Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1952, p. 2

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91 McNicoII 21 Plowing Irvirritant more where we are attending the Youth of theVUniged States of American Conference Mg with ll from 31 States and is Province of Ontario Rooe of mm in the carload from Oratorio hava seen anything yet that looks nearly as good as home sign at the aide of the highway informs you that in West uVirginia the speed limit is 55 mph for motor car and 10 mph for mach The sign is quite unnec canary the highway is sowinding and so hilly you nevergo over 35 Our boys look at those hillside Jams and say not for me Nonetheless those Virginia hills have conspired to shelter an un bellmny beautiful campsite here It Jdchmns Mill have been told the property is adjacent to the originalfamily estate of Stone wollJnckoon The camp is made up 021 number of permanent buildings capable of housing as sembllng and feeding 400 people Actuallth it more like college campus than what we usually think of as camp The interest ing and somewhat surprising part is that it is practically in constant use by rural groups There Is sales stable and auc tidn ring on one part of the propi erty through which cattle from all over thcpstate are marketed There was sale this afternoon of 000 feeder colavea practically all Herefords weighing from 400 lo 4000 pounds Steers brought 26 to $30 cents heifer 23 to 26 cents We find that young farm peo Eple in the United States are strug gullng with the same problems as ethelr counterpartan Canada su ttingfin with groww lfinis morning learn Emuch prosperity is milking prob Elem income caresgr leader told of Club men scnling g3 $100bill to pay hls 12 camp regiatron fee Institummer Oth merinriancer wereglven1 where problem has arisen through too many rural teenasters bringing Etcamid high school Thenanothct lender spoke up todiacount the foortnuchmoncy theory He said eligible young people he knwa been unable to attend this conference simply because vthey could notafford the spending money that would be required The young people themselves are discussing the problem ofstart ing farming and nding the same solutions as have been suggested at SOnfarlo Junior Farmer Conferen Eces There is one different angle ito the problem here The young maudare not assume very large dfinmlcill bbligatlons for his num ber may come up for the draft at 32 any time One earnest young man aaid last evening that philosophy Wis developing among youngpeople cgwhich may havealarmlng reper igcussions He called it the what rgthehell philosophy They feel they faPEVWlbf world circum zgmnm that their fate is being gdecidcd by people and conditions gentireiy beyond their cantrol so they stop trying There juniors feel they have gcballenge to interest more rural ttycung people in rural organiza ifgtionn in Virginia there are 56000 Mural peoplebetween the ages of 317 and 30 Only 3000 of there shave any connection or affiliation with rural youth organization of pony sort Wevlalted coal mine this afternoon and saw some of the methodn whereby 000 men extnct tqu 61 cool from the earth every day Hardly anyone wlrher to make any election predictiona Two diff erent fellows from the South have told me lite will win lot of votes there and they think he will be elected There seems to be gdneral feeling that no matter which side wins there will be business recession One fellow from Virginia on learning we were from Ontario said is that near the Ayelaalta Highway We often thought ld like to take drive up that road Ivy WMB Mrs Harold Gibson was hostess to ivy Presbyterian WMS on Mon day Oct There were eight members present and two visitors Mrs Wes Cochrane was in charge of the program and opened the meeting with singing of hymn 147 After the usual devotional period the treasurer gave her report on Thank Offering amounting to $4414 Readings were given by Mrs Hogarth The study book on South Americawas completed by Mrs LJennett Mr Geurgis gave very interesting talk on Mark chapters and Readings were given by Mrs WemCochrane social hour was spent over tea cups and cnjoyed by all Mr and Mrs Bert McQuay and Robert Harris were visitors with Mr and Mrs Chris Lindsay in Toronto on Sunday Dedication Service The services at ChristChurch on Oct were well attend ed morning and evening Rev Howard dedicated the aims basin and plates presented by Banting Rochester in memory of hlsfather and mother Mr and Mrs Thomas Robert Banting ivy 1n the evening the sermon was given by Rev Downer who was pleased to be back in his own home church MIDHURSI Mr and Mrs Sutton Mr and Mrs Sutton Mr and Mrs Miller attended the MillerCoons wedding in Sharon on Saturday WA Meeting The WA met at Mrs Nashs with sixteen members present Plans were mde regarding catering to THE LARGEST CARGO of Canadian grain ever carried across the Great Lakes by ship was unloaded from Canadas biggest lake steamer the 078foot John McKeliar into Canadian Pacific Railway grain elevators at PortMchcoll recently The vessels arrival at the Simooe County port mark satisfactory level crn Pboto ed the beginning 0f large grain shipments eastwardas west ern farmers harvest the biggest crop ever grown an estlm ated 1250000000 bushels of all types of grain Over 20500 tons of wheat and barley