Fred Grants armament Serving TEE TOWN AND COUNTY OF SINCOE Since l864 88th YearNO i4 SOME OF THE MEMBERS Of the platform party who were present Friday night in the Collingwood Arena when the different branches in Zone E4 Canadian Legion pre Sented new candidates for ceremony This was the first occasion on which such func SHOT lN FOOT CLEANING GUN Donald Medhurst 17 of Barrie district was taken to Royal Vic toria Hospital Saturday with foot wound sustained when the gun he was cleaning accidentally went off His condition is report ed as fair The Pilot Column WORLD SERIOUS By KEN WALLS Figurative headline last week ap peared in Toronto daily Yanks Club Bums Anyway baseball players wear thick liip pads Newspapers always are sorry to lose subscribers but realize that when people move away they gradually form new attachments and forget the names and land marksof the old home town Such for instance is related in the case of Western Canada citizen who left here years ago tIn discontinu ing my subscription she writes overthrowing against the paperbnly that hav been away from Simcoe County for so long the district news isnt very interesting to me any more onlyrecognize the names once in while but do like yOur columns and especially articles even ifI dontmremember many of the people We do like letters from subscrib ers with bits of news of their own areas Dated Sept 24 one writes from Alberta that the harvest wea ther Was wOnderful at the time and hoped it would continue until the combining alid threshing was all done The last two years lot of the farmers in Alberta have thresh ed two years in one having been caught with their crops under the snow Last year we got snow Oct 21 that Stayed until spring naseuailjnuiui Wichita Kalb 535 Beacon Griswold took over as manager of the Indians this year after they finished last year in 1951 Our staff weremakingva presen tation one afternoon last week for retiring member The frontof flee chick who iwas called on to hand over the parcel in agitation Turn to page five please Alumnad Second Cm man In Post Osoo Marmot Ottawa Platform Party at Canadian Legion Initiation admission at mass initiation triet commander and Ernie lmpreSSive Ceremony lsStagecl George Gill president Collingwood Branch Mayor Ted Macintosh Collingwood MajorH Gandier AntiTank Regiment Owen Sound Bibby Barrie deputy dis Uhrilurrir Examinrr BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY OCTOBER 1952 Night School Registration Up About till total of 450 Students enrolled atitlicv Barrie District Collegiate tion was carried out in this district Above on to right are Taylor zone commander As New Candidates FromlCounty Take PartLJn Legion initiation Staff Although it was left to Julian HFerguson MPg Simcoe North to describe how the service had carried hisi mind back to the days of the First World War almost everyl one who witnessed the Canadian Legion mass initiation cere mony in Colllngwood Arena on Friday night experienced something of the peculiar nostalgia of war memories as the lights in the building were dimmed except for an illuminated cross inscribed Lest We Forget while the strains of The Last Post alone broke the stillness as twominute silence was observed The initiation which attracted on the platform the Arenadoors several hundred spectators in ad dition to visitingrepresentatives of various Legion branches and mem bers of the Womens Auxiliary was one of the highlights in comprign being carried out in Zone E4 to at were Opened by member of the Collingwood Sea Cadets RCSCC Hood and the Legion representa tract new members In an impressive ceremony of dedication to the ideals of the Leg ion some 80 candidates were ac cepted as members There were ov cr20 ftOmBarri alone while oth ers came from the different branch es in the ZoneCreemore Coiling wood Stayner New Lowell Vespra Midhurst Midland Orillia Elin vale Goldwater Victoria Harbor Waubaushene Penetang and Ang us Although it was cold night many people waited outside the arena to watch the Logion members and candidates assemble outside the Collingwood Legion Hall prior to entering the building to take part in the ceremony In the Arena itself platform had been erected in the middle of the floor from which the following dignitaries watched the program Bibby Barrie deputy district commander Dr CB Ross Grav enhurst district secretary Bert Hawker Gravenhurst district com mautie1MaxorLTestMaclnt9b Collingwooil Major Mg Gandier ED officerineharge AntiTank Itegimnt Owen Sound George Gill president Collingwood Branch Rev Downer Dun troon MPP DufferinSimcoe Hulse Aurora provincial presi ficially opened in Canada The outbreak occurred around pm while the Rev Liouel Rowe his wifeand family were having meal As it had been rather cold earlier in the morning an open fire was lit in the house and it is believed spark from the chimney was the cause of the re First Indication the family had that anything was wrong came from the roof fell to the ground in front of the dining room win dow Mr Rowe immediately went roof alighb He put call through to the telephone operatorat Stroud and dent Julian FEEEUSOH Ernie the alarm was sent out to neigh Taylor zone commander borsAfter permisison was grant AS the members took their seatsed layWarden James Hart when JSomksmolderingW rrpmticles out to investigate and foundthe fives entered the building led by the band of Coilingwood District Collegiate Cadet Corps under the direction of Lt John MacRae Pre ceeding the official color party was the Meaford Pipe Band led by PipeMajor David Robertson The opening part of the evenings cur emony concluded shortly after wards when the Union Jacks and banners ofrthe different blllncllES were laid against the sides of the platform Greetings