OPPOSITE DRIVEJN THEATRE OOLIRTOF REVISION TWNSHIP of VESPRA Yin sixth of the Vupn Count commas owns NWISWGIVEN Revwon mu be held an Mam pursuant to the Trustee Act that 0mm at am mdj all Creditors and other havzngl ctairns agamst the Estate of Abner late of the Township or On County of Simcoe Gentle man WM WEI on the all day of March 1951 are requested iO send particulars of their claims no the undersigned on or before November 1952I burst Township Hall Earl Richardson in Is 1123 AUCTION SALE Form Stock In And Household Effects The undersigned has received lllSIIUCIEDRS from CLARENCE KNUPP Halt Lot Con 13 lnnistil Twp to sell by Public Auction on TUESDAY OCT 21 THE FOLLOWING 10 years Old 1700 Mare 14 years old old bred June 11 Hereford Cow Shorthom Cow it years old bred Aug 14 Ayrshire Cow years old bred July Black Cow it years old bred March 24 Roan Heifer Calf at foot Shorlhorn Heifers years Old Hereford Steers years old Roan Heifer years old Holstein Steers was old Spring Calves lSllll on the cowsi SWINE Yorkshire Sow due by date of sale Sow with Pigs Store Pigs 75 lbs 20 Figs weeks old IMPLEMENTS Oliver 70 Trac tor in good condition Superior iiirun Power Drill with fertilizer and grass seed attachments as good as new Oliver 3furrow Tractor Plow good as new Set Oliver 12 section springtooth barrows Iicur 1y new Set 1641 Drag Ilarrows blacksmith made MasseyIlarils Binder 7ft cut MasseyIiarris Sulky Rake Rubbertired Wagon and Box 16ft Hay Rack Scuffler 21 Fleury Walking Plow Cream Separator 650 1b Cream Separator table Common Sense Fanning Mill Set Sloop Sleighs MISCELLANEOUS Sct Breech ing Harness 211n Collars 24in Collar Set High Tops Hay Perk Pair Bridles Halters 1501001 Draw Rope Set Sling Ropes Bag Truck Stone Boat Electric Fence Gas Drums Pig Troughs Buff alo Robe 15 Cords 14incli Hard wood cords 14inch Softwood Good LoggingChains Forks Shovels Doubletrces Neckyokes and many other articles too num erous to mention HAY AND GRAIN 25 tons Mixed Timothy and Alfalfa Hay well savedbaled and wire bound Vega tons Loose Hay 700 Bus Ajax ats HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Moff 4burner Propane Gas Stove new months ago Princess Pat Kitchen Range coal or wood Qua ker Space Heater nearly new Quebec Heater 3burner Coal Gil Stove Philco Battery Radio Oak Buffet Cupboards Extension Table Kitchen Chairs Leather Racking Edison Rhona plements Viking model Ball 412 50th day of MISCILLANSOUS mm Service BUTTON BUCKLE COVERING BELTS MADE IN it and I2 kilns SEWiN TmHREAD VV WOLFENDENE the which date the Bxecutrix will complete range in domestic size for any others STEWART ESIEN Solicitors for the 116121 rm Treasurers Sale of Land to Taxes The Township of LnnLIfil County of Simcoe g10 WIT istribute the Assets of the Estalel navzng regard only to the clamsi of which she then shall have notl ice and will not be responsible Do spools 73 colors now stuck 9c per 80yard spool ZIPPERS REPLACED JACKETS IX Barrie Tent Awning CO I34 Buyiieiil S1 Prima 17 W2 POR FLOOR SANDERS your own floors Its easy By urine of warrant issuengur new 3321159311 13100 Sander HORSES Grey Team andihy the Reeve of the Township ufidll excelldit work Low rates Completeltie of floor finishing Seal of the said Corporation bearImalerials FilmS Vitamins shell CAIILE Holstein Cow yearsi mg date he 15 day of September 3C8 llers Mimics etc We sail 1115 Blacklllltllsfll under his hand and the ai 1113 Hall at the hour of oclock in afternoon on the Third day of Jan uary 1953 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid Notice is hereby given that the ills of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the Ontarioi