September Wedding of Wide intorest 33 Disease Threatens Fdsltion YelldwBirch Crop Is cm TORONTO CPlA disease is hell while killlnx young yellow birch trees in Noam longtime has Ontario and as yet officials of the Mountain the notice at run Ontnrio Department of Lands and magma Forests dont know what it is magnum tower spray Don Burton lands and forests Of ix 1mm rig has been ficlnl whoa job it is to keep the litmus rum rmvmw Alta CPI nu in erahippies dram blue tape it cup water Soar Wall apples Slice thinly without peanut Wuh stun and mash grapes Pinto together in Large kel tle Add water Cover and bring to boil Cook until soil and mushy lPre through coarse sieve Mess lure juice and put on to boil for 10 gminutes Test for pectin Add lcup sugar for each cup or juice Boil minutes longer or until it Sells Test by dipping cold metal spoon in mixturq and jelly falls in clot it is ready to bottle Bottle and seal in sterilized glasses When cool sealwith thin layer of par affin Next day add more wax ane Juice Remove grapes from stems measure and mash grapes For each quart of grapes add quart water Cook until soft Strain through fine cheesecloth in sieve For each quart juice add cup sugar Bring to boil and remove scum Bottle in sterilized jars while hot Seal tightly Heat filled can hI ined bottlcs in electricinvert for 15 minutes at 275 degslabcl and store 97 Dunlop Ph 2819 in C001 33L 5TRY AN EXAMINER WANT ADI trict farmer Carl Fricdcl solved his harvest help problem to come extent He xed an extension to the steering wheel his tractor enabling him to operate the trac tor and the binder too rm The than msgmaled the tom of wearing masks at funny cups grape juice slices sponge cake fingers package lemon jelly powder worn by the Gum Mother on yellow birch stands growing calls runny occasions The brooch which the tree disease diebackgxe has Ndle Simulate real flower laboratory of two or three with long stalk and leaves was square miles at the edge of swan wedding present 29 years ago Like in Algoriquln Park And he Mame diamond cm which has finds the disease is causing the been much admired is circular to m9 me 09 hem ll brooch in diamonds with diamond fringe The Queen Mother wears this unusual clip high on her dress near the left shoulder At recent engagement she wore diamond bracelet and diamond wrist watch on the same wrist over her glove giving an unusual but elfective touch which is now ex pected to become fashionable Princess Margaret Is setting vogue for wearing an initial set in precious stones on her handbag It is diamond and jewellers are now making specialty Of handbag clips to wit individual tastes Smut women pixtor clips Hello Homemakers Many home makers make the luscious bluel 193mm genes grapes into clear purple jelly ori 139 comma mam grape juice and forget all about mm per cent crem other appetizing ways to serve wmppd grapes we suggest mat you serve lune large glass bowl with lady lgrapes as attractive lookinghndlmwdmu PW 19 may we lings whips mirpolysyl grape Juice Allow It to stand about frozen desserts and pudding saucesi WW1 DISSOM 18 if DOWder Then too folks should not miss asdleed PECREEE When gtheir daily treat at this season 011C001 bm hem it 59h 90 ll lcool fresh grapes eaten outOfthel cal Allow ll 59 Place lhand the peaches in the bowl next and lthcn pour on the chilled custard Perhaps you realize the fact that Top with whipped cream and lwhen we use more Ontario farmi r0 hri rves lproduce there Will be more manul gammh uh res se liacturcd prpducts sold an upside Down Cake cups blue grapes Cup sugar cups sifted cake flour 212 tsps baking powder ri tsp salt cup granulated sugar can be used to anything but lire wood YLllW birch is an important for est crop in the province Each year lumbcrmcn from Parry Sound to Prmbmkc take $3000000 worth the wood from the bush for tunguoandgruuvo flooring and vcnccr logs Though he hasnt found the cause of dlcback Mr Burton has de termined that all trees in an area must be taken out if the ycllow birch is to grow Sccds wont germinate on floor OI lcnvcs and conifer Iiccdlm so thcy must be raked in to roach the soil 0n the other hand he has found yellow In lander vertical md horizontnl too Como in 10 ha demon lNew Leaf Dollies produced from the full name writ ten in titr uwncrs own handwrit mg NATIONS 0N ONTIN ENT The continent of South Amor lca contains 13 cuuntncs UP on top of the world if the old bus is in tune with ll regular ignition chock