meta on may am for tree chicken will be held army through Friday at Oottyt 1L5 p111 For further de mlmmelblthecookbook MINE MOTOR 85198 Dnnounce the arrile at their garage ofthe 1853 Henry Corsair and the 1963 Knlser Deluxe Both cars are on display this weekend HARD gt OF HEARING Mr Meyers mmnm COOK BOOK cook book ever published by The Barrie Examiner 13 on import ant part of our edition today 111 it than are several recipes for the Dmmlion of food and also many heigful household tips We hope you will find spot in your kitchen to keep this mot book for perman cut refuteocc mm CHICKENS at Cottys October 28 from 19 pm Boy Scout Salvage Day tomorrow Get your papers out and help this wor they organization ANTEN MILLS Mr and Mrs James Fleming and children Toronto spent couple of days at Flemin Mr and Mrs Ital Streb from New Brunswick and3 Mrs Harry Hurling Toron led on friends here Sunday Mr and Mrs Robert Boston left on Tuesday to spend their holidays at North Bay and other places of Acourlcon Company will be at the Wellington Hotel on Wooden Mr and Mrs Bell are cn joylng few days vacation with Motives in Detroit Fred Burton nd friends from Hamilton and Elmvale Visited Mr and Mrs Arthur Dobson Saturday Miss Dorothy Patkn and girl friend Toronto spent last week end with Mr and Mrs Ivan Spears and Miss Eva Mitchell Toronto at Bruce Millons Luv Community Masquerade and Euchre Vtoplai School House Thursday Oct so All pm Auxplces of Utopia Twixi Tier 1211123 Dance at Old tyme mad men noting to lilac Joan and his Hcploncs cry Frfdty It Pine Crest mile north Burl on Highway 23 Admission 60 7mm Dancing Wednudly Friday and saturday night Dt Club Ad Thursday evening neighbors andlwon so am sfriends of Mr and Mrslloyd Ilag Annual Masquerade Dmm Echar and Bert held span evening laweven Wm Oct 24 Ivy 0b tin the honor followmg an hour in Hau Pamms Cram inf progressive euchrc Mary Mc ws Admmion 50c 01d am and blaster read an address exprehtng modem dancing blM lapproclotion of willing services Rummage gale om 35 Central iwhlch were always cheerfully giv lUnitcd Sunday School rooms Aus cn during their years as good cit iplccs Junior WA 121 lxens of the community md ex Mldhurst 111111111n and 1School As rossl 1e ret rhat Llo ds been SOCiMlO fe 118 83 8W home up an Cf section timing fad baking at Barrlu Market Saturday made his transfer to Fergus ncccsc mommgv QC 231 121 Womens Hospital Auxiliary nary On behalf of the community presentation of floor lamp Rummage sae 17mm parish coffee table and mg was made by Hal 11m Oct 25 mytth usenblo acceptable especlllly Jack McCann and Earl McMaster hoxuhod furnishings For prom and plaid motor rug was present phone 4543 or am 115117120121 0d to BerL This was KNOWN by Trinity Junior Guild Halloween lunch and 11 111011581 30ml hm tea and bazaar bake table to be Guthrie Community Hall Friday Oct 31 Music by lorni Pattendens Mountaineers Admlsq sion 50c Lunch counter 121 Halloween Dance Oct 31 New Lowell Hull auspices the Carla dian Legion l21123 Rummage sale Saturday Nov Li ausplces Ladles Auxiliary at anl adian Legion Hall Owen St Doors open at 331 115117121th Simcoe County Beef Breeders annual sale Creemore Arena Tuesday Nov pm 38 head of purebred Hereford Shorthorn and Aberdeen Angus cattle For catal ogue contact McRuer Allis ton 120121 Bccton Hot Turkey Supper Trim ity United Church Becton Nov Supper served 68 pm Good pro gram Adults $125 children under 14 75c children under 10 50c 1211241 In Mirroring at the Dem home week due to the special session at Miss Jessie Yoyston Toronto 11 Queens Park visiting at Harry Foyxtons 15 Md Mm COX and Ew Misc Veal Toronto was home if May We 8mm Bramp for the weekend Mr and Mrs Harry Mayes 5pm Kr and Mrs Fred Paine Mr and Mn Aft Paine and the wee en W11 Orlllta lnends Mr and Mrs Charles Walton and Miss Eveline Graves spent Kemeb an Sunday at Pearsons Thronto 66mg Miles and Xpreo Mr and Mrs 111 Mr and Mrs Robert Parrett and Stewart Barrie were at Craw Rodney Brmbridgc were with lords Mrs Parretts