Gazette on the lib day of October 1932 and that copies Of the said 31151 may be had at my office on day of October 1952 113th AucrION SALE Farm Stock Implements and Household Effects The undersigned has received Instructions from WILFRED BELL Lot Concession ll West Gwillimbury Miles South of Cookstown on Highway 27 to sell by Public Auction on ITU ESDAY OCT 28 1952 AT 1111 HORSE Buy Mare Bay Horse CATTLE ICow bred June 27 Cow July 21 Cow bred June 15 Cow Ibred June 11 Cow bred May 31 Cow bred June 13 Cow bred July 27 Cow bred Oct Cow fresh Cow bred Aug 11 Heifer Ibred Oct Heifer bred Sept Heifer bred Sept 16 Heifer bred March Heifer bred July Heifer bred June Heifer bred June Heifer bred in April Heifers year old Spring Calves PIGS White Sow Pigs 10 Weaned Pigs POULTRY 75 New Hampshire Pullets 100 New Hampshire Lay ers HAY About tons Timothy About 20 tons Baled Clover Hay HARNESS sets Team Harn ess mmLHmes Store ILumber INSURANCE graph large number of records Bedroom Suites Iron Bed Spring and Mattres Coronation Power Washing Machine 8day Clock Rolls Linoleum new 20 Sap Buck ets and Spiles Many other house hold articles Owner has purchased house in town and everything to be sold without reserve Terms Cash Sale at 118 pm Vearl Coutts Auctioneer GENERAL gams AUTO 0TIIER CASUALTY mas RJ SESSOR Clappbrton St Barrie PHONE 2577 RES of Horse Collars IMPLEMENTS McCormick Deering Tractor on rubber MH Binder 6ft cut Deering Mower 5ft MH Rake 10ft Wagon and Box MH Cultivator Illtooth Tudhope Anderson Spreader Fleury Bissell Spreader Case Tractor Plow 3furrow Kid Kan garoo Plow Verity Plow Wagon Rack Scuffler Frost and Wood Disc Harrow Cutting Box MH Chopper and Jack Lister Gasoline Engine horse Set Sleighs Tud hope Buggy Cutter 100galGas Tank on Stand Logging Chains Set Power Clippers Grain Bags Forks Shovels Whitfietrees Neck yokes etc HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 3in1 Heating StovevExtension Table chaps Beatty Electric Washing Machine Beatty Washing Machine Wringer Incubators 400egg size Churn Coleman Iron Dishes and other articles too numerous mention No reserve as owner is quitting farming Terms cash Nothingto be lifted until settled for Houghton McEwen Auctioneer 118 mom will be sold by the Junior Chamber of Com meme torturous JAYCEE 2nd ANNUALBROOM SALE complete toWnwidedoerh 104101 canvas on SATURDAY OCTOBER 18 3mm 83 oclock in the inomlig Proceeds will hens Cow bred May llI bred of lands Ill arrears of taxcslcverytbizig needed to make new years old bred Aug Short5m lht Township of Innisl will b91300 from Old horn Cow Syears old bred Aug held at Churchill III the CommonI Treasurers Office Churchill thisl Allan Treasurer Store Fronts 107 Dunlop St LEUBNACE AND Chimney cleaned BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clappcrton St 591th SKATE SHARPENING newest methods Phone 52063 prompt service CANADIAN TIRE CORP 96 Elizabeth St Phone 3502 51180 HEARDS GLASS MIRROR Custom Built Mirrors Mirror Resilvering Builtin Glass for all purposes Phone 3091 Barrie 597436 RADIO I3 TELEVISION REPAIR ALL WORK GUARANTEED BARBIE RADIO SERVICE 22 Owen St Phone 2084 5100138 REUPHOLSTERI NG Complete and competent workman shi at moderate rates Free Pic Up Chesterfield sets rebuilti $11000 up MAYER UPHOLSTERY 56 Maple Ave Phone 2021 5110118 FURNACES AND Chimneys clean ed Call 2442 Robinson and Orr 5103122 most modern equipmen asov chimneys repaired Call Hazon Drinkle phone Elmvale 107r5 re verse charges 5111124 TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 TENDERS FOR SNOW REMOVAL Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to October 30 1952 for snow removal on