Problem of National interest Waste of life and property by fire has in creased so that the problem extends far be yond the insurance business fire marshals and fire prevention organizations It is pro blem of national interest both economically and socially The tremendous loss of life and property every year commands the special thought and attention of every citizen interested in the welfare of Canada Insurance can reimburse the insured for lost property values bilt again it has been shown from experience that only small per centage of policy holders are insured up to full value so that the policy holder is unable to be recompensed for his full loss While in sprance monies may be collected it does not mean to say an assured can get immediate repairs or replaecment for damaged or de stroyed property Insurance cannot bring back national re sources from smoke and ashes nor can it re store lives Carelessness and recklessness are the principal enemies that we must constant ly fight against Careless use of matches and careless smoking habits rank first in the list of known causes of fire In 1950 the last year for which statistics were published out of 59710 fires reported 21955 were caused by matches and smokers carelessness The match or tobacco are not to blame the careless user is the offender official stated the problem fA overnment in these words very clearly and simply Laws and ordinances and the earnest ef forts of fire officials in enforcing they will not alone control fire losses Almost livery fire is the result of someones carelessness We must strive to develop in individuals diaep sense of personal responsibility to pre vent fires to be careful at all times with things that cause fire EAli citizens are in position to play most significant part in this vital conservation ogram to safeguard their own useful and irreplaceable properties and to take an im portant part in the work of fire prevention Iooperation and leadership in situation that concerns the welfare of our national economyisjlledulitgfl 92mm Ociober Cheese Festival lWhen it comes to cheese the taste prefer fces ofCanadlanslare about as varied as automobilesIt is apparently memliiigdboiltWhrcli anhrgmnent can be startedat any time and any place He or eir choicelm may conform to pattern in clothes oes or the kind of dog preferred but when firemen to choice of cheese the Canadians plate rambles all over the globe The only is that he or he is very definite her choice and sure thing about the cheese of his there the argument starts For instance recent Federal Government survey shows that despite the possible chag rin Tof the connoisseur in six of the seven cities covered the majority of consumers now prefer their cheese in attractively packaged process formas high as 60 per cent in Three Rivers Sudbury and Saskatoon In Saint John theygive slight edge to ched dar inlts natural form and they like it mild and calored Toronto folk Want their cheddar old and uncoloredqwhilc those in OttawaHull and Vancouver range from mild to medium colored Vancouver leads other cities in cul tivating attaste for rare imported varieties The report reveals that Canadians are now eating nearly 55 pounds of cheese per capita each yearasubstantialdmpr0vemeni over few years ago retailingin the cheese line has become To te alltastes and cheese isbig business around 80 million pounds are sold in Canada annually the groom has to have fairly Wide sdlection Most of them do and the average cheers fancier is now finding it easier than ever before to secure what he wants The hasfdone fine job in making over 40 varietigaylable Forest Clearing House is almost fiveyears since the much ed about Kennedy report on Ontarios talents recosnniendodgthat some sort of com tolestszoroducts Now accordingito an an sometimeAtovcomerAgitatingforesomeone to Allof which shows how complicated food be 3537 mach TOIQWZhWW10FAnri beiiigia close poser moment from Hon sTGemmell min Janos and forestarthvideafis saint given trial newcompanyThunder3 Bay Forest Products Ltd sponsored by oper ating thriller companies and with offices at the lakehesd will deal in sow logs poles ties and pulp logs It will provide central mar ket for producers and central source for processors It should put an end to the prob lem of those operators who have had dif ficulty in getting the type of log required for their products If this new Operation is really the answer to the long standing problem of proper tim ber supply it will certainly be welcome ad dition to the roster of forest industries oper ating in the lakehead area Every expedient tried in the past has been failure usually resulting not only in waste of time and effort but also in ill feeling betwaen operat era in the various processing fields Anything that replaces bhisconfusion with measure of cooperation will prove to be good news indeed Invitation 10 Loss Some voices particularly in Alberta and British Columbia have been stating that the time has come when the westshould have its own steel industry In Alberta this argu ment comes