part of this years crop and en ough to fill 410 railway box cars were unloaded from the lake ship to await transfer to eastern ports by rail HOUSING PERMITS ISSUED IN BARRIE THIS YEAR ALREADY EXCEED TOTAL OF I95 FIGURE During the mOnth of September 15 additional housing units became available in Barrie due to the con verston of nvnumber of dwellings into apartments and duplexes hilc during the same period iota of 40 building permits were issued an Increase of 10 over the same month last year The details just released by the town planning board show that the permits issued totalled $154325 The figure for the 30 permit in 1951 was $05800 Since January 293 permits have been issued alto gethcr amounting to $1270775 One hundred and 11 permitshave allot turkey dinner for the 121 been issuedjmr and aervlce staff the unemployment screw mgfcthahthhc Stoltzl insurance on Oct 18 and to the Torcst Rangerson Oct 24 com mittee was appointed to set up the pitchenand make recreational room of the basement under the Sunday School room Mrs Jones led the detmtional Mrs Peacock gave most inter esting travelogue on her trip to Vancouver this summer Many humorous incidents which happen ed proved most entertaining The ladies voted 370 to the new Deaconess training school Mrs Russell moved vote of thanks to the tea hostesses Sunday School will be as usual at 1030 pm There will be no church service owing 10 Anten Mills on niversary Mlfenmu auto loomfor financing or refinancing repairI or worthypurnouo Juudrlvo auto to the office bring proof of ownership an approval got your money promptly retain poouc don Bnokablo murity undcomkm not required Phoneor come In for your anti icon mason moo commonerimmune um urn tour we IINANCB CG run vu Mm Public Utilities sulfa 15 sawmp canine vawO ODIN DAILY 91055ATURDAY TO formulaHIM WW comma issued during 1051 whileaomc are still pending DwellingsC Chittick 68 Worsley St at 40 Kempenfelt Dr builder Alexander Son Harvey Lines 171 Mary St at 109 Mary St builder Charles Jacobs Antoni Malarczyk Angus at 195 Napier St builder self Mrs Trott Colllngwoodat Welling ton St builder Bertram 8105 Lorne and Graham SOmmcrs Bar rle RR at 217 Napier St build or self Saunders 150 Eur ton Ave at 143 Burton Ave builder Brennan Allen 19 Thompson St at 178 Duckworth St builder aelf 1Edw1n Johnston Stroudp at Charles St builder self Broiley 44 Perry St at Lot Highway 11 builder self Emerson Webb 91 Drury Lane at 01 Wellington builder self Fred Webb Sophia St at James St builder selfl Harold Agnew Alliston at 113 Napier St builders Hulda McKnightJ Homer to Holgate St at 178 Na pier St builder self Miss Irving and Miss Allen 160 Eliza beth St at Dundonald Si builder Kiriinc Gordon Spring 110 351 Road at James St two dwel lings builder self T61nl$12035005 CarmellaRussell 110 12013001 St builderself Tuck 73 Dundenald St builder ielfi3Wll red Peacock 22 Boys St builder self Coulson 07 Marcus St builder self Mrs William son 11Peel Slbuildcr Wil liamson Helm 143 Puget St builder self Gordon Harvey 87 John St builder self Walter Mania do oresworltipor hour ydltio ll Brown 56 Parkside Drive builder Tomlinson Mrs Thompson Napier Sf builder Teasdale Shrigley 168 Pool St builder self isabcl McCarthy Estate 50 Charlotte St builder Thompsbn iordon Spring Essa Roadbuildcr self Total$4550 Repairs and AlterationsMrs Blllingsley 220 131111le St insttlli two windows Mark Kong 51 Col lier St Iddition to laundry build mg Fred Smith Newmarki alteration to service station at 30 Louisa St Robson 53 1101 gnte St build chimney Vernon Smart 33 Campbell Avc build porch over back door Brun son 35 Campbell Ave repair ched CL Chittick 60 Worsley St re place chlmney Parker 135 Blake St build porch over back door Hart 70 Worsley St addi tion to dwelling Parr Centre St reshlngie dwelling Dudek 89 Blake St addition to cabins Mrs Keenan Bradford St repairs Torgis Automotive Ltd 89 High St addition to building Home 46 Clapperton St convert dwelling into duplex Total$9775 Miscellaneous Construct office building foraTown ofBarrie board of works builder Denis Sheard $20000 Rredins Coal UPBY 322 T0 In statement released today Griffin vicepresident of the Canadian Retail Coal Association said that substantial lncreaseadn thoprice of coal in the very nea future are now certainty to Mr Griffin pointed out that the bitumintsus coal operators agreed wage increase of$l00 per day 10 cent perton increascyln opcratonipaymcntb to the health and welfare fund 20 ccnthealth and welfare fund increase has al ready been granted by anthracite operators and wage increases are now being negotiated The lost contract made with the United Mine Workers on Febxlg 1051 permitted wage increase of 116 creaseafashlih default per ton At that rate said Mr Griffin Coal wlllprobably go up as much Whopper day canted priceiru all 0311011 tithe retail level Figure and in Scheduled Oct 14 In Edbnvale This is the scum fl pic iog rancher or km amazingly since the day of borne drawn plowing only Lot partic ular interest to this one is that of the Centre and West Simone Branch of the Ontario Plowniens Association which is not for Tue day chber 14 at the form of William Manbb pruldent of the Branch located on the north half 01 Lot One Concession 13 Verpra one mile west of Edenvalejnd in the general