Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1952, p. 5

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Thornton proof of same with the undersigned lpnauncrvaoauaassatas valauoavalAusssasas PIOAOIUSOCS TOWNOPPARIlIs TAXES 1952 The second and final instalment of the 1952 Taxes are due and pay2 able at the office of the Town Treasurer Municipal uiiding Collier Street Bar 1e on or be fore Thursday September 2511 1952 BARRAND Clerk and Treasurer Barrie Ontario September 10th 1952 104107MFI IN THE MATTER OF the Mechl antes and Wage Earners Lien ActI 1150 1950 Chap 247 Section 48 and amendments thereto TO WHOM il MAY CONCERN Take Notice that Arthur Graves of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Mechanici claims mechanics Lien on the chattel hereinafter described own ed by one leitland of the Town Of Coilingwood 111 the Coun ty of Shame for labour and matI eriais bestowed thereon and for storage The amount claimed furl labour and materials is $45000 and the amount claimed for storage Ls $6000 The said chattel is 1941 Mercury motor vehicle serial Noi 2Dl798 FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if the said claim is not paid 111 full together with the cost of this ad vertisement the said motor vehicle will be sold by Public Auction at the garage premises of Messrs Graves Allen 305 Hayfield Street Barrie on Saturday Sep tember 20th at the hour of eleven oclock in the forcnoon by Slessor Auctioneer DATED at Barrie this am day of September 1952 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Solicitors for Arthur Graves 103105 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN AR THUR ALBERT late of the V111 age of Thornton in the County of Simc0c Retired Farmer Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the said John Arthur Haibert late of the said Village of Retired Farmer De ceased who died on the 4th day of January 1952 are required to file Solicitor not later than the lSth day of October 1952 after which datethe Executors will proceed to distribute the said Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice DATED at Shelburne this 10111 day of September 1952 HARRY PAGE Shelburne Ont Solicitor for ha 10440 Executots 111151 COLUMN mc at our conference she was qu1te conneL ed that would look cute in bow presents the Dw Ranch Buys mm 11 good idea if the Chamber of PETER Pumpkin Eater solved his problem We too can solve the problems of yOur car ignition Drive in Today BRENNAN AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE BARBIE ONTARIO IIIIII IOAIISISS JIIIIIIIIIWIIIII 01111118 0000 000110 nAauaaaaaaa TV aIaavnsv Take tip from the business man who knows that borrowing can be good move at the right timel He wiII borroW anytime itslhelpful to him aoansasaII Are you confronted with pile of bills an unexpected coll for ready cash busiiiess Opportunity At such times quick friendly loan from NiagarmmeNcaf business sense tau in onlEGilts up to $1000Dnd lifeinsured fut 631067031 to you Repayments can be spread over many months Like the Ibusinessmon take advantage of the friendly loan service which Niagara oeu to you fl NAN COMPANY U13 Continued from page one abl have holiday deemed in their honor Well goes we wouldnt complain about thatthe holiday mean Well 01m you Mrs Dales curly Stecles Corners correspondent furl min at 33 CKBB pre he guod wtfhes about Mrs 45cm seats special broadcast originat ing at the Ora Fail Fair Wednesday tattemoon Youll hear the address delivered by the Hon Leslie Frost Premier of Ontario Mr Frust Zwas the speaker for the big day Incidentally readers Mrs Daicsiihe 4100 31192119133131 Ur Um also pointed out that havmg inelldsriruhural homely and the win continuaus fall fatr recent correspondents Saturday evenings at 830 CKBB ty Just heard from her again and shes coming along fine Shell be home in about another week and then 111 start eating again tie She also vouchsafed the 111 Dusty Wayne This group have formation that was not to be 1111 been providing weekly entertain duly conscious of my