Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1952, p. 12

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Mrs Perkins MidAutumn Wedding at Shanty Bay Entertains at MI um Emmmmems Announce Dally mew Macaw ly to 90969 on opening oluxiveness or needle in Trousseau Tea Jeannette Caruso Art Exhibit one 1m Which can make WW mum com WW than veryA mm Simcoe ova at her home 18 Bradford on eutede in honor Mills 092 its gem mg at 738 pm $911 WWW CDymwediiiwcm gear at the Orllllt Community Cenln mmm 35d mm mm dauxhtcr Juno an October bride Vim conga Tor The 99mm lanai cmwmm 3kch lm Dacia Rmva Ve mg bdde be cup Ind saucer lower held by Pink orch the at andrer 101 1111 her 11321 brol we mgnmggmmm 0mm can at the at VVV not 011 Saturday Oct 11 hummus my 3mmahh mmbllc hi Mrs Juries Mclnac of brldmtovhe was uttended by open at two wk me In sunsh mm mtg View angina Egg pfwam 122 Mm Charm Johnston or 0mm mundmd 10 VVfrlcendtVuVr wail noon Wzm whip Hut1m new VV wt enne ablation even year loctl The membership chmzes with the 311111 of ne gloomtiled and Mrs pink magma and weddmz hells for four oclock In the WI 1nd her ms were presented 11 nine oclock in the evening an decided at 13wrcglonal conistudent bodies as new blooduany Hoax lm mg an arena in Barrio this week that comes in and other parents leavelmble 7m mt nernm and an it was time council committeethe association its their childrcnlmt An museum of mum and mm mm 99 93 On Sunday the door will ulso and belllL Streamers fell tram the be open at No oclock in an ceiling over the brides chair VevemngV our music Mu be hung was formed When munlclpalltylleavc gchool 11 trains for lead pink Sm mum cenng Vac gmildum aijiggicialdeggisr t$10 pzllntfsmfgzame mud by White taper Assisting the hostess with the 1mm eight oclock to nine oclock with four associations one in eachllhe number of community leadlnggeinglggergg 3ng serving of lunch were Miss Joanna The exhibit doses each cams Eiizipltli 13233tifdwllolivtfi welcome moittlhinlllxi Wk mime preside me or fwmsgmsmofmhftcbgzx lando DAmbroslo tario Federation Mm Mc She 9Y5 that she reminds paillrarrgc1klns Jr and MrnJamcS Miss aAlsbstlilo anddMlss Caruso Rev All are amen anu Lelllm of Brantlord who was main ems who are more imcllned lol speaker at the evening conferenceldevotc their club tlme to other CYBWMd Tmnw and Waller Bayllss in the evening 11m munlclpal or vamzauons that la ws Mrs Perkins and Mrs meford Entertaining at miscellaneous Retires as Redor shower in honor of the bridet0 Ab mu 111111111gmmmmrmsmmrsmme 1711111 hostess lg Beatl Lca ndSh 01m sc oo cu Ls lmost be interested in home and again ass non were rs rcc went from othcr organizationsschool work Duels citizenship with Mrs Clcland Mm MISV make Lawrence at Mm Lu 0m erg ans mainly due to its turnover iniscxpfriencg or the whole famiy Heels of Hamilton aunt of the home on Poyntz St Over as ream me M1 land the time to do something for groom and Mrs Carl Greenougb 33 30 business women friends of the ref $38 of Schomberg vuur children is when theyre Mrs Grcenough Miss Norma v3 bride were among the guests gm voting The average person has Johnston of Orillla Mrs Harold The hostesss had the bride Seat ggffyhafd chehemgieksxa Fins WELFARE WORKER 40 years to devote to other organ Brett and Mrs Edwardeels of ed in mm satin chair in trout Abbott 11232 1gufclulsed home in Ike lea VVVVVVVVV VV lwuong an the home and OrmmV aum of the groom assisted 37 or the IVVVVVVVVVVCQ wnh pink and Schombg Rev Symons Mummdhmn min school days arc over she declares in the trousrscau rooms in the after ME AND MRS GEORGE MURRAY ANDERSON 1m the cemn an MA 81 ms taken OVH the par Shes use laclarder Rglh noon and Mrs Douglas Sarieanl use um re on Cal We MCLCImS homc Club in or Owen Sound Miss Marjorie mldaummn wedding t00k place lll St Thomas Anglican tached by crepe paper streamers 15d rRymggs cogllmmgmom