in rm FEATURES tries and Mrs Bernice Rixon won rst primes for her conned green peas strtwbcrries plums black curmt tun mustard pickles and can at the 730 pm service by COlDWATER so 0min Eady ind Goldwater mice Wilma and Brit Hy North Liver Annivemry wcre cznccllcd so the comma lamxporonto spent the weekend North River United Church aunticonic attend the anmvizrxary uh Mn CW Wilkimnt ivcrsary cht were well attend Goldwater Presbyterian Church Kr and Mr Key Torontoicd on Sunday licv Conner was withdrawn Sunday ow spent Sunday with Mrs Roy Lair mini pmchcd at the morning and mg the anniversary at Port Mr mg iricc in the evening the ministerimmu EGBERT Walter Judy Janice and Jana Fred and Lennox Burton Htmilton wore Tuesday visitors withMr and Mn Wilfred Smiley Mr and Mrs Thomas Fraser nt lended the CaldwellThornton wed ninetiny pickles Other to award in the section went to rs Johnson for hcr canned raspberries Mn George Cmuthcrs for her canned cher ries Mrs Kenneth Gould for her peach 5811 Mrs Workman for her vinegar pickles Mrs Earl Curr for her tomato cataup and salad dressing and Mrs Nelson of Stroud for her tomatoquice Sharing first prize with Mrs Gould and Min Cowan in the oth or womens sections wore Mrs Kathleen Mumberson Mrs Earl Carr Mrs Nelson Mrs James Baker Mrs Gwen Drury 133 and Burnett and the our products Sectidh mm 33 or ntr Baths Gown WIS lint vinocr in the color and products classes with her mule oyrup Ind In Gould took stula with hot brmvn shell hop as First prize in the white Shell cw went to Mm Work of Alliston Mrs Charles Hounsome mm of mm Mrs Myrtle Westlakc Mrs George Holt Mrs Bernice Graham Mrn sum Workman Mn lvan Wright Mrs George Holt was winner of Mrs Kidd of Cookstown and thib Blue Ribbon Bolling Powder contest at the fair with her top if bwu End um took man was first prize mm he Mme bread and winner in the water color compe in ma Cow tltions and other top awards in W3 mp pm wnner took the arts and crafts section were tm am the mane scienceltakcn byMrs Nelson for her Minn wml her modbrud fancy oil painting Mrs Kenneth Gould sandwich and doughnmg and for her charcoal and pen andiuk ms Bad Cm took six mp prlmsiskctchmg Mrs George Holt for with hm whole whim mum her photographs and water colors pm and mum macamom Mrs Kidd for her place gown pi Mrs Gould won the wood 5pc Other 10 prim winners the clot in the hobby class and Mrs dammit WP M73 Kim Kidd won the shell special The kin mumbenmv With 19 be 08 clay modelling special was won mt mu Mm workman by Mrs Bernice Graham wiwce whole wheat bread won rstprite Mn Trlmblc whoi Pubin School Section won first prices with her decom Susan Sparry of Cookstown won tcd birthday cake and angel cake rst priZe for her decorated bi and Mrs Bernice Nixon of Cooks CYclc on the second day of the town with the rst prize lightifair The public school section of layer cake the womens building featured arti mm Work cultirl flnc showmg of school art Mss Hem Cwa Bccton Junction School was prizes for her canning seven first judged the best school mes in th bedro mare mg pv 0m Fcessores thh banner Wilh Cookstown Pub dgsses V0 ms dmmg mom lic School close second First agslmes and 13 top prizes in prize in the special grain exhibit em to deny and knitting classes in went to Annie Tempe with her 133155 mi11 Seetimd at the fair wheat and oats displays and Fruit lion coppc seven top awards for her oral exhibits ccs Donaldson of Cookstown won Her chic competitor Mrs Ken the Grades and spelling con test The Grades and spelling f59559$ggkfk 25 pm contest was won by Margaret Lce of Mount Pleasant Miss Cowans canned tomatoes other prize wmners mong the corn pears and peaches raspberry ischool children listed it order of strawberry and grape jzim apple merit were red consult and native fruit jelly Beets Patricia Joh on Donald and chili sauce were judged top en Smith Marion Archer carrots WWW ding in Orillm lut Saturday Mr and Mrs Wilfred Brollcy and Mr and Mrs Arnold Rogers Bond Head spent Sunday at Gran tell Mr and Mrs Len Walton and Donna Barrie and Mr and Mrs John Thonmson