out of the difficulties experienc ed by the oil industry during the period when the US steel industry was on strike and when pipe and other steel materials were hard to find wonderful fare any time There are PORTRAIT OF THANKSGIVING DINNERTingling Iuiumn wesihcr brings gleam to the eve of hungry humans ands wary loo lo the eye of this dignified candidate for platter with lots of gravy and cranberry sauce But while the turkey retains his position as top bird on the holiday menu housewivos are discovering turkey can be The man who doesnt want to im labor would be where it was 100 the atmosphere at that time was Moors PROBLEM By DACW Labor is anxious to increase its earnings This is only natural prove his position is not much use in this wicked world The joke is that labor owes its progress to capital but loves to condemn the basis of its own progress If it were not for improvement in the technological means dfl production years ago and believe it or not rather chilly to the working men There are two way by which the income of labor can be in creased If our pi more pay for the work it does it sounds simple doesnt it The real way is to produce more If labor force higher wage rate it will add to the coat or pro duction Labor will have to pay more for the products it produces The coat of living will rise This will restrict the market reduce employ pleniy of birds rightxnow at prices favorably comparable to other meats and in sizes ranging from six to 30 pounds New merchandising developments are making turkey available ready for the oven wrapped in clear clean plastic and be sides whole iurkcyrwlll soon be sold in halves quarters cutup smok ed turkey rolls turkey steaks and other tempting forms It is hard not to sympathize with the west erners They are doing bangup job in oil development and it must rankle to know that few labor bosses in the US can ar bitrarily slow down their best efforts or stop them entirely Bllt starting steel industry isnt just matter of big ideas and big am bitions even when combined with big alb 1ilities Alsteel industry must have access to Agreat deal of power and great deal of material and it must provide itself with tremendous mountain of mechanical facilit ies To justify the kind of investment steel plant requires theremust be reasonable as surance of market for its products market big enough to encourage production on scale that will allow new plant to compete in the matter of price with already established plants It is extremely doubtful that the Canadian West is such market or that it will be for set up steel plant under the circumstances is inviting someone to bear heavy loss few people even while realizing this will still about fur their steel industry with govern ment in control and the taxpayer bearing the loss Editorial Notes It is the cusomary fate of new truths to be gin as heresies and then end as supersltions Thomas Henry Huxley Ottawa Journal saysthat the Liberal deb acle in New Brunswick was thoroughly pre dictable save by officialOttawa dwelling in ivory towers insulated frorn grass root opin ion throughout the country PeterboroEx airliner enquires if the Conservative victory was so easily predictable why didnt few Tory papers predict In Night shopping seems to be spreading to Canada reports The Financial Post There is Some prospect of this practise spreading far ther across the countryvandto more types of stores OPlNiONS oronleas Television Should Pay Way Port Arthur NewsJOhronicle People in Toronto and Montreal areas are get ting television paid for in part by taxpayers all over Canada Others may getsimilar favors laterkbgut shouldnt television like the theatres newspapers and other forms of entertainment and information pay its own way School Fairs Bring Quality Creemore Star Probably one of the most important features of ihe ruralschooLfair8whighglvg4ulltl18$ events in Nottawasoga this year was the inspir given to the boysand girls to produce quality ex hibits The boys and girls also were given training and experience in showmamhip and the setting up of exhibits This training will provide them with in centive to go on as exhibitorset larger fairs when they become adults only such prod to win weddeday Friday it verofschoorfairrfor several years we notice marked impwveiment inthe qualitylof exhibits The boysand girls know that therconsumers of today demand quality and acts is approach perfection can hope For Parents Only national festival which turns on home life Henry Ward Beecher once pointed but How many par ents have happy memories of this Thanksgiving Day is the one ily on Thanksgiving Sunday morn There are no songs of praise equal ihe day when they were children In imagination they can see again their mother bending over the kitchen stove and smell the won derful blending of appetizing odors of cranberry sauce roast fowl pumpkin pie They recall the excitement of relatives arriv ing from distance and the laugh ter and talk around the big din ing room table As they remem berhow iheinoaren15mcdcthi$j Red Letter Day they have slight