closed the entire roadway within llu Wrty intimated that report had been mottled from the surveyor as to thc properties that nlig Belle Ewart people have for sonic years been asking that park bcendpavormg This Pmm lwater course Correspolldcncc was med miread from Judge llalvic regarding he mmmes The the ditch and the road conditions resulting front thc back water The provided there the motiOn was it was it included in tion signed by SUFVQ xenon Council settled down to dads blames 1030 am iw Win Strand Minutes finding that ratepayer had en 11 The motion had also surveyors report cost $85 Petition For Award Ditch im Garry Wilson presented pctl himsclf and sixl other ratepayers asking that engineer be given instructions to water course and assess the cost The Clerk was instructc to have bylaw prepared Cons Claimed Killed From Spraying Having two cows dic cattlespraying done by Township employees last spring Mrs Copel land advised Council that if settlel that ment was not forthcoming she would instruct that court proceed ings be taken The cows were and their loss together wit loss of their milk and calf is more tor than can stand Council letter from vctcrlna that the cause of death mi resulted from spraying ill good hcalth Lar ry statedl pro ght have The use des of cold water under high pressure was claimed to have chilled the animalSpbringing on their deaths the owner maintained They sprayed one cow when sh was due to call in couple of hours she stated Council are to take up the matter with the Provincial Department of Agriculture and get their opinion Continue Survey 0n Present Lot Size James Leonard asked Council if he could continue to make subdi vision on the same sized lots as previously It had been intimated that the Department of Planning and Development was now dc adding larg area Deputy RcvESproulWStdtedthat he felt the size should be added on thefrontuge What was the use of having long back lot with only weeds to grow on it he asked It was agreed that plans would be accepted on the 1200 sq ft areas motion was passed to the effect that Council were satis fled that this area was sufficient for plans to be adopted Ask Work On Hewitt Ditch Melville Cook presented writ ten request that the Hewitt ditch be cleaned out so that it would function as drainage ditch He was told that the matter would be handed to the Township engineer for action He stated that he would be entitled to damages if to of Following lunch Donald Knee motion covering the employ Show asked that some work be up surveyor to locate right done of way in Belle Ewart resulted in Road that he would get the machinery of igcll thcy had luadc rcclory and he did not know just William Campbell asked for the wmw we good with Wm ilowcver under the Civilian Dec itllCe Plan if we had approved equipment we be emel use of the township grader to open priated in the same area for parkl ditch through his field 1th was Ellie ditch Judge llarvie had bttfll Cd draw uni my own druinagc it is only good bustlless that may expect an answer to this corres pondcncc Mr wished to also do his own iby hiring the maintainer asked about corner of No after thcgroad and llighw Highway Engineer had agreed toi assist with clearing Roads on subdivisions are not lhctownship roads according to lot she told thcglicitor municipality to assume any lands Corporation maintenance or repairs This matter was the result of an opinion road adjacent to the open air atrc on the 14th Line also used as basis of oplnion when Dwight Nelson enquired about roadon his plan being taken Mr Nelson however has made road acceptable for use according ginecr and felt that after expense suggestion that the continue on to running north might be glad to some of tho lots meantime sales the fact the road was not part of the township system tion was approved an Highways Department made part of the system thorit to receive bid and rebuilt in details of the work soon as satisfactory work is to be undertaken complaining of 13 which lCo ner them tecti basis Ask Road Work 011 Town Line islon was on the road discussed earllcr not Supervisor Cowan agreedl the townships to do some grading More About 14th Ditch get as municipal fto lu We roll paragraph of one letter stal In view of the delays with all offers made and will do COD be that he drainagei He also side ay 27 which the Campbell statcd cos to He requested this be started an Subdivision Roads Are Not Public fcl received from the township so The solicitor Donald lec on wrote as follows The ap val of plan shall not deem the ill ignated as roadways and the hall not be liable for ci regarding tllc requested the It was OVBI the requirement of the Highway En uccepted road should meet roadway the Stroud plan Nelson