Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1952, p. 11

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Lisle Sundoy School has reopen Hi Mr Bdun Amwemry Wm for Wm Am alJiJZ of iiiisdale lzslltd Mr 21ndl and airs Reynolds on Saturday making lflu gpklhcr liupg 1hr EAXMerlid unfit ILan morning from six week trip ill 350M Cl lilcmJill minimal ft mem England and report most delight wmmmmy olliliiio pally on bniilrdn ml kip ML 3mg kir Bugle 33 Lltgmc King Li making great prv Mr and Mrs Mel prim Jack 515 Mr and Mrs Knowzes Barrio lassch last week With Mr and Links Black and Mrs Collision Mr and Mrs Shampoo and days visited over the weekend will lllr and Mn Jack Jaimescn In Tuv gonna mammrmimm BOND nmrmmmwm inns Sutherland on Kr and Kn Mr and Mrs Run Crunshsw mm mgxmuurgmw spent the weekend In Oshawa lm ma an ma Mr Baresei of Glenn NY leiid pmmnm If his cousin Rev Hiram leccliliy Nowell attended Simone Tag memo Mm Mr and hire Anderson and Rev Mr gikien Visited on Sunday wzth Mr Prtshrry at Shroud last week Im an gis doing the work land Mrs George Peacock Mr wid Henry Casstrlls and Mistss Agnes ANTEN MILLS IT ers Ken Pesmck and Patsy ufand Gertie Case its Toronto rel gfslayner nested acqucrnianw here on Silli Recon sundzy Sthd 30f 621 present =lil Smith Cuilgtul ulnifnns iu ll our new learners superinicledrnt drill for Mr and Mrs Cole Edith and George returned home Sunday Manor rrninlning for 131 Wtxkcnd may Party presideill gross or his new house the south villi the valiugr us sane Black Iesduy rie Visited Mr and and Mrs olllson on and Shirley left on Monday to at tend the international plowing and Mrs Penny or 393 Angikm Church match at Carp near Ottawa Hr iimd 5km rill Dd Work has winmmicrd on fixing and Mrs Wilson and sons also like mil 54 llic Anglican Church which was went to the big match find family risiiisged last summer when struck hells Fleming Is In Toronto visit by lightning and hil by our iiig her daughter Mrs Grlsdaic Mr and Williams and Lorna who Is in line hospital again Here From Albert Mrs Ruddy Chrzsisnrn Millie Coiizsonl from icnco Blvcr Alberta arrived recently to lhll Mr and Mrs Isaac Black and lltl lnulhcr Mrs Coilison Mrs Cul Bison ls returning home with her daughter for the wrliiur flldnlllF ll Lt HAWKESIONE Mr and Mrs Frank hitDonnell and sons have returned home of for spending two weeks In Ti1On 10 where Mr McDonnell underi went in operation Mr and Mrs Melville Baker To ronto called on Mr and Mrs Opilit Lelgh over the weekend Mr and Mrs Freddy Davis and daughler Robert Davis and semi lMiss Flo Davis and Lorne Sutton lToronio spent the weekend with er and Mrs Davis Rev and Mrs Kenneth Mathew Iiindfamily Alherlcy Mr and Mrs iRobert Johnston and daughter lMiichell Square visited Mr andl Mrs Edgar Johnston over the BACK ROW Lang Sands Mission City BC Shearer Blenheim Ontario Spence Strathroy Ontario John Pinckney Rosetown Sask Gerald Legere leouski Que McLacnlarl Virden Manitoba Leslie Barber Chilliwack BC Vopnl Davidson Sask Worden Leaveils Bolton Ontario Roy Bean Waterloo Ontario George Murray Pictou NS Cranston Midland Ontario George Lan Eweekend Md caster Melfort Sask McCormick Montreal Cecil Day mgrisms Emihgviflggxgisgg Liverpool NS iweckend Mr and Mrs Brockbank BHFYlQ lspent the weekend with their un OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association for 195253 are pictured following their election on the final day of the 33rd annual convention Sept at St Andrews NB FRONT ROW left to right Sawdon Sackville NB 2nd vicepresident Walls Barrie Ontario lst vice president Robert Moore Swift Current 8351 president Hanks St James Manitoba past president Allbon Springhill NS Dills Acton Ontario LtCol Walter Ashfield Grenfell Sask You cant blame the little pig on the right for complaining If you Church in his youth In laterzlnd pupils of Avening Public Rowe he was born on Dec 31 Ld nhn bu dae me on wouldnbc and lit and Mrs Earl Io me SIGNS he had attended AVCnmg SChOOL llllca 1F fsnmllydalrmslig limvis very healthy and youd look enviously of well fed friend who United Church He was asupport Relatives and friends from Tol 0h was rcccivlnu balanced meal lt3 er of the Conservative Party ronto Oshawa Schomberg Ivy bid fmd We Practicum YPS MCCW egwgiimgfgr 222$gahe The late Mr Middlebmok was Stavnen Manon Midhurst Angus all Of his life Bums Young Peoples Socratyk Feeding your livestock ehop and nothing but chop Is the some as SUCWSSU farm he had alsohcld their first regular meeting on three wee 013 eating porridge three times day every day You balance your devoted husband and father Wasasa Beach and Evrreltanendl Through his death the communityled the funeral has lost one of its most honorable