Alliston Sunday with Mr and Mm Alfred Thompson Weddingr Anilvomcy number of friend and rela tivu from hcre attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrsmlvred Arnold in Thornton Satuiday afternoon and evening Mrs Herman Powis nce Agnes OHcarncl Ottawa is spending week with her mother Mrs Thorn as OHcamc WA Meeting Egbert WA met Sept 17 with good attendance It was decided to hold the annual bazaar Oct 15 The buxlncss consisted mostly of bazaar preparations Doris Mat thews and Mrs McEuchein pro vided the program tasty lunch was served at the close by Mrs Mchchern and Mrs Matthews Annlvcrary Service The anniversary service woe held Sept 14 with Rev Dean ltCAF chaplain Camp Borden as speaker The pastor Rev Hughes assisted Thornton choir undcr the leadership of Willis Smith supplied the music The church decorated for the oc casion wit full flowers The ga thering was not as large as other years due no doubt to the intense heat May we again thank Rev Mr Dean and the Thornton choir for making the evening success Bellamy attended the intro duction of the now Regent Powcr izcd Gasolincs held in the Crystal Ballroom King Edward Hotel To ronto Monday evening Corn Harvest Cutting corn is the main harvest at present lhc fall wheat is show ing rapidgrowth add most p0 tnto growers have disposed of their chop Nell French Raymond Hnydcznk Shirley Woodrow sweet corn Shirley Woodrow Jean McFadgen Donald Carter tomatoes Donald Carter Frances Anne Chantler Marion Archer potatoes Mike Japovitch Margaret Carr Eliza ANGUS ANNIVERSARY Sun Sept 28 I952 11 amTHE GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF TlIE BLESSED GOD 730 pmA LIFE WORTHY OF THE GOSPEL REV JgM45HAw DD Professor Queens Theological College Kingston Music by Angus Choiri REV MplIoASER Minister AN Nov NCING THE OPENING or OUR NEW sunniqu urination Clincher Tuken Oil N0 DIETING NO DISBOBING N0 mscomrom N0 EXERCISE was rrrcrs in nucxwonru sr if BARBIE Phone3992 ocaumo broom workstoivuv 15 TREATMENTS $1000 Mtand Mrs Ray beth Core onions Mike Kem ming Bill Homeck Olga Kcm ming pum kins Donhld Carter Donald Smith Joe Graham Zinnias Wayne Hughes Robert ming Bill Homecko Olga Kem Evans David Cpnnell asters Wayne Hughes Newton Robinson School Donna Hughes African marigolds Donald Carter pet unia Donald Smith Claude Meredith Donald Garter snapdra gons Robert EVansDonald Smith Prlnt scum Roger Meredith D9noaTelgtWdlliAlll Kent WIW ing Bill Homecko Gloria Long Neil French writing Grades and Sylvia WhyteJoan McLellan Robert Evans display of hand work Room Joan Webb free art Patsy Johnson Donald Jar vis Ross Cameron free art Grades 48 Morgllughes David Gracey John Halbert free art Grades Ronald MoComb Gary Cemon Robert Evans junior poster Joan Conne11Patty Church Joe Gra ham painted poster School Sylvia Whyte Bob Whyte note book Robert Evans Cairolyn Kiekrye Ming Hughes Simcoe County scrap book Anne Cers well current events scrapbook Anne Cerswell Audrey Relve hobbies Annie llempers Ken Lindey Donald Smith display of woodwork Walter Korohuk An dro Homecko Ken Lindey special for model of carving intwood or soap Harold Fildey Bert Mek erk Maurice Runnalls Womens Plnstltute Displays Special displays which were the most attractive feature of the womenc building wereentered by neighboring South Simooe Wom ens lhsliiutes from Thornton Band Hood Alllsion Stroud and Tec WcGw11l Junior Institute HOEIY Mrs Gordon Graham Mimico spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Archie Graham and attended the ChritienYoung wedding Sat urday Sept 20 in thaJiPrcsbyterian Church Allande Cbngratulctlons Ernie and Katie We wish you long happy married life Slessor and Glen attended anniyersary services at EdgliFUnltdThuirchTbhSurF day Sept 21 Mr and Mrs Charles Campbell Mrs Wilsonnlliottxand daughters called on Mrs Neil at Lefroy on Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Newton visited fricndstit Burks Falls last week end Congratulationsto Mr and Mrs GDownind on the arrival of baby girl lost weekSharon Doris Mr and Mrs Steam visited spent Hollows tr Dryadole By JAMES HANCOCK Director Plan Foil Program Theres plenty to get excited over in the program the directors of North Simcoc Junior Farmers As sociation have drawn up for the coming weeks The rst big event will be public speaking competition tur key dinner and dance in Elmvale during the third week of Octo bcr Local clubs are holding prelim inary contests prior to this date and the winning speakers will then be given chance to compete for county honors The winner will represent North Simcoe in the pro vincial competition in Toronto next January The turkey dinner will also be an occasion for the presentation of prizes for the Junior Firmer livestock judging competition on Aug 30 and the Junior Farmer livestock feeding competition which rdn to completion in June Early in November the judging team which will represent North Slmcoc in the intercounty compe tition at the Royal Winter Fair will commence preparation Bob Lambic Paul Bertram Larry Clo ment andClifford Grcnlcr have been selected to take the special coaching Once the Winter Fair is over oneday bus trip is being planned for North Simcoe Junior Farmers Allan McNabb Paul Bertram and Gordon Wright have becnappoint ed as committee to select it dale and plan the tour The final proposition which came up for consideration at the recent directors meeting was the spam soring of drama competition Noting that several Junior groups throughout the county have in the past years produced and presented successful plays the directors felt they would like to give added encouragement to this type of ac tivity Toward this enda committee consisting of Tom Ross Allan Mc Nabb Don Edwards and Bob Lum bie was appointed to explore the possibilities and if possible inter est number of rural Junior groups in preparing play this winter with the object of holding drama competition sponsoredby North Simcoe Junior Farmers incxt spring We know this can be made an extremely interesting activity and anticipate its success ful development Business included the appoint ment of Miss Teresa Frawley Mount St Louis as secretary treasurer for the remainder of the year replacing Jack Dyer hangone to Western Canada Association President Brion Jones will not be occupying the chair regularly in the future since he entered the twoyear course for the Associate Diploma in Agri culture at the OAC on Sept 22 who nior Farmers VicePresident Joe McLean will we know caption till the gap 4H Club Exhibit At Elmvole Fair Spectators at Elmvale Fair this year witnessed two 4H club shows in place of the usual one Centre Simcoe 4H Swine Club sponsored by Flos Agricultural Society and Elmvale Calf Club sponsored by Elmvale Lions both held their achievement day exercises at the fair It almost turned into complete victory for the fair sex with Tor esa Frawlcy Donne Jones and Patsy Joncs taking top honors with lhcir gills in the Swine Club and Muriel Ritchie placing second with her calf and winning the Grand Champion Showmanship award in the Calf Club Muriel was also tOp in total point score for calf club work Bob Stephenson of New Lowell had the top placing calf and reserve showman Karl Miller Hilisdaic gained the high est marks in total score for the Swine Club project The complete standing was as follows possible 5c0rc being 1000 points Elmvule 4H Calf ClubMuriel Ritchie 943 $6 Morris Johnston 911 $6 RodncyMchih 9m $6 Beverley McGrath 897 56 Bob Stephenson 893 $8 Don Forbes 875 $5 Joanne McGrath 862 $5 Grant Ritchie 826 $5 Elmvnlc Lions SpecialsGrand Champion Calf Bob Stephenson $21 Reserve Champion Calf Mur icl Ritchie $3 Grand Champion Showman Muriel Ritchie $3 Re serve Champion Showman Bob Stephenson $2 First Prize Novice Showman Don Forbes $3 Second Prize Novice Showman Grant Rit chie $2 Lions Club Cup for Show mans ip Muriel Ritchie 1951 Club Calves Muriel Ritchie $4 Bob Stephenson $4 Morris Johnston $4 1950 Club Calves Muriel Rit chie $4 Grand Champion Badge By Jack Ritchie Bob Stephenson Ontario Hereford Association Special Crest and Years Subscrip tion Hereford Digest Morris Johnston Ontario Shorthorn Club