Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Oct 1952, p. 13

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DamnlS llill was groomsrnon for his bro vycvale performed me ceremony kaown andDonald Parker of VOut of ironIn guests nuc from my and mlc ushers were Jack leilength ul this gathered to Given in marriage by her fath Thistlewwn gage alhp 0m and Mallard Stunocn brother of the bride and mm Studded headdress and bhc on the bride was wearing white reception followed in he Falls NY Windsor Toronto and Ammd PL rs bmmcr thtwas carrying red roses and stcph dressmakcr suit with corsage of church parlors where the mother Browns Brae Muskoka moum Otis While prayer book dce red roses Mrs Arthur Miss Helen Abbo 35 he only 0135 of Elmvale who wasnhzr 23le iveigggdamblalzimfsxt fccellllm for wlzddng attendant gowncd in blue with INSURANCE COlPAN Sign attendant was wearing aim and cursage roses The en un en llmlbas held at the 3435001051811th embroidery She was wearl run norm mimosa mason cm man gNuptials are Held For Esther Shook Home in Allenwood Stayner Church zls Selling for igroom propped the toast to the ridesznatu 656556 pm Mddmg mp Quit Fal Wedding And Lorne Wtce IMurztrral or Windsor the bride HO jclluot fur travelling grey saber Ug Oil 00 EMISS LOIS BI IS Th umrriagu of us Joyc EGJLE rm Wing of ins bum din mm mm navy accessories and chil daughtc of nest Bell and Elizabeth Shook thuglllcr of Mr mp5 lb 3m grooml CASH AND are mp mt Em Be Says mm Skylar 511mm Grille opcoat was navy and she wing up 13 1dcarinu ammw of red mac5011 BY In Toronto grid 51 xzgtciusisu is Uilgttulvq ind usc jinx aun gir md Mm With all unnumt in st and ts so Ex Halli be making their home in Baro iStayncr took place on Saturday Wire of Burma took place on Sat l5ch $52 at two oclock til the fruity Sept 27 1952 at 330 oclock icflctltuuzt the Unitcd Missionary lJr til aftcrnoon in Chust Church 3119315 iname Chuzch Stsyncr The ceremony Bandit which was decoratcd with 3Widdmg WEN MP and allng performad by Rev Orville Bell coral and white gladtuli and ptnkhWk M153 M8110 All SIIWLl nith llcv Sargcarit guild purple asters for lh wrddlflg if Shmkv MT 53 ilhc ceremony was performed by Small and Charla nodding tiusic nus iiluycd lht KW Jotn Kerr of Creemurc Jill Mt3nd1 Nil$5 Halli WWW ClWl hiss Wallacc Itnirnoiu pluycdB1LTh gm JuneS Toronto 14 High St Mm gartor who accompanied the soloist Elm mm mm and avg0mm Afr and M32 Hugh MelsughlitrluGOODNESS mm BIL Ll mlth llt sulusi Min Dorothy Tittr doubndg dud Miss 5L wer Folk LU ill 3mun3 Ml the slogan of Ill Walk Tlll Wedding Prziycr EBcid13 You rumuu gr ANKXABHNKI wANTAb6 PHONE PIER In an evening ccrcmony in Donl laftds United Church Toronto the marriage of Miss Ethel Mac Cook daughter of Mr and Mrs Norman Cook to Roy Houghion son of the late Mr and Mrs William llaughton formerly of Cookstown was sohrrmizcd by Rev Per kins The bride was given in mar riagc by her father She chow gown of ice blue lace ovcrsatin in the same shade halo of or ange blossoms held her fingertip veil of ice blue net and she carried bouquet of red roses and white mums She was attended by her sister Mrs Lorna Thistle as matron of honor Miss Doris Madcley as bridesmaid and Miss Sandra Lee Miss Lois Stargarct Faris daugh Itcr cf Mr and Mrs John Peri of kazlown was married on Satur Jay Oct 1962 at three oclock it the afternoon in Cookstown Un ied Church to Robert Wardlaw son of Mr and Mrs Wilbert Ward law of Woodbridge The Rev Kellogg performed the marriage ceremony an autumn floral set ing with baskets of red and pink dahlia and asters decorating the Church NilSEle TIA Given lll rmrrmgc by her father he brim md gm mm Jixczi nuirntgc by her fathct ltzct over white sillmtr attzn withEmu mm 35 VVulrlllg 39 tvorv brucsdcd nylon over satin laJlIICIUUIEILILhIdCL Int fibulpJl tlcngth Lll of cnibrotdcrcd nilon 3g llcl nos livid in place by beaded Pl 53 lll buuk of red rows and ginrlo She lelttl CJFCJLIL of rod WWW xr m1 m1 mm mums rllllt Jab mum of Lani Wedding music was played by mm in Mrs Milton Reynolds of Beeton aunt of the bride who also accom partial the soloist Mrs Murray Fans of Bradford in the singing of The Lords Pruycr and Because Given in marriage by hcrfathcr lt r5 Thmle and Ml PillAme CDOkelthe nude was wearing gown of 1Ldd MM DUI were flower girls They wore whm tum and lace styled wim el of Suyxicxwus guwltcd mi Zmpnduh MN up Junts 8369 gowns oflbungundy wine in budic Mm jackg trimmed