Fire Protection Deputy Reeve Sproule that fire protection Will be of little use to know that there was fire ponds or large rescrvmrs tractor Vestry Discuss Rebuilding Rectory The wardens and members of St last can be done and what additiona funds may be required it was felt by those discussing the affair that now was the time 77 to modernize and make any addi tlonal changesnceded In meantime until roof can be pu on large tarpaulln may be used to coventhe burnedoff roof Motion Rewritten And Minutes Passed Last April following special meeting when the salaries of the 00RROWING can he 0000 3033 Iotyoanlllllui Yuk tip from the business man who knows that borrowing can be good move at the right time He will borrow anytime its helpful to him JIOIIIDII3III top610495 vainas Are you canfronted with pile of bills an unexpected call for ready cosh businen opportunity At such times quick friendly loan from Niagara Finance makes good business sense loans are mode in omountsup to 000 and liteinsured at no extra cost to you Repayments can be sper over many months like the businesslnan take advantage of the friendly looli servlc whicfl Nidgord C009 statement made by farmers we have had numw ofthese gentlemen say thati they would he very appreciative to equlp merit available Many in other parts of the province are establishing and swmlmlng pools that will be bch cficial for many purpom as Well as providing water for fighting fire The large investment in furml buildings is too great to allow them to burn without some effort beinvi made to save them Bradford fir crew saved born not long ago that was burning from firc started by auls Church met on Tuesday ev cning to go into the matter of the best method of rebuilding the rec tory damaged by fire on Sundav The insurance company havc not yet made an offer of settlement but are expectcd to do so within day or so When this is available it will be ableto plan just what the IIIIDIV loans Stroud Redmen employees was set with the clerks salary at $2800 an addition was5 added to the motion that this was to include the work in connection With plans and the collection of building permits Clerk Allan claims that he told Council that he did not agree to the clause and when entering the minute he left this part off Deputy Reeve Sproule who had made another motion that they ad vertise for Clerk and who did not vote for the salary offered re fused to have the minutes passed ugtil the whole motion was includ At special meeting this matter was cleared up and the minutes finally accepted The controversy over the whole affair became heat DAVIS MEMORIAL TROPHY is handed over by Austin Bowman catchercaptain of to President Gordon Smockum ofAlllston Legionnalrcs following final game of South Simcoe Baseball league recently Alliston dethroned twoyear cham pion Stroud club this season League had 12 teams in two sections Stroud won south Creemore to tries BAXTER Church Services morning and evening services uni Sunday The minister Rev Bell Duntroon who spent gave two very inspiring sermons lasstsled by Mrs Patterson Al llston who gave two solos which were enjoyed by all Mrs Graham Mount Albert and Mr and Mrs Cunning ham Alliston visited Mr and Mrs Edgar on Sunday Mr and Mrs Irwin Primose spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Iurnbull Mr and Mrs Patterson Allis ton were guests of Mr and Mrs cd during the final minutes of the regular meeting Monday License Fees Councillor Gibbins asked what license fees were collected and rc tained by the Clerk Clerk Allan stated that accord ing to the Act tourist license fees collected might be retained as fee for their collection He stated lhOICOOuu that last year there had been about 60 of these collected but this year thenumber was downerto 4LmAll other licenses collected are placed in the treasury The pedlars licenses came up for some discussion It was ascer tained that only two had been col lected antithesis cheque had not yet been passed by the treasurer The police should have made greater effort to collect these ped lars licenses Deputy Sproule stated What do we pay them for if they dont do their duties he asked No other action was taken in the matter Relief Arrangements Asked By Clerk Clerk Allan stated that the driw ing required in handling relief cas es and the work attached was not part of his duties and he asked that some arrangements be made about this He claimed that no allow ance was made him for the use toausnsgaunn IIJINDI Iabuttutsla TKailwoy Lands Reeve Elmer Denney on Sunday Mr and Mrs Banks Mr and Mrs Greer Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gauley Sr Mr and Mrs Fausat Detroit and Mrs Daddison Barrie were Sunday VlSltors of Mr and Mrs John McKnight Mr and Mrs Shaw went to Toronto on Sunday to spend the day with Mrs Shaws brother Adams who is patient in the general hospital Mrs Worthington and two chil diTvTEFlTNm nndWFT3ndiNm lof his car The matter was left gfor further consideration Bylaw To Purchase right of way purchased mm the CNRvat Lefroy was authorized ln albylaw which wasgiven three lreadlngs at this meeting Hewitt Ditch Inspectors Named Road Supervisor C0wan and Scott Sharp are the inspectors toi go over the ditch known as Hew rtts and decide if the same should be cleaned out If they agree an engineer will be given the task of handlingthe details The Rail way are party on this award and the culvert at Craigvale may have to be deepened as it