parents Mr and Mrs Adams at the weekend Mr and MrsStan Fralick and Frank visited Mr and Mrs Lloyd Johnson Stayner on Sunday MINESING Joan Parry Reg Winnipeg upendli two weeks with he par ents Mr and Mr Fred Parry Irene Sinclair is home after spending the summer in Minolta Mrs Pearson Toronto recent visitor at Fred Pearsons Helen Johnston Toronto spent few days with her parents Mr and Mrs lrvm Johnston Congratulations to Minesing ball team who won the last game of the season here on Saturday afternoon The Angus team was just one down Mincsing had its share of prize winners at the Centre and West Simcoe plow match at lidenvale Mr and Mm John Partridge Mer vyn Fralick Ken and Gordon Davlg were winners Mrs Mervin Parker is home af ter spending few days at the home of her brother in Toronto and also in Brampton hospital following the bus accident of 1331 week Mrs Parker narrowly escaped serious injuries Mr and Mrs Walter Downey left on Saturday night for Calgary where they were visiting Mr and Fifty thousand flowers in one huge garden make the flower shew at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair popular with farm and towns folk alike There will be 15000 roses alone in the rose displaya at this years fair Nov 1422 FREE CHICKENS You May Win One SEE Cottys Ad on Page 14 of The Economy Cook Book NLan n0 Mrs Frallck and George spent the weekend at Oshawa where her sister has been ill for some time Her cousin returned home after some time here Mr and Mrs Henry Hurling To ronto Mr and Mrs Ralph Streb St Johns New Brunswick visited their aunt Mrs James Muir dur ing the weekend George Johnston MPP and Mrs Johnston are in Toronto this Mrs Will Downey Mr and Mrs Ken Giffcn Bradford are staymg Bazaar Afternoon Tea and Bake Sale Wednesday Nov 35 pm Auspices Beaver Rebekah Lodge at Oddfcllows Temple Admission 23c 113124 Turkey Supper and program at Mr and Mrs Scott and Mr and Mrs Wilson spent Sunday With an uncle John Porter Pontypool WA Banter The WA ladies held very suc cessful bazaar and afternoon tea ion Friday afternoon Oct 17 Mr and Mrs Elmer Cole who above summer business up north visited over the weekend at Coles held in Trinity Parish Hall Wed nesday Oct 29 from to Ad mission 25c 1161211 Euchre and Bridge in Churchill Hall Wednesday Oct 29 815 pm Auspiccs Churchill Womens 111 stitute Admission 50c Lunch pro vidcd 121 Colo Hollowecn Dance Pine Crest Friday Oct 31 Prices and fun galore Admission 75c Dancing from 930 to am Music by Mac number of neighbors and rein lives from Utopia called on Mr and Mrs Andrew Miller Barrie Satur day on the occasion of their fifti thnvcddlng anniversary WW ls llurr Businesr WE IIAVE 10 SEWING MACHINES each specially de signed for particular purpose the expert personnel Head commumy to operate them and can handle evcrv fabric from 51 Iamttcstcrfsl after mile of Inna formble driving up your cavlesf canvas to shccrest curtain nets Ausplces Bond licnd Church 121124126 car has been serviced uwngN IT COMES TO SgwaG properly Take no chonc COME Boraar afternoon tea and bake Amazing Value WRIST WATCHES Send For Free Details WATCHMIIN 519 Millwood Road Toronto FASTER EASIER Damn CLEANING Dirt disappear Ilka magic with the sensa tiomlly new FILTER QUEEN vacuum clutter wlth no dlrty bag to empty BOY TRACY 187 Maple Ave P11 3482 Rolled Roofing Shin SIIMKCOIE PHONE 2517 Barrie featured auto loans10 nancing or renancing repairs or worthy purpcus 1th drive Into totlle office bring proof of ownership on approval get your money promptly retain posses sion Bankable security and cmmakeru not required Phone or come in for your auto loan from Raw fodayl Loam $50 to $1200 onSIgnDturo Furniture or Auto rm can run UK to SAY 3m FINANCE C0 in Public UtIIItlos mag 15 BAYFIEL 51 BARRIE 2nd mom 5931 Donald run was mild OEN DAILY T0 5SAIURDAY IO I2 has uh 11601111 01 all surroundan tom formal Flume Company of touch 1111111 on Dunume sue nEAms ism251011 FUEL Quakerr mechanicaldraItbooster helps your chimney give rouxlrnum draft and more heat from