Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Sep 1952, p. 10

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whyw it we Hi 5132 mm wm mm av Nelson Touch Teetsof secret atomic weapons by the Brit ish Navy off the northern coast of Australia this aummn Show how for things have changed since the days of Nelson and the other naughty admirals of history But no matter how they change the wea pens and the ships themselves the navy is only as good as the men who operate it And Horatio Nelson would be as successful today as he was in the days of soil Because Nelsons secretth famous Nel son touchin nutshell was the ability to figure out new and better way of doing things You see it exemplified by some great figure in every age in every field of activity Every schoolboy knows that Nelson won the battle of Trafalgar and was fatally wopnded that dayOct 21 1805on his flagship Victory Less well known is the dra matic manner in which Nelson accomplished the decisive victory over the combined French and Spanish fleets on that fateful day The wooden ships dependent on the vag aries of the wind had always fought their battles in the same stylein parallel lines opposite each other slugging away with guns large and small Not Nelson When his great Opportunity came and he found the combined French and Spanish fleets steering in battle array between Cadiz and Gibraltar he made the bold decision He formed his British fleet numerically inferior to the enemy into two columns one led by himself and the other by Admiral Col lingwood Instead Of standing off and slug ging at long range all along the long enemy column Nelson drove the two British columns like spears through the deadly enemy pro cesslon The resulting struggle at close quarters with the enemys rear cut off from the rest saw the enemy fleet shattered Nelson lost his life but Napoleon lost his hopes of conquer ing England And Trafalgar to this day remains not only glorious page of history but tre mendous testimonial to the power of ideas Be ProudOf Our Canada Canadians as maple are tinged with an overabundance of humility modeaty or plain inferiority complex when they consider their own achievements They tend to apologize for conditions and deveiOpments here and to regard accomplish meats inBritaln and the United States as something beyond the capabilities of this na tion Too often they take the attitude that nothing good can come out Of Canada Humility is doubtless good in its place but 730 is pride and Canadians have much of which they should be proud While still retaining the right of construc tive criticism Canadians should be proud of their democratic government which in world tending to extremes has trod middle of the road path They should be proud of the freedom that is theirs of the rights and privileges that have been handed dOWn in trust previousgenerations They should be tiltheir place prominent one in the Btitidh Commonwealth under the sover ghtyofrtheir Liege Lady Queen Elizabeth Canadians are living in an expansionist age avperiod in the nations history when greatdevelopments are taking place in the Fcountryeanada for instance produces half of theworlda supply of newsprint the second largestrexport wheat crop 90 of the free worlds supply of nickel and an important part of thezinc copper aluminumandeother materials needed for the defence of the west V8tdeYEl0pmentaare underway inoilgironr uranium industry electricalpower Last year comedians invested some zzmn na tional income in new developmentsForeign capitals flowing into the country and more andmm canadian capital is being utilized of the nation Canode may well be proud too of awak to develop the naturalgegsources and industry oped inform in thearts Acrossthe land one activate dramafestivais art exhibits ctive show thatthia new nation is not noel an the finer things Of life More Collections are aware of thefact Titration 3m for that culture is not something for high brows but may be enjoyed by everyone Good music via the radio and performances of symphonies choirs and soloists is becoming part of the daily living of millions of Can udians Canadians are writing books plays and poetry are painting and composing as never before The second half of the twentieth century belongs to Canada As Churchill said on vis it to Ottawa early this year Upon the whole surface of the globe there is no more spacious and splendid domain than Rhoda open to the activity and genius of free men Let us then be proud of what our nation of 14 million souls has accomplished is accomp lishing and will accomplish We should be proud of Canada Editorial Notes The major cities of Canada declares Com munity Planner Harold Clark have grown beyond the point where they are efficient in terms of industry and commerce and also beyond the point where they provide happv and satisfactory living With volume of traffic outstripping cap acity many people have wondered why they still see some empty seats on our commercial airlines The main reason says The Finan cial Post is the careless person who books flight and then falls to show up before de parture That sort of thing cost TCA alone almost million in revenue last year and US lines total of over $27 millions The airlines are planning steps to reduce this loss There can be no hardandfast rule for cut ting costs in education Thats the consensus The Christin Science Monitor the house and turn on the stove Really clear they would taste just at good we why dont run in Fred cum amtmoo THE BOYS OF AND SOME OF fConfirmed from Monday One of the was character who will be well remembered as Diogenes Moore and who always carried cane and lighted lantern night Ind was ibly for man And every oldlime housekeeper will also remember another very important factor in those coaloil lamp