lcation of the area used in the Nationel Match of last feature to the practice meet on the previouray to give competi tor chance to brurh up Hy draulic plows mounted are now included in one of the classes Jun ior events should be special at traction also and two utility classes which allow no handling previous ly are again included for jolnter plows and tractors The horse show of all competing horses follows completion of the plowing events Approximately half of the cvenfsare open and the prize list through substantial con tributions is maintained at very Two other matches Yellow short ly South Simcoe on October 15 on the farm of Lambert Wilson near Thornton and the Blue Moun tain Match on October 16 In the Stayner area CLOWES Mrs Porsythe Wahago was the speaker at the October meeting of Clowes Womens ins itute She gave talk on nut ional value and demonstrated the making and serving of several different kinds of vegetable salads The meeting was held at Mrs Jorys with an attendance of 11 members and two visitors Miss Joyce Hunter was in the chair in the absence of the pres ident and conducted the opening exercises The draw for the quilt will be held in the near future at shower for Orma Benham bridetobe WI invitation An invitation was tread from Crdlghurst Womens Institute to attend their meeting on Oct 16 which was gratefully accepted social hour was spent over the ten cups with Mrs Keith Lees and Mrs Alf Benham as assistant hostesses The next meeting will meet at Mrs Bldwells on Nov Mr and Mrs Beardsall and Eleanor visited Mr and Mrs Don Knlcely Stayner during the week Iend efl TruckRoadeo at CNE Automotive Planned Nov 810 Truck and transport driversfrom allover Canada will pit their skill against oneyanolher in Toronto on Nev 11 and 10 when the sixth an nual National Truck Roadeo will be held in the Automotive Building of the Canadian National Exhibition For the frat time since the dec was institutedcivilian drivers mm the Atlantic the Pacific who have won provincial contests for skilled driving national honors Only Army and Air Force drivers can compete for the Armed Forces championship to be held in con junction wlth the Roadeo Navy will compete for drivers will compete in the civilian division The truck roadeo consistent series of tests involving difficult manoeuvres in tight places The drivers must park and reverse their vehicles with extreme accur ucy bring them into precise posi tions with only an inch or two clearance on either side4nd all of this withoutjguching any of the obstacles of which there are plentyaround the roadeo course Each test 15 designed to represent hetypepf difficultprohlcm which truck drivers normally encounter in the course of their work Ai ihough the tests are stiffundonark log standard high drivers who reach the finals of thenationhoo test usually show remarkable dexterity in negotiating the diffi cult coursc Because the prime objective of the roadeo is to encourage safe driving only drivers who have had no accident whatever in the preceding year are allowedtocom pete is youll roadeo will be the sixth annual event Started in twtha contest hats mughtgm with remirktblccectiflndthcrea usually big turnout towctch the lb cloning logos in iii in will yo wnman Monocular effluent twitter Ilcfilt with Illguru nun1 Chutetoilltvellno MEMBERS or swept MUSROKALUA VlSlTOSHAWA FOR REGIONAL conveunon age only two will be consider The regional convention of the Ufe Underwriter million was held Oshawa on Saturday Oct at which 29 members of the SiroccoMunich Association were in attendance 14 from Barrie The convention was huge and the highlights of the program were the two addfem by Grant Tomi Cowley Wyoming who is consider ed the most outstanding career life underwriter in the United States few weeks ago Mr Tagger rm awarded the John Newton Rusell Memorial Award for 1952 the highest recognition which can he given by the National Life Un derwriters Association in the USA Mr Tagger Is the Tim career life nndenviter to receive the award The following were the principal speakers at the convention Grant Taggnrt CaliforniaWestern States Life insurance Company Cowley Wyoming Jules Derome CLU branch manager Sun Life Assur ance Company Montreal and pres ident of the Life Underwriters As sociation of Canada Wilfrid Hall field training instructor Met ropolitan Life insurance Company St Catharines ltslic Dunstan general manager Life Underwriters Associatioan Canada Toronto Ontario Penman Grant Taggart told the conven tion In times of uncertainty and dress life insurance men through out the country can well be alluded to as the combat troops of any countrys financial battle line They do much to conserve huge vol ume of todays greater earnings to provide for tomorrows security by increasing the flow of millions of dollars of life insurance company funds into the cmntial industries of our counliics Thus they are battling on two financial battle fronts The one to feed the arsenal of democracy and win the peace and the other to preserve the secur ity oi the home and to maintain our way of life Both the United States and Canada seem to be becoming dir ectly involved in world struggle for the protection of the rights of all free and freedomloving peoples These rights and liberties are being assailed by powers