lul nt usey pink taffeta itithg11m0m taggedHm blur ll 513 I086 cora 05 gt mmivy WM 33mgng ggimm seed Rearls Her fingertip lghlrlcziiylllfdlfawgljnjf fl 1jlvllMildly wring loan on the TIth veil was held in place by pearl lLdrim Urll answer we make it in your best and they carried bouquets of roses Ross Whittaker was groomsmzin illiltlti of pink gladioli Erc ACRcJIlLJII of Stuyncr was uroomsman and the lLltIltlS were iiouurd Atkinson of Stuyzicr and lmun or lr Noni of Toronto lwus Um reception folloucd lltc vcdE ding rt tin CCIILHIIIlill Unitedlgox Inn In higher whom the Churiivivt the aunt of the hum of mm nvam Wu wide Mrs Jock Eustcrbrook of mg navy 3111c drug5 mm Cor llutiuo rcrciud vcurizig navy of gurdcnius Thr biuc iacc 31 With mulching ac mums headdress and she was carrying Ugha were Keith Houghwn andibouquet of American Beauty roses Jack Cook Th matron of honor Mrs At Kimbournc Hall the bridcsiGemge Fans Cooksmwn Smcr mother received in blue lace untilHaw the bllc was mark crepe with wine accessories assistHos 90W mm 13 bodl and led by the grooms Sistemmmwvicapc and twotiered skirt of net Mrs Hougbton in mauve French 10 lanai She was wearing lace over crepe with matching acftlulchlng but and gloves and was ccssories fcarrying cascade bouquet of nutrients Phone lust for lvisit loan write or come in No eu IM COIMN Bruce Wit of Home was grooms lizutltuz ind tltv uslltrl Elton of Toronto my Asm Myloh uu oomph0 In ayunsh In irm ILCLplltll folloucd ill lht Wil MR AND MRS LYALL ARTHUR JAMES DOAN whose re cent wedding took place in St Andrews Presbyterian Church 3e INA LIKES f0 SAY 71$ FINANCE co sage while grooms mother who also received is hf 1321 Elmvale The bride 13 10 Wm Mdlgmt Dorie Elizabeth and Corsage or 2nd FL Public Utilities Bldg158AYFiELD 51 am GrahamHOSk at 1P Toole daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Toole and her hus finds and hoses Tho grooms cum Wk mamas mam madam ism lIlUlll Wardlaw of Woodbridgc sisl m5 the gmom were Midi band is the son 01 Mornson Donn and the mm Mm Dom1 of moth1 disabling were gm The Rev Wm Kc propucd OPEN DAILY to HATURDAY to 12 Agenwood After weddm sheer drcsr vith navy acccs lmmdcto midwticlrllimmdiuglam Formal rim upy Cub In es mm gowns JLHOW and bonqllm MT and up the toast to the bridc and lit lilriclv Shim Similarly to the T331033 Loud OI Ad Mrs Dean will be making their home in Allenwood gown worn by the matron of hon They Place at Waverley For tinvcliing tho bride wore navy suit vsith navy and red ztc cemnids with it of red or were carrying cascade triman ht mu poummts or yenmv mums and it is also Mdt yum hinting bouquct of pink GUARATEE YOUR CHllDRENS EDUCAllUN OI Course liuth Uur Businws UFAClllRfRS Irr lualgcmcliririagcouof MIdSS Altman TM ower gm Miss Mary Fans mg corsagg of While mums roscs and VLIIUV mums ddcorszzgc var as or owner Cr we lIl r1 of Nextmarket cousm of the bride ler ld md gloom Mi Miw honour Jackson and Miss 10 and Mrs James Hoskin 0f Waverley to Murray David Gra ham son of Mrs Graham and the latc Cecil Graham of Elmvalc took place on Saturday September 20 1952 at three oclock in the after noon at the home of the brides The Rev Annis of ions points in Canada and the Un ited States Mr and Mrs Ackcrman will bu making their home in Siziyncr on wedding trip to the United States the bride travelling in tuit of blue picn pic Carol Stundcn nieces of the bride ivcrc twin flower girls gowncd in and red With mauve taffeta with full nct skirts aFCDerLS dnd fl Wistlllennd nittcns lhey carried nose of white mums On their return mi guys clo bub nums Mr and Mrs Taylor Will be mak ing their home in Barrie 1C mond was gowncd in rose not over taf feta styled with not bodice and cape She was carrying basket of baby mums George Watdlaw of Woodbridgc was groomsman for his brother and thc ushers were George Faris of MA wearing ballerinalength gown of white not over taffeta Her shortl Ir Iiiornhill The brides mothch who had been ill wasunable to be present and the grooms mothcrl lin And George Peiers ing matching hat and corsagc of red and cream roses suit of old rose with corsage of white chrysanthemums Arthur Reynolds of Elmvale was grooms mother who also received was in midbluc crepe and was wearing black velvet hat and Parlsbtllall where the mother of sub lhelprtde received wearng two Dugk 4s tginiraps riopiommenmm 39921 mm$m this LSorry wecaniiotrnllte Wmammive w5lnblacl Garry Lchar of Toronto form rccctvcd in twopiece dress ofc Silver NV rly of Barrie brotherinlaw of and orsagclbtl ssoneslthc bnde was momma Following reception at the Th bridc and groom 19 alhomc of the brides sister Mrs tvcdcmg trtpgto NorthernOntaritr LEGcaff Mr and MrsKQttle left the bride travelling in suit of for wedding trip to the United royal blue gnbardinc with black 5mm They will be making their acccssories On their return Mr homewin British Columbia and Mrs Peters will be making their home in Thornhill Outoftown guests were from Toronto Barrie Weston Richmo Hill and Long Lac Weddingxfof Wide Interest is Held groomsman reception and wedding nch eon for about 20 guests owed at the home of the brides parents Wheremihmmothcr acne betas received in bright green wearing corsagc of pink gladioli The grooms mother who also received was in dark green and was wear ing corsagc of pink roses Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to Hamilton Niagara Falls and Buffalo the bride travelling in navy blue jenscmble On their return Mr and Mrs Graham will be making their home on the grooms farm at Elmvalc Outoftown guests at the wed ding included the brides grand Wed at Thornhlll The marriage of Miss Ilelcn Ger trude Stundcn daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Stundcn of Thornhill formerly of Barrie to George Peters son of Mr and Mrs Alex Peters of Elgin Mills took place in Trinity Anglican church on Satur day Sept 27 1952 at four oclock in the afternoon The ceremony was performed by the Rev Wood and wedding music was played by the church organist Devcy Given in marriage by her father the bride was Wearing gown of white chanlilly lace over net with ballerinalength shirt The long corsage of roses For her wedding trip to Eastern Canada the bride chose suit of coronation blueEnglish woobwith matching velvet hat and black accessories On their return Mr and Mrs Wardlaw will be making theirhome on the grooms farm near Woodbridge Phyllis Carruihers And Sidney Taylor Wed Zai Trinity The marriage of Miss Pixvllis BRITAINS BEST wnsm ITS NEWS Anne Carruthers da htcr of Mr parents from OShawa arid Mrs ClaudeCarrtliIlhers of Bar sleeves were pointed at the wrist In TOfOfllO ChUrCh 10 Sidney Ferguson Taylor and she was wearing white gloves HEAVY STATUE sori of Mr and Mrs Harry Taylor beaded coronet held her finger Veidmg were 00 place 1n 0n 19 230 bouquet of red Johanna Hm roses Toronto en iss va wen Velehs 385 pounds Siloflgulhnllggvaggrnobn Trinity ahd white mums lyn Robinson daughter of Mrs Anglican Church Barrie Rev Thebrides sister MrS George 1301313150 0f Tommi forge dePeccier Wright performed the Williams was matron of honor0f ame was memo to on ceremony and Mm Roberts gowncd in lime green nylon and Forest Kettle son ofMr and Mrs of mum church organist played lace She was carrying bouquet Kettle of Bracebridgc The the wedding music and accompan airpink roses and yellow mumsceremorw was performed by the The bridesmaid Mrs Alex Peters Rev Abbott of Schomberg th soloist William Day in led Given in marriage by her broth the singing of Because and Ill Walk Beside You No Dieting NoDisrobing cococoooooooooooocooco with seed pearls held her fingertip veil and she was carrying cas cade bouquet of yellow roses and tea roses Her attendant MissDiane Corru thers oLBairie was wearing ballerinalength gown of American beauty velvet witih matching juliet cap and mitts and was carry ing cascade bouquet of yellow roses and white rnums Rabert Forgey of Niagara Falls was groomsman and the ushers were John Harradineot Barrie and William Sangster of Niagara Falls reception folloWed in Trinity ONExrise Giveninmarriagebyherfather coco as cocoon coco N0 mum the bride was wearingballerinas Announcing length gown of white velvet styled the with low scalloped neckline and of our new cap Sleeves met lnmgd EATMENTS $IIIJJII for weeks only TR refunds and white sittin With black velvet Everyonecnriultq inure pholoillislipidums it priceymum mltat shot njPRIZEWIIIIlEIlliy using st lilnnpsdny untold insido or outdoors oooocooo OOOQpccs oooocooooooooooosoobnn mo Opoooooococcoonsoco not WmmlttuHowl 95 Bestier perfegtkllithingjflllthe rimc salutes 33 tangy Mmupsinunm Mm IClimplete Severanceof RollersGWm list 33mm TODAYaryonrlocal drug Stototcamcm shop ct depsrunencsrorc New the same compels dependability It IYL straits mamauuummnam glowing in Is thmsmuasr MWW um olnluuucruc concur in on

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