times in the person of Henry Mabec who travelled all over town peddling coal oil pulling small wagon holding square tin cans of oil quart and pint measures and supply of lamp wicks and chim neys and he did thriving business 400 as the dozen or so lamps each with him each pcstered consider looking for an honest of replies to Financial Post question Elim inate the frills is suggested most often but against that are the recommendations that nothing should be done to lower in any way our standards of education We have prob ably been too shortsighted in the salary lev els for our teachers and too generous with buildings and equipment comments one Ontario businessman OPINIONS or OTHERS Britain Eyes Our Seaway Victoria Times British European and American firms are plann ing to bid on various works involved in the half billiondollar St Lawrence seaway project It is to behoped all of them will be giveu an even chance against Canadian construction companies The sea way will cost agreat dealunder the best of con diilonsThat cosLsbould behold the lowest pow lble minimum by full competition between the con tractors It is no secret that the Canadian government would We to see some of this work go to British contractors awho would thus earn Canadian dollars deeperately needed in Britain Those dollars would all return to Canada in the purchase of Canadian goods But as in the case of other Canadian business Britain must meet the competitive costs of other countries Canada cannot afford to pay for British machinery used on the St Lawrence more than the price offered by Canadian American or European firms The great British engineering industry which is one of the main props of the British expprtlng economy should be in sound competitive positionwhen bids are called on the seaway In this field the British have few if any superiors in Canada we cannot say that we are trying to assist Britainand thus to bolster up our own sagg ing British marketifwe do not give British in dustry the same opportunities as we give our own And assuredly if we refuse to do so if we attempt to apply the principle of protection to our own industries regardless of price the seaway will cost the taxpayers millions more than it should cost In this gigantic undertaking the Canadian govern ment faces political as well as economic problems The politicssince there is no quarrel between Can adian political partles on this scoreare centred in Washington Itcannot be assumed that our difficulties there have all been overcome While Canada can buud the seaway rin ltsown tgory alone the electrical power developments involve an agreement between the state of New York and the province of Ontario The Congressional polit icians ho rejected American participation in the stairway ili certainly try to delay and if possible prevent the New YorkOntario agreement In Washington it is said that such an agreement involving foreign state must finally be ratified by the Senate This is complex constitution question but if Timlidhartlbch noun rufthe gauntlet of the Senate it may well find powerful oppoaltldnihere backed by electrical and railway interests It will bedar better for both countries if the new Senate changed by the election of third of its members in November is ready to cancel the policy of its predecessor and bring the United States as full partnerinto the seaway No mecca be sure offthe new Senates attitude before the election Canada still hoping that the American attitude may change must go ahead on the assumption that it will not mustplan an an Canadian scheme but probably it has not heard the last from the pressure group Which intends to hold up the full lure of the St Lawrence Water routeas long as it can If AClossMANewSpOper rationed Monday Wednesday Fridait an Wilson adamant We Danie Ontario Canada by mama Yloolngident RWETI SecretaryTrenton in mom um om uglier were 091mm warns mumslam cum Olfye sometime went up game household required called for sup plies of considerable quantity Residents living outside of those dimly lighted sections necessarily carried lanterns to light them on their way Cu the later generation enjoying as they do all of the adventures and improvements of modem town life fully realize that the pioneers had to provide their own method of street lighting by carrying lantern Another oldlime institution which was of interest in those days and which passed away long long ago was the town crier who par aded all over town ringing hand bell to call attention to what he was announcing advertising it would be called now since his place to some extent in later days is filled by the sandwich board man Auction sales were the principal affairs which he boosted though any special occasion usually found him on deck with the well remem bered oyez oyez oyez and then he proceeded to announc the time place and nature of the affair The man who is especially re membered as filling that position was sh filing hunchhouldered little man named George White whose son Barry White was also real cllaractor in thetowns life since he was the champion wood sawyer of the district and whose record probably still stands for bucking cordwood was far more general job those days than it is now since gas oil coalor electricity provides such large percentage of the heating supply Not to mention hot air Pretty much the home pro gram we followed when those coal oil street lights were re placed by no and John Am strong was the official lighter which was first used oommeri cally in Barrie in 1880 to he succeeded later on by the use of electric light gt Many conditions nowadays are superior of course to what they Were years ago including the pry vision of amusements for the boy Who likes his already prepared The ordinary boy nowadays feels hes been sadly neglected if he