who think themselves to be superior to others and who still adhere to the phil osophy that might makes right There can be no question about the life insurance man continuing to do his part in the battle until victory is ours lmurancc Statistics Jules Derome speaking to the convention said Compare there cord of 1951 when almost two bil lion dollars of life insurance was purchased in Canada with that of menswear World War lumen about one billion was bought very fine tribute indeed to the 64 life insurance companies doing business in Canada and an clo quent roof of the high degree of respect and confidence that the career life underwriters command throughout the nation if we take pride in the 17 b11 lion of life insurance in force in Canada as at Dec 31 1951 an aver age of nearly $1215 per Canadian citizen contrasted with the seven Mrs Hugh Moore is visiting her daughter in0rillla Qauntz Winnlpeg visited his brother this week Miss Allan Toronto spent the weekend with Ms Bullish so many families are moving in to town the school hours are slag gered to give all chance The true Canadian crane as distinguished from the blue hemp is Identified by its nearly naked head flurry 1n billions on lite books in 191 we 1111181 equally admire the extra ordinary achievements of life in surarce in action in 1951 when the companies doing busineis in Can rad paid out approximately $240 million in benefits to Canadians Death benefits paid to widows and other beneficiaries accounted for 50 million and much larger pro portion me $150 million ap proximate 825 was paid to 1w ing policyholders in the tomb Imatured endowments disability payments annuity irutalmcnls sur render value and policy divid ends The most recent figures avail able for life insurance in force in 21 countries show Canada leading gthe world in ratio of ownership to national income The Canadian ratio is 110 per cent the only coun try with life insurance in force greater than one years national in come What more can we desire to in crease our enthusiasm and our faith in the services we are called upon to render our fellow citizens Can we not look into the future as far or eye can see with hopes un limited Life insurance with suchl yesterdays cannot but face bright er tomorrows It is our duty then to perform our daily task sincere ly wholeheartedly and generousI ly remembering always that If we make living bywhat we get we make our life by what we give1 providing we be in love with curl job Need for Security Wilfrid Hall on the subject of Life Insurance Combined with the Federal Pension said Thls legislation has made the Canadian people much more conscious of the need for security in their old hge The Federal Pension Act while it is step in the right direction is not substantial and is not payable until the applicant reaches age 70 Life insurance is the obvious in strument with which to bridge the gap between ages 65 and 70 and also with which to supplement the modest income provided by the federal pension Here are the fact that emphasize the lndividuais need for both pro tection and security Out of 100 wont chip crackpeel or rust venetian blinds of pernos at age 30303 will reach age of on 51 om M31 reach the age 01 106 mt living at age 80 can expect live to age 70 00 mirage 75 to to new and 10 to age on wig will their flmial situation be Here are some dramatic suns tics Out of 1m persons lmng ed wealthy seven welltodo him will be selfsupporting but cm of ill will be depending umn Someone elsechildren relatives or charity for support Life insurance is the scientific method of dealing with human life value which is destroyed slowly by time immadiafely by death Value of LUA Mr Dunsiali in his Aflarkg stranded the value of thelwork of the Life Underwriters Association of Canada both from the point of view of the life underwriters them selves and from the point of View of the public lie outlinei the standards which the Association bud established in various field particularly those of ethical conduct and education A3 result there had been Bernard ous improvement in the quality at service rendered by life under writers to the public The public has reacted to this development by according to life underwriters an increased measure of respect and confidence in recog nition of the professional character of the work in which the lifc un derwriter of today is engaged AMILBURN YOUR LOCAL FORMER 290 Ellubcfh 81 Phone 811r22 Opposite Cloverlexf Repairs Remodelling Storage and Cleaning Relining Small repairs while you wait Amazing Value walsr warms Send For Free Details WATCIIMAN 519 Millwood Boat Toronto 116W mm sluls andpIcslic lope Flexalum slats have bakedon nish thats permanent You can bend them abuse into shape And new Flexal them theyll always snap back um plastic tape wipes clean with damp clothwont brink or stretch Even the sun wont fade or discolor it Manysaunfast color combinations Free estimates BY today and USED CAR ondcrful lineup of out Vi fszcaruoursrnnrf twotone doluvc model driven lea than me MM WAR leb DAV 1951 iisr mm scum 13 tonne mlln DAV NMARMI tinted at on new en lo new condition incur mull will SUBURBAN the ideal trons continuum thlmillt um 1911 nascent your iced forg pawn lugpfront seat folds to make full

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