feeling of homesickness for the good times which cannot return NotWasted Time Then they woken with start and think how foolish theyarei But recalling happy childhood is not wasted time This faculty of memory is precious one When by accident or old age the power to recall the past is lost this is rightly judged tragic happening Fortunate are the men and women who have joyous pictures of many of their childhood days They are likely to be happy welladjusted adults who are able to build good home for their children Gratitude is not very common virtue in this materialistic age when the dollar mark is placed on so many things If we as fathers and mothers are hoping that our children will possess thankful heart the best way we can en courage this is by taking time to feel grateful We should express our gratitude to thosewho have enriched our lives and to the good God who is the source of all our blessings Family Days At Thanksgiving timebne of the most thoughtful and kindly things which grownups can do is to tell parent who is still living that they do remember the good times on Red Letter family days in their early years and they do ap preclate all the planning and work and love which went into making them fspeciali 1f grandfather or grandmother live in the same place they will love to recall little ventsiof bygone yearswhen Tommy spilled the gravy at Thanksgiving Dinner or when little Jeanie sat on two pillows in stead ofher high chair If the older folks live in ano ther neighborhood do take time torsend ihema esrd with note In It and perhaps some snapshots of the small fry Write to them ofmsomeofiyourrmemoriesof Thanksgiving Days of longago There are few things Which will bring them more pleasure than this reassuronce that they matter ndarg appreciated by their loved nes Good Mutation rnMothers pnd fathers will of coursewwan fodo all they can to make Thanksgiving an outstand mg day for their children good preparation far it is for the fam Honieof rooms 59 gt De Grassi Burned Hunter Toronto at De Grassi Point onTDake Simcoe Loss was estimated at over 303004 Immoral said Allen Hunter Mr Huntersgron and several men weekend Tiler they Milled of brand found my THANKSGIVING ing and gratitude Psalms of David These are the heritage of all Christians both Pro testant and Catholic which they receive from the Sacred Writings of the Hebrew people The to the 20th llyltorworship together asva 1am Eire Saturday Oct4 destroyed the issroomasummer home of Carl from Torontowere present for the NPB Photo mmwnsuwmv By Nancy Cleaver which Psalms or nanxsglvlng Psalms of the thankful heart and of the Vital place ofhappy family life Let us make it truly Red Letter Day in our homes Copyright Minister REV Organist and Cholrmaslerz LLOYD TUFFORD Annivgersary Services Sunday October 312 1952 Rev Roy Webster BA BD of St Pauls United Church Orillla will preach morning and evening Anthem4Pralse Him Choirs30mm We Beseech Thee AnthemBehold How Good And Joyful Solo part by Mr Alfred Shepherd nd For Greatness Sermon IVA Dome reconciled scaooir 1045 amJunior1ntermedlate andSenior Debts 11 ameNurseryBegifirlgs andiirimary Depts of Thanksgiving never get out of date They are unequalled in their simplicity and beauty of expression Theyspeak century worshippers living in an industrial civilization with as great an appeal as they dldtt7the ivlSif shepherds and vineyard fenders and merchants of long ago In our age with its anxiety and speed and nervous tension there Is great need for new emphasis on worship and on Arnold Toynbee has pointed out that if democracy is to compete with communism it must lay great home life ment By raising their own wage rates they are in effect Increasing the cost of living not only for themselves but for the entire populnilon of the Dominion of Canada All this however brightens up when capital by providing labor with improvedmachlnery enables labor to produce more and earn more Earnings per worker Increased from $1119 per annum ill 1926 to $2214 in 1949 How was the change brought about Did the workers work harder No in this period the hours of work were shorter ihe work less trying What then brought about the change They worked with im proved equipment with better ma chines To put it another way in creased production was brought about by technological improve This lncreased production per worker from $5279 per annum in 1939 to $10655 in 1949 This alter ed the position of the workerhe had higher earnings better living standards If oneienth of the effort now exerted to raising the rate of wa ges were applied to increasing the production per manhour of labor it would render real service to its own cause to the consumer in general and to the nation as whole Once Eand for all let us return to the basic facts Higher wages are not the highway to prosperity Prosperity comes from production You cannot lift the level of pros perity by increasing wage rates Examine the last table in this story Wages rose they almost doubled but the higher wages were the fruit of higher production There is n09 way