the fuel you burn 11 dproVonIocMhoLDQuolteLSpncL Hooter pay for off with the fuel 11 mod Dmv gunner ems You Autdmatic Draft Heat Circulation IN 10W PRICED gt ORACIHEAIIRS Wes ONLY QUAKIR hooters can I1 equipped with the famous ovum um Doosmmt Ltamxlualbv millwa dalIVer lag 1611 to the humor In 1119315111 ONLY GUN Dbu 1110 audio IAICIIWLAMIIIDI gently mods warmth to every momer neednt touch It ll 17mmtolkollymlrolled 51091 mm lamfoam elf Clean tool am wosm ovary Dgood Maul manner mmthtk 5119 mew wk Im at Malacca It at end visitors with Mr and Mrs Jones and His lleptones 121124 Halloween Mosrjuerade party and dance Trinity Parish Hall Oct 31 830 pm presented by the Free and Easy Club All Teen agcrs welcome Refreshmentlt Ad Andrews Presbyterian Church misslon 25c 121 Wednesday Nov 121 IASI COLUMN GUTIIRIE Continued from page one Shower For Bride And Groom the other day from Fred Grant Many friends and neighbors of marked This is for Scotly The Mr and Mrs Murray Caldwell nee Mrs 11 McDuffcc enterlaincd clipping was about some British Doreen Thornton gathered at 11 her home 21 Thompson 81 at food booklet and IFS dealing with Guthrie Community Han on OCL 15 left on Thursday afternoon in conlBritlsh tastes being different from to present the bride and groom junction with the celebration of the Canadian For lnstanceujt with many beautiful gins Murray 11 Wagners 50m anniversary pointed out Canadians like corn and Doreen thanked eve one and with the Lufkin ule Co Guest on the cob find the British like1 Th of honor was Mrs Wagner Brussels sprouts Here however mm was Stave mam er wife of the Barrie plant manager the writer had put in brackets 9f the evemng was Spem danc who was presented during the aft do not believe that the British mg crnoorf with chrysanthemum with actually like Brussels sprouts 50 blooms in recognition of her Some longdead prankster must husbands 50 years wtth the comp have introduced them 115 joke any Present at the tea were MrsA and the British like the Scotsman Mclnnis Mrs Sanders and the bagpipes havent 599 the Mrs McCartney Mrs John 10km Steele and Mrs Reg Ormc sale Saturday Nov 15 Tea served 230 to Ausplces Ladies Auxil imy at Legion Hall Owen St 116121129130 Sale of work and baking St Mrs Robinson has return ed to her home in Ottawa after spending the past week with her lmother Mrs Jeffs Barrio Mr and Mrs Stewart Belfry Vascy celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Tuesday Oct 21 Over 200 friends and neigh bors called on the cotlplc Mrs Bowles Barrie is sister of Mr Belfry Thanksgiving Dinner Mr and Mrs Bert Sluggctt and family Woodville and Mr and Mrs Dan Parliament Oatkwood joined the Cameron families for ThanksgivingdinnenntMrand Mrs Cecil Camerons Mr and MrsPorllomcnt stayed at Mrs An gus Camerons for week and met many old friends New Minister Rally Day was observed at Guth rie Presbyterian Church on Oct 19 We welcome Rev Mr JackSon who will be the minister on the Central OraGuthrie charge His family is moving to the newly ac To prove this contention quote Quircd mouse at Oro Station in the Half Wit column in thQDur wack orso ham Chronicle writte byformer Gena Shem omcmakem Examiner news editor eerie Cad ogun Frank Macintyre Dundalk Twelve girls attended the first Cereal Shelf Herald Editor tells the story ofttn meeting of the English tar and Scottish sailm Homemakers project at Mrs seeking jqbsoboard the same ship Ratues on0ct 11 The next meet The Englishman had large 8116a ing will be there also on Oct 25 11d esmonms 35 prom Any other iris wishing to join hired However the skipper need pleasecome this meeting led another deckhand so the Scots toil insloifio Sitiiid 1w lki11m Sh ay er sea an men were Spending the summer months at gwabbing deckswhen bit of RObnson Mrs Chapmans roll camup The Scotsman look Mrs Russellaowe and Margaret Mrs Robert Martin MrsA Dun ed up Juslin time to see his co spent the weekend in Toronto nan and Mrs Gordon Rowat at worker washed overboard with his Mrs Whitesides is Spending tended