IL IL WWchm ms isms Six Months WW he talus his pemes to the candy counter that it takes lot Ma To otteran to get by putting in and omen perian in the piggy bankyis go we Pm Herald in to man Pop look shamcfacedly his and 31 mucus sts 33 Kilbey no fixed abode were Weyburn Susit Review each sentences to six months in dam be the leaded guilty to arvar our ar 01 lvard University was baptized at char en Yummy iSouthward Cathedral in London mas 1323 utilizagme England 1607 trial surrounding the death all gt JamesDell 59 Penetang Deli died in Penetana hospital on Aug ow Offers 23 Itll days al lime mmwv mono NTENNIALS Well now that thats over letsgwould be 75 years back The vir slt back and relax If theres any glues we cxtoll and the ideals wc thing that beats church annilpUlsue stem directly from battles versary for innumerable details its ifought and decisions made through hundredth anniversary Down in out four generations Bur neck 01 the lst we hale The implication is obvious We in 695de 100 years Of ChUlfh today are making history We are life in St James Ulllld and lOllbuilding the Stroud of tomorrow the moment we are very historych are acbicvmg the standards conscious and goals which will motivate the Making History 5chlldrcn of our children To First we would like to say thatzlnrgc extent we are determining the past is very fascinating partthcir thinking and their living of the present The quality of any How do we build At con community can be soon dcvcloplngitcnniol this is the question which persistently through the years asQniust ultimately be asked It is one reads back through the records the qucstion which the President of of institutions families and conmic Toronto Conference asked Sun gregations What Stroud is todaylday evening at tho closing service is what the fathers delerminud sliclAnd if we do not look into this gissuc sharply we shall be going into ythe next contury blind vL LEARN Our Churches examining again the rock from ==ao=o==zo=o===louo====aomo===a rigor his tworoom shack Blanchl ette and the Kllbcy woman ha been living will Dell olumbus 2i anmbegrxlllcrlfelgzesgnf of Perlel tang were committed for trial in higher court on manslaughter charges laid following Dells death Trial has been set for early in No vembcr Two other charges against Blan chctte and his companion were dropped following their plea of gullty on the vagrancy charges your exra assurau Blattchette had been charged with living off the earnings of prostitu ofqbor quallfjj lon Miss Kllbey had been charg cd with being an inmate of com mon bawdy house md dEST RESULTS FROM EXAMINER ADSPHONE M14 51 DODGE Heavy Hoar Frost Are they what they should be whence we are new pres designing Forryoursclf for 1A they faithful to the Christian Th gGospel committed to them Are Comm lY 16 ar or mm lb BC mm mm members mau Christian Docs Then again there is the activity Small Mileage on Lm n1 the outside the church Is our sport East Sunn dressedJAlcst todttc so an plll wor among Imam Or is me not sum or better manhood New methods 5353 Imm lsomcthlug in creed Do we pro the youth Are the 0111135 and bIO Still cool and rather pleasant so withNew Ifcss the name only on the Lords thlhQOdS MOllVltd bl the mind Wm fresh as Wm comm Car Guarantee wrcommomwmno 33 ill Lriilmzlmab Eli Sinbitemnfe5snelilhgfn32 u=========g mm 33222 135 22 me saving grace or God in Christ bors neighborly Is the social life Liberal Pally lakes over comm fonowmg Japanese general lng And arc the churches glorified 50 actually soglal tEbatdis happy 0r election Emperor Halle Selassie sees Eritrea come under There was slightshower on MOTORS cm clubs where most attention is do we nee it nor prize or Ethio lan urlsdlctlonThree trains involved in one of Brt Wednesdwmornlnz The 29 Name to nterminin the Chris whopping jackpot to draw the mile stretch of Kempenfclt USED CA DWISION W0 talns bl est wrecks in recent ears Mossode ives 1314981 ans crowd to our dos Docs each man gg shore is continuous picture Bradford Mt only Show which ougm run his own Show and the udevu Iranian reply to AngloAmerican proposals Protest to be ln autumn tints almost at their Addrch to ast these questions it is any take the hindcrmost Are the lodged with SOVlOt High Command following Red jet attack most colorful stagq now ion vcr anniversar gatherings or me and women 0n hospltal Plane Korean talks St 1191 indefinitel Tcmwmures were conumat yt Clucntlv for the purpose of good 1511 UN 1mm 11 Mucnw mm DESIGN llrrilieagglvzlclllfgorlgrggilaxllon bul mad Is our sport becoming what 7I lglgalgmgulvz sags time for returning to the deep 35 been termed moral sub ll HM general election as Following negotiations which 00 28 roots time for taking Slock Me for free Sovereign nation Japan