to those present were then given by Mayor Macintosh himself member of Collingwood Turn to page five please Si PAULS CHURCH RECTORY iXIfllSiililY DAMAGED nurtu R001 BLAZE CAUSED BY SPARK Despite the assistance Of about 200 neighbors and detach ments from Barrie and Cooksth Fire Departments fire which broke out in the Rectory of St Pauls Anglicanphurch near Painswick managed to get firm hold on the roof of the building causing damage estimated at around $10000 on Sunday the day on which Fire Prevention Week was of re truck left Barrie to assist the bucket brigade Which was rapidly formed by neighbors Sovquickly were helpers on the spot and organized that every par ticle of furniture and other house hold effects including even doors were saved The salvaged goods Institute last week for night classes but although registration was up about 100 over last year some of the Students will be disl appointed Three of the courses offered in the 195253 program have had to be cancelled due to lack of sufficient registration The big three classes at the colll egiate this year according to cn rolment gures from last Tuesday and Thursday evenings are sew ing leathcrcraft and basic Eng lish However there is marked increase in the number of local and district people taking night classes in art and there are large enrol Incnls in bookkeeping typing folk and square dancing and motor mechanics new course this year One girl has registered with the 26 men and boys in the mechanic course The largest Sillng enrolment this year was in the sewing class With 74 pupils registering three classes will be provided in the schools new heme economics department in addition to the regular teachers Mrs Margaret Gillcnand Mrs Welham Mrs Elizabeth Kettle formerly scheduled to teach cook ing will be night school instruc tor total of 54 students have en rolled lit the night schools sec ond most popular course leather craft This is slight increase over last year Leathercraft also is divided into three classes The enrolment of 51 students in the basic English classes for new Canadians shows an increase over last year when only 17 enrolled before classes began However the class increased in number last year as the term progressed Last year at this time there were onLy 17 pupils registered in the art classes conducted by Thomas Mitchell ARCA This year the classes start out with 47 pupils and have been divided into two groups the advanced students working un der Mr Mitchell and beginners instructed by Mrs Bowman Bookkeeping has registration of 30 students and typing regis tration of 42 pupils Only six students indicated they would like Ing to be allowed to take their l1lt ling periods from to 1030 pm Mambo Clan CWNA and Audit mun umu Circulation Begin Classes Next Week The Barrie Skating Club shows all signs of starting off as family affair Not just for the boys and girls of the faniill but for mother and father and even grandfather or grand mother if they can be interested in exercise in one of most attractive forms Family llour Although Senior members no go rtlliitl figure Skaters and Will be itlltSSttl the Monday night shatL gurc skating seriously With liltilltllltt sesuon on 10 ucording to own time on the ice gt0 as not to be the club instructrcss who was for bothercd by uttermediates and jtill Emeriy active with the Mintu Club of lUlS there is family hour being 0ttnwa is just like socml evening arranged for Sunday afternoons Starting xvuh warm up dance Their parents who have taken id StSSlUll can no fun for the skater vantage of the family Iiietnbcrslnp when he or knows even two open in the club Will be allowed nuances for the only time in the week to DiillCillL Will be taught to inter liy figure skating Willi their dillmcdiutcs and probably scriitiijtin dren zint skaters too along wrth figures Provision is even being made for ini the spirals and turns for ircc parents with family membership skating who are not planning to take figure More flexible than the instruction skating to skate on tubes duririgtperiuds for Intermediates and jun this one weekly period iiors will be the senior sessions with this third membership offered ifor the first time this year it will be arranged to suit both those in site Membership Over 300 The club membership is now over mouoar and more Shaken One Section81 Senior Skating Club Members Have Most Fun Dancingon lce Hon Leighton McCarthy Dies at Summer Home Barrios most distinguished native son the Honorable Leighton Goldie McCarthy QC first Canadian Am bassador to the United States of America died Saturday at his Sim coc County summer home Longuls sa Georgian Bay He was 82 in student days Mr McCarthy was it noted athlete and had played with champion hockey and lacrosse teams in Barrie He was keen golfer and fisherman in later years and resided In Toronto at 45 Wal mcr Road the 300 mark and memberships are still coming in from all age groups both men and women Although senior membership in the Skating Club starts at age 18 there is no maximum age limit Figure skating is one sport that is not overly strenuous but at the some time it is wonderful exercise The amount of energy put into it is entirely up to yourselves In structress Mrs Muriel Whyte points out particularly for the benefit of the more senior members Another attractive angle for seng ltcrcsted in merely the social fun of skating and those who want to try tests To keep up interest throughout the year the club also intends to invite senior members from nearby tclubs in Owen Sound Collingwood Toronto and even Ottawa to skate with the Barrie club members and help them with their dance tech niqucs Later on during the year Mrs Whyte is hoping to be able to have Canadian dance champion from the Ottawa Minto