upIDRIVE IN TODAY BRENNAN Auto Electric Scrvlce BARRIE ONTARIO birch grows best in association with conifers Lumbcrmcn dont want to clear cut an area when theyre after yel low birch They prefer to take out the more valuable birch lugs and list other trcox stand Economic rcscurch presumably must be aimed at uses for the as sociutcd SlitCltS grown with the birch IAN ANYONE HERE SWIAI desperate shout of Can my one hero swim brought prompt action from Christopher Curr ll of Westmuunt recently at the wharf at Kingston Fully clothvd Carr dived into 18 feet of water to rescue Eleanor Smith and Vor onica Dillon 13 of Perth who had for ferry Quality HE Fuels fallen Off the wharf Whlll waiting IDll SHHJEHNT BU LTl PHONE 24E hou sands are Discovering SANITONE DRY CLEANING Ger oaf aim Really removes spots In 0110 ydea to in SIGNING TIIE REGISTER following their Saturday wedd ing in Ebenezer United Church Brown The bride is the former Betty Yvonne Kneeshaw daughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest Kneeshztw of Gllford and her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Brown of Dal ston After wedding trip to the United States and Eastern Ontario the couple will be making their home at Dalston wnbmuns Betty Kneshaw September Bride Weds Allan Brown The marriage Of Miss Betty Yvonne Knccshaw daughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest Knecshaw of Gil ord to Allan Wesley Brown son of Mr and Mrs Brown of Dalston took place on Saturday Sept 13 1952 at three Oclock in the pftcmoon in Ebenezer United Church The doublering ceremony was performed by Rev HmF San dcrs Frank Dutcher of Barrie played the wedding music and accompan ied the soloist Lachlan Jack of Lefroy in the singing of Perfect Love before the ceremony and Because during the signing of the register Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing gown of white French Chantilly lace and not over slipper satin the fitted bodice of lace styled with lily point sleevcstand featuring cock Sail neckline With silk net insert The boutfant skirt had lace and ne panels extending into short train zmd her fingertip veil of tulle il lusion was held by it chippedice beaded coronet The brides flow crs were cascade of gardenlas with stephanoiis and croton leaves The maid of honor Miss Helen Richzrdson of Churchill was wear ing strdplcss gown of sky blue Chantilly loop and not over taffeta with largo cape collar and peplLm effect at the hipline Her headdress was matching flower SEE the difference because our Sphiioe dryjleoningtakes more dirt brings colors back to life spots are 35 FEEL the differencefabrics are soft likenew again the differenceclothes arcfresh with no trace of ingvodor Donftrwait Phone us today ubounuouu IVKI suns llllillllESSlis9c 50c PANTS on sun Wrighlcleaners ltd so mull nub orinr CLEANING Vi ed bandcau and she was carrying cluster bouquet of gold master piece Ymums withlvy leave54 The bridesmaids Miss Gwen Knecshaw of Gilford and Miss Myrna Brown of Dalston were both gowned in shrimp their gownp identical in style to that of the maid of honor They were wearing matching bandeau head dresscs and carried bouquets of yllow Arcadia mums All the al tondzmts were wearing single strands of pearls and mittens to match their gOWns Murray Brown of Guelph was Donaldmsmrgaome Churchill cousin of the bride and David Brown of Hamilton cousin of the groom reception followed at the home Ofthc brides parents where the brides mother received in rose wood crepe and lace wearing navy accessories and corsage of white gardening The grooms mother who also received was in morning glory blue crepe and wasywearing navy accessories andti corsage of pink roses At the reception the soloist sang Love Thee Later the bride and ona Wedding trip to the United States and Eastern Ontario the bride travelling in asuit of slate greyiwool gabardine with match ing hatand navy necessaries She carried adultlength coat of oychld aPlastmrtoioover smallshrank amide chihlt will find him Om left are Mr and Mls Allan Wesley Photo by Henry Rooke Barrie plush and wasiwcaring an orchid corsagc On their return Mr and Brown will be making their home at Dalston GlreenRulledge Nuptials are Held At Brahtfdrd wedding of interest to Barrie and vicinity was solemnized in the chapel of Grace Anglican Church Brantford on Saturday August 30 1952 by the Rev Coies when Wesley Green son of Mr and Mrs Green Of Barrie took as his bride Miss Mary Lou Rutledge sec