ofralsing real wages ramps ELIMINATED It is encouraging to note that the Ontario department of education taxpayers should not be forced to pay for nonessential items in school building programs Many be forgotten that all government funds come from the people Fort Frances Ont Ti W40 mes it was shocked to learn that the rectory of St Pauls Church was on fire of effort on the part of bucket bri ments in ms means of production has at last decided that provincial sr nous WA and Islam so me vs met at ll glam for October Therein assisted Mr Rowe says be were halls and 18 children pres has his phone in the church study out being the annual Little and will be there from to in the Helpers party quilt was quilted mornings and if needed messages The Novenunr meeting will be will be taken for him by Mr Rad held in the Sunday School room of sum or Mrs Beamlsh the church and the bale will be packed Rectory Damaged By Fire Sunday afternoon this common It was with great deal gades trucks and men that ihel lower two storeys were saved They later had assistance from both Bar rie and Cookstown brigades and with their equipment were able to put out the blaze Move To slum Home Rev and Mrs Rowe and family have been offered sum mer home at Big Bay Point and CRAWFORD co Est Members The Toronto Stock Exchange 91 Dunlop Street Barrio Telephone Day 2443 Evening 2388 BOARD ROOM FAClLl St Andrews Presbyterian Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister MR MAURICE BAKER Organist and Choirmasier SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 1952 THANKSGIVING SERVICES 11 run and pm The minister at both services Thanksgiving Music by the choir Mr John Kerr guest soloist 11 amTIIE CHURCH SCHOOL All Departmean mm Essa Rood Presbyterian Church REV MUIR BA Minister MR FRANK BUTCHER Organist SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 1952 THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICES Iii camChurch School er stress on spiritual values communities would have been bet lil 3m Thanksgiving comes to us each ter off had the department adopted Nursery Classes PK School Age Autumn reminding us of the grace this policy earlier It must never Sacrament of the Lords Supper painEvening Worship Broadcast over CKBB TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Sacrament will beobserved at both LEWIS MA 31 pmIhe AdultBible Class IntroitzLightenOur Darkness Ladiesrrloilttriunesyesz Chorus Be NotAfraid Anthem Now Thank We All Our God VSermonzfOod AtyWorkf gt rrio and pm ampsmrey THANKSGme sanvrcs VMonday 11 am Mendelssohnl Bachb AposroucrAIrH Ministerio collllll Si llNllED CHURCH services SAINT GEORGES Church of England ALLANDALE RECTOR Rev NewtonSmith SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 1952 830 emsHOLY COMMUNION ll amMORNING PRAYER The Rev Howard1vy1 pmEVENING PRAYER 11am Bach TRINITY cuuacu Hampshire Rev dergucgn WEIGHT 00 Lemme HARVEST THANKSGIVING senvrcas SUNDAY ocrOBaR 12 1952 reamsnow zoomumom 10 rumSUNDAY sonoor nanonions wonsmr Preacher The Revarthur Brown Londonw pmEvenlnp Prayerw unlucme it land 730 pm at St Pauls Church on vmmrs with Mm Knawks and were and am on on MI Km Bert Illiey and family and We are pleased to have Ewart Jennett home again Later he Will be sent to Molten for furlher ireal mem zz1 F==y The Rev Newman Bracken Toronto the old Blackwell estate II Church My They wish again to thank all acne Service Harvest home services at if am Mrs lilicy Sr of Toronto BIG TORTOISES Se chelles lsfzrlglgri gags Ogean famous for its gigantic land mp whee 1919 TIES IDlRECT WlRE BURTON AX UNITED CHU BA REV EUGENE BEEC Minister MR HAROLD DEMPSEY organm To SUNDAY QC Buglllgolgsz 45 urnSUNDAY l1 amBEGINNERS DEPART MENT Il amMORNING WORSHIP Theme Thankful for What poneEYENING WORSHIP Make us Glad according to the years wherein we have seen evil is Ilolly Sunday School pm Holly Church Service pm Let us all be found in Gods house on this Thanksgiving Sunday WA mum Central United Church Minister REV BEWELL BA Organist and Choirmasier WARREN MacLEAN SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 1952 945 amSundav School 11 amIieginners and Primary 11 am REV BUGDEN Orillia punService at Collier St Unit ed Anniversary Service Come to Gods House on His Day The Salvation Army so COLLIER sr VThe Home of Friendly Worship SR MAJOR MILLS Commanding Officer LT woo Assrstant SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 1952 11 amHoliness Meeting pmTlianksgiving Service ALL ARE WELCOME FIRSTBAPTISTCHURCH RE lnister MISS CLOUGHLEYQrganist SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 1952 Ill amTRUE mmscmnaumm lemWORSHIP SERVICE II cl chi totals if Irnuaiiulgn se conrm 12195 SCuooI 215 pm Inn pm camel ornamented Braver Meeh Wrenwoo GOSPEllABERNlCli enlumw or awareness copy mi ass suupAvg ocroelzat swoon addmpumistrum 130 1m Splendidconaregatlooslateatieuliinathercwrvic eachsundayp lmViS wirllu1hllnlfefhingzjxouilfibe glad you more do 1ij am GMc3 ELI gum suuoav OCTOBER 121952 THANKSGIVING sermons an aidamps 5011001 If anteMorningWorship ill