Township Roads of the Township of Oro Tenders to state price per hour when operating and be for heavy duty trucks equipped with by draulically operated snow plow and wing Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Clerk Marrying Barrie Ontario public auction the said land to pay ed toggle iaycee work in the TUDHOPE Clerk 118 Hawkestorie RR No SALE or LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES INTHE COUNTY or SIMCOE NOTICE is hereby given that the list of lands liable to besold for arrears of taxes in the County of Simcoe has been prepared and was published in an advertisement October 1952 in The Ontario Gazette Copies of said list of lands or dvertisement can be seen in my office or will be mailed upon making application for same In default of payment of taxes as shown on said list on or before TUESDAY JANUARY 13 1953 at the hour of two oclock in the afternoon shall at that time in the Council Chamber Court House proceed to sell by such arrears tbgether with char ges thereon lf land not all sold on January 13 an adjourned sale willbe held on Tuesday January 27 at two oclock COLEMAN Treasurer County of Simcoe Treasurers Office gt Court House Barrie Ontario 10th day of October 1952 1166F 4324 GARDEN MANIIRE fur saie Do illzll roofing IPhone collect Stroud 47r13 5llltf Cakley Kindly plume IIfuiziition MISCELLANEOUS MODERN TILE FLOORING Aiphalland Rubber Tize Floating Wail TIE 1Iioieum Couliterf Tops Brmdluom slugs CHICKS GOVERN SENT APP ED 300 Die gala1 ages 31 Tries pullers will sold tzrlily reduced prior clear 55 Happensu St Bdrm Phone E20 north the in Point GILMORES PH 5185 BARBIE 70 MAPLE 53911 are booking chicks for fall delivery now Chicks from Szrncuc Countys Lar rixihiiiiGiiiNg 3211 Icmrzzt gesl ireeder Hatchery Hatching Orriptiy 15 is jch remd 5Lil1tt POULTRY BREEDING FARM 50 Penalany Plume 2735 Barrie ealtf LHIIKS 41111111 10 DRESSMAKING and Alterations iii Maple Are or phone 2021 596tf It NovaIrith hicks rM 1115111121 151111 till NIXDILOGRAPHING and public ctflllltllll ime stenogrophy Let bliss Cora Shel itILJ Ac 1111 Bri well or Alvin Thompson help ou with your secretarial work Phone 4824 5383 1953 ler Hairh PUZILIZ rIrI Slruiiii 2413124 BORN ANtKlLIiSAl the HospItal Battle 1932 is 311 5IIG113 no Allkvis gt011 LS Li RS and terations SUTTON At my may Cum and er un IlUEOIIJl Lllli 1m 11 19 100111 and emndas spectalty 9i gtf All carpentry worklast efficient 519 in HIMA servrcc All work guarantecdu Unlm ctllliigtctl IllJllllli for inwri dress luam gravel Illl Also grdIis aloned and discut Phone Pr 31 after II on Oct iii and 513 vital Harlin In 1151 115 to and Ir= hintram Webb 91 llruzj Laue Iiii4tIi LOST FOUND TEAM 0F Eelii 115 white and buy strayed from farm Itf Frunk DIED iOlCBELOLZ El 1933 11 111 home 35 Boustcad Avenue lu IOizlo Ann Gill beloved Wilc of George Goebel led of Mrs Hugh PM and Mrs Irma Per of IIir onto SIgtICF Of Samuel iil the Homestead Miiilizizst Ing at Turner Porter Funeral 13H Stroud ll tilllL LSISiriill gufiirii brown dog with will collar vliite tip on tail named Villl on Thursl lay Ill Ilziriie Greatly Iiirssed AI Russell Midliiirst or pllOile 2351 17118 FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLES delivery anywhere tg Snows Pcewaukec Greenlng Sow Hurry Morren 11 North 51 phone 1510 20118 APPLES windfalls Ltlc 13041 Tina hips 73c bushel Beets and Car rots 40c 6411 Pepper or Buttercup Squash 5c and 10c Pumpkins 15c40c 298 Buyiield St 20ll7118 Illilillil Service inthe Chapel 230 pm llltlu Interment Park Cemetery GUARANTEE no WMLwm feeder iemanufacturcd Engine Feeds Dont Repairv Replace SEE US FOR DETAILS 1111110111 11111 LIMITED