Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1952, p. 4

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ence nor capital train year Men betweenvzs and 55 an wamso SALESMAN Between ages of 25 and 35 for es tablished territory capable of handling detailed sales problems Knowledge of office methods helpful but not essential Permanent Position With All Benefits Salary Plus Commission Apply in writing to Mr Clarke Moore Business Forms Ltd 2281 Yonge St 17104405 Toronto 12 WAITRESS Wanted for workdn milk bar Apply Lakeview Dairy 1103105 WAITRESS WANTED Apply Mc Canns Coffee Bar 15 Essa R0361 11 MALE HARDWARE Sales Help Apply Robinsons Iiacdware Bar rie see Mr Patterson 1103104 COMPETENT General wanted for family of two References required Box 80 Barrie Examiner 1100104 BOYSThere is still one Globe and Mail paper route Good prom ising commission Phone 2223104 EXPERIENCED Waitress over 18 good starting salary plus excellent working conditions Apply United Cigar Store 19811 EXPERIENCED Man for killing poultry Good wages Apply to Findlay First Cooperative Packers of Ontario Ltd 1104105 YOUNG GIRL to assist with cook ing housework and children in modern Barrie home Phone Bar rie 3897 or Barrie PO Box 34 WANTED Barrie Metal Salvage Dealers In scrap lron raw fun hides feathers live ul etc Special price aid chili13 Our trucks will cal anywhere within the county on request Phone 2983 Or 320131 residence 5308 Stayner 9812 or MAX PUSH KOFF CO Yard and 0111 156 T111111 St 36814 ATTENTION Highest Prices Paid For STEEL CAST METAL BATTERIES Industrial Iron Metal Yard and Office Elizabeth St Phone 811r31 Ferndale 3813 LIVE POULTRY We have special market for Poultry and can offer you the HIGHEST PRICES ANYWHERE SCRAP IRON We also hava special mark for all kinds of scrap and can ay HIGHEST PRICES ANYWH See us for the best prices on hides feathers wool and horsehair FREE PARKING SPACE Our truck will call anywhere LEVITS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted 388127 BICYCLE Wanted for 8yearold boy Phone ivy 3122 3101 HAVE $250 CASHlooking for Chev or Pontiac Sedan Apply Norman Holley Sunnidale Road miles from Barrie 3104 PLANTS FLOWERS LARGE Canterbury 73011 Plants to bloom next spring Phone 4510 Mrs Harry Morren 27103104 WOOD FOR SALE 198104 WOMAN FOR Housework days week am12 noon north east part of town Box Barrie Exam iner stating hourly rate 1104107FW EXPERIENCED Man for killing poultry Good wages Apply Findlay First Cooperativc Pack ers of Ontario Limited Barrie 1103104 OFFICE Assistant female with some knowledge of ledgerkeeping and typing Apply in own hand writing to Box Barrie Examin city 1103404 GOODCLEAN women middle age aLso practical nurse Apply in person or write March Nursing Home593 Hurontario St Coiling wood 1102107 LEGAL Stenographer with know ledge of shorthand Experience preferred but not essential Apply in person to Boys Seagram and Rowe 13 Owen St Barrie llOith WANTED Man for steady travel among consumers in Barrie Per manent connection with large man ufacturer Only reliable hustler considered Write Rawleighs Dept MLI128131 Montreal 1104 BEN Heres your opportunity to earn better than average in come You can make big money year round selling nationally ad vertised Watkins Products in near by rural locality Neither experi necessary We referred Write Dept OB5A Watkins 350stnoch St Montreal 1101110WF Junior Executive Type An Bold established life insurance company has an opening in the Barrie area for man 25 to 45 who is intelligent ambitious and personable To the man selected we offer an excellent training pro ranlha salary and bonus and guaranteed pension Please send unconchng age marital status employment record education and referencesImam Barrie Exam iner 1104 WANTED YOUNG Married Woman with uni Versity education desires evening mployrnent Phone 4902 2104 location $0200 full price MONEY To LOAN $2000000 I=IRsr MORTGAGE wanted on 1176 acre estate valued 275100sz gt wry to 80x16 Barrie Examiner 11910 HOUSE fully furnished hot water all heating lat Aclass mm 11 Copy530 except wiv Steward 1321 MON 111 TOOFPICE SOFTWOOD AND Hardwood Slabs for sale Softwood 12 card Hard wood $18 cord Cut in