Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Sep 1952, p. 13

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VEGETABLES Hello Homemakers No doubt you have heard quartet harmon izing the Ontario yogitable 01ng Soon everybody llil bi singing it It goes this way Thcrc arc onions thorn beans cabliagcs yth fit for queens and the suns Ontario corn makes you glad that you were born And aiad Illdilt lcttucc cclcry radle lill per too can bc so dehcaous too Salad kccps you mighty chippcr too And potatocs they arc clicapcr and tonin tors thcy arc chtapcr lllll dont forget thtm carrots in your stow So cut llliilt Un lario vcgmtalrliw thcyrc clicapcr and thvyrc good for you This uicrcagc in song is lttlgtii cd by tho Ontario Dupaitmint of Agriculture It is indch tum1y rcmindcr to liarth vcgcttiblcs when thcyrc mature Scrvc or it kinds of vrgctablcs at both dinncr and suppcr And dont ncglcct to prcpare sonic for lunch boxis as coode or raw salad Plan to Slutt an ample supply and as you know only the bust quality should tic storcd TAKE TIP Corn beans cauliflower brusscl sprouts will kccp gardenfrost in tracker when prcparcd ac cording to the rules nut tutu IE6 costs so little is so easq to serve FOAMING CLEANSER BELLE EWART Much sympathy is cxtcndrzi tu iMrs Jack Torrens in the tanning lot her moth in Scotland Edythr lazunby Tomato pct last wcck with lttr talc Vltlngr Building Ar Cliappyl is building homo and Elmer Baxtrr ptlllllll addition to ill cottagc lift Tomatoes are the easiest food to Quit We knowwas Juice quarter cd for soup or scallop chili uuce chutney livefruit relish tomato butter and Indian relish trc favorite Hang cabbagcs from the cellar ccilmg Also prepare some as tiletklalll and relish Plait to bury carrots and beets llllilbl sand or dry leaves liaci thc containch in cool dark piacc Potatoes rcquire storage on dark vcntilatcd shelf where they writ not frcczc although shallow bins about inches deep will provide good storage if there can luv circulation of air above and bclow the bins Farewell Sermon Statues will preach his full weilscrmun on Sunday Scpt 21 at oclock in the Baptist Churchf Nelson Kaye Toronto will no solo st All arc vclconic llYmr Wedding town Quatc numbcr from llttt aid cndd the party in Lofro last Tuesday Tbc wcdding gown Tl Scars old of Mrs John Whan worn 3y Mrs Jack Ftflltl took tho prizcl for oldlst cortiunc Mr and Mrs Ircd Dunks spintf Jsl week in Windsor MD McClcary Toronto mom Ltl with licr daughter Mrs ii crrict Mr and MIT 13 lromhliy Allanl and lls ud ltlllli Toronto gtilil Sunday tonk imdium sizc carrots for 15 tltltttlts in boiling salted water drain and cut in quarters Place in mun mm mm Sprinkle Wm UPIVO as bacon and tomatocs for multcd butter salt paprika and ltjlkkxlL lrlll 11 good brown sugar licut oer cloctric Wm Will will ml poly cicmcnt turned low for about 13 wr for flavoring llllllllltzs Basic from limo to timc Mrs suggva SW mm wodc turnips as casseroic dish loll ilic turnips until tciidcr dram 2nd zprcad in cacrolu Addl ialf cup milk onc tsp grtitcd onion llltlllllllltll purslcy Sprinkic with buttcrcd crumbs Ruhr in an clcc Lric uvcn of 10 dogs for about l2 ninutcs French Fry Cauliflower cauliflower cup milk Dry brcad crumbs Brcak cauliflower into picccs nnd cook in boiling salted water for it llIltlllltS Drain dip in egg which has bccn slightly beaten With thc milk Roll in crumbs Fry in hot fat about dccpi until goldcn brown about minutes Scrch six Mrs suggcsb Variations of broccoli scrvc the cooked cgc table with hollandaisc saucc thech saucc onion sauce but French drcssing sour crcain dress ing or plain vhitc saucc Vegetable Chowder cup diccd raw potatocs cup diccd raw carrots cups tomatoes tbsps clioppcd onion tbsps chopped cclcry cup navy beans tsp salt tsp pepper Soak navy beans in water to fcovcr over night To make chow idcr dd water to cover the prcpar cd vcgclablcs Simmer until ton jdcr Add out cup of rich milk and bring to boiling point Serve hot =Makcs six servings Sweet Potato Salad cups cooked sweet potatoes 14 cup French dressing Rcmembcr to soak ltl minutes in cold water ooking flicn rcniovc tlic largc leaves