claimed he do this when sold In the p000 it should be as made Mr wcrc An applica sent to the have it New Sidewalks In Stmud Councillor Gibbins was given au for new ldcwalkswhich are to be repaired Stroud An estimate mm the township engineer giving was tabled As bids are in the Torres Increased Over Last Year in under way this year They nk ed thut the Wt be made fot the coming year ichrirm of committee that is New count 30mm to 5p into the com and the man lnkMr Hughes to lunch with The agreement remains on the or committee was appomtcd by the inmate after some lengthy discusl Reeve Lockhart stated that as lBarrle suggest that we give some real proper equipment As sue this fire protection plan in any LVflll cannot figure out where it Will Dcputy Rccvc Sproulc havc water to fight fires will not be all as we crcw opcratc llcntfit see who should have to help pay for it Stlnlt the come havc locality whore cl saved considc could have been made the then there ing This 11 Small fire few years ago proper and cquipmcn atcly the fire crably re truck and able We have and maintain that when we can go on others to supply our were curtailed byrpr GUIHRlE 11 and Mrs Paterson New Jersey funeral the latter brother5m In Kb Bella McCuaix visiting with Mr and Mrs Mr and Mn Wilson and chil there had not been time to about 30 present Fire Protection uncillor Gibbim was made in wine some sort of fire on on may be organized Itus sons father James Kelly last Sat urday Toronto were weekend with Mrs Muir Icturna From West Max Livingstone has returned from visiting Mr and Mrs Stanley ldvingstonc at Sintaluta Sask were heard from all nlembertl had an order and letter on lllt stating that they could allow their equipment to leave luwu they could not depend on big help from there However contrary to this policy call on Sunday to the At Grand Valley Mr and Mrs Gilchrist Bar bara and lsabclle visited at Grand Valley last Saturday Mrs Gil christ was guest at tea and shower held at Mrs Winston Halls in honor of Miss Elizabeth McEw inn who was being married in St lPuuls United Church Orillia on Oct Murray the children Mrs would be entitled assistance from outside places case of file out of control would also be called on to llcr such assistance Toronto Carman Hindle WMS Thank Offering Weekend and Sunday The autumn thank offering of the with Mr and Mrs Dave sidclation to the installation of he added well SS Harry Caldwell JS ha x1 whose Masonic branches Two also belong zalggncaldmu Treabmer Roger to thc independent Order of Odd At banquet 1m ma fellows Grand Lodgi and to Grand Lodge lill Louis of Barrie mailer lodge is Corinthian Roger lhufdeJY 011 W115 marked by of Newmarket was also formcrl very unusual event ly 0t Corinthian Dalton of To mat the evening more com officers was proposed by Harold Present wrrc l0of the ll Cald lctcrboro also rinthlan plctc the candidate was William SWWCI WM 0f Corinthian With well brothch sons of the late In the front row left to right isllt Cnldwell son of Louis Cald response by Morrison Thomas zildwcll of Newmarkct Grant of lclcrboro originally of W110 lht 0103 0f the cert PDDGM 0T Wills an OUIStnding who was member of Tuscan Corinthian Russell joincdimmly wtSClllfd his son witlta cpy figure in the Masonic Order and Lodge thcrc Their mother is stillthrorgh Corinthian and is now 01 1h MRSOMC Bible behalf member 0km LOdSQ llvlnl in tho home town and is in lwith Manitoba Lodge of Cooks Iht MOUNTS hO arc hi5 undeS The toast to the visitors was pro7 fairly good health ltown where he lives Thomas Ezra An added pleasure was the presoosed by Bro Roy Kightley of benefit to this township said We must it will The first cost would have have place to keep it and of men on 24 hours day to it think that it would certain areas but cannot rc it would help the farmer dont think the farmers The rcgulnr meeting of Corin thiun Lodge AF and AM on Mr and Mrs Wheeler lot of money North Bay visiting friends on the road on Tuesday The Chairs we all mken by the of Sarnla was of Corinthiamand is once of Dnltou White fathcrlnlaw with hearty responses from several brothers who are it Harry illow affiliated with Sarnia Elder of the candidate who was WM of of the visiting brethren The toast of Toronto membcr ofSimcoe iA Powwow Who is the Seventh Corinthian Lodge in ltldl and tookm the candidate was by Wor Eson was member of Kerr Lodge on active part in the evening gBro Robertson who has in For the initiation Ceremony the ddmionv Personal mamm Lodge thch whose parent lodge is one the lllcltst in Canada Catar Barrie Charles of Barrie is lmembcr of Corinthian Thomas Chairs were taken as follows WM George CdldWll and he were as Georgc Caldwell 1PM Dalton sociatcd in business for some years iqui