stove lengths and delivered Phone 2938 6103111 PROPERTY FOR SALE BARN 60x38x16 post sawed rafter and girts pine siding on outside Suitable for driving shed Lennox phone 55 Crecmore 16104 Res 73 Burton Ave Phone 5759 CARSON Rep OBoyle REAL ESTATE BROKER 58 Inglewood Drive Phone HY 1388 BRANCH OFFICE22 Bayiield St Phone 4849 Barrie 16100135 HARVEY CO LIMITED NEW ROOM HOME Extra large livingdining room with stone fireplace and large cor ner windows modern kitchen with rubber tile floor One bedroom and piece bath downstairs Two roomedi apartment with builtin cupboards and sink upstairs Full highbasement with forced air heat ing and room for garage Possession Oct Owner leaving town NEW ROOM HOME With air conditioning by oil Lot with 150 feet frOtaTgta very cen trally located Brick construction with attached brick garage This homeis immaculate and contains many extras not und in others Full price $14600 equires sub stantial down payment but easy terms on balance to reliable pur chaser ROOM BRICK Modernthroughout in ideal resi dential locality and priced reason ably for quick sale Toronto ROOM INSULBRICK All rooms on main floor Central AHARVIzva CO LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 913DUNLOP8T BARBIE Phone 3920 Evenings 9990 or 4708 FIVE TORONTO OFFICES 4161041 dayprecedlag mug Sunday PHONE 2414 We FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 12 1952 garage ILOT 44 FT 135 FT Close to 11001 Terms if desired Phone Its1031041 gLOT ON Duckworth Street 89 xi llfiil Reasonable Apply Jae fligg Igins 608 Greenwood Ave Torontol 115104106 QFRAME Building 10 10 insuIl Iatcd suitable for cabin Phone 5555 David White 59 Collier St its103104 CHOICE Building Lot on Torontoi St overlooking ravine Desirable location for picture windows Phone 2211 16103104 Barrie LOTS ON Elizabeth St west of Cloverleaf Apply Miller Johnston RH No Stoney Creek or see iMlles Real Estate 16104105 IMW NEW ROOMED Brick Bungalow fully insulated oak and rubber tile iloors full sized basement Apply James Brennan 87 Owen St Barrie 16104110FM OFFERS ARE being received to close the estate of the late Ethel and Abner Ball housos at Shanty 1103 one with acre other V4 acre Apply at residence 16104 SEMIFURNISHED House all modern conveniences on good sized lot priced $3000 for quick sale ill Waubaushcne Write Mr Hansen 2311 Willow Ave Toronto 111102107 101 ON North Collingwood be tween ilodney and Cook 315 820 frontage by 165 Surveyed sewer and water on Coilingwood Lloyd Smith 114 Blake St phone 3704 Iii104406 VEltY MODERN Home East end but water oil heat excellent lot and location Reasonable price for home of this type See Henry Elrick Realtors Barrie for in spection 16104 MODERN NEW Brick Bungalow ilvc large rooms including three bedrooms and four piece batah fin ished in stained iir trim through out air conditioned all heating brick garage sidewalks Can ar range terms Phone 4929 1610111 1940 FORD Dilmp Truck an the road every day also garage and Ilouse not yet finished and build ing material good water Apply Glen Miller 5th house on south side of Camp Borden Hi hway past the first overhead bri ge 10103104 LARGE HOME suitable for divid ing into apartments or rooming house Located on the cgrner of Weddington and Thompson Streets See Marshall RepresentatiVe of Coutts Real Estate Bro ker 15 Owen Si Phone 2377 16104 SELECTION OF Homes in All andaie storey construction all heating modern conveniences etc Other homes avail able See Marshall Repres entative of Cautts Real E54 talc Broker 15 Owen Street Phone 2377 16104 MODERN Bungalow bedrooms garage close in quick possession seventyfive hundred At Eight thousand six room and bath brick home largeiot possession to suit purchaser We have many others Contact Henry and Elrick Real tors Barrie 16104 NEW BUNGALOW just completed With three bedrooms all modern conveniences immediate posses sions Selection of other types of housmg In or out of town Financ lng arrangements can be discussed Without obligation on these homes or one to be built See uSnow Coutts Real Estate Broker 15 Owen Street Phone 2377 16104 SERVICE Station Grocery Store and residence on paved Highway No 89 miles east of AlliSton Fully