and tough parts of the stalks Cut gasth in the bottom of the stalks Cook broccoli in boil ing salted wafcr using cnough to cover it to vihtin of tho flowcrs Boil only until fcndcr about 12 minutes for bcoic broccoli Mrs suggests Baked On ionsskin 12 onions cut CIORSWiSL in halves and place in buffered baking dish Season with salt pa prika tbsps brown sugar and tbsps butter Cook in pre heated electric oven of 350 dogs for about one hour Serve on thin buttered toast Sprinkle with lemon juice Worthy Vol You cup choppcdcclcry cups diced ham cup mayonnaise Boil potatoes in jackets peel and slice white but and sprinkle with French dressing Blend all in lgredicnts and serve on crisp let tuce garnished with hardcooked eggs The Suggestion BOX Mrs mom We fry sliced gleen tomatoes in the bacon fat to REEVESlPRESENTS all PATTERN or RARE BEAUTY Heres your chance to make masterpiece These pansy dailies are really worthy of your time Use them for lunch set buffet set or even for chair sets Unusual crochet for special oc casicns Pattern 7312 has crochet directions for twosizes Barrie Scout on it lroinhlrys Plowman on the cover of the latest tion of the Official Catalogue of thc Boy Scouts Association is Barrios Joscph Bust cr WuiOll in compich winter camping gcar The picture was taken during the winter in 195051 at Midhur the sun of Mrs Jcan Vthlltll Winnipcg Paper Wins French Weekly Award ROUYN Qlic cm wmi nipcg wcckly iicwspapaci La Lib crtc ct lc lllllllltfs was judged in host allaound Ficnch wccklyI newspaper in rcgular format at the annual mccling of thc Frcncii chkly Newspapcw Association hurc rcccntly The Winnipcg papur and Lo Courricr dc St llyncinthc of St Hyacinthc Qua tied for first place in use of the French lungungc La Libcrtc was second for initiative in promoting economic and social progress in its area Lc Courrir was judgcr tztc sec ondbestallround paper In tab loid format Lc Lingot of Aivida Quewas judged best Awards were presented at the annual banquet attended by Post masterGeneral Alcidc Cotc An other visitor was Jacques Miquclon Union Nationale member for Abi tibi East the Quebec Legisla ture Queen Moihr on Tour of Gardens Around London LONDON CP Started after the Second World War the Queen Mothers tour of the small gardens in Londons suburbs has become tradition The Londoner is keengarden er even if helhas only window box for hisflowers and many of the small tirefabricated houses which haVe replaced buildings flat tened by bombs during the now have beautiful gardens The Queen Mothers visits are organized by the London Gardens Society She likes her visits to the informal and she invariably takes tea With one of the families Often housewife will show her round thehouse after the garden inspec tion Recently the Queen Mother made tour of gardens southwest Lon don The visit an with call at Peterborough school Fulham where the childrenls garden was ablaze with owers The Queen Mother had tea with Mrs Lena Atkinson and her fam ily at their communitybuiltpre fab house in another suburb and enjoyed homemade buns At an other hbuse she was given minia ture pink rose which she placed behind her mapleleaf brooch memento of tho 1939 tour of Can ada But what touched th royalvisi iuanv CAitvro Snd TWENTYFIVE CENTS in tor most was tiny garden award colns for this pattern stamps can ed rst prize in the ponder Coun noE be accepted to Thenanie Ex ty Councils competition for ve aminer Household Arts Dept 60 00358613 years TheplOtSeven Front Stu West Toronm om feet by eighthwas planted by Ed PAITERN NUMBER NEW The1952 edition of our Aline Brooks Needlecrat Book Brimful of new ideas itslonly Twentyflve cents NINETYONE illustrations of patterns of your favorite needlecraft designs plus SIX easyrtodo aspatterns printed Fright in thebook your table ilovcly ower On and Icould hale fashibridihbquuisite richly carved beauty in and it today SPECIAL LNTKODUCTORY OFFER 44piece Service iii in newmititgmish Aristocrat Chest of Up to 24 Prwamlyw NANi ADDRESS ward Carpenter Of Upper TOOtlng after the First Wbrld War had made him permanent lntralid Sitting omit woodenstool he was ableio wo at his garden for short periods un il he died1 last year 31 edi adian grad itcd st loscpli if lappciton loicr Crow Bouclci Slioriic LITTLE COATS jackets and stoles have become an important part of the fashion picture The attractive jacket pictured here is made from only 13 ounces of bouclet The back falls in soft ripples from well fitting yoke while the fronts are plain tailored and trimmed with smart border and matching cuffs If you would like to have directions formatting the CROPPED JACKET in sizes 32 34 and 36 inches just send stamped selfaddressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper requesting Leaf let No CW38 COAL CENTRE Before 1855 the citycf Leth bridge Alta centre of important coalelds was known as coal banks Sircct Barrie and was one of llll 32 Can Scouts Jambnrcc in Austria in 1951 He has now tcumg and is Matc of the 2nd Barrie was iiociing Magaxine Cover lit bar jun living cstcri izi HWIll gtllt for tlic mu lliuo prison tin wt things llt tlv sm iwcilknmvn Illllllittllltlltt illi Sim Kill ampbdl iiiiislc is noilclliiig in New York dilzoi shi ha in uitopzcd utiugntcr to attend the International min tho oldcr boys branch of Church Folk Smile At Budgies Break iIillRA mt Scpt 15 CPL1 li tln Mulch who livcs withl lxiiricr llad Grant in this or Kltlltllll has vocabu Mary ol lull ords and is picking up nous lll EI timc lit tLLiilttllllsllllldll range from hntcs sinii is Peter Fetch tuznpitin ltatci to political quotat ions and ncctings like Goodl Morning Dari Points griatcst slip camc one iay clicn inc minsionary society During the silcnccl after prayer for missionaries andl tho pcoplcs ilicy scrvc Peter burst out with the voids poor beggars Beautiful What courage there is if you 106k around for it commented fthe Queen Mother after hearing Mrs Carpenter tell the story of her husbandi oimihwmohsiiriii iiinnhrhfnpaka cth you amnionyin Pl 0th coma MEN toe and t1ll mu Ell cu tlicnisclvas iwlio also modclling vltiLIItlS The Louisbourg fort built hi the Frcnch on Cape Iiicm build lonrc was the strongest tome in America Matures Gracefully MONTREAL Scpt rClimAgc Luffill and happy lifk ay5 szaolinc WleidStdt who 15 glamorom grandmothcr With two giandcliddrcn agmi six and tow Why on earth woman of that Ccrtasi age should go to pitcos and bccome burdcn to herself and hcr family its something of punch to ilsllh WUlldjiilt llAtttr all you still have to go SJ why not llt uscful at tho sainc tnmf allt said whilc pang through Monthtil rcccniiy to Will tn1 uramiclultlicn tll Ot tawa To prtwc in own convictioiiw Without d1tllllj licr igcnihal person is rich too old to ltftlll Miss ioodsnli raid rllt startcd modclling two your ago and has work if ill Ntw York and Florida Shcs iiic ltl rvicil incliis tall Mature Styli Hill woman illl inlly micr lllt youthfullimitngg htnndo grandma said lluy llkti tticy can i0 Tough Film Mos Wootlsiuc is cousin of tho Canadian vritci and Wills ll Vgtllllt ll With Drying canon llrioruiors Choice rub nubic paint that dries im mo hour WallSatin may be fistd for tiny or old interior walls and clinics pt 65c qt $210 gal $695 BOYDS PAINT WALLPAPER l9 Clztppcrton St Barrie PHONE 5206 fan It Toronto thilc lltl tiniightzrf In ui llr ill lurznng to youngcr uomcn Miss irootridc hm somz alivici for thcni Cullivatc outsuic inttrcsts as that its itsclf latfps person in mm iu gracofullyj and cultivntc good Miss thttilzttlt also said aftcr look it Montical that sho intvniixl to establish horscif fit this city shortly hc Bayoncts vcic namcit for Buy onnc Franco wlicic tlicy were first made lNonwrcn UNION Lift 3an 62 EEIWELIEIIEJ 08 ANDERSON uisrxuur MANAGER Cor Dunlap and Baytield Barrie TELEPHONE 4760 cliivoiiati lip ltbl lilljlgtllill man can ham NORWlCH UNlCN LETS BEAUTIFY our WINDOWS viiim Curtains we Walkers Walkers second flcior is brimful of pretty new curtains bought eSpeciolly to bring beauty to your windows this fall Pay us visit next time youre down shopping youll find the curtains you are looking for Chlorophyllfiin dd Now Rid your dog or brenth and odors trimplynnd ulfclylA dull of pond KenLMeaf conningnm deodoan

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