and highly respected citizens kindly man he was possesed of happy personality and had wide circle of friends As friend and neighbor he was always ready to extend helping hand Surviving besides his widow the lormer Ada Miny cock 0f ven Sept 17 1952 at the home of Mrs mg are three daughters mane 0f Clara Clark in Malton He was inl TOIOMO Mrs ROY 509151mWWW3FbymmvygarumwnmwMMHNcharter member of both lodges Thanksgiving in unison Rev SChomberg and Mrs Elmer Son of the late Mr and Mrs Iorms He had also taken an interestiCraik gave an interesting medita Morrow INorine of Newmarket Krdd of Flog Townsmp the deems in township affalis and was anon on Memory from my Bible four SOUS HallY 0f Everett ank ed spent most of his me in thel member of Sunnidale Council for and ihe offering was received fol of Port Credit Dalton of Aveningl mmber of 68 townshlp With the exception of 10 glowed by bllef bUSmE$ SESSIOIL and mind Of creemore mg years in Abbey Sask and the past The funeral onMonday Sept 29The meeting Closed Will the illmild the Bertram 0f Creemore 315 12 years inManm was largely attended short serrrhis is my Fathers World and rter Mrs James Henderson ar HCE was held at thehome andmumh benediction tt of Chute Panel Que and membel 590 the Anglican later it New Lowell United Church sgvgn grandchildren ChurChr he 193 to mourn his with services taken by Rev Vl few gameswere conducled less one sister Libbie of Elmvale id the group adloumed fonomng cued Bowins and Rev Lemon daughter Dora predec and two brothers Cecil of Toronto the Smgmg Taps Pallbearers representind the 20 1mg and Kidd of Manon RBP LOL and LOYB wen Worm Communion Tile funeral same at ms late Funeral service was held at WyiArnold Dobbs Herbert Ban World Communion Sunday was rememe Welnesiay cliffe Anglican Church in Elmvale ker Harry Presser Norman NeVzobserved at Bums Church Sunday 35 Pnducmd by me Rev Hargldland was conducted by the Rev mils and Donald KniSleyr laemoon Wm Rev Crk conl Ha Kippen Pallbearers were Stubbs Pallbearers were six There were many lovely owerslducung impressiveservice The neighbors Bert Honsbelger CeCl has and Harold Kiddlfmm relatives friends and also choir rendered the anthem Lead Castes lame Sutherland Johnlnephws cep lfr C10 RBP 906 IPercy and Norval Colton and Car 01 Us 191 0W me Lord There also was Splem diet with meat and vegetables The meat and vegetables for hog mush comes from concentrates found time for other activities Helpridav evening with Dawn Butch was of the Umeglers presiding The meeting opened $1ch rufes did 238 with prelude invocation reading anam omen of minutes and song service The and member of RBP No 906I Clougller of LOL 3055 New Lowlscrlpture lesson as readby Har ell of which lie was Past CounE01d Henderson owed mm pray ly and District Master and Chapler by Earl Smith and WC dug loin at the time of his death 1sz Janet McCasue and Marie Hens member of LQYB 269 New Lowiier$9nr oil and was County Treasurer of The topic Thanksgiving was ihe LOYB of Simcoe County alsoably presented by Mrs Lorne Buy Past County Master and was ers concluding with the General Edgar Johnston spent Saturday at Markham Fair Rev Rowe Painswick gave very interesting addrem at St Aidans Church Sunday evening despite the tragedy of having his home partially destroyed by fire at St Pauls the same afternoon Mr and Mrs Gordon Jennings lspent the vekfldin Buffalo Miss Eleanor Leigh and Don Crawford Toronto spent the weeki end at their homes here lives at Baxter LAC and Mrs Wright Allan dale were guests of LAC and Mrs Gordon on Sunday Miss Sally Harris Alliston visl ited her friend Miss Marie HenI derson at the weekend Mr and Mrs Sivenson andI children spent the weekend withl Mr and Mrs Pingle at Oshawa Henry Middiebrook Retired Sunnidale Township Farmer Dies lifelong resident of the Aven mg and Creemore districts Henry Stuart Middlebrook died at Avon ing on Sunday September 23 1952 after an illness of year and half Inhis 74th year Mr Middlebrook had suffered from heart condi tion native of Sunnldale Township where he was born on June 14 1879 the deceased was the son of the late Mr and Mrs John Middle brook He farmed in the vicinity of Avening and Creemore until his retirement six years ago when he settled in Avening member of the United Church he attended Glencairn Disciple It requires 50 little SHURGAIN to make so much difference that you cant afford not to feed it Funeral Service Held iAt Elmvale Church For James Kidd 66 native and former resident of Pius Township James Edmund Kidd passed away on Wednesday The cost of the SEERGAIN Concentrates will be recovered along with an extra profit obtained from the feed savings and more ra pid growth VisayodrioealsnoaGam