of Kingston He is shown in hc back row left to right Rzra Caldwoll was the only bro Noxt is Ivan of Thornton On Nth unable b0 WSW for the White sw Grant Caldwell JWl Brother Fred Kelly with the mm member of Kerr Lodge Mg moths Louis Caldwell Chaplain Dalton able support of Angus Ross at the Many of the brothers are mcm Caldwell SD Ivan Caldwell JD piano led very enjoyable Sing 10 Russell Cald song George is of Barrie member Corinthian Lodge and WM in bers of the Scottish Rite and other Elder Cnldwcll better to have destroyed we would be with working arrangement adjoining municipalities to to our assistance seen two fires in this fire equipment cv witllout supply of water be immediately available had rable loss said Coun The fire Sunday stopped after the got there llfld had supply of water on hand he delay in the water arriving loss greater but even was big property sav so was the case in the With arrangements about watcri on the job immedi loss can be consid duced We should have torage tank large assessment the time is past depending 0n rotcction He enquired the difference in fire ins ancc rate when an area was oLiIccledrandunsundvisedsthqg considerable reduction Bradford Good Service The store at chroy was saved by the Bradford equipment which ar 16 minutes after the call went her speedy recovery llor Gibblns arric cquipmen vilS rive in Councillor Todd told the Coun cil We could arrange with them for help in the South end he ad ucu They state that as they have two pieces oft equipmentthey are free to come on call They carry on their truck Bally some water downs and Batview Beach have now got their own equipment However feel the time has come when we should have properly or ganized fire protection Mrs Garbo Montreal wrote he large increase of the work was not carried out her taxes last year end There are not general improve 1331 merits requiring this increase snc Bud wrote tender was accepted from Martin to place 2000 yards of gravel fill in the Township park at price of 85 cents per yard materm ial supplied andlevelled During the discussion Deputy Reeve Sproule stated that in NB opinion they were putting the cart before the horse by not first hav ing the toilet situation settled and then putting the fill where the tile bed would be We have dlllydallled about in this so long and done nothing the stated Reeve Lockhart took exception to the claim that there was dilly dallylng adding Wehnve to be the tlratrto clean up this situation regarding public toilets and it we do notrplace themwrlere they will function tileMOB will close them up about the toilet we should put the fill in now more can Counclllor Glbblns saldthat he agreed with Deputy Reeve Sproule that the fill could be used to help make the tiledch Dr Scott should be asked to come out and advise them Reeve stated we awllltmbun Relive rment lgbborlng township it out the all the town this int which washgade at one two pa Itd Hush Regardless of what We do The tender for the fill was ac Herbert Hughes leave of the was present reement no This agree 10ml iof the two councils pro but the casts of the road centbasls qwlllilnbury toWrulltp because there were only pollen on their elite vwhllo revert on lunlsfll ciao the rhore traffic wu mum over re the Illlllll discolouration es Garbage Collectlona Mrs Tighe wrote that her garbage was allowed to sitdays after the regular collections and when the contents was spread on the road by animals the garbage collectors left it lying there The roadway was in deplora ble condi tion as result Another complaint was the roadside on of the Seventh Line has not been substantiated Deputy Reeve Sprou he hndphone north area many better service be glven members claimed the some Commend Work Done Front Form lengthy letter was from Morrison QEW done by the machinery titthe expense ofyth owner of brush and ditched the ropdwuyz suggeated that on enginere structed receive felt that lmprovomen Rebate Of Portion Datum Tnx some who close their business during king rebate winter wiote as taxcaon the amount assessed bulllness purposes areientttled to this aqcordlng the Act gt gt To The able Provlnc wrote Councll make an appointment that collector lino dumped garbage on the slde road souith le stated that the contractor for times asking that Other on the regarding townsth farm which removed He he Claimedt to go lntothe water course Wecan puLthe tolletuyherevel tth with we like but it they dont work then of this woulcie beneficial todmth we will have to change them the roadway de propertles ratepayers of Cedar llorbgr Such businesses Council handedgthe re quest to the Treasurer for netlorl that they Would with Coun ll We bulls Ifle church camu Suggests Small Unlts dont see where big pumper would help us What we need are smaller units and water supply brought to the fire Councillor Cook said Also the making of links in the villages lpment did areal job Sunday feel we le ofsmall units lugscrubbing the clothesyet has prgyed many times more gentle on all fabrics Other features include the powerful drain pump that empties the tub in 90 seconds the Automatic Timer that regulates washing time from one to fifteen minutes new titanium reclaim chipproof enamel tub and the extra dcep Streamlined skirt for ded safety and beauty See this and other new GB washer models at your neighbourth Doolers He will alschladly demonstrate the cult ly new GEAutomatic Washer and Automatic Dryer towns eff at the fire should get coup to start Committee Appointedi that the roadsure mostly open in winter and farmers are plowing their lancsout feel that we can give year round protection said the Reeve Farmers can get water supply arranged by cisterns and ponds The only time we be come fireconscious ls after fire then we realize what we should be doing will appoint acum tmlttce to bring in full report matter bonus To Clerk With the business mostly sot tled the broughtvup the subjecL of an additional $200 which Ville 1051 Council sed to pay the Clerk for additional work done on behalf otthe Centennial He clalmdfat tellworkeddonyboutLand had undertaken much public rela tions work that was outside his actual dutles The suggestlon was denied by Deputy Reeve Sprouts who claim ed he knew nothlngof lt Counclllor Todd seconded the Now 1HEINSIlNCItVE VIKING at the slightest instinctive tug on the clothes Dona 90 hem hftins too mountain 295 lbfl builtin Acu valor fits inside regular washer Awrdeabwry or ml at who opuymrlc ACTWATOI tier smoother filmma one Quick iuhtns action Verbally promi of motion although he waill not 95293 ber otthe 51 counc Jay gt to that from worm0g 9mm NewtbuMkll Ilatilcotttvln Sputnik appliance will gtv6 will at the goodwill ofathmnIm there that the ngroeme that been made We talked it over in the car coming home that night Council tor Cook stated and am making motlon that it be into it Will soon coniothnt we wlll have to lllderably more for the new Tvllhhgermllm um All or ownu Mn momma wml llurm oil to distill armament matters paycon ices we not at the office and tulttattettho MN on dune 0cm ti it it loathe com ate catty autumn lrontn ortlutt rtectmtllurr The clorkxwiir m6 to en aggetntmtlalgtwe dent 00 on main lea neatly Alumfor idrluoliiibgulpdporg anugwym xv hi mm comm ttmu 09 ml voting hath been membet on ughih then Deputy eve Sprouts voted against Ha de that the vote be recorded We lledeaalaryto $2800 ht covered all the matter of to refer wokAtlANclbIMklMlNTMOMKIAL trotted Church was held in the church int rim with Mn Shrub Hull new in mu very helpful worship attending the service based on the story of Mary and Martha Owing to some rate gt understanding the xpeciul mute 38W specter did not arrive The thank En LDVC offering amounted to over The WA planned the congrega dm Wind0 lled on 11 WW tional supper which is to be hot fowl on Monday Oct The program committee consists of Mrs Mrs 331 Mill and Jul 01 Howard Campbell Mrs Beverley Sim Bertram and Mrs Mel Jamieson Mr and Mrs George Murray and Jimmie Carter Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack Mr and Mrs Don Rodgers and William Copeland and Mr and Mrs Robert Rodgers Thornton visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Thomas Rodgers in Charles Randall Thornton spent last weekend with Mr and Mrs visitors Pearson were Verna Pearson and Camp bell Toronto Mr and Mrs James Pearson and Barbara Bradford Mr and Mrs Forest and boys Lindsay spent the weekend with Carl Wheeler spent last week in Two Sows Killed By Truck Sylvester Carter had the misfor tune to have two of his sows killed They got out and the milk truck from Brad ford hit thcm One was killed in stantly and the other had to be Miss chna Roulston Bradford is spending week with her par ents Mr and Mrs Jos Roulston Undergoes Appendcctomy Patsy Cook underwent an opcr ation for appendicith in Alliston hospital Oct Everyone wishes YENMM IllWNW Youll get cleaner washes than ever before finish washdays faster fresher large storaget so that water could be pumped fires lg yganagsspggtmlfugg with tho NEW GE Super Deluxe Washer NEW Master Control Centre arrtguzjzb am told that Cookst fingertip grouping of Activator and Pump Controls and Automatic Timer zoo saves bending andreaching New founblgde Activatoroftoughr smoother Durez Plastic gives even more efficient 3Zone washing actibn soakingfle 9605mm RULE roll mums hhntyou buy any electrical duplicate toddycohsidor tho qualitythe your of troublmfroo NM itllW diamond youthiquolttytoulpuud it