Sweat or Beverley McGruth Sweater Joanne McGrafh Sircoe County Ayrshire Club Muriel Ritchie $1 Don Forbes $1 Centre Simcoe 4H Swine Club standing Dale Miller 869 $8 Karl Miller 860 $6 Teresa Frawley 856 $5 Ross Rowat 832 $5 Patsy Jones 815 $5 Don Fleming 792 $5 Rosswithall 776 $5 Donne Jones 773 $5 Raymond DAoust 761 $5 Brian Jones 713 $5 Flos Agricultural Society Spe fuls High in Judging Swine drl Miller 33 Second in Judg ing Swine Dale Miller $2 Grand Champion Gilt Teresa Frawley 53 Reserve Champion Gilt Don ne Jones $2 New locale Mr and Mrs Wesley Jordan at tended the weddingjof Miss Flor ence Wilkinsonond William Cook Toronto Mrs Whitney Atherley spent the weekendwith Mr and Mrs Lionel Player Mr and Mrs Donald Currie and family Toronto spent a= few days with their parentstrs Currie and Mr and Mrs Robertthchie Mr and Mrs Edward Ball and Miss Patricio Boll0ttdWa ore vis iting Mrs Balls parents Mr and lifts Friel Miss Trry Stevenson andRbnaId Ritchie Toronto are visitingw1tli Mrs Ritchie after holidaygin Nw Yorkalty Mr and Mrs Callander Biod iord spent few dhys withMis Maurice Whetham ArchioLKerr Sudbury spent wool with his mothr Mrs Kerr Stone Silent Mrs William Beardsallp Toronto is spending week withMrs Fur leigh Ritchie androthei relativcs Mr and Mrs Lamport Niagara Falls spent few days with Mi andMrs FGrlgg Mr and Mira JohpBell and im 11y Duntroon Mi andMls Willard Cluter Allandale Mr andgg Mrs NmTahiStanieug Beaverton Mr and Mra uncan McColeman stayner MrsEJohn Thompson nnd Mrs Howard Draper Barrie Mr and Mrs Fiiher Stoyner Mrs liar ry Knox Niagara Falls Mrs Cllff Duvia Midland Mrs Frank Bant ing BdlQ spent Wednesday with ftlendazgridottended the Raina Mr cud Mia Earl Dwsdal Homilton visited Mr and Mia =Mrs Whaleyhas rehimed to To tho village bylaw with Mr and Mrs Stewart Bar rie Mr and Mrs James Black and Robert spent week renewing ac quaintances around Elmvale Fatal Accident The sympathy of the community guest to the family of Mrs Bate who waskilleszhen her car went out of control on the wet pavement and swerved Mr and Mrs Gordon Ivy have mvcd to their new home rccuit iy purchased which was occupied by the late Thomas Murhpy Mr and Mm William Moore To mnto spent the weekend at their home here Mrs Adair returned home lom Barrie hospital Thursday cv cning She is still very ill and has nurse with her Mr and Mrs Albert Gibbs To ronto spent Sunday at their par ents home Farewell Sermon Rev Mr Wigby delivered his iarcwcllscrmon Sunday morning at anniversary services in the Ad glican Church At the evening ser vice Rev Capt Webb Camp Bor den delivered the message Both services were fairly well attended Rev and Mrs Wigby and family will leavcnround Oct to their new parish in Coldwatcr Fatal Accldcnt The sixyearold McKenzie boy was killed on his fathers form by large potato truck The boy had been around the truck with two other children when the accident happened Ihc driver was unaware of the mishap and did not know anything of the accident till tho other boys brought the child in on wagon from the field dcnd School Fair good crowd attended Lisle School Fair cu Wednesday after noon Sept 17 It was big day for the children and they all enjoy ed good time The exhibits in all their classes were good and the children had wonderful display of their fine work The parade by all the schools in the townshipwas good with music supplied by fich and drums and bagpipes The school winning the prizes for the best banners and marching put up by the Lattendzile were Lisle Schrol Glcncairn School SS Also special prize put up by the Lottindalc for largest school in parade was tied by Lisle and Ever ctt The Lottcndalc wishes to con gratulat all the children and benefit of the Community Hall Fund Born to Mr and Mrs Wilfred Pilon nee RuthAdamsl son on September 15 in St Andrews Hos pital Midland Mrs Douglas Naismith Mrs Gor don Spring Mrs John Ritchie and Mrs Gerald Stone attended the funeral of Mrs Bate at C0 bourg on Friday Mr and Mrs David Gossling and children Kapuskasing visited Mg and Mrs Gossling MES PfKeast and Mrs Terry