Feed Servicehliuryoup anced feeding Headquarters ll Roulllsoll ELEVATOR and FEED Mlll Phone Strand 53 Collect Barrie 2211 FREE DELIV RY Pengeny Sidney Morrow and thnl man and Stanle Kidd Intermentiell LOL 30551 New Lowell LOYB Mills Interment was at Glencairn was in Elmvale yUnion Cemeterv eaCounty of Simcoe LOYB Tory did asttlelndlance ai tin3 reguariSltlrna Flower bearers were Robertl Floral tributes included tquelHlll LOL 388 United Churchay 551 amuse Janniversary servrces next Sunday iBoard of Managers and from the womans Association the Womensot 230 and 730 pm there will be Institute and from the New Low2rw Sunday School sessmn ell Baseball Club Relatives and friends were preg nub Puma CoatES ROY Pan0 R0133 Carl from the Roe Company of ruthers Harvey Norris HowardlMalton the Aeronautical Lodge Noble and Clarence Hn5bergeL 717 Malton the United Brother Floral tributes vere received from the Creemore Canadian Legion the hood Carpenters Toronto severall Malton friends the Allandale Taxi mmim The Thank Offering meeting of 69 Coliiu st isent from the district and from tll United Church of Port Cre staff and from other friends and gthe WMS has been p0gtil3ne on 211 Awning Ladies Aid Avemng Wo relatives in Coppercliff Barrielggggggtlgn Cg22ivgzlThuisday evening October ml mens Institute and the teijhs Eimvaie and Temple Midland when Mrs Seymour K911 Chur The late Mr Mansbridge is surlchm PrESident 0f Simcoe PreSby tery will be special speaker Thei vived by Pillowwidow the formerl lMiss Ella Maria Arnold onelmeetingrwmf he held at Mrs Jl daughter Mrs Keith Presser VerE McCasueS hail of Toronto one son Harry at Sevaral from Relatives from Buffalo4 Toronto Malton Orillia Barrie Bradford Penn Coppercliff and North Bay attended the funeral Burns congregation BARRIHRON WORKS rrrrr home sister Mrs James Paddilhave been attending the various HIQII Street Phone arm 5011 Daisy 0f Collingwood andianniversary services in neighbor rigMens 96 gggwirrangslgghrvdgggemistIr crumb ILFJIILL RepresentativeJCarolin eStreetBanie ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS In our NBmowstetmmmennm summon wellknown Sunnldale farm er William Henri Mansblidger Methodist Minister And passed away onTuesday Sept 23 1952 at the General andMXin vange Many Yens Hospital Collinswood following Rev Monkmon Dies Church of the United States late Mr Monkman was said to have won 2500 converts Surviving besides his widow the STEEL SFQRT sale LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED of Bill mcxsumuavo ALEX enema an operation Son of the late Henry Mans resident of th ast former Amy MJ 011mm Win WEme Pro clot 20 yea Re Jeggrle get byl two sons Clam NO OPENTHE YEAR ROUND FOR BANQUETS AND ENTERTAINMENT bridge and the former Miss Eliza of Broken Bow Nebraska and AB thur Cookman of Oak Park 11 1lnois both ministers in the Moths odist Church daughter Martha man died at the Marie McMillan Nursing Home on Sunday Sept14 1952 in his 80th year He had been in failing health for number Vlonl good lobwalls and ceilings 73 andfdaxritifrwd iii mm come rxatvi we gt oourMlss monumuniomcmmr sum TH HWMNG OF FUN FOR ALL yeah srrcllll rlIIIIIIlsmlIIII mu m7TTWfmrrouaivsvsurxeroasmoram mmmmh panes T0 run MUSIC or will hoop their bounty through IIWESWERTKENFTONETS rich as velvet MBN as easy to clean no your ploshb shower coriains l6 moii nu Wbe mochaor IMomix for ndWEIR oftdim Poolegpredec eased him Tli unclear servicepn Wednes day Sept 17 at the Jennett Fun eral Home in Barrie was conducted by the Rev Lewis of Collier Street United Church Pallbearers were Jack Rogers Clifford Elrick Harry Armstrong Elmer Ihomp son VM Morrison and William How Interment was in Barrie Uh 1011 Cemetery Among thIfloial tributeswere thoSe from Collier Street United Church and WashingtOn Boulevard Methodist Chmebb Oak Park 114 ofjears and had been bgdfast for four years before his death native of Arran Township in Bruce County Where he was born on July 13 1873 the deceased was the son of the late Robert Monk man and Kezlah Poole He spent years on the farm in Afraid To nshlp followed by eight years in Paisley where he become registered pharmacist He attendlt ed theMoody Bible Institute in Chicago for two years fpllovied by four years in Iowaand Ontario as errevangelist For 29 aniongm iWIILPAYTYQIIf19 IgtI gt Nun Mn moanedibm yarsboservedin the ministry of llncis mm WWW are Methodist Church in Iowaaod Among the relativesand friends from distance attending indium eralmas son or the deceased pew mi Whats morein Nebraska before Wdoclhvofohuywprimroe coming to Barrie 20 yea13 use Givo ceilings youll love tolive with Ask mammswsn neuronal

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