holds back the flow IAGARK NAN=E CLMFANY LL announces for the foot anilinch can the opening of his ofce Orthopedic dutiful tie most sconehim enamel Ebb augment up on VIENNA practice of rind Etched Is 20 years pctlong time depends iii group and Alliston took north Next year ru mor has C00kstown added to south and Baseball has returned to fan interest of Lhe twenties in South Simcoe and league added Newmarket from York County and Pulgmve from Peel County to roster of en The 11 bomb was filled at bottlispcndlng few days with her mo J5 some years here as student minister The choir rendered special music Th hurl drcuugfam WWWWYM To Catch Partridge SHAH BAY of the rector Lighthourn Mrs Richard Davtdson Aontreal When you The Altar Guild met at Mrs Tim Ell Taylor Monday evening 33 ght 25 vtsltmg her parents Mr and him Mr McBride fur the Week wnhouf 2mm no the lion ii gPtans were made to arrange to paper room at the Rectory Work very successful bingo was held in Ul hail Friday night by and an 3333 up urn swath the pole Once you have in =For illism TimesJoumr of the church Lunch was served This party who grew up in Port by the hustcg was done on some of the lined the ladies of the WA of St Thom and in ELI had as Church Wlitmt swears one can bring weeks Pg gun for 51 3mm my hat gum mpamldge flame migrant shwunggmmdgc roong his but $235 M131 Prisattic lu WM milva dug him I3 rll have rtlzwwi Slfncanif Lb mm lug We extend the sympathy digitiglllzhfwhf gmng mike on Adam prarlan wll Ui mu an hm be community to Rev and Mrs Quin park Lg thuugn Axghn Mk Jim mung if all J31 he damage done tiltW vxrne Egg yo bilngdfmmm lcr Ill on is ca hwyle vgfndnlg lzr mckcltd in the Us latuurl was mm ya 1331 Mka we mum know in nu 1A ins Palka mites lrmdre but the ht it Angizcuii Church xivma flu and son Dix ttJIUntU near lixlflkgl 5mm Cc any 34 Mrs Ta mummied mg Rn R1 VA All Lanny bruir irlll tx as mm vsLDLF of we build of rznslltr um Di mi 110303 2th the coulrouncoueour WHEREVER Lyouane rBBCCO US north making 1tclubclrcuiti if was scam do 50mm vcu AGNNBUT THEY ENTERTAEN SC Duffln Allislon Visited and Mrs Dufflll during thc QEU weekend CPNCADC Mrs Martin Toronto is ITHE LlTTLEi T3 NlCETlES TlESE buys ll1 MIS Hubbard Railwaytxn Retires Robert Brockwcll finished hlsi work as section man on the CPR on Tuesday evening after 40 years xwork on the road He lntcndsi Ispending his retired life in his ihome here qnltilrf and Mrs Henderson1 amlsu ends haze ptll Sunday tllili Mr and Mrs George Robinsonl and son Eddie visited their par ents In Toronto on Sunday RAH Moore of the British and lFOlClgll Bible Society was special lspcaker and also showed some verv 3491vi wmq You is oomAu m5 TALKIN alumna new one not RUNAWAY ORPHAN GOCD All GAL90 moueurro multsrmet HAD JOB me ill teaarray gggihvigvbfsson the Work waneML Wat ocicty in tl church here on Monday evening ENE me AN 7005 Afterwards the business was car fllcd on when Bruce Edgar wast elected president and Mrs Wali ikom secretarytreasurer Adams was president and Elmer Denney isecretary for the past vearsZi Moore recommended thati tshcy be given recognition by thei tfglcsofiol thcll many ycars ini Pilinson CHOPTWWNTTlNV Mr and Mrs James Brooks Lon ME POINTINOUT THAT liggesgint Sunday at the formersI re YOWKE Mrs Norman West Stayner visi wcimzamcuvtgk lted Mrs Leeson at the weekend gt mrfm Mr and Mrs Houghton To AMVOTEW itended the HillBlackst Edigg in Toronto Wednesgfll 31 nb Mr and Mrs Norman pand family Everett spentcgiterigggi lwrth Mr and Mrs Copeland Mr and Mrs William Pattersoni tJean Jewittl Braeebridge visitedi Mrs Leeson on Sunday Bruce Burch returned on Mon 3day from trip to the West Mr and Mrs Roy Breedon and family Jarvis and Miss Mary Ar cher spent the weekend at Bree dons Mrs Lennox Toronto and5 Watson Rowe New Lowell visitedi Mrs William Rowe Sron Sundayi Mrs Coborn Mrs Leesonl and Helen spent Thursday in Tol route and attended shower in the latters honor at Miss Isobel Hunt ers Mr and Mrs Houghton of llRegma and Ancaster spent last week with Mr and Mrs Houghton and attended Beeton Fair on Wednesday Friendship Tea CQLSatucdexanernounsand ev ening Mrs Leeson entertained friends and neighbors at friend ship tea in honor of her daughter Helen who is being married on Saturday evening of this week Those pouring teawere Mrs Nowell and Mrs Coborn WBvlv9and Mrs A1 leu Mrs West ahdHMrsfM West 5HE5 STOPPED sncx AROUND CALLING to acne GET some WAVERLEY Warren French Guelph and Gerald French Bola visited their and Mrs Elmer 3f Duulop Streit gt slam 933 5033 HOURS Tuesday and Thursday and by appointment iFCIIITG General not mules Phone6230 ma ll Nomatterwhetherltsrifm loaves insultire lathe specications the enormity of 896ml piste at natives mil stowage ALInonmagnetic mehmuiu to up 6Whhmnohennwu Subcontractth WMth Plthiamine lounge ado f1 Llsrauf family illowdale spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Elba Brown Mr and Mrs Harry Burton vis ited to Trenton with Mr and Mrs Clarence Furbes Mruand Mrs Elmer French visit ed at Hespeler and Guelph Mr and Mrs George Brock spent the weekend at their home hre Donna Searl Toronto spent the weekend with her paredtaMr and vag seall and Sullivan Buffalm vented Mr and Mrs ClarenceBan ulster Mr and mrs naive Willis and daughter returned jattcr spending couple of weeks in Toronto Waggodwzsodaas returnedeto er convalesc algbislbomec we on 33 wine stars it tlrottkeyt It so on Wing new it fr