curring hints informaln re clots and almost everything connected with the culinary an The Economy Cook Book is the result of considerable pun The fundamental need for Christianity was emphasised ins and hoped 018 our by the Rev Canon Bryan Green of Birmingham England readers will find it valuable when he addressed mass rally of some 1200 people of dif mam the Fousehold con rm on which nthdenowmigamgs th tlgroflgzdc Cflter Dsigieet 43 worthy of regqu consultale are on nes ay CVUI ng as it esc am It is KM um onto mission up or future reference Ntralmrismdcfnr About half an hour before the gposlilon couir be paralleled by he mkosgcm cgupcmem Sub service began practically all the lsubjcct of marriage person ill 5cm Wm mg Wm am sure in the case of emer nothing to do with the demands day by colleglate 3391mm mm 00C gency they will be brought to made by terrorists that they take Permission was granted to close Honor from the Canadian Provost Corps SChOOi ill the Grill 13 Graham 3313 DSO central Co and rbloodvoaths thecolleglateou Erldoy 99thlng malrdromequle Royal Canadian RegimentsrBand from OalwmercenuewmphomlcomnelhgingkQP est 13 the world and life causes exp mmth am ten Mills both testied that the 135 on farm in near ZMIS Moore Slated that She had the muse Mr Mre had been They 1151 not baggy bghdth Temlle car Hadad had been driving He was unable to identify Hadad vicinity of his present honle 31 fggnmgidaylg Perm Toronto taxr With its Sign remov as one of the men and his We was mug the in cotta fire last Ma co 1d ha en Bame alarm man lfertgdifsggll llulvlnlfou llvere gins burning of an unused grain elevator at Phelpston near Elm Minnie Moore widow of thedvic pariah 111511 1She saldhshf had to be killed on your own home ear an unny vale 011mm mght of August 25 Magistrate Cameron in of Aim told the jury how she ha re er us an aoneln louse That is rcngion of real power rves SCOTT TAIL to Dalston for about an hour While she drove That is something that can enlist Northwest wlnd Penetang Police Court yesterday dismissed charge of arson 59 7f NEW can limit nggw 50an and PM THE TOWN 3m AND COUNTY OF SIMCOK 5c Since 1864 Distinguished Evangelist From England Canon Bryan Green SCHOOLS PRAISED lN anLL REPORT High fire drill wish to commend the princi pals and teachers of all schools in Barrie he states for their splen did coopcration in having their fire drill so complete and efficient also the children who in their fire drill were wonderful good manner and time as ill ordinary fire drill This means so much to your fire department and myself to know that their drills are taught ahd practiced by all schools inma most efficient manner he stated The following is list of schools and the time it took to clear chil as 14 MW Club Ian UhPiar I1 the Post mm Dourtmwh 0th seat in the church had been occu lendlllg to mally anothvr did not of people offer little lovcfor understanding pied and the overflow was accommodated in the Sunday School room to which Canon Greens address was relayed Hblld as The Worlds Greatest Evangelist the speaker spoke of his pleasure at being back ill Can iada and made several jocular rc thcsc missions and to consider mo mentarily that they were members of the congregation of his own church St Martins in the Bull was quite impossible for anyone to have such thing They could not have little of God Those people who professed to have little of God did not have God at all All they had was the image of an idea which they thought was God There was vast diffgrence be tween this and real religion This dren and staff Codringion per sonnci 451 62 seconds Hillcrest 450i 60 Secs St Marys new 125 24 secs St Marys old 128 45 secs St Josephs High School 11 47 secs King Edward 425 94 secs Prince of Wales 495 90 secs Barrie District Collegiate In blamed as they were very human stitute 871 90 secs turned from Barrie just in time to pull her husband spite extensive investigation yProfessor Joslyn Rogers provin bli patologiSt told the jury can see no possible way this fire could have started from natural dust moved her husband back to CORONERS JURY HERE Asks FlRE IN WHICH MAN DIED coroners july sitting in Barrie yesterday recommended that further investigation he made into the blaze which fat ally burned Basil Moore helpless cripple and 55yearold friend back to town On her re turn she found the house afire left when liquid has been en surracc AWM some complete offering of these things burned on wood The fire was brought under con trol by neighbors who formed cripple for the last three or four Wit slow AT lHoRNlo or anything else It had to be Real religion was relationship lwllh God said the spoilkcr and he illustrated this point by referring to the native Christians who were living under various threats of the terrorists Man Man organizatlon telenccs to Toronto which caused in Kenya nf Today he said there were re TeaChers CANON BRYAN GREEN lto try and overlook the impersonal 5piy if Barric District Collegiate Insti laspect which waltlddften part of errunsm mur lune Board at their October meet part of the world One of the na tive chiefs who had denounced