hasnt bicycle camera radio set Sportin outfit for every known nd the price 161 moving picture show half dozen times week But the oldtime boy got his tbriis fronrrlkaaleidosc Topfrom the blacksmith shop lackknifeapd what couldnt real live boy do With his trusty toad Itabrerandnn occasional night at magic lantern show or Sunday School social or rare show at the Town Hall Halloween capers have not changedwa great deal probabhr since we were boys in thermal idea of making it worrying night fer hoiweholdcrs ahdbsrasoing one for pededtrlanll whenMeltdown catapults ticktack and the rest helpedlin theMM bells were rung wherever one could be found gates and plans carried away or exchanged for something yust ac good not as gpplopriater Bill tbeurealilzrlllwuilchl no play um at left arc the switch combined to my neat morning higb up redI dliug the rumlo of neighbor barn And On one occasion there accomplished thefeetof niacin lt cow on the barn roof which took MARY STREET THEIR DOINGS fowm lamplighters men GRANT elephants camels etc before en tering for their dinner It was al so handy for the boy looking for free ticket for helping employees erecting the Tents etc for the days performances But none of those summer attractions probably were as popular as the travelling brass bandcomposed of half dozen or so German musicians and who travelled the country each summer like mics They systematically covered the whole town during their stay of couple ofdays and gave canny pleasing program of band music Continued on Friday 04 km GenerOUs Support For Vera McMahon Memorial Fund Sept 22 1952 To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir gt It will be recalled that last June the Barrie Deachers Council as sumed the role of local represent ative for the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society in whose support we solicited contributions these were all attended to pgpmpt ly but due to the summer isrup tion ofIschool programs certain fac tors made it advisable not to close out the fund until the September reLopening This has now been dormand we are pleasd to report that total of $20055 has beenforwarded to the Toronto office of the Society By now offical receipts will have been received from there by the various contributors Inreview there are two things that should be mentioned First of these is thefeet that the only means employed for publicizing this worthwhile activity were two newscasts on CKBB and the gener owdlspltayinyourhewspihleLol pictures andappeal coupons For both of these services we are deep ly grateful The second matter for review is the particular reason which prompv ted this activity The moneysent to Toronto was designated as the Vere Jl that we cannot help but feel al manmama lVlSlTORS FROM DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE Bylas Last week we paid visit to Niagara Falls Having visitor at our home from Scotland who had never seen the Falls we felt ihet these sigth would be of par ticular interest We believe that we enjoyed the trip equally with the newcomer There is so much beauly within the boundaries of those few square miles that go OI make up the Niagara Falls Parkl deep debt of gratitude to the for seeing wisdom of the legislators who set aside that tract of land so that others might be free to enjoy all the scenery without hav ing to be subject to the commerI cial competition which might have been rampant had the control not been taken over by the Provincial authorities Standing at the railing one not only sees the falls but one can get close up of people from every part of the world One hears various tongues spoken The license plates on the vehicles lin ing the sidewalks denote that many have journeyed from great dis tances to take in the beauties and gaze on the magnitude of the fam ous cataract While we were there we hap pened to be most fortunate in that tour by the representatives of the Parliaments of the British Commontvealth arrived there that afternoon We saw the bus loads coming along the drive and had hoped that they might be where we could get closer view of them Suddenly the buses swung around at the very place we were and soon we were surrounded by three loads of dstinguished dele gates Among first to reach the railing at the rivers edge were two ladies dressed in the colorful dress of their native India After they had stood and gazed at the horseshoe falls for some minutes without murmur we enquired what they thought of the sight small voice in childlike English answered It is superb beyond words to describe The other said It excells anything have ever dreamed of These two lad ies Mrs Kale member of the Parliament of India and Mrs Madbya Pradesh wife of the Speaker of the House were among the delegates They had known Mahatma Ghandi personally and had worked with him to accom plish the freedom of India We asked if they had to bring goat with them for food supply and they laughineg told us that they ate our foods Standing next to us and listen ing to our conversation was Sir Arthur Henderson British Labor MP who said it was his third trip to Canada When we mentioned our pleasure inmeeting him he in vited us to attend the coronation next summer in England Just write me and will see that you are looked after he said adding that he was greatly enjoy ing the tour and the services be ing given them by our govern ment Then we turned around and read badge on the lapel of Hon DAlton from Tasmania This is sovereign state at the ex treme south of Australia where huge hydroelectric developments are bringing commercial use of electrical power almost equal that of our own province populaf tion of 30000Q people is using power at the rate of tum horse power per head Smelting and the production of aluminum are two McMahon Memorial Fund and