1t Econotny Cook Book Do Iry Produc Dairy products derived from They combine with other mare milk which is natures own per clients in vast variety at recipes feet food become doubly insan to yield tiler pl subs ant whenever the dollar mutt be luncheon dishes that are light an stretched to provide the utmostmutritive inexpensive dessert in nutrition for the family inth gourmet avor hot or cold No other item in the human diet beverages contributing to body contains many of the essentials growth and the warding off of for good health as does milk gillnesses The concentrated goodness 01 Yet each dairy product is milk moves on into the dairylbasic food which can stand alone products derived from it prodin its own right as In item im ucts such as the great 13111in 01 portant to diet of young and old cheese cream butter and also Take milk itself One cup of Canadas favorite dessert iceffresh whole milk can furnish 12 cream ercent of the days requirements THE BARBIE mm of protein the substance needed in the growth and maintenance of the human body It contains cab clan and phosphorous essentlol to good teeth and bone structure and also iron to help red blood cells Source at tulips Milk is good source of Vita min which aids in building re sistance to disease thiamin or B1 needed for good milscle tone at the digestive tract and to help the body obtain energy from starches and sugar It is high in riboavin and niacin which words off pellagm Much milk is now fortied with Vltmntn the 22th prevent tive Nutrition experts bold thmach in child Inquires not otaqmnolrnilkadayandthat every adultmeds opint day at least This does not mean however that the entireth must be taken no liquid Wise home rather use it liber nlly in cooking in puddings over Ibreaklnst foods and thus its goodness is absorbed by the fam October 24 1952 Doubly Important When Foocl Dollar Must Be StFetched moaned for children by generom quantities as Mange Similarly may Bl the benefits of milk are to be derived from icheose in any of it many forms or used as sauce for main dishes and salads or is snacks when not used as the huh main dish of the meal And butter soaked with Slim shine delivers generous amount of Vitamin required by every human beindelivers it through use in cooking or spread liberally on bread as the children love it in required amounts supple list MakesPlannlng roiviaetypormm Add Glamor Recipes To Your Menus Haddock Tuna Shrimp Especially Plentiful This Year Now is the time to write across the top of the market list in big letters Dont Forget Fish Fish becausv the many many alictivs make monu planning loss of headache Fish hccuuse it is so abundant and so reasonable in price Fish because there are so many ways of cooking it that fish din hers need never grow monotonous to the family And finally fish because it is something to serve with pride for company Fish is the llSh of cpicurcs In many famous restaurants especial ly those which cook with French accent the specialties of the house are the fish dishes French chefs have long known that sauce thick ened vith egg yolks andfortlfied with wine can add glamor to thel simplest fillet or the lordliest lobl ster All Ila ve Partisuns Travellers who know good eating will sometimes argue which is the rarer delicacy New Englands suc culent lobster or the juicy giant crab of the Pacific coast or the meaty Whitefish of the Great Lak es Shad and shad roe smells soft Shells oysters clams and shrimps all have their partisans Most fishes are delicioussimply baked broiled or fried but in ad dition there are other methods which will add to the cooks repu tation for savory dishes Fish stews salads casseroles planked puttersnot to mention the ap petizers and canapescan be serv ed with pride to family and guests alike vModern methods of quick trans portation and of canning and freez ing assure every part of the nation plentiful variety The grocers shelf and frozen food cabinets as well as the fish dealers beds of cracked ice abound with sugges tions for meal planning Enjoy Fish Oftenet Haddock tuna and shrimp are especially plentiful this year so everyone will be able to enjoy them oftener than befOre Here are recipes for dishes star ring the shrimp SHRIMP AND VEGETABLE DINNER packageblscult mix greased hacking dish Two CansMake Feast START WlTll FILLETS thawed if the frozen kind spread flat on the work table Blend the butter or margarine with grated lemm rind meal lmlnced onion parsley and seasonings IhoseElotMeatyCuts Fish Solid Food Value No Waste MIXTURE IS SPREAD evenly on the fillets of fish which are that rolled up andeach roll securely fastened with toothpick Rolls go into How to Make Tempting Economical Dinner of Fillets mro THEOVEN to bake and out again brown and appetlilng to be surrounded by pears and garnished with lemon wedges Senc plain or with tomato sauce Fillets those flat meaty pieces of fish3r eall food value because every bit of waste and bone has been removed As such they otter one of the very best sh buys and can provide many dinner dish that will ease the straiin on battered budget Dilderent pans blithefcountry may more familiar withone than wtth another but such nanies as addock obeanr perch sole cod flounder pqllCtCk and swordsh are Chennairecipe thatcalls for One vari ygol filletcait be easily adapt ellto another Three of them lied Stuffdfillets chili fillets ahdfillets Parmesan are given here Two can come to table in the baking dish uoounn STUFFED FILLETS pattikage frozen fillets 13 cup soft butter ormargarine tablespoons minced parsley tablespoons minced onion teaspoon grated lemon rind Ix teaspoon salt Mi teaspoon pepper ients into Softened butter or mar garine Cut fillets into portions Melt butte Thaw fillets Work otheringred variety all becoming well knbwn mums mums package frozen fillets juice 01 17 lemon tablespoon butter orniargarlne tablespoon flour 34 teaspoon nutmeg teaspoon paprika Y4 teaspoon salt V4 teaspoon pepper small can mushrooms lit cup Parmesan cheese Separate partially thawed fillets Place in well greased casserole and squeeze lemon juice over them or margarine remove from heat and stir in our until smooth Add seasonings Drain mushrooms and measure liquid LUSGIOUS TUNA LA mild In spaghetti ring but make tour hungry people feel regally tech The tuna it further enriched with egg and there oreitwo eggs andtwo cups of white sauce baked into the andispread tablespoon of the mix adding enough milk to makeones lureon each Roll up fasten with half cup Add liquid gradually to toothpicks and place in greased 19 WNW mm to heat and baking dish Bake ma modem stir until thickened Pour sauce won a5r afrjorzfnuhnis overfilletsraooamusnmonisnd Remove toothpickssnd ulltihghsegobeheading iffwhh spicy tomato st erpte oven 350 deg for 20 minutes Serve at once emu FILLETS tablespoon cooking oil Milan dlced smallcan tomato paste Yg cup diced celery teaspoon chill powder package frozen llets teaspoon salt cups medium white sauce onions sliced thin tablespoons buttetvor margarine gup ced mkedmarmts cupc kedcn cpnnedpeas cups frozen or canned shrimp Cut out biscuits from dough mix ed according to directions on the box Prepare white sauce Saute onion in butter or margarine until light brown Mlx altogether and pOur into buttered casserole with biscuits on top Bake at 450 deg for 15 minutes Serves four LIVEIHND omous lb beetor pork live in Seasoned flour lb onions onion chopped tablespoons meat drippings cup water Dredge liver in sepsoned flour brown on allsides with chopped onion in meat droppings Plane in TUNA LA KING 1N small mo For cook an 8902 box of spaghetti asdlrected on the package Mlx in two slightly beater eggs two cups of medium whe sauce and pressVin toawell greased ring mold Place yleasmfmlepp in pan or hot water and bake in l4 mmp 99PM moderate oven about ll hour Tuna Richly Flavored Versatile RoleJngMeal qufns foodsare as versatile as the cans of tuna on thepantry shell As neecld they can be transformed lntL sandwiches salads or hot dishes As the chin ingredient of hot dish this dellclousshis very low cost indeed and good news tor tuna loversto now plentiful Tuna shares its rich avors Well Biscuit dough with other ingredients Almost every book knows how good itcan be combined with apart of cream 01 mushroom 5011 With mashed p0 tatm egg and hunt onion it makes savory croquette TUNA lN luscorr BASKETS piece Melt butter over low heat stirdn flour until smooth Add milk gradl unity and stir constantlypverlo heat vuntlljthlckened Add flaked blgspoons tuna and other ingredients Bailout Add two baking powder biscuit thumb to brown onion Ad otheriugred To make tuna la klngsaute Jenism Elsi noes not neesl to he thwed Coverndlt simmer for about 15 minutes perpetrate llets with two foiks cover again and Unmold on large Realm aheavy panand ne minced gren pepper in three commie add water Cover bake in moderateon 850 deg hour Addonlonslcover Bake hour removing coverdurlng last Vlmour to brown ppions cupplmlento diced six serving 2st1 cangtunapdralned tablespoons butter or margarine tablespoons snout cup milk hardcookedegg diced iv use packagedmlxlvuntil lilnch thick Cut lnto Hitch squares Press square 1erin intoweach multinpan sowicorneps stand Just btore htly beaten egg volks and cook one minute tinting ponptantly Poupymixture 119 the centre mun Molinan for piloting 15 The worlds ilrsst agricultural Ivexhibition staged under Qnearoo is thgRoyal Agricult 4211 Winter