the Man Man organization was kill ed shortly aficr his denunciation Ilc condemned the terrorists bc Birmingham pmmuy they mm $3 an caur lc wat mom or Telling the story of all under Chri1mn Church letter was presented signed by graduate who had once come to him Tm wag dimly of religion the complete staff asking for con tribute to the different at Oxford and said he was 30108 sidcration by the ard in View which was able to stand up to all those people living in Africa it had to be remembered that they Were in most cases only one generation removed from the people whose lives had been governed by black magic and superstitious beliefs Yet these same people were turning round as Christians and having Canon Green added however that many people were being lost to the Christian faith because of the demands being made upon them and due to the threats under which they lived They could not be in putting their lives above every thingelsc The speaker told ofonc instance where recently in one of the Ken ya churches there had been con vicewtlle minister his wife and their child It is easy to sit and saywhat poor Christians they are said Canon Green but wonder how many of you would be here tonight our loyalty and if wchad it could make difference to the world in inammable in God the spelier said that to day there were many people who armor believcfASaxsubstitutr they clung to the Writings of Karl Marx and Bertrand Russell for the SPECIAL coox lHon Brooke BOOK SECTION TODAYS ISSUE Today readers ohlhc Eun lncr obtain with their in special iiipage cook book con days home delivery while others may purchase it along with the paper at the usual price BDCI Board Takes ing decided to take no action on rcqucsw from the teaching and lIIl structional staff of the Night Class cs for an increase in remuneration tinned by one trustee that the board was not trying tube unsympathetic to the night classtcachcrs but tlhey had no budget for an increase at this time It was felt that the $3 rate was considerablyhighcr by the hour than the average during the that the staff might attend the Dis trict No convention of the On tario Secondary School Teachers Federation at Parry Sound burn permission was granted to have the agricultural science class es of grade 10 attend the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto on Friday Nov 21 and some financial assist ance was given to pay for the two buses required speaker at the special ceremonies will be Hon Dr Dunlap 0n tario Minister of Education Still Pleasant More of the sunny cool wea eslcd Indian Summer in Nov GQEBEM43MW400 much do expect after our lot Ions summer The sun sets to night at 508 and rises tomor quest On the requestof Cock rip Examincr BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY OCTOBER 24 xx is by Fr ti or if stress it so dz PM reportfvh Cf person was willing to lay down his New THE HON BROOKE CLAXION DCM QC MP Canadas Ilc has drawn up on the subject of llglon Canon Green said that it or 101 me When they thought of night school work be revrewcd 3121wa ofciated In taking no action it was men Minister of National Defence today offlculliy opened the two oclock followulg which on fine new public school at Camp Borden under lovely wea ther conditions before big gathering of service and civ ilian personnel The Minister arrived by air from Ottawa at 1045 this morning and his first act was to review the Guard of Petawawa was present At 1130 the Minister took the salute at Garrison Parade as some 3000 troops marched past on the Army parade square School ceremony took place at Charge Against Toronto Arson Arugula am As ah Emu at mans were dimmedWW 1V tile burninrotsome leavusrhlfa the termrm wave was board the 0mm Pemng Sit02ng the countlyv recent the new collegiatebuildmg midi 51 sunday the had mlyfbeet three tion on Friday Nov when there sum persons in the church or ser will be open house and the main Fire Is Dismissed Following the hearing of case which resulted from the from the flames that ra ged around llim Inspecmr Harding said there was which we live Canon Green add the has been Myer in the hi he court my now that word keeps Prowl Accordingto Fire Inspect01Per an unexplainable charred area on ed past few days with prospect xggymymhr gim Tp in Scotsmants wrltlglgs atn In to res no ee asul HW the use of 18 oor Game r031 31min 101 that one 01123 no Hogan 3ng Mid JCharge of arson against Robert Shanahan testied that llCSHW Township celebnm his gfoggggog lasso 33118183 Wm aze had not been 19de me was be Chrsm less me evidence Someone has proph Millstone Toronto was withdrawn two me leave the and 539 95th birthday Wednesday cos dull wit to engage in repeltee prior to Thursdays hearing Both the unused grain elevator Crown witnesses Jack Shanahan Phelpston and Charles Cole An blheifwmtry Mmeafter Wag Nels ea of 7177177971 19 ed had been Phepsm few Provincial Constable James Free first pioneers ortnrwxvnship graph Smding between A1 Hams mmutes heme the re We opp Elmvale testied that amy back lathe early days at ice Harris Shel had $3 if 39 rillenexamlmed the or in Toronto 0m 35in 115en$omaerfn some