commemorated the efficient service and selfsacrifice of Missjfera Mle Malian School Nurse for all Barrie WORLD MEET of the chief uses made of the pow er They also produce 15000 tons of copper annually Our attention was attracted to gure wrapped in enroud and wearing sandals lie was typical of the people we have seen in pictures of characters from the Blble He was small and ay halred Seeing that we were ak lng notes2 of some Of the bits of conversation we were having he opened his glass caseand extract ed his card and in perfect English asked us If we could take picture of him Ills name Was Sris Ch Chatiopadhyaya member of the Assembly of Pakistan ills home is at Karachi Pakistan He told us of his pleasure at being sent as delegate to the Common wealth Assembly in Canada Your country is so wonderful it is so new and different he said He had read about and seen many pictures of the Falls but he did want picture of himself with the great waters behind him We hope to send him one later lie wzu Without doubt the mostl interesting individual we had ever talked to and the fifteenminute stop they were making could cas lly have been taken up with him alone He called over another darkskinned man who wore Eur opean dress and introduced him as Murchlyiu member of the Parliament of India from Calcut to We are very good dricnds he told usns thcycmbraced Mr Murchiyia told us that In dia has 599 members in their Par liament and the only way that an individual member can get an op portunity to speak is by making an application to the Speaker We were joined by Aboal Mon emkham who also wished lobe in the picture and who was on the constituted Assembly of Pakistan This Assembly has the job of cre ating Parliament for their copn try which will then take over government In the meantime they are ruling the affairs There are 78 members of this Assembly one member for each million of population they said Twolothers put their names on paper and passed it to us Ahmad Pakistam and Sudan Amir Azam MP of India We did not have an opportunity to talk to them as the official in charge of the tour was already calling the pageant2 hack to the bus Its we Stoyd at the railing with the great ails booming be hind as the buses loaded algal passe us and from the window we received waves of goodbye from the people from the Latte1 one of the world that It halt Ibeen our good fortune to mm er passing moment We have paroled this experienrc along in the hope that othcra may label avail themselves of the op poriunliy to make the short fliz dred mile trip to the most beau luful spot in the world whim almost atour doorstep There our can stand and rub shoulders min people from all parts of the world who come to Canada just to ice these sights One need not dwell on the other places that can be Seen in days drive in the gardens of our coun try The piles of fruit and were tables that are Stacked along llic way awaiting the processing and hauling to the markete Needlilt to say we like all the rest Cillili home with our car trunk illicit wlth these wonderful fruits The lhave much better taste when they are tree ripened The pm gress of industry in the area most amazing when we rcmem ber our first boyhood trip by boat and street car to the Falls We can see how much has happened In that time and wonder how space can be found to continue both the growing of the vineyards and the accommodation of homes and In Iduslry and at the some time pre serve the beautiful countryside that is everywhere about The flowers of the park kept watered by the spray and mist from the falls are still in their excellence We hope that many will take day soon and enjoy what world wide travellers come across oceans to see 66666666 llllllll SERVICE casu AND CARRY iN BY ll OUT BY N0 EXTRA CHARGE NUSlRVlCE CLEANERS ll High St Barrie Phone 247 GOODNESS GRAClOUS MQQD 666666666 CRAWFORD CO Est 191 Members The Toronto Stock Exchange 9T Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 BOARD ROOM FACILITIES DIRECT WIRE Picture News frOm schools from the late Twenties un til the early Foities Her retirement while comparatively young per son was brought about as result of the ravages of arthritis and her years of suffering which ended in death ast year pointed up the great need or resgarch in the fight against this dread crippler The results of such fund raising will be brought closer to home within the coming year as we have the assurance of the Toronto office that researchteams will do some work in this area bringing with them specially equipped van Meanwhile may we through your columns extend our appreciation to those who supported thib effort withcgntribuiipps and to egpggs should the council again assume this responsibilityncxtyear Yours truly BELL Procient parrie Teachers Council IuthIMAVit wont to about will benet eIs SEEM sumo putting autifreeze in your car now Actually its the thing to do Somedriverruseitas coolantail year round Antifreeze has higher boiling point thauwatr yet when the cold comes its protection against freezingYou can get rorectioIi thehopeJorJF broademresponse Lhfdoljtailgjiilh CiLthylenelyboLAm trite when some popular neighwa have the combined effortf of but use town durina luminance day to get her back to term Another attraction for sneer boyrwm the annunvmu of half down cite Which the return In fortitude to bayou camelliayou shoddy 1lIowoWlll redraw flofiaclvlaeIliadunflattto plan ie ulcers are oonsult about you Will nm littletimbSend todays edtivvtoueo mum domestic tugwhen you ca all hop into carotid easilyhjhelpnimdrlpgtthe mole out of driving thegchem icai industry supplieeffletri ethyl one which hematite outpacing witin we arrive nae federal fins Riemann jgraln goldfile EmilWhinamaneinaiand

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