inability to ment at Minets Paint and Will be tie bow because she had been heard at 030 every Saturday slurp tying her husbands tie for 37ng tomorrow evening years couldnt rely 01111113 thn Vmuuuquht HWS SCUUY that 103119 doesn like constant fear of wooden dillllnly bow tics Itllere is bound to be ltale involved Commerce em to issue Sum day evening at 730 when we hear merit explaining just what the rejThe Smry of ECCOI moval of rent restrictions in Barl rie will mean Judging by some ofI the Illlll which has been coming into this office and from lot of comments have overheard it is quite apparent that there is not general understanding of what lies oehind the move new series of programs start ed this morning at 905 on KBB Movie Town Theatreto be heard Wednesday and Friday Illilrllills at the same time These half hour dramatic features in the lnakcrs day will bring an addi tional welcome feature to CKBB When the question originally Stem came up at town council think it was Reeve Hart who said there were advantages and disad vantages in both the removal or continuance of the lestrictiOns Now that council has concurred with the Chambers suggestion it might be an appropriate time to make some announcement The majority of landlords and ten ants in my estimation have no idea just how this decision affects them Idoilt NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Executor of the estate of the late ELIZABETH JANE MUL LEN of the Village of Belle Ewart in the Township of Inmafli in the County of Simcoe Widow wtii dis tribute the assets of the deceased to the persons entitled thereto after September 15 1952 havmg regard only to claim them properly filed with the undersigned COWAN dz COWAN 53 Collier Street ARRIE Ontario Solicitoi33 to the Executor The REV James Ferguson St Andrews Presbyterian Church in Barrie will conduct this evenings In the Chapel broadcast CKBBs Sunday morning church service will originate this Central United Church and the evening broadcast from Essa Road Presbyterian Church Monday eve nings jin tileChapel broadcast conducted by the Rev Clem Doctors Orders authentic 111 tertainillg and informative stories dramatized on CKBB popuirlriz ing medical information which should be public knowledge Sull titled episode is The Day Wednesday afternoon takes you to the Eilnvale CKBB Fall exhibition This broadcast will follow The Voice of the Farmer also heard Wednesday afternoons on CKBBsFarm Features Sunday evening at 930 CKBB presents Air Cadet Salute Cadet Cpl Tom Tobin warm your host as you hear the story of the air cadet movement Those taking part in the broadcast include GC John Syme MBE Officer Com manding RCAF Station Camp Bor den Her Worship Mayor Marjorie Hamilton and FL Oates DFM Officer Commanding the la cai Air Cadet Squadron 9910413 fantastic Mercer McLeod the BY the way mink It HEM 1X Man With Story tells you of 1115 strange situation on CKBB TuesI Open Home is be mm llUillt day evenings at 630 This weeks Light of1 Fair on the annual visit to that week from ents starts the fourth year of these community service broadcasts heard nvenights Week on C1438 in the three years the members of the Barrie and District Minis terial Assocration have conducted these evrnlng devotional periods with great deal of preparation and in some cases in spite of great difficulty Some of them came from out in the country 111 blustery Willlti nights CKBB wishes to congratulate the aassociation for their faithful attendance and for their untiring efforts on In the Chapel Sunday afternoon at 445 CKBBS illillbzllll Wheeler takes you to the NIIrses Residence at the Royal Victoria Hospital for the open house held this afternoon and this evening 32110 Worlds Biggest Classroom tllrullghout October During that llllilillli parents and friends of the pupils will be Invited to attend itIlv school each Tuesday eyening land to do this they will have to Igo no ilrther than to the dial of their own radio The Worlds Biggest Classroom lncludes on its roll students 111 Aklavik Prince Rupert