Chrysler Plymouth Fargo 525 Elizabeth St Barrie WEBB At the li11ll Victoria 11 IiislI 111er daughter Mabel The sign is the symbol of BALANCED FEEDING AT LOWER COST in your community SlumGAIN Feeds manufactured at your local Mill and sold direct to you allow no middleman to take profit If there is no middleman to take profit the follow MORE NATO AID my carer Dumas 3me Diurnal aid computers whipped from Canada this month Defence announced today The zlljilitii wall melodic antl atrium gains stores and ammuni Lion iic tar The Ilelulxl Denmark Italy Netherlands iron man IN APPRECIATION thanks AIib 121v ix MoCLNKEYln loving memory of George Stanley McCtinkey who 311 IIIil More astral will be Minister Brooke Clinton miles west ects Including several to the Portuguese army and control equipment and mor bonito Iu the Belgian arzizy ulgarrlczll vll Triton Aricimnccr Saturday Oct 18 dismal early Norway and the cred lillflzr have Canada liLf IDS il in explks my sincere iezgaotirs and friends cards fruit and Visiied during my recent 1illc$ irlti 11R 1011115 1313 MEMORIAM Lutile In ltiltrtl and grade ssed away Oct 17 1951 tin1 ltlltllllltlt2l by wife and iii 11 MEREDIIIfIii laying memory ilfr tlu who was killed Oct find We 51111012 Dad 115 IlllDllAMln loving memory of it George away Oct 13 1951 Theres Howard Meredith 19 1911 railed llllll home eight years ago iizivc nursed you dear How urd every from Since then Remembered always by ilom ilvzi Elmer Lind Emily 18 dear IUII mother Mrs who passed Wife and Pridlium door sad but sweet remem bronco There is memory mad and true There Is token of affection mo And ban IIOIIII mother Mrs gnus Wattle who passed away Oct 19 1948 Arid Home 43113 Roncesvzilles Avenue 1101 The Farmer Gets Highest Quality Feeds At Lower Cost SHURGAIN Feeds are sold direct from the manufacturer to the SlumGAIN Feeds are of excellent quality The Feeder Gets Rapid Growth 0r High Production SHURGAIN Feeds are low in cast for this high quality The Feeder Achieves More Profitable Production flier ti heartache still for you Lovrngly remembered by bus and family 1111 toys by pea thoughtful lm AUCTION SALES gem Saturday nu III Arthur Porteri WW and estaie of Mary 9on8 mile north of erELy Household furniture and eff5 anti ties Sale at ism Terms cash Kenn whim to our bleeds thanks for their many of sympathy the boa 116110I were kills asam wt Aizcton sale boukm TMWWT too numerous to Barrici of Moose Im Air Cadets Your 11 Wednesday Nov Auction sale Holstein Wattle some Implements and house hold effects for Jriizictt Loti ui71oricr MOTOMASTER Penna Fill IIIEIn loving memory of my while she lies in sleep memory we shall always keep Ever remembered by her Iis peaceful GAL 498 ENGINE CHARGERS WORTH 90c CTC Price lEtlrclynCGlycoli ANTIFREEZE QUART 128 Complete stock or nasaosrsns HEATERS mus HEATERS MOTOMASTER erIIiII nuns 44cI 139 Isl IHaliam Farm Frames 51 CHEV V2 TON EXPRESS ONLY 13090 REAL BUY AT $110000 DANGERHELD MOTORS can on amazon auoroim 51 am out 7119 MOBPOWER High Wain ArmorGiant Sp to 19 longer we uni water only times year Save 805 to 1985 Including TradeIn OVERNIGHT BATTERY MOIOMASTER winterized 1995 511071 fillings coom ply 1995 partment Tires Batteries Mufflers installed in our service deI You can lower the cost of livesttIck production with SHURGAIN IioiiINsoII ELEVATOR and FEED MILL Phone Stroud 5ACollect oi Barrie 2687 2271 FREE DELIVERY If theChildren and were left How lOIigeiould we live on my husbands nsuranCD It makes me stop and wonderwhen add up all the bills that We pay tokeep the home lfwhadltoliyeyon insurau coghere cauhigekeepgoih myhusbandls 35 in swdsmhe Asx titiii council 31th xi