are spending the week with fnends in Toronto and Cobourgf Congratulationsto Mr and Mrs Wood nee Ina DickinSon who were married September 20 in Si John5 United Church Elmvalc High School News Finally the elections for this years student council offices are over The report of election reads as follows president Ross Rowat vicepres Joan Priest secretary Grace Archer Treasurer Ann Gra ham pianist Kaye Parnell editor Annabelle Waples assistant editors Muriel Ritchie and Ed Robertson On Tuesday everyone lined up to march to the fair grounds but their spirits and clothes were some what dampend by heavy rainfall Anyway we all gave shout for good old EHS led by six lusty voiced cheer leaders From all ac conntcihe boys will be digging deep to provide Wiener roast af imo the iter the wa they marched on fair path of southboundcar Mrs Bate was onjher why to visit her son and daughterdnlaw Mr and =Mis kTirn Bole Time ChainsHero Elmvie Vclocks will be turned locale one luxury at midnight on Sat urdaySeptembcr 28 according to EIInvaIe Fair lhere Was splendid attendance on luetday Sept 216 at the Fair The annnual school chlldrenspr ade wosvmorred by rain Elmvale umpet Band led the school pro cession to the new arena whore the contests andJcces were held Wednesday was beautifuliautumn iday onda1arge crowd attended livestock and sculoc exhibits In tho evening the Community Hall wag filled to capacity tor the con cert put on by Tom Hamilton Md 91115 troupe Robert Graham fair tractor conducted the draw for ftliafour pieces of cooking utensils MiSsEtlna McQuarrie below the winnenF Wins 31090 out Tuesday eveninat the co ln the Community ii indoctrinationoutwitcine sick rchtoiattu no insfa couple Childrenfs Hospital Toronto We hotter Betty will comma homo heste nee lwas Rev Robert Hutu Victoria Harvnr Mr and Mrs Robert Plunkctb Toronto Oiililbuitd special music at the morning service solo was teachers taking part in the parade Mr and Mrs Edgar Jenkins and daughter Diane spent the weekend in London Calvin Haddock and Bob Bocckh spent ftw days in the Muskoka distict Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Harvey Lemon were iMr and Mullobort Beatty and son Dennis and Miss Doreen Green and Willidm Sullivan all of Toronto Walter Green and Mr and Mia Raymond Sutcicffc and girls Allis tun and Mr and Mrs Tom Green and boys Cxccmorc Mrs Bailey and boys Mansfield We are sorry to report the infant son burn to Mr and Mrs Jamcsl Aldcxsron in Alliston hospital dicd shorly after birth Miss Jennie Jenkins is spending few days with her sisters in Al listozt Sorry to report Mrs John Synnotti was taken ill Xdllit visiting With her daughter Mrs Stun Service at Crccmorc Wtr all wish her spccdv recovery SLIP COVERS BEAUTIFULLY STYLED 34 BAYFI ELD ST And You get all those otherfeatures CookMaster Oven Clock Con trol that willautomatically cook an entire meal while youre away from the housc Full with utel diawer 11 thus 47 ELIZABETH ST Scottish niacin idlidooign iiiiszfi suite isoxoeptloual for 1116 money Thoupholstery ls gum mew cloth in cocoanut ma ne groan woipro shouting on deoellbut saloon tion of aootlouol furnguro in Var in mm and armor are warmer than those inland PALM SUNDAY 01 the reformed churches tho Church of England alone includes Palm Sunday in the Holy week celebrations according to the En cyclopcdla Britannica Winters in places near the ocean CINIIAMON TOAST HOT CHOCOLATE 20c LUNCH AT BIlYSOllS iCE CREAM CAN DY 22 ELIZABETH ST PROTECT BEAUTIFY CAREFULLY our EXPERTLY SEWN Barrie Tent ll Awning Com PHONE 4314 The Biggest Oven Youll Ever Need in the most compactly designed Range FRIGIDAIRE lhriityl Electric Range Yes Its designed to into the most compactly de signed kitchen and still give you big range cooking ad vantages Its onlys30 inches vvide but the oven goes clear across Large enough to hold six pies at once It cooks extra food but uses no extra current Rodd RDA35 Ihown choc 529975 oCookingtop lamp and Kitchen Clock Saspeed Radiontuhe Cooking Units Lifetime porcelain insideand out acid resisting Etienne PHONE 2493 warez571w