mmmydummy alrt Branumd Where husmnd 15 Longhursl Mist Terry Smith and Churcnu Shanty Bay The bride is the tamer Carol Annabelle Chmese dons the mama iatgmgsvabiivshegmvgs in me him WI principal of Victoria School has Miss Norma Johnston showed the Packard daughter of Mr and Mrs Oswald Packard Shani lm were on Mme mm cm rector 1t Schumberg with mm of grder emu nulls md wales been active or 35 your starting n1de Gusseau in the evening Ba and he sh VS to front 01 mo brideVtoch and heVr Gun lamil heeln Dennis reann In the smart Then backache as mothers club We never an 1850 or Mr md Mrs Harold An atlendams M153 J05 DAmbrosm grate and My ll haYeVan irate 93mm She Slam derson 0f Barrie After wedding trip to Quebec City the and her sister Mists Joanna Caruso AL headed feeling often Vlollov Thats the ligamgciwgfs Egggmgla 33 RECENT Bridal couple W111 be making their home in Barrie yam Fiateqthoghthxfgngeoffgf HEALTH MEASURE 9th miw VV assls Wl Idiom the years Dozens of parents COU The bride was presented with 1th mmlm Ch Xmy ex Mmkd beaufl Mufmk beltquHozDoddsthne P1111 come back 1th problems of ndol amlnllons were Elven to am ccnt hlldrcn ld central ChUrCh usage White baby mums an dlnns in 1951 an increase of INWU 53 VgZV aVVVcVUdc Vka VVVCouerllIWVVclilV About 20 friends gathered to hon on the table wherchunch was served 300000 over 350 you have an active interested or recent bride and groom Mr Sponsorin Star NU was 90th an arrangemem group of parents and Mrs Alex Free last Saturday are ol gladloll Mrs Harold Urry pour at the home Mrand MISGordon ed ma and Mfs Charles 5850 pm Congratulations are due several away 87 St er fl la UfC ed coffee Super for Supper Barrie Sum P0091 Who are slti with the servin were celebrating anniversaries and Dumihfovleisztittssofgeeg Central United Church Chair is3 wedding of wide interest was BXirbrosio Miss Jazmin Cn mad th VzVVinlhdastVVV Lost ISziVliuVthVlVay Mrs 2th to we uple who bomponsoring Star Weekly Freelsolcmnlzcd on Saturday Sept 20 ruso and Mrs Lawrence WI 1111110 mm ursl celc oncert in the church next week 1952 at three oclock ll ft expressed their Predation or Party and Palm Show We awkmm thgLCEOSLdeIVIVVlhgii VVLVIVlVVora The evening Spent playing En Thursday evening Oct 16 at uon 1n OrilVlla Prcsbyterlan held in the brides honor at the Although social work keeps me Although Sumo dear Mrs Mon gamcSV and weddin gins were dis pm gural when M155 Amella Doreen home of her fiance5 Slstcr Mrs SUPPERSANDWICH busy nd time to advise my with Vs very VVCVVVC to herageV pVaych The concert prr053 two xea o1 non frily daughter of Mr and Leonard Wilson 41 Sanford St on Season to mu CV cooked meat with mm daughters even on lime things Barrie cowlc also celebrated an lovely lunch served by lure mustcal attractionsthe Four hare ThoVrmo 0f HaWke Friday evening 05195595 were onionJalLPeppcrandoondimntsauCe1038M 553W anniversary over the weekend the hostess Gentlemen of Sludlo singing one was mamed to Murray Mrs Wilson and the blidctobcs with leftover gravy or cream snug Mix and silt twice hkc getting clothes ML and Mrs veuington stars of the Canadian airways who George caldwell Ollly son Mr sister Miss Joanna Caruso amend VintObOl2C0W p88 NVll 01 whim Jugt swish Reckmvs Blue Ven were 54 married or Sun at the have appeared on the CBC for the and Mrs John Caldwell 01 Abut 21 close friends of the oomugeihosrgtwhnt oat 533 SgcVBEhog ne through the nnse tell them day October oe 3mg $33165 5362s She past two years and The Enchanl ism BfayN Thel Revf Lofkhart bride were present and she was 5tbachxllcd Shortening eigeulllindrylilnggdieng and out of the blue comes the rand is the former Edna Helena WiccV ed Strings headliners at the Can Affirm allifgczzmufil 31 presented at the beginning of the 1V1ntllndgiicxhinuce andHcmkVr11xghtly wilha n1 um milk it raw EM at or for Yen ye 0W 88 81 OHS 01 g1 few years er coming arr boardanddividadw hintoz unl mansPnt nnstnz whitebair too 128 pzfsctn 4r oherggglcllflgrt PieV She 35 32 years age p301 MW is expected 035 Gordon of Orillia in ed 55 Margam McKmm 7d Wu inwirzm sad awake time the far ed April 21 this year and Mr Cullen turn out for the free concert which 31 Mrs Dick Mungham were at the and spmd almost to edges with meat mixture 3+ Ship Thyey was 13323 gm was 83 years old IaSt February will Open with two promam num dwolTusc Sand accompan piano for singsongs and Mrs Wil motntened of dough with Vvaaler Pat second ou On Saturday October18 Mr and hers by the church choir Those 0331 50mm rs WW SOn sang several 50105 migfmm usiuyfonfnigf Mrs mach Wm celebrme interested are invited to come ear VV Assisting the hostesses were M135 seal more top 11 deepy into pieshaPcd their goldcn wedding anniversary ly and bring their friends Give manage by her fame Vera Tersigni Miss McKinnon wedges Bakch hot ovcn 425 about 20 rpm Th me hnde 35 Mm 30w of Mi Josie DAmbrosio Miss Lilli Serve 31 bmw tom We Yldd anVlthgu VhlVVmViVe 12VVIVV201VEetV1V1V1hVeanys Th EouzGentlenejl 0V Studio nylon nel over satm The fitted ansiucas and Miss June Lucas Gmrvings om Lare com Rem A1 bedice was fa=hioned wilhnround WA and 31ch from three to ve Sayyer and Eme BETTY The neckline and covered buttons to the MES cams mamage take 7w oclock 1n the afternoon and from wm be place on Monday Oct 13 at 10 730 to 10 oclock in the evening mo 133 let dyst any At mum at the bm The lace oclock in the morning in St Maris 8n rings un sleeves came lolil oints over the former Barrie Collegiate tea der the direCtion Barry TOWHIQY writs and figggltip V9 fen Chum Callum is to are foul young violinists Elsie rom her headdress white seeded $262331 33ng Doctor Dunlap Lilllan Nickoloff Erica crown She was carrying bouquet COUNTY FAIRS Laws degreewflOm Queens Uni zemner and L015 Thom or pink and White bunemy T0595 thft Ihappequsthsoggugey Ru versity later this month Rated All the musicians on the my vvith white streamers Fm Extra 1C anclal defICllS 01 near etth0minMglcgme guillmltaFe salomtstintltlhflihown gnu 111M 1111VI amml 53 Who was 33 Ilghee must be 50m TRUSHAvspmlulrlclum is expcc evening 12s on en ant was 11 4N now v1cepr1nc1pal of Smlths Falls win reason for this we cant ay so tens rys 111 molly moolhcaV Collegiate Institute teacher loverse very enjoyable for mus amnaglhiggnzimmovffertai on the weather Lets face upVVlVo VllkaVltdschlboxs atdullgllllcr since she graduated frOm Queens the idea that we are losing ts PW in 1916 she was on the stat of the 955 315 Of mamhmg material touch The fairs are just not what flattering and grenselms local collegiate from about 1920 to MISS June Perkins zglpigskeswggg 312 sugar they used to be 1923 and will be remembered by bou at ink and euowaog Stanstead Que Journal Fragrant ma her Fm pi15 Is Entertained at harmoqllill rospes spec1altstV 1n English and history PIONEER FORT IVRUSliAdeellcalc fragrance she received her MAV degree from v3 Ivan Thomlon brother of the Fort Chambly military post llngels even when uVsed before domg sweaters Queens 1929 MISS MCCBllum ower bride 35 ETQOIPSman and he 51 eight miles from Montreal was household choreslcu know its has toured the European continent ors were W1ll1am McQualg and rst bum of wood in 1665 as TRUSllAY by its skintone ponwwr twice Miss June Perkins bridetobe Norman Graham of Guthrie defence against Indians colourintho bottle Bella honored in recognition of LSVVIVlluadaby Oct 11 has chen on Following the ceremony re her 181de conhibuuons 10 1m mmy ends 83 9th for 75 sues held at luncheon in her honor at the Uni at ECOOMlcal secondtarfy school educthqun Vslllte 1s Flgagllgllla and Toronto bcfore her lm homeM of ctVlV1Ve VbertIlVfV plrentVs versity Womenvs Club mac OHRUSHAY goes further 0ne our Wmentw 81 95 11 About 140 ladies attended mis gt the mo tlollons