ond eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Rutledge of Blantlord Attendants were Mr and Mrs Ross Emmett Of Brantford brother inlow and sister of the bride After the Wedding roceplion was held on the lawn of Hillcrest Gardens On their return from short wedding trip to Niagara Mr aners Green are making their home in Gait Guestswwere present from Gait Preston Brantford Barrie and Tor onto INTERNATIONAL MEETING Jackson Dodrls CBE MontrealDe puty Chief Scout for Canada has llown to England to attend meet ing of the Boy Scouts International Committee in London from Sept 16 to 18 Also attending is Major General Spry CBE DSO Ottawa sloner of Canadas Boy Scouts and Depdty Director of the Boy Scouts international Burepu SOUTHERN ISLANDS The Bahamas Islands comprise nearly 700 islands andmore than 2000 cays and rocks mostly un inhabited groomsman and theusherowece buildin msmm mums Thin smart new Washer ung See this grpatwalue today rrlcedjat only Chief Executive Commis WITH THE Poncukssoug EXQUISITE Graceful Make these lcai doilies in tones of soft spring green or in Iussets and yel lows of autumn new fashionin tablesettingsawill bring ohs and ahs from pleased guests Treble crochet and shellstitch Pattern 7363 directions Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern stamps can not be accepted to The Barrie Examiner Household Arts Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER Exciting Our 1952edition of Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book Brimful Of new ideas its only Twentyfive cents NINETYONE illustrations of patterns of your favorite needlecraft designs plus SIX easytodo patterns printed right in the book FABRICATED IRON Fire Eschpes Gates Railings Etc ESTIMATES FREE iAdd to the seedless pulp the skins land V2 cup sugar Cook until skins arc tenderabout 10 minutes 13 cup shortening egg beaten 23 cup milk tsp vanilla Remove grapes from stems and wash the grapes Separate skins from pulp and then cook the pulp until soft Sieve to remove seeds Blend softened shortening and sugar together Add slightly beaten egg and mix woll Alternater add sifted dry in gredients and milk to which vanilla has been added Line the bottom of an 8inch square cake tin with Maxed paper Grease the waxed paper Bake in electric oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes Serve warm with sweetened whipped cream or hot spicy sauce OIj remainder Of grape pulp sweet ened and heated for smice Spicy Sauce tbsp cornstarch cups sugar VI tsp cinnamon li tsp nutmeg Cups water l4 cup butter Combine first four ingredients Stir in Water gradually Add but ter and heat to boiling point stir ring constantly Cook over low heat for about 10 minutes Serve very hot over puddings THE SUGGESTION Box Mrs ll says Screens are made rustproof before storing for winter by coating lightly with lin seed oil Apply oil with scrap of BARRlE IRON WORKS ll High Street Phone 5046 ORNAMENIAL PORCH RAILS STEEL FOR SALE LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED BLACKSMITIIING ALEX CLELAND WELDING Proprietor munsz your home now mowi carpet nailed to wooden block MrsCBsys Knife cuts in plastic tablecloths are repaired neatly with small pieces of cellu lose tape Stick tape to undqrside of cloth to seal cut portion Mrs says Place piece of aluminum foil over the cork of the themes bottles to prevent odors from soup or beverage in the bottl from permeating the cork Mrs says If the lids of plastic storage boxesare difficult to Icmove place piece of wax paper under it before replacing STERth SALE l7 Mulcastcr ollff contend to five his Electric Flour Iath Yahtcd pl Dial sm Specml Introductory DEFEBl Lis HashimDrive PplISHER upto35f Nil WESLEWGMCHINEszO AND INSULATING MATERIALS Those worn spots on the roof and walls of 9501 home can cause real trouble when snow and ice go to work on them But yhu can boot old man winter lathe draw With few minor repairsif you make them right alvoyl Bisco Caulking Com pounds roofccutings and sid ings uretlw ideal materials for quick effective homoiepairs Fleece Line Rock Woolln solution unolher ne Bisco Product will bring new com fort into your home Fleece Line will pay for llsilf in iust of fewygars with lualsuvmgs of sicYoutntscooiduuoonvi BISHOP ASPHALY PAPERS LTD Plank PUBlNEUF STAiiCN PO TORONTO ond LONDON ONT Nmuhousc and Qlunchs QUEBEC PO MONTREAL PQ TORONYO ONT co Lin BUIIDiNGSUPPLIEsv FUELS LiBAleEI Writing zlst stulas lelcl claim llemlllistsgfot Evilding