re have been going on for some time 00 64 36 Nate Morals saintly 9m PLemler YOShldavs Tlght Plemlir MOSSungh came out with Cl 54 as buying Lock 00mm We could go on at some length lng leeral Part in 00llll01 Of delland for 20 million pounds 00 10 30 ions Ohms Maghran L3 ll heard the Countrys affairs One of the from Britain within one week to Door Closers repaired Jr co Just Us afternoon We story which adds up to the shame oumandmg pomts 01 the demon 9103 the way for 10le final insulled of one man That is not to say howeven was the fact that the scttlcment of the AngloIranian oil rs Reupholstering completed that there were not shameful things Communists who had previously dispute gt Nm suds to spindrnasiw bf in our shops means the last years ago But if we are to build held 22 seals the Diet failed lot Tl demand fOUOWCd Anglo WASHING MACHINES Eh word in Modem upholsteb for thebcuer tomorrow we win gain onesmglc scat With lllell American proposals to settle the REPAIRED 0M mcn fun oilAug 0y not do it on unfaithfulncss self Votes mum 155 1h 900009 matte Acloldmg to Mossadegms Used Washing Machln lng Fabrics that duplicate centercdness and materialism The comparcdwnh 3000000 in 1949 it note lmssmn representing me cs to sale most modern new custom ten commanmems are not the code was the biggest ballot defeat of any AngloIranian Oil Company can WDEfumituremDTsupplev irywvinchmcbrmlanAlivesrrbuilEEmmillslfolh9l 831 P3003 Tehemn after pay it THEY HAVE To BE OBEYED The election was safeguarded Lby mentlofllihsumreustdfnrei BzTlllegiatEjuniorsdmpa iI men era Smans NEVERTHELESS Ever now and operational recommendations re negotiations can be started to find pod their home opener Wednesday that HOLDS the Most Mo commended by General MacArth basis for settling each sides afternoon when Midland High then some man or some woman dam look despite time and remakes them altogether and t0v urs staff claims and counterclaims for com school copped thrilling 1615 de wear morrows men and women are look However while it shows an Pensalion The talks WOUId 1351f 50 at Arena park ing on all the time And believe oriental striving for the democratic flog tlhtlfie Wgkiaand at Slat 51nd thghgggggiyeggkpggwagsrigg 80 Dunlop St Barrie LDUNIOP ST BARBIE me ri in wo en CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED me they knotill what is gotng 21822th tretnllresln 232ng have to handover an additionalzs decided territorial edge over the esones Northerners but their ine tack million pounds The two mstal as he 15 presrtmg over divided mems add up to the sum which 1mg led to pa of long touch It ought to be apparent that we Borne Tent Awning Co 31 about Stroud Persona we in 34 Hayfield st Phone 4314 Stroud is about the best among gdffggegenaggszgggcug rural communities But no commun country by he us authorities ity or church on earth has achieved Yoshida is up against Ichim Hatm the perfection we long for it Annt yama the founder and rst leader versaries ought to be marked as of me Liberal Party who seemed they r011 bY They are We more set to become Japans first postwar important than birthdays 10 they premier until he was purged for concern more Peple Axis sentiments Yoshida took his The second thlng We want to place and now that Hatoyama ls down runs by Midland which set up the surprise Win Barrie held slim 106 margin at the end of the half but lost the lead in the third quarter when the visitors struck for two majors Barrie put on late drive in the fourth quarter and had they con verted lastminute ltouchdown would have produced tie on the dayswork Plunging half Bobby Thompson represents the amount of disputed oil royalties Iran is claiming In London there seems to be little enthusiasm over the Iranian Prem iers suggestion GERMANY protest is expected to be lodg ed with the Soviet High Command following an American claim that two Soviet jet fighters machine mm on KAYS BEAUTYSALON 73 Elizabeth St Phone 4434 hat mmilmsmieg and in free the new Premie re now under the mana ement of sqggesb 15 38 gunned United States air force fro th birthdays arc thetlflnest oppor fuses to surrender control The hospital plane in the Allied all 235$ $323 with nghgaglystirxinwo tunittes for discovering where we crisis Will be seen at the 9nd of the corridor 60 miles southwest of of the game which went uncon are There Is the backward 101 month when we Liberals meet to Barium The plane however maLn verted Midland fumble early announces opening then the forward look and then chose Prime MinlSleF aged to escape and reach Temper in the second quarter was recov ate betle the resent Of one can va hot air base Without being hit ered by Berries Blll Empire for The plane twinengine DC3 was heading for Berlin to evacuate army