CU BACKGROan The sport of curling was known in Scotland as for back as 1697 but is believed to have been played earlier in Holland 51 CHEV SEDAN nkrvrzx LOW MILEAGE ORIGINAL OWNER am connmox nurse crewman runes DANGERFIELD MOTORS Weck We 11 neighboring rnunicipalltges USED CAR DlVISION 233 BRADFORD ST Dial 4931 DOOR PHONE 2517 Complete line of shotguns 81 rifles for every need High velocity full shot pat tern Gun cleaning kits 14 shot gun or rifle 752 Fire Prevention Begins At Homidinm Sunday began Fire Preventionl loriisril started wnh two serious tires We have at both of these begged the serih vices of tire equipment from our Brad1out as well mrd came up De Gum pom thing including the doors and win gun Saturday night to help with re In big cottage there They lgie it authorized Mapped lot when they not there been made it was too late to save not than parts of the wall On Sunday afternoon Rev Mr iRowe and his family started tire $111 the fireplace as they had found return from ithe house cold on growth An ember started tire ion the roof The first indication lot this was when burning shin droppcd past the window the family were could have put It out had had ladder available Mr IRowc told us By where neighbors arrned tirm hold on the contents were carried as every movable the time lire had roof The lows Insulation in the attic kept the tire from gettzng down into the body of the house call was placed With the Barrie Depart mum lnnistll was again on her knees to ask for help Reeve liart the despatch of ipumpcr When they arrived the iwells had been pumped dry Trucks Haul Water Aided by fast pump operated by Jack Webster and placed in the crcck across the tracks water was pumped into barrels and hauled iby light trucks As soon as the iwater under pressure was played Ion the fire it was apparent that Iif the water could keep coming Ilhc lilc could be stopped So far thc re had been all On the south OUGHS HARDWARE so come ST Ii 11111111 91111111 PHONE 2556 NATIONAL gszde and west end of the but bythemtbislmgrunhadimm the big tanks of the Room jwater supply arrived The Barrie having roof urnper could then get an evenI impris Cami Pumper Arrives Then the Cookswwn boys with tlicit old fire truck arrived They look on the north side The crews of trucks brought the bar rels of water to them They had ladders and plenty of hose The roof was burned off including the rooms in the attic but the body of the house was still Intact exl twill tor the water damage These twu crews with their ex perIenccd zncn fought hard and ituuk many chances Big pieces of ithc roof wu suddenly 12111 1181 fsuw one piece come down while in volunteer tighter crouched against the wall as the burning wood tell all around him One could hardly pick out indiv iduals who did more than others However we feel that there are some who should have mention Buck and Norman Third Bert Mul holland an some others whom we could not see went Into the smoke1 111ch rooms and fought hard un Ill relieved by the tlrcmen Bill Stewart of the Barrie crew stood on ladder drenched to the skin without the protection of rubber coat and although the tire would burst out all around him he fought it and won The boys from Cookstown worked as though they really enjoyed it They chopped away the burning roof and dOUSIEd it with the water under pressure Family Sheltered by Neighbors The personal belongings of the family were stored in the church shed while the family were taken for the night to neighbors Mr Rowc had to preach 11 liawkcstonc in the evening He was there Rev chcncicr Wright came out during the re and offered his help There is no doubt that every effort will be made to replace the roof on the home as soon as poss iblc In the meantime are we to de pend on the generosity of our neighbors to tight our fires Is not this procrastination already too costly To use the words of the County Warden who was on the job while the tire was being fought They have responsibil ity to the property owners why dont they assume it By they he meant our Township Council nylon We in lnnisill are deeply appre ciative of the assistance rendered by our neighboring municipalities We thank the officials and men for their work also for permitting their equipment to leave home to come to our assistance We hope they will soon receive compensalt tion from our Treasurer INDIA RAILROADS The Republic of India in 1952 had 47350 miles of railway track with 8439 locomotives QM TOBACCO PROVINCE Quebec accounted for all the Canadian production of cigar and ipetobbcco in 1951 MP CALL THE EXAMINER PRINTINGPHONE 241 SECURITY Asa me flaircrew hes marked as young man of Hes had months of intensive on the nest of equipment He hasdeveloped character and the chanceto go far in serviceoifershinia brightfuture The future accomplishmentsin the field of aviation can becounted onto outstrip its brilliant past Heres the life that any boy or anyeparent can be proud of Therefs blend of skillladventure vs service to your country that 994 heboaten fur sheer satisfaction Wold lonerwither RCAriif of flunk TumorGraham At the parsonage on Sept 1952 Rev Reynolds united in marriage Goldie Agnes dough ter of Mr and Mrs Harold Graimrri1 and Stanley Turner oldest gm Mr and M15 Clarence Turneruf Elmvaic The bride chose navy murqumettc over taffeta with navy accessories and Cillllgt of American Beauty roses The matron of honor 3115 Marlene Tin ney wore Willt taffeta Willi navy accrssurics and carnage of Whllt BLONDIE ESE LEAVES AWE LITTLE WET Bur IM GOING TO Bum THEM ANYWAI DONT WEN ELOMNG ALL OVER carnatznns Lute Judy lilltz Hugh bran cfSHZIr CJtioil 11 the firmer girl was drcye taffeta and carried nosegay 111 pink 116111511115 cctl Tinney was nunsman rceptnin was hriu llllcdlilw families The tlwr received wearing blown CTLIBL titms trunniml with dark brown win1 and coralgc of Iliuw liilptltilgulb Navy liltir llttl was by the gmuni Ilowezw mi Willi mother litr were OH sow CHICKEN 9e THE PLACE IIImgIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HEY ALEXANDER LETS DLILL THAT GAG ON yous You 511122 You HANDLE THIS M9535 AN SKFFTER Illlilllillllil1min MP BUMSTEAO THIS IS THE BARREL OF DOUGH C012 SHOW4F you CAN SPELL CNE THAT MACE ywp WE LL DEND FATHER SO you TEN MILLION Inc of the brides parents snapdragona The happy couple 1th by motor for trip 011011be InOtillltIfl Ontario 011 return they are nding in Etmvale and Mrs Roy Rowat Nor Ich and Mr and Mrs Duncan McCoicman Stayner spent the wceitcml with Mrs Rowat the summer with her aunt Miss Beckett has returned to Toronto Mrs Kennard Baker and chil tirvcn er spending several weeks with Mrs Baker at Stirling Mrs Watson Toronto spent low days with her mother Mark Beardsuli Mr and Mrs Ray Srigley have couple of months in Waiting We ads Mrs Terry and so are ilieost left Friday in am we tuneral of Mrs Terrys brushes4t law Arthur Terry at Cobourx Mr and Mrs Alvin Archer amt diss Cassie Capeland who spentihappy to announce the birth of their son Oct 1952 The Canadian raven now found mostly in northern areas in the some special as the rayon of nortltv em Europe AN EXAM WANT AD PHONE 2414 17er DUMPUNCS AND By Chick Young Fml1hnlmpbmtxgtu luaud ONOMATODOElAulT WAS GOOD OF YOU GENTLEMEN TO CALL4ND 1F YOJD BE so KIND rD LIKE V01 T0 TURN OVERTHE TEN MILLION TO MV FAVORITE CHAPITVTHE HOME FOR LEFT HANDED CARTOONISTS YOU HAVEABADHABIIOF JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS Ive HAVENT TIME THIS inclIIInqyuiiminulnmunnuns now seem mt 12mm Ontario trunnion1315 ummmimmmunnmummimm R0m1mwmm By Wally Bishop LBUIIFWUWANTTD warrenus cAuAsm GAME scum wemouec