Flin Flori ICharlottetown Corner Brook and III paints between During the school term the class assembles each Friday through lllc magic of radio Students in all parts of lCZlflilLlLI sitting at their own desks ili their own schools are linked together by radio to form one gi gantic Classroom in which all participate together 111 the lesson of the day which originates ill the Toronto studios of the CBC under the program title The Na tional School Broadcast Taking their cue from the Open liousc Nights which have become an annual feature of Canadian schools and to mark the 10111 an niversary of the national school broadcasts this year the staff of the CBC School Broadcasts have arranged an opportunity for par ents and friends to visit this un ique classroom Commencing Tues day Oct from to 830 pm the CBC TransCanada network will present series of live feat ure programs written by Len Pet erson and build around the pro grams presented to schools in the National School Broadcasts and in their companion programs the Provincial School Broadcasts With Lucio Agostinis music setting the scene parents will be able to look part in wide variety of these radio lessons which play such an important part day school life THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD PFM616 THE MATTER OF Section 90 or The Municipal Act RS0 1950 Cbaptcr7243 REITOF pli IN THE MA an up cation of the Corporation of 338 gun Kin Show me 33 Ppm 805 TgnLtahter Side Val Smeled area By 830 Premier Leslie Frost law Number 1819 lntituled 900 New Headline Byslaw of the Corporation of 13 lm PM the Town of Barrie to amend Bylaw No 1642 1045 In the Chapel Rev Jamesthlgmuson dimommilummdihfil lie er BOARD hereby appoints Friday 030 the Tenth bay of October AD 1952 atthe hour of Half past Ten oclock in the forenoon at the Council Chambers Barrie for the hearing of all partiesinteresled in upportor opposing this applica Ion DATED at Taranto this 28th day of August AD 1952 Signed SANDERSON Secretary 1he above noticerefers to the application by Muniipal Cauncii to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval to amend the Zoning By Law to provide as follows To amend the boundaries of zOnes on the Townllan to provide for use of thefollowing landsto other purposes than that laid down in the plan FRIDAY EM 000 County Hour 215 Snafu News 30 40 Movie 50 Bulletin Board Round 45 Prelude Eddie Arnold Show 00 County 700 00 Sonir Shop Bulletin 00 Freddy News saru RDAY MI 600 Stan 011 600 News Headlines Base ballReaulta Weather 605 musical Clock 630 News Headlines and Farm Markotheport 81 News news Headlines 115 News 735 Farm marks Report Weather Report 00 Time Stanl Bnorta Roundup News Headlinea Nays Styles In Sona Band of the Week Radio Bandstand lullegtarn Waxworka Bond of the Week New 05 Bonita by Sinatra 30rlhe Story Book 900 News 905 Oraan 1100 Church Central and 38 can 1200 Echoes 1230 New 0P GWQQ 8851388 233 pa Waltz ral DP Sunda Lots 10 11 and 12 West Main Street Plan 235 from RII WVWY Residential Horticultural to 1200 Luncheon 303 Local Business General Commer lbgigumm cial and Light lndiistrial 31 mm bLots 14 15 and 16 East 1230 Timo Elana Marcus Street Plan 235 from RH 1230 New Residential Horticultural to gggggggmngw Local Business General Commer Repmwnum ml and Light Industrial 115 Western anemia Dated atiBarrie Ont 01151201 day of September 1952 Hour 00 News 10 As the 530 Chapel 30 Brrlctl Instrumental ReportWhalin ment anuss Clerk and Treasurer 200 News 205 Full Game 215 Saturday Special 700 Sunday Cllurch NOIII ABOUT PARPAIILINs 11101111111110 oreums pouring 101 my new Toll at Melinda 31 Drooling 00 Cl 1130 810 Heartbeata in Sport 30 News Headlines Houdini Stilts of the Week MerryGo Don Messer Show BarBRanch CKBB Hayioft Party Ranch Boys Newa Headlines 1040 Organ Interlude ll 1100 Nevis Headlines etc SUNDAY ml 855 Stan On 930 Canadian Lutheran Hour 1000 This 13 1030 News 1035 Interlude 1045 Books of all years Church suNDav ma 1240 Prosram Bulletin 12451101 for Workers The ChurchDilectory The Music of the 