the WMS SCCthnal meeting bmket Without delay the scols few days with Cookslown friends at Coldwoter on Friday evening mgnsaunfered to the captains Mr and Mrs Hougmon vis Miss Ruby Walker Toronto was hndge and Studwon remember led re fri On Sunda speaker the sailor you hired With the pile enDs Phuy ML and Mrs George Flemin of testimonials Ayesaid thei al ms an ElmvaleMr ianders Ab hf captam wen hes awa with Gail Toronto VlSlted at Gordon stun and Ilussell Citric yourhuman Bmedsnlswon sundayy sunda were Ronnie Bentley Maple Valleyvts gues and Mrs spending two weeks with his Douglas grandparents Mr and Mrs Congratulatmns to Herman Por Breedon ter who celebrated his Bistbirth Congratulations to Mr and Mrs day at the home 01 hxs mm 93mm mUdpw tleftment Mexvin Bently Maple Valley on POPteI on Sunday amde to perts planning the the birth of daughter in Orange Regent Sim15 Turners 19 Show this years Royal villehospltal Monday 0ct720 were Mr and Mrs Mervin Nelson AgriculturalWinter Foir Nov 14 Lorne West Toronto Spent Sun Sudblllll aner and MrsWllmot 22 any at Lloyd Coborns Black Elmvale Mr and Mrs George McFadden and family Visited Mr and Mrs Charles McFadden Allenwood on Sunday gt Sympathy Exumded The deepest sympathy of this community is extended to Mr and Mrs JSvn and family upon the tragiEdeath of their son Dorm Mrs Glen Murdy has returned home after spending the past few WERE with relatives in Midland Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Murray McFadden upon the birth of daughter on Monday October 20 in Midland hospital Mr and Mrs Ellis Legear and children OWen Soundwere week Can only confess Im kind vof Mrihnd Mrs Reyce Lime mystified myself One thing in and son visited Mr and Mrs that last sentence sticks out like McKenzie here from Sunday torthe proverbial sore thumb though Thursday before returning to That whats the distinction between the ford Que British and Scotsmen Donald Billingsley of samia Why thats enough to give the was elected president of London Irish Welsh and Englishmen an Disttict of the Ontario School inferiority complex suggesting that Teachers Federation at its annual the 590 are me apart Whm meeting Mr Billingsley is the son we me anyway of Mm Btllingslcy 229 Dun 10p St Barrie Mrs Mike Bryson and sons Paul and Murray of Montreal have been visiting in town for the past three weeks with Mr bnd Mrs Ed Bryson and Mr and Mrs Hem Bauldry 111111 FOR BEE STING Best eure for bee sting is the Thompson Mr and Mrs Gordon Rogers and familyfMeaford visited Mr and Mrs ERogerson Sunday Robert DownerSff Catharlnes Marion Downer Toronto and M1 and Mrs Dawes and daughter Peterborm spent few days with Mr Downers parents Mr and Mrs ADoumer recently Mrs Ken Hounaonlels spending some time with her stator Mrs Blalr husband andyfamlly Mat tawa Henry Feltham now living in the 113 spent thepast two weeks with his parents Mr and Mrs Cook wand family spoilt few daysle Huntsville Kay Hounsome 1101101110 visited her parbnteover the weekend Durham Eokley and Norma Hounsmne aunt 1ewdayawlth tonic Womens Institute To U311 Barrie Tent Ii Awning lo 34 Bayfield St Phone434 es this winter Drive in today BRENNAN Auto Electric Service BARBIE ONT PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAYNOCT 25th copo DEEP CUT SPECIALS mm luuxtmnAD AOP Special Blend BUICK TEA All Varieties CBEHMETEES Strawberry fPcctin added lb 59 SAVE 16 24czloaII4f 551333 $11ch unsungV 24 Dubarry 11 SAVE Eli72 cancerous LARGEB Quinnb Holloween Jelly mu 36 235 Dunns II 051s 211 1121 gs Campbells Tomato Spratts Dog ovum Lancia Ready Cut lb 18c J9hnsons Paste MHCHIIQNI wax Good Luck Regular Vlbtln65c Iona monounan commons21 ANN PAGE DELuxE lt 8oziarzic LOAF CAKE 91141 SPECIAL App Nectar Zlbcello 33c REG PRICE AseSAVE 6c marines ctn lb cello 35c lb cello Sunhyfleld LongGraln 3193 EGGSLARGE Fllllllltsl1udlmmid3931 215oz 719mm Haggai MP and zZOozlins 33c SAVE 111131111111131 73141111 dot11111611111111 rant McIntoshIRgd musty19 Florida N91 Tendirtrinulon f$AbIINES at lb box 75c oil4m