Club Miss Pier ior members is the fact that figure ratio Paquin come to Barrie and skating is one of the best kIIOvnoffcr some expert help to the sen least painful and most enjoyableiors once they have learned some method of reducing clemcntary steps on ice Also Ijuidge Miss Paquin has expressed clg hires finterest in coming to town through Danctng Is what mainly appoulsgu1e tunudmn Figure skating ASSO elation Social Life Important HON LEIoIrrON DIch On Saturday he had listened to broadcast of the World Series to study shorthand at the night classes which was not sufficient to form group Folkfand square dancing classes ha enrolment of 25 students towb gin the year alld 21 Stud cuts registered in the woodwork ing course The new course in instrumental music under the direction bf the Schools band director Fish er has attracted 17 students most ly former band members Fifteen student nurses enrolled in the special chemistry course at the school Unfortunately there was only an enrolment of three in the new cooking course offered and eight pupils in the drafting class Nei ther of these will be held this year and industrial mathematics has also been cancelled owing to the low enrolment Twelve men enrolled in the has ketball leagues and four girlsin the girls basketball league There will have to be more registering before the season canstart Enjoy the band entertainment and the best in modern dancing to Norm Burlingand his Illpiece indamngwwwwhv Kings Mn Orchestra atglleeton baseball game and was stricken shortly after He was an outstand the instructrcSS says of senior fig ing figure in legal government and gore Skating In the old days there business circles in Canada since iwere only two dances that could be before the turn of the century His done on ice the waltz and the numerous interests includEd many ltenstcp Now dancing has been put larger us corporations with Can The social life does take hold especially in the dance sessions on an international plane so that1 there can be world competitions Formerly there were British Aml Terican and European standards of Although fairly nwdicld in every Friday night 930 Pm t0 figure skating there are now 17 re am Door prizes 107tf St Pauls WA bazaar and aft ernoon tea Midhurst Township Hall Wednesday Oct Tea serv ed from 230 to pm 113114 Fowl supper games and dance Wednesday Oct Supper at pm Adults $125 children 75c at St Patricks Auditorium Phelp ston 114115 Harness races Wasaga Beach Track Thanksgiving Day Oct 13 at pm 11456 Special Sunday Midnight Thanks ivingqiance Oct 12 at Pine Crest Dance starts 1205 am 113116 Turkey shoot Wasaga Race Track Saturday afternoon Oct 11 12gauge shotguns no polychoke 322 rifles 111456 Bazag afternoon tea andkbake werestoredinachureh sited near the house MisiRowerwhoiwas taken to the home of neighbor Mrs Purvis told The Examiner It has been great blow but the response by the people living around is nothing short of wonderful There were so many of them that would never be able to thank them all but Iwil never forget what they did for us Nine of the children of Mr and Mrs Rowe were accommodated in the homes of Mr andMrsdack Coleman Mr and Mrs Ewart Jen nett and and Mrs Thomas Fitzsimmons Offers of help to look after the youngsters tem porarily were received by Mrs Rowe throughout the afternoon The fire was conned to the at tic but considerabiedamagevto the rooms underneath was caused by water sale WediieEday UEIT103 to pm auspices of the Eastern Star at 17 Owen StrAdmi55ion25crn 114116 Golden Star LOBA 551 Bazaar afternoon tea Orange Hall Allan dale Wednesday Nov 19 to pm 114 St Marys Italian Spaghettr Supper St Josephs Auditorium Wednesday Oct 22 Supper 530 pm Adults $1 Children 501 cognized dances The preliminary dances the Dutch Waltz and the Swing Dance that lead up to the waltz can be done with very little hard work The Bronze dance test includes the Fiesta Tango the fOurteenstep and the European Waltz which senior skaters may al so learn this year Turn to page three please FIRE DEPARTMENT HAVE TwoCALLS DURING WEEKEND Two minor outbreaks of re oc lcurred in town during the week end One of these startednear an old garage on the property at 55 Owen Street owned by Elmer Robertson around 220 pm Salons day Slight damage was caused On Sunday morning there was small outbreak rat the home of James McBride 42 Penetang Street underneath verandahat the rear of the house Itis believed that children play ing near some piles of dried leaves maythave been responsible in both cases adian affiliations To Washington In 1941 Called to service by the Canadian Qauerxlnegum Mm assumed office of His Majestys envoy extraordinary and minister plnipotentiary at Wasltinston When the status of the Canadian legation was raised to that of an embassy in 1943 Mr McCarthywas appointed Canadas first ambassa dor He held this post until the end of 1945 when he resigned and was succeeded by Hon Lester Pearson now Canadas secretary of state for external affairs personal friend of the late President Franklin Ronsevelt Mr McCarthys welcome by the President of the United States when he presented his credentials was front page news both in Can ada and the United States In the US capital Mr McCarthy gained reputation as shrewd observer of the American scene and supersalesman for Canada Bornin Walkerton Dec 151869 Mr McCarthy moved at an early agertOBarriepwherrhcevent began colorful career In his 20s he took part in political battles with his uncle DAlton McCtIIthy former Conservative who broke with the party and lined up with Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Lib erals as the head of the equal rights movement Turn topagethceepleasei 51MUESANGUCINguungutIcToRIISIIRI DESIROYS nor SECTION DURING SUNDAY WE