warn gt 22 n2 igcyfcs it gaspggzrdfi about am the foJlowing morn He is staunch Presbyterian called out Youie minm attends church regularly and Harrised tonight Mrs llamtonifuu Cloxfon Vagainst William Hadad Toronto on the grounds of insuffic lent evidence to warrant committing Hadad for trial by action of the elevator that they dargwmsemmmemmm lateiftiiefmthccanparkcd MONDAY WY Dunn Class Wm HANNA and Audrt Bum of circulation 28 PagesThree Sections l952 pens New School Today athomp Borden for the graduation ceremony Officer Candidate School and was scheduled to leave in late afternoon The Minister of National Defence was accompanied by his secretary Brig Cameron H011MI Claxton was met at the airport by MajorGen Commander Camp Borden with whom he is shaking hands and by Group Captain Syme MLBE CO of Sta tion Camp Borden to the right of Col Clark LEAVES comma The fire department was allelic1 out to Peel St on chnesdny after noon However the outbreak whicbhad maximum The Lost Column In smart Things Oldest Resident People Say Being one of those people who lack theilnagination to coin tune 95th Birthday the darkness in the dlr and who sedom saw the ght ll anytimel havb8ll ceedingly impressed with some of the sharpnminded people have been meeting rcently pear into 22 at his NEW about WLQQELBSlhJLQmMm and gathering was held In his honor Mr McArthur was born in on Phelpstons main street within ten minutes of the discovery of the elevator fire Hamilton was posing for photo ing He found tin smelling of kerosene between the spare tire and the side of the trunk Sam ples of sand adlleringto the bot is lifelong Liberal Ills health is remarkably good and excepptllat he cannot The next bright duip came from Mrs Scotty As we were walk ing home after seeing war pm folk Ross 0R0 STATION lo REPRESENT NORTH SiMCOEiIN read as he did few years ago he is alert and able to take an inlercstiu events in general tom of the tin and of the dust ontlle wheels of the car were taken for analysis ture which dealt wither AInErl canbreakthrough to Rome my better threeequarters were Netb No evidence Was introduced Among those present for the reJivin me entire Show ho vever as to the mums 0f the birthday were Reeve smith campbll and his two Song dont know whether it 18 because analysis Donald and Douglas who she has beenliva with 19 f0 so long that she thinks Im the he had placed Haldad under arrest brightest diving on car hmhut site for arson and had obtained Vol1 has developgdmtb piglway untary statement from him Actand no indications of its contents rehashing plot re ing Crown Attorney Paul Cope was given inthe court that was following land Orillia permitted defence In moving for dismissal defence Anyway in one porgnant scepe in counsel Brooks to examine counsel pointed out that no evid the movie the heroinerexclaunsp this statement in court However ence had been submitted to indi Ah Roma In theicpursSevof Mr Copeland made no attempt to cafe how the re started or to her repetition of all thereels that submit the statement as evidence connect Hadad With itin any way went to makeup the pictureMzs Scotty came to that bit hunted lately after putting allure human emotion from to 331 All lull Servicf ChallnoelandDuli Oi Delegatesjam iold altonvelliicll Jury service 159 Challengeand duty of citizenship movers worriallfMiss Mildred Meredith of Barrie tolddelegates to they area convention of the Womens Institutes ofSimcoe only by at their annual meeting here thlsj week Women bite needed onjurieslnordcr that jubilee lnLOn Gonstable Freeman stated that Whats Wrong with Sport said as far as he was concerned there was little wrong and enlarged on his favoritehockey In encosing the subject Why Go to School Ross Rowat took the opportunity to effectively poke alittle fun at his Alma Mater Elmvale District High School In giving the judgesdecision Cockbultii gave atinedemon stration of the subject he was judging and offered several help ful suggestions before announcing that TomJoss was the judges Turn to page six please For the second year in succes 3mm slonjTifiRJssTOETStation has won the right to represent North Simcoe in the Provincial Junior Farmer Bublic Speaking Competi tiol accomplishing this by his out standing performance at the county competition held in ElmVale on Wednesday evening gTorn selected for his subject AfBirdSketches and emphasized Ilowcver mast say amused atone story that speaker made scrum morehlipealiha hr 69 amollstrntlng thecallswofsome ot the more commcnfblrds The judges Cockbum nclv NESynnott of Barrio District Collegiate Institute werepresntu ed with difflcult tannin placing the three contcatanmmsslrcnces Berthelotte representing Mesa Junior Tanner Club spokenom her cxperlence as GardlenClub member at wittyvonvincn in and amulet Rmvat of the Ebnvalewclld the Wet $01 Of dievelppmant of aluminum in lluntrrm Quads FolldWimttieprcpared contestants were presented with oiistotfwld auntgiven Acqualinting bel augustencrs with the fadts andcincurnstam of their now responsibility the attacker Outlined the rise and mull lt11 this turn system which rst time thisin direct