equipped clean stock large turnover 1951 gallonage was 57000 Good farming community year round bustriessDetachedhOuse roams w1th bath hot and cold wa ter $24000 includes house busi ness store andxtures Terms ar ranged Stock cash at invoice ri ces Apply owner Fleming on premises 16104 OWNER BUILT solid frame house previous to the last war thorough ly insulated An ideal home with heavy wiring hardwood floors Contains living dining bed rooms large kitchen and pantry 3plece bathroom with electric hot water tank All rooms on one oor 011 heating Large garage w1th workshop at rear Storm sash for all rooms Southern exposure large veranda withriovely shade trees on front boulettardUninter rupted View of Kempenfeit Bay Just half waybetween Barrie an Allandale stations close to trans portation and schools Lar lot eighty by one hundred and Eighty good garden Early possession Must have $5000 cash and assume mortgage for$2400 Apply Box 06 Barrie Examiner 10102104 HARRY MICHIE voir $20 Phone 6220 REAL ESTATE calmmic ROOM Brick Home near downtown area hardwood floors hot air beatingsv condition= in downtown area 5119110010 and heme overlook ing Bay air conditioned with all heating garage attached Immedi ate possession NATIONAL Housing Bungalow five rooms new Immediate pass esslofi $2500 cash will handle we HAVE 11 law selection01 homes listed force at the pres eat time with immediate oaijeIss 1021 Let as assist you wit your housing problem Our office is con Iranian 1y located at Dunlop or Phone 3001 HARRY MICHIE REALTOR PROPERTY POR SALE Soldier selling Phone3738 About CASH FOR YOUR CAR 1N MINUTES lWe willlmy yourcaspay on what you we on it and give you cash the balance SEE HON EST JOE Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 6430 1311401 FRENCH MOTORS Dodge DeSoto 154 Burton Avenue Barrie Tycoon Jamar the Wallmut Deal Was always grqu and grim And than he tried our classified Now they call him Smiling Jim FOR SALE COOK STOVE all oven Phone 3390 white good 7101 50 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN Radio 50 MONARCH pass Sport Coupe Radio 47 CHEV COACH 40 FORD COACH 39 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 33 CHEV COACH BUESCIIER PLAT Alto sluml phone Phone 3024 71031041 STEEL SEPTIC Tank and leg tub Phone4465 7104 6PIECE Natural with Red Dinette Suite $30 Phone 5797 7104 STEEL Beams 30 ft long 127 new Apply Blake Lamont phone 2224 7104 LARGE COLEMAN Oil Burner only used winters $75 Apply 11 Charles St 7103404 BEACH 3BURNER heavy duty range ill real good condition $45 162 Elizabeth St Barrie 7104100 CHESS BUNION Salve relieves fast wear stylish shoes soon Drug gists sell Cress Corn Salve too 7104 PAIR OF Electric Clippers $15 set 13 Irwin bits $15 Apply Wright Barber Shop 33 Dunlop St 7104105 SCARLET BLAZER almost new size 12 Jumper green corduroy $12 12 like new Both for $6 Phone 2734 710011 BABYS GRAY Pram babys bath inette babys scales and Teeter Babe All in good condition Phone 5844 7104 LARGE ALL Enamel Empire Coal and Wood range with reservoir also largesized Quebec heater Phone 3031 7104 UNIFLEX CAMERA No II with flash gun 214x214 negative size 620 or 120 roll 111m Brand new Phone 5758 787tf NEW FILING Cabinet drawer tractor tire new Dominion Royal 13x28 Maley 123 Worsley St Barrie 7104 HOG PRODUCERS Yourfeed sup plied tili market time at no extra charge Drop in or phone 5000 Brown Co ler 7102111 HORSEPOWER Electric Motor practically new also 10lsawvith motor mounted on steel fraine Phone Stayner 26913 7104 COLDERAIR Ice Refrigerator heavily insulated holds 100 lbs excellent condition Sacrice Hal ry Morren North St 7103104 PIGSWe will supply your hog feeds till marke time No interest no red tape Phone 53r5 Stroud Hunters Poultry Farm 7104111 WASHER BEA $l295 places this new 1952 catty Standard model in your home $2 weekly Apply Barrie Hardware 778109F RUGS Broadloom Save up to 50 New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Newest shades Phone Barrie 2706 745tf LIVING ROOM Bedroom and kit chen furniture including electric refrigerator and stove nearly new 7102164 POnliOC558dOlft WW Wonderful clean ebndltion UPRIGHT QuebecHeater In ex throughout Equipped with radio cellