Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1952, p. 8

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II toot committee in charge of Wnta for the regional and School conference in this week has received from the office of the Ontario motion of Home and School As Um the provincial pres haunt ms Taylor will be preheat for conference sessions She Will be representing Ontario It New York State ParentTeachers convention during the week but will travel all night to Toronto to halve here on Wednesday morn dng She will be met at Union Sta lion and come directly to Barrio It is expected that Mrs Taylor will give short talk at the even lng dinner in Collier Street United Church Head table guests at the Lowpriced dish with priceless sismavens We less dinner will include Mayor Mrs Marjorie Hamilton Scott public school inspector for Cen Centre Simcoc and Mrs Scott and If Gable representing the Bar rie Public School Board and Mrs Gable AII invitation has been ex tended by the four Home and School Associations in town to Mrs Sheppard president of St Marys ParentTeachers Associa tion to be head table guest The regional convention is not just for the outoftown delegates who will be in Barrie representing their own associations Its main interest to local Home and School members and all others interested in the work of the associations is that it provides an opportunity for them to hear about activities in different parts of the previncc The committee in charge feels strongly that Wednesdays afternoon and morning sessions in Collier Street United Church and the evening session in liiIIcrest School auditor ium are not to be missed particu larly since the convention is right on our doorstep Friday evening the officers of RCAF Station Camp Borden were hosts at formal dance in the Moss on the occasion of the visit of Air ViceMarshal Frank Waite Ot tawa for inspection that day Un fortunately Group Captain Symc MBE was confined to Sun nybrook Hospital in Toronto with illness However Mrs Symc and the Acting CO Wing Commander Gall and Mrs Gall gracious ly welcomed the guests LET US RERUILII YOUR FAVOURITE FURNITURE AT mm THEPRICE or NEW PROMPT SERVICE BUDGET TERMS Barrie Tent ii Awning Co 84 BAYFIELD ST PHONE 4314 Before you borrow check these HFC features Furl You get $50 to $1000 quickly on your signature without bookable security Friendly Select your own repayment plan Up to 24 months to repay Dependable Household Finance is Canadas largest and most recom mended consumer finance company so you can borrow with codicloncc Phone or stop in today uerIoIn FINANCE mm mm You NEED In 28 Illuboth St second floor phone 5529 IARRII ONT outta roman InnIon II um and am phone 1394 from Barrie the guests included Squadron Leader and Mrs Rodgers Squadron Leader and man Rodney Major and Mrs Clark SubLieut and Mrs Lorne McGlbbon SubLieut andl Mrs William McBride Mr and Mrs Harrison Mr and Mrs Fraleigh Crowe Mr and Mrs Jack Craig Mr and Mrs Rodgers Mr and Mrs Adamson Mal and Mrs Empire Mr and Mrs Victor LeGear FL and Mrs Oates 170 and Mrs Allan Wigg Mr and Mrs Craig Mr and Mrs Walls Music was supplied for dancing by Ted Dcslauricrs and his orchcs 1er from Collingwood During the supper hour delightful piano cn= tortainmcnt was provided by Flight Lieutenant Brian Conic Royal Air Force Regiment on loan to the RCAF until next May as Ground Defence instructor and Squadron Leader William Broadlcy from AFIIQ Ottawa aide to AVM Waite Arrangements for the affair were made by the Mess Committee of which Squadron Leader Charles Elliott is president Buffet supper was in charge of Flight Lieutenant Iaul Shepherd Tomorrow evening another year of folk and square dancing will be gin at the collegiate with the first night school session of the 195253 term starting at eight oclock vantyfivc men and women regis tcrcd last week for courses in Canadian and American folk and square dances dances of other lands and such basic steps as the polka the schottischc and the waltz Miss Louise Culley Simcoc Countys recreation director will be conducting the weekly sessions from eight oclock to 945 pm each Tuesday evening and Mrs Stewart Page of Barrie will again be pI ano accompanist For those who wish the popular night class program will provide preliminary period of discussion and training in how to teach the dances to others Pupils who want to learn how to call or instruct are asked to arrive early at 730 clock Both men and women from Barrie and the surrounding area who are interested in the dances are welcome Consideration is giv cn in making the class enjoyable for both those who are just be ginning and those who are more experienced The instructor suggests that danc ers wear comfortable clothes and SIIOCS that are put aside to wean only indoors The soles should be cleaned off and slightly waxed N0 nails please Running shoes bed room slippers would be fine The dancers start off in the familiar old gym at the schoolthat they have been used to in past years But in few weeks time they will be tripping the light fantastic in the modern eautiful now gym nasium at the collegiate Saturday Skating Sessions Set New Attendance Mark Wes Alisopp manager of Bar ric Arena announced that new Saturday public skating figure was established over the weekend The previous Saturday mark of slightly over 800 was shat tered as 1010 attended the aft ternoon and evening sessions Of the afternoon crowd 427 of them were ohlldren while Saturday nights session num bogca well over the 500 mark TRY AN EXAMINER WANT PHONE 5533 SPECIAL SALE spine 19yggoioble did smugrch 7011mm I2850 PIECES SEMIPORCELAIN DlNNERIANDTEAWARE NDLEYS iUPIN PETAL STgLOOK lt AT THEIRICES 795 abusers plates In 1T0 mama 12 so chum TI manna ars continualCannot SQUPS JUGS more ETC No use Couple Leave Church alter Wedding in lWAt the Royal Victoria 11 ital Barrio an Oct 1M2 to and Mrs Cecil luau 300 Elizabeth 31 son COUTTSM the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct rm to Mr and Mrs Donald Coutts 19 Thompson St Barrie son JENSNAt the Royal Victoria Hosfiital Barrie on Oct 1962 to and Mn Robert Jensen RR Barrie son WANAMAKERAt the Royal Vic LEAVING ST JAMES ANGLICAN CHURCH Lisle follow ing their early autumn wedding are Mr and Mrs Kenneth Norman McLeod The bride Is the former Norma Elizabeth Cherry daughter of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Cherry 0f Lisle and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Norman McLeod of Glen Huron After wedding trlprto Eastern Ontario and the Unit ed States the couple are making their home on the grooms farm near Creemom WlEaMDlUNNBS Early Autumn Nupiials are Held in Lisle Church St Jamcs Anglican ChurchLislc was the setting for an early autumn wedding on Saturday Sept 20 1952 at three oclock in the afternoon when Miss Norma Elizabeth Cherry only daughter oler and Mrs Wilfred Cherry of Lisle was marricd to Kenneth Norman Mc Leod son of Mr and Mrs Norman McLeod bf Glen Huron The mar riage ceremony was performed by the Rev Kerr Miss Lois McLeod sister of the groom playrddhe wedding music and accompanied the soloist Mrs Arnul Weathcrali in the singing of Promise Me before the cores mony and Ill Walks BesideyYou during the signing of the register Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing gown of imported French lace over satin styled on princess lines with sweetheart nccklinc sweeping into train Her head dress was halo of lace over satin and held fingertip veil of tulle illusion with scalloped edge She was carrying cascade bouquet of Talisman roses baby pompoms and fern The brides attendants were her sisterinlaw Mrs Lewis Cherry of CIC011101 as matron of honor and Miss Margaret McLeod of Glen Huron sister of the groom Mrs waiter London of Toronto and Mrs William Sniail ofToronto cousins of the brideas brides maids Thcy were gownedaiike in red velvet and were wearing matching caps and mittens They carrch nosegays of white mums and hm breath The flower girls were Miss Betty Anne Cherry and Miss Islay Mc Leod gowhciin white taffeta with matching bonnetsand gloves They were carrying nosegays of red car nations Graham Leonard of Collingwood was groomsman and the ushers woru Donald McLeodL Dalton Cherry and William Cherry reception was held at the home of the brides parents where the mothor of the bride received in gray Iace over apricot wearing my and navy accesosries and corsagc of red roses and fern The grooms mother who also received was inplum lace and crepe and was wearing black accessories and and skirt Miss Belly Jones Becomes Bride of anald McDonough The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Ruth Betty Jones daughter of Mrnd Mrs David Jones of Barrie to Donald Haync McDon ough son of Mr and Mrs Thomas McDonough of Barrio took place on Saturday Sept 20 1952 at four oclock in the afternoon at the residence of the brides parents Cumberland Street The ceremony was performed by the Rev Eugene Bccch with the bridal couple stand ing under an arch of cedar boughs banked with gladioli and centred with wedding boll Mrs Frark Goring played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist Miss McGuire The bride was given in marriage by her father and was wearing White ballerinalength gown styled with fitted lace bodice trimmed with seed pearls and skirt of white not over satin Her head dress was 93 coronct of seed pearls and held fingertip veil and she was carrying nosegay of red roses Miss Palsy Forbes of Barrie was maid of honor wearing ballerina length gown of pale green not over taffeta With matching headdress The bridesmaid Miss Marilyn Jones of Barrie sister of the bride was gowncd In yellow not over taf feta in ballerina stylcfand was wearing matching headdress Emerson Trask of Barrie uncle of the bride was groomsman Receiving the guests at the re ception which followed the wed ding Mrs Jones mother of the bride was wearing redingote dress of navy sheer with corsage of sweetheart roses Mrs McDond ough tho grooms mother who al so received wpsin sheer checked navy and was wearing acorsage of gardenias The bride and groom left on wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride travelling in age wool suit with purple accessories and orsage of sweetheart roses On their return Mr and Mrs McD0n ough will be making their home in Barrie Outmoftown guests at the wed ding were from Caledonia Graven hurst Oshawa Oriilia and Toronto corsagc ofpinkmoses andiem Later the couple left on motor trip in Eastern Ontario and the United States the bride travelling in asuiLoBritish tan gabardine with moss green accessoriesand cprsaue of Talisman roses and babys breath on their return Mr anerd McLeod Will be mak ing their home on the grooms farm neaiCIecmore fdl If youIikov led Cream tivouu Love tsva Ice CREAM Mada orciunvely nuns area guest of Mr audit11s Mr and Mrs Garrett have returncdiafler making trip to the west coast going via Winan peg and returning via USA Mrs Easton Thornton wasa Frank Cuuphman on Fridalh Oct 30n theioccslslon of their first wedding anniversary Mrs Boston is Mrs Couchmans mother Dick Steele and sonliarrialloit on Sunday taranvacatloa are motoring tactful 81 NS and thence taking St Johns Newfoundlan They expect to be away ttlur orstive weeks mil1r and Mrs JrVSeagrahivlat tended the formal handingaover of command ceremony of the 48th Highlanders Regiment Friday ev ening at University Avenue Arm bury Toronto ansthen proceeded on vacation motorAnn to ill NY tomerlyr of Barrie is line has aunts Mrs Mary 11 arias and Mrs Sarah McDon QfOOVicturla torla ital Barrie on Oct 1952 to and Mrs Carl Wana maker Mincts Point is daugh ter CRAWFORDAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Oct 1932 to Mr and Mrs Frank Crawford 169 Yonge Blvd To ronto daughter DONVlLLEAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Oct 1952 to am and Mrs Don ville 161a St Camp Borden daughter FAIRCHILDAt the Royal Vic Barrie on Oct toria Hostal 1952 to and Mrs John Fairchild Lefroy son MYSYKAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 1952 to Tpr and Mrs Mysyk 100 Owen St Barrie son MORRISONAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Sept 30 1952 to Mr and Mrs Dawson Morrison Edgar son McCLOSKEYAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Oct 1952 to Mr and Mrs Lloyd Mc Closkcy Mary St Barrie 5011 ARCHERAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 1952 to Mr and Mrs Ross Archer 30 Essa Road Barrie daughter HILLAt the Royal Victoria Hos pItal Barrie on Oct 1952 to Cpl and Mrs Hill 46 Mary St Barrie son MANSHANDENaAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 1952 to Mr and Mrs Simon Manshanden Gilford daughter KEASTAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sept 27 1952 to Mr and Mrs Dan Keast 94 Eccics St Barrie daughter COULTERAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 1952 to Mr andMrs Fred Coultcr 66 Ecclesstq Barrie daughter Jane Elizabeth TRACEYAt the Royal Victoria Hosmtal Barrie on Oct 1952 to Mr and Mrs Bruce Tracey RR Utopia daughter DARLINGAt the Royal Victoria HospitalnBarrie on Oct 1952 to Dr and Mrs Darling 31 Perry St daughter ZACOURAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 1952 to Sgt and Mrs Louis Zacour 359PMQ RCAF Camp Borden daughter WHITEMANfAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrieyon Oct 1952 to Mr and Mrs Delbert Whiteman RR Barrie son CALDWELLAt the Royal Vic torIaHospital Barrie on Oct 1952 to Mr and Mrs Ken Caldwell RR Shant daughter ELLSMERETAt the Royal Vic HospItal Barrie on Oct to Mr and Mrs Elis mere CraIghurst daughter CribbageParIy Al Golf Club Friday Night Five tables were played at the cribbsge party in the Barrie Coun try Club lounge on Friday even mg Winners were Mrs Fred Norris Dr Harold Smith Mrs John Ough Mrs Fred Anderton and Mrs Allan Gray Mrs Harold Patterson Mrs Ray Livingston and Mrs Arthur McKenzie were hostesses for the evening The next cribbage evening will be on saturday Oct 18 Finlands 60000 lakes are sur prIsIngiy warm in summer despite their location in the far north BMWAt his daughter 13 Fencing 8t Barrie on Thursdcy Oct 1952 John Dennison formerly of 25 Norton Ava Toronto hus band of the late Elizabeth Pay ette and dear father of Hazel Mrs Maloneyi Helen Barrie Pat Mrs Howard Edward Pannice Verda Roche Kirkland Lake and late Russell Densmore and bro ther of William Midland Alice Mrs Thomas Guthrie Mid McVeigh Earl Mrs Joseph iCburch New Lowell ENGAGEMENTS raidedecu nandlraChrIstopbe can of Ncwdioweli wish to the engagement of their eldest daughter Catherine Emily to John William Nevin son of 111 John Nevtii and the late Mrs Nevlii New Lowell the marriage to take place Saturday October its at pm in United Missionary 114 IN MEMORIAM land Mm Kathleen Champiomlrneun DE LYS1n loving mem Pcnetang and Mrs Mary Pat chette Port Credit Resting at the Jerrett funeral chapel 1111 St Clair Ave Toronto near Dueriny Mass in St Claras Roman Catholic Church Monday am interment Mount Hope Cemetery JOSE1n Toronto General Hospi tal on Saturday Oct 1952 Eleanor Margaret Jose beloved daughter of Eva and Richard Jose of Toronto sister of John Barrie and Rev Murray Pres cott Resting at the Turner and Porter Funeral Home 436 Ron cesvailes Ave Toronto Inter ment in Mount Pleasant Ceme tery Tuesday afternoon Oct SPEERSSuddeni at Barrie on Friday Oct May Wice beloved wife of the late Leon ard Specrs and dear sister of Mrs Thompson Evelyn Louis Edith William Norman Eldon and Mrs George Snider Mahala Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie for funer ai service Tuesday Oct at2 pm Interment Alliston Union Cemetery MW The highest mountain in Austra lia is Mount Kosciusko 7328 feet ihony Van Leeuwenhoek in New South Wales cry of Lillian Marjorie Suther land Fleur de Lys who passed away suddenly at Keiowna Hos pitai British Columbia on Oc tober 1951 Your last parting wish we would liked to have heard And breathed in your ear our last parting word Only those who have lost are able to tell The pain in the heart at not saying farewell Sadiy missed by mother and father sisters Marion and Donna brother James 114 LENNOXIn loving memory of Gertrude Lennox who fell asleep Oct 1944 The rolling stream of life goes on But still the vacant chair Reminds us of the face the smile Of one who once sat there Sadly missed by mothkr aunt and uncle 114 More than onethird of Canadian public hospitals had physiotherapy departments in 1950 GERM roman Bacteria weer discovered by An 17th century Dutch microscome nothing bothers venetian blin with slats and plastic tapes Cause blinds with Flexalum are practically troublefree Even sticky jam yont stick around with Ficxalum plastic tape damp cloth erases dirt with one wipelAnd what if Pop cant resist opening windows the my way Flegcalum slats can resist alllhe bendig he gives em theyre optingtempered aluminum they snap back without dent they wont sliow crack or chip in that bakedon nish Manycolor camblnations to chthse from call today for free estimates Stores limited Phono 5539 WIN FREE IKE ocKEY anon mus Borrio Two tickets Will be guilt dwbylforevery some game ofitho Bdrrielflyers during the coming on Every ll 91mm Marmara intoerlgkht Cleaners or picked up obi atorogorllgivo to driver made two before eachhqmd jver 011311 at adulthood formstwillbedesfroved after oaohidraw imammama tour comment o0

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