because of 113 ROYAL KNITTWG 00 TORONTO CANADA cewe hoporaVry degrees at the fall Gun of the office stlrtV at the lms 11 mm cellaneous shower held in honor of the 33 I101 uniorm creaminess Always Convocat on Canadian GVeneral VElectrtc Com bl 193le fl 801 0d ue Miss Reive in the Churchill Com have two bottles on hdeVVbuo paVny plant Barrie where the MP munlty Hall Hostesses were the in the bathroom and one blVlde has been employed enter accessorles Vc was Wear ng Va dies V01 the United Church and mum when tamed in her honor at wlener Wage mm 0595 The grm5 ends and neighbors roast vanda miscellaneous shower at mom 353151 In 80W 01 301 Cha the comma of Miss Verelfa Long 99 95999 andlae wearing bmze events PPnQ hursl Simcoe Beach About 10 or accessoms mm 9025888 0f Yellow Household mks 5mm Math l5guests were present 0595 The Smoms grammomer Geo can chap or crack our 0km The office Staff also presented Mrs we era301 was walla unless you use TR SHAYM19 the brideelect with silver gravlr mg gw derepe only lotion especially designed to boat on matching tray last Fri mtatcmggdglclcerforgisan mag revenl hand damage before 77777 Vlgymgt pr zlevveteslelngatchVtin1VthlgVVs 11V1VVV hgr Later the brVdVe and groom 1th happens by the Barrie Works accountanf gait xdmntrtp ll SaIrrila Sault 01 hfllngstleb3 7V7Belore7 her wedding the blade chose sun of blue swam with llv 77 as also been entertamed at aVcom navy accessoriesV topped by short olnallon pantry and aluminum pink and white checked coat She Shower at the home her comm Mrs James Crawford Toronto Hostesses were Mrs Crawford Mrs Harry Perklns Jr cousin of the bride and Mrs Perkins and Mrs William Perkins aunts or the bride was wearing corsage of pink sweetheart roses On their rum Mr and Mrs Caldwell will be mak ingtheir home in Shanty Bay Guests were present from De PIN FETAL valIx DINNER AND TEAWARE all of Toronto Bflltiim gmton $1111 VV VVV 1son on Gums mcmacd sevlal lm Newmarket and North Orillla 1nd c0u51 and other rclgtwcs and friends from Toronto Present Mr 7V to 01me VV Barr wan PE BndeloCBe it um ycu 77 Wm k1nsmother of the brideelect and Mrs Stanly Shier sller 0Ttho bride Orlllla Incnds and relatives en lertalned in her honor at mis ccllaneous shower held at the home of Mrs MauricerBond The evenV mg was spent tpltlylng ashower games gollowing the opening Miss Marjorie Longhursl and Miss TerrySmlthand Mrs Douglas Sargeant of Owen Sound were hos tesses al miscellaneous shower held in honor of thebrldot07bo at Miss Smlths homeonoyeld Stl Guests were about 25 Barrle friends or the guest olfhonor special shower cake was frost ed with an umbrella of roses and message of BestWlshes June and Roy from her friends miscellaneous shgwervatlended by aboulIZO Barrie and Allandale Is Elrldined Before Wedding Mlgs Gteorgle Reivea bridetad be has been entertained by several Toronto 11nd Churchill friends and assdclatesbctore Vhergweddiug In lloronlo ALW Macphen conhtertglned alvtwo mlscellgne ous showers lil her honorGuests were members 011110 staff of the Dopartment 01 Education Miss Anna RelvoandMrsIKDV Mignon aunts 01 thd brldwlwr jntrtalned at Miscellaneous shdwar lhhenhomriat the home 101 Mrs Rogerson Ptesehlqwere 111111111 cousins and several Toronto amends ofllheabrldetoibo presVentVIVVtVloVer wngbmade thVhr blonds was held ln honorot on 13 brideelect at the home or Mrs mnmmlpunmm Puke Wallet Bayllss Hostesses were Gammmuvzmm 7391 Mrs BayllsstMrs 01131111111 woken 71 Welwl and Edwardohlmeyer Ilhe lu Vheon tllble W85 centred with an arrangement OlVPllll carom aliens and bundled tlnd hallo mad pllllt 98k eltllerrend SW llshower 3le837 lame Maine 30 Ollla it looks llacettlomorrow ln stlohnfs 90 form VATTHEPRICES 55 55 plum 615 in 6plotos 9in4w fruity VV1 mootidlthl loponvggqtolllgdith ALSO INVVVSTOCK comm sovrseoormls coups scouts mums

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