Cut The Pctit Jury or Trial Jury sits at the trial and its sole duty is to determine questions attach The third kind of jury the Coroners Jury is assembled preemptorily when needed to hear the ewd once at an enquiry into the cause of sudden or violent death The general requirements of juror are broad He or she must be British subject either by birth or naturalization and be in posses sion of his or her natural facult ics juror must be 21 or more years of age and his or her name or that of herspouse must appear on the latest revised assessment roll of the municipality as owner or tenant of real property valued at not less than $600 Miss Meredith outlined theex emotions that apply to all jurors It is our hope that every wo man except the mothers of small children will answer that jury summons when it comes by present ing herself for service as juror Our juries need women and it is up to women to fill the breach in upholding this great democratic principle and to make our jury system what it was meant to be cross section of the community warn some run mottyradmnpszclf of the EconomyCook Book you may win chicken MODELS human tail 11397 ATION brioated in order to enjoy its 5i Iliumuh yBenuliiulin tollavollne todayif you are not already using it PROTEXALI ANTIFREEZE Tho wonderful thing is that God is interested in all of us God in His infinite love 1118 infinite grout ncaa would take us all in at once To God each one of us is differ Is good heavy duty motor olnve yourollohttnge neuron mum in EGG PROFITS vital om customer my out Ilutchfordt Filltho mwm Matti whaling 1001chme pm day and have at up high on 55 mumoy maroon My dot par day Ivmhoihoco4 Mil 005 32001301 14 it OM Wel dot rodo 10 Grade Achdivmr IwloyM out do believe that Jesus Christ cares about each onoot us lie spoke briefly of the world world as situation comparing the mixed to nail of madness not being all there eliminate our trouble on Como in to be stated he had already lived through three wore wants war on man ruin Nob Duos that really nluku ionic invention it iinyirvwomonercnlly What do Women brunt of war ionothinu Whal uiil od anything Nobody molly waning gt lived throulr two world wars lllld won liobloiu rowyears to have it parturition arr Moroifnusf will assure you of troublefree driving this winter and those cold winter mornings ruONE lilo nurture

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