patients for specialtreatmpnt at base hospitals in West Germany According to the crew two MIG 5s swooped on them and fired sev eral bursts across the path of the American plane The plane was cruising at about 7000 feet the altitude prescribed by fourpower regulations for ying through the corridor across Soviet East Ger many to Berlin similar report came from Tokyo where 1329 Superfortress disappeared shortly after radar anotherscorlng position but the BDCI squad returned the favor moments later and lost golden oDROItunlty Lanky eetfooted Bruce Pop pleton skirted the end for 45 yard run in thesecondfor Bar rielsggndrTD but Midlands Hen drickson intqrcepted passinom ents later for a502yard sprint and hiis teams rst major He convert Mhe third quarter was all Mid lands Scott received kick at Barries 45 and knited his way through tacklers for major that putvMidland rlntrontvn10 rAncl Pmked Widenlled Plane later in the session Lowes round EPPPOEChlnE it from the direction ed the end on 30yard run and of the Russianheld Kuriles ac iMidlands third major cording to US Far East Air Forces Barrie putgon gt drive in the sources hwlrlch carried them toMld However it was not stated that lands onesyard line with one mln 155k Let us have more anni versaris for these purposes both public and personal FEATURING adios Stetson ll lady Beatrice llnls rrrrhe PERMANENTS mm 51m Fan Dies al Final ALL BRANCHES OFWBEAUTVYHCULTURE highpressure nal period drive Saturday nightbrought 0111 mm for 11 wars barelegged Em ver Sarnla giagzlglexfn 3h mgw its flrst 12pm troops swung lhwugh the reels intermediates OLA lacross champ iLL mp years GREAT BRITAIN ions KT The the sewnd Cult of tho greatest train wrecks game was oR in British railway history in recent With golden scisSors Emperor Haile Selassie recently cut rib bon and thou crossed frontier to add the former Italian colony of Eritrea lo his domain In Asmara the Eritrean capital from which Mussolini launched his attack in 1935 on Haile Selassie there uttered the redyellow and green striped Ethiopian flags In place of the departing British Tom mies who had held the land in GUARD turnout smurmilnunssmmvem the hardships cavssdby firezrrKeep root safely over your head by playing sale now Watch those lighted matches Be smart Bexsafc over the Sarnla team the two having met in Wallaceburg Mon day night with the Orlllla team straight victory for the Terriers years occurred during ther week when Londonbound express travclling overnight from Scotland winning by 12 vmargin plowed into the rear of in stationary the unidentified plane was Russian ute left Thoml3$9n plunged 0V9 tigsllatlurglgecnllgrlgtgagltlewatlntll mm wealdsme that the supeml was atlacked but the assmemm We ARJEANT failed on Midland vvere assured ctqry EL Harrow station about 10 miles out KOREA The Allies this week indefinitely inSlDOllCd theKprean amlce negotiationsdnd quite bluntly told the Reds that the next move was Yup to them This will remain in effect until the Commumsts either acceptan Allied proposal for settling the stalemate over prlsoncrofWar ctr changes orrlnuke Constructlva pmpoalofthelro Mcanwhll Gendiyalv James Van gleet said thhtgythe Eighth Army adsaloope the greatest edChln Belortyou borrow chock one magma in agonvtthout any penatra ontfcio ev manUnitetl K1 my Nationsbattle positions Theght Foul Yov $550 to 000 quickly ind in question wasccntred around your signaturewithoutbunltoblesecurity gigging old Nada l0 righting however stakiicdfouf elsewhere as the Red extensive neared on end iotltsraecond day Itywas launched Monday night by 15000 troops and the scooteat Com munlat artillery barrage of thei war the final period when Orlllia ran slde of London Almost immeas Wk plow lately another express bound from their winning margln MEouuwingmer gamertheTemmsr London to Manchester rocketed in Paradcd through thoftowns busfLnggshLLLLLWFCkagfLLEE Lama 153 Zigoguotrvgmgg ngetgi Railway officials said the death automobiles toll may top 120 while more than mm 130 persons were treated at hospi th2$nilnmfhe 3le half tale and hundreds of other were Charles Howie 72yenrold retlrd 8W6 first aid llealmenl onlhe salesman and oldestmomber of the SPOl Thcvcmm occurred lust at orllllaCurIlnglub was stricken ter sum Rescue workers Were wlth heart attack dying almost still digging throuah the debris lhstantly many hours after the crash Barrio 49 Dunlop Lma975L5NQRTH our Slllhiuln in Turkeys lbcyearfrouhd Itlll9wnjfarnis AA stir Jr front llallfhx to Vancouver rite Friendly Select yovrvovm rcpoymonl plan Up locatmonthato repay 700W Household Finance Canadas lordrt mid most reroute mondgd consumer llnmi JammyLeno you comm orstopliilodayl $0L ruminating Birds drawnlliideslred MVlLScTLWhon ordering