130 Hit Parade 230 Back to the Bible 330 Billy Graham 30 Vaughn Monroe 45 Open House aLNurs es Residence with Barbara Wheeler 500 Ave Maria Hour 545 Organ Airs 600 News with Earl Cox 615 Doctors Orders 33043111111211 Essa Road Presbyter lau Church cKaa 1200 ON YOURDIAL 815 Hits of the week 900 News 010 Hits of chk contd 9110141 Cadet Salute 1000 Maids and Men of Melody 1030 News 1040 Sammy Kayebunday Serenade 1100 News Headlines Weather Temps Time to Dinner Hour until billsdrlt MONDAY Add 000 Sisn On ballResults Weather 805 Musical Clock 615 News 630 News Headlines and Market Report 00 News Headllnaa 15 News 135 Perm Market Report 740 malarial Weather Report 750 News 00 Time Bill 00 Sports Roundup 30 News Headlines 00 News 05 Styles in Sana 10 lradlna Post In 01 llewa 1005 beliers ShoDDlnl Centre Interlude My Story Service from United 1100 New 1105131 Netshbor 1130 RoundUp Time MONDAY RM 1200 Luncheon tolue mcnt until 1210 Sports Dtmt 1215 Market Ration 1230 Time Bland 1230 News 1250 Bulletin Board 100 Farm Features 100 The Voice of the Farmer 110 malarial Weather 30 Iradlnlz Post 00 News 05 As You Like It Hymn Tuna Twlatanaat Chimes 00 Club 1230 430 News Beadllnaa 45Hiddn Town 500 Club 1230 could 530 News 330 News 335 Kitchen Kama Music Evenlna Bervme 550 Prelude to Dinner 555 Farm Market Report per cwt $375 densest Less$400uei tonFOB Caron larval ooonFnaol in gale past 111 Italians and to supplemmt but Beet Pulpi has not been available this early for fitting failing meagre only one carlot now No more BeetPulp until lateOctoberso phone YOUR Order Per cwtli $5M delivered Legtsmgper ten or car an arrival Soybean sea inow well 00 cwt LinseedOiicake Mealtoolcs Seance for 111 come first served on tIIIS cars no Molasses 114100 grind feedingyalue Balances Feeds and Coop Feed Milling service are vwbnemkerg for you in upon the students as they take in willcir dayto 000 News Headlines Base 1030 Iradina Post contdl 300 Sentimental Serenade 540 Movie MerrsOoRouna BOND HEAD SEPT IllThe Broderick family hell itriiiliufl ull Sunday at helm of M2 and Mrs John Bram ick 3111 Villa La Tlullpuii 51 and Mrs George Wiiaicn and Idaug er Buffalo and M15 McKe loan of Bradford varied Mr and IML Robert Gllnirncrsml on SulUEI Iday Hut itle Bobby Will had the Inis liozluzie to tall from ladder and break bone In his wrist and two lytilfilld Junnly Newman fell and lbroke his collar bone Queens Mar loll Charla Shields Miss visiting Miss Willa Broderick is visiting fat riuncey POTATOES ti 111 00c Tomatoes 38117 351 Beets 001 50c furrow We 1101 2111111111 Cucumbers 6qt Isl vex large pumpkzns 50c vac 13111 50c Uql Squash 20c ouch lGlads 50c dun large Zilllllos 44h dox Apply 295 Hayfield St 20103404 POULIJIY LAYING Leghorn liens George IIL Campbell RH No Shanty lBay Phone Uro 47 14 104 12 PULLEIS laying for sale Wan lrdssule Systclll Willi tted Pump 200 BARRED llilclkileullels selli SEED FEED Will Wurnicu RII No Phone Strand 201101 DAWBUL WHEAT new loose eligible as certified seed available scaled or unsealed Also Cornei and Dawsons ill registered or No grades cleaned and treated from bunt frcc grain ivy Seed Mill phone 2514 101110104 CHICKS KELLY CHICK HATCHERY GOVERNMENT APPROVED Now that egg prices are at profit ranging from 10 to 10 weeks 65 Clapperton St Barrie Phone 2320 blocks north of the Five Points 24901f GILMORES are booking chicks for fall delivery now Chicks from Simcoc Countys Lar gest Breeder Hatchery Hatching year round GILMORES John St BEAGLE rues 51 stuck LFRUIT Ev VEGETABLES 1301110 Minimum Della Phone Bill Rillellarl 8415 104 ed to lay Sell In small Ilulllbersl or Iii itgtllltllllu11tf 1714 Leiroy Ted Kellougli 14104405I SEED FOR SALE Rye and Dzitttr lgccgmy sons Golden Cllaif Wheat Apply Barrie illlil4iil7 stNNvj 311115 smtltdeslstant cross with Dilwsunslftmws mm 10 lbs PW mp dioriilctoly making level we are pleased to 1s announce that we have numbch of started piliiets all hand Ages POULTRY BREEDING FARM 60 Peactang St Phone 2735 Barrie 248111 BUILDING TRADES Brick and Stone Masonry Plastering Stdcco Free Estimates Call Collect LESLIE SARGEANT Bradford Phone 290 3573 ll DOGS Er PET STOCK 40 HEN BIRDS for sale 31 all eoiors also singers sh Phone 4707 315103104 well bred good Apply 123 Puget 38104 hunting strain GOLD liSli Baby Turtles Bowls Aqunriunls and sup lies now iii 11 Harris 110 er Shop 99 St Barrie opposite QuinElk Hotel 118103104 BABY BLDLIIES excellent taik Ilig strain green cobalt blue and also complete line of bird cage and supplies at liarris Flown Shop 99 Dunlap 51 Bar rie 3211011101 PERSONAL GORDON MARTIN will not be responsible for any debts contractl ed 111 my name after this date Sept 1952 vthout my Wlllltll consent 30 1112104 DAINES ROCK 100 ACRES brik house truss barn 40x50 drivmg shed 111x24 cirrsc 14 Byrlics 01h COIL Vespra norlfl Uruon Lezlletcry FOR SALE OR Rent small house with garden Icy lili Barrie Sunrlldale Road mm mm rams mm FARMS FOR SALE 10 room= steel ammo INSURANCE 1711 AUTO oraaa casuarxrr LINES 11 5111850 Chppcrton St Barrio PHONE 2577 ans sacs land well heavy driven in hay Jamesl mile 5103IU4 32 acres of Barrie tu Borne miles out PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT space Norman Huf 111103104 PART TIME EMPLOYMENT Teachers Rural Business Men Those In Seasonal Occupations ave the desire to increase your income during the autumn seasons and can qualify for the dignified stim If you ll winter and spring ulating and challenging part time work we have to offer WRITE BOX 31 THE BARBIE EXAMINER for further information IhIIKIANI this work is not svuillbic for residch within the town limits of Barrie Midland or lrillia Replies Confidential STEAM BATHS Edgehill Drive Barrie Scientific Reducing and Arthritici Treatment 10 am till 10 pm Daily Appointmenthone 81411 1Ullly reserva Open from pm 3073 it Get 10 11111 10 lover iry famous health and weight builder lslrex Tonic Tablets 111 getIcqimintcd 5110 only 5053A drilgglsts 110104 BRAND NEW FORD PICKUP $200 BELOW LIST FACTORY WARRANTY FRENCH MOTORS I54 BURTON AVE Phone 5735 RENT NEW CAR COMPANY If 69 Collier St Phone Barrie 2112 lumnh ourth bill ii 411 jMEAIORDIOWN RESIDENCE renovated and modernized with luxury conveniences This substantial brickresidcnce is perfectly planned for family Completely comfort or ideal for yooms full bathroom separate shower 2halfl bathrooms flfception hall latest hot water heating wrth 2000 gallon 011 tanks cost half more than sale price of $14000 APPLY BOX 33 MEAFORD OR PHONE 450 leedmll 0111011111110 lailotsltooiriveviiiodoy011mlf lGenieIious Off car Price reduction odorReslHouseUniierlaker RESULTS 1011 MY 28 4O POUNDS gar WEANINO Wmt lib weanlings are profit producing hogsHogs weanedat this weight will be off to market in far less tune and thus consume far less feed than hogs Which only weigh 25 11 when weaned This saving on feed means extra profit for the prodqu great many tests at theSHURGAEN Farm have demonstrated hhatiSIIURPGAIIN Pig Booster produces weanlings which aver Try litter age 40 lb or more at wwks ofiage feed SlIIURGAIN Pig Booster from the time they are 10 days Old right through weaping until theyare 10 weeks Oldeou will have bags that will be off to market in record time on record low feedi Feed samsarigpoosier allelic sure of results gt You cantbuy betterfeed consumption FOOT SPECIALIST 1111111311 5121101311211 11511 GRADUATE IIIIIUIODIST FORMIIKLY HI VIENNA announces the opening of his office for the practice of Foot Orthopedic Pollen Arches Worms Lailouscs ingrown Nails 34 DUNLOP STREET BARBIE PHONE 6226 OFFICE HOURS Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am and by appointment Will IastIOryeOrs AGO on aver old roof lArefIireresistont ACOme in many styles and cdloors TAKEYOURT BUILDING Peasants to YOUR 31111351105111 Besides Asphalt Shingles your Barrett Dealer has complete line of mating insulation and weatherproong materials tila IAIlItECOMPANLVLIMIIEDI Halifax Saint John Montreal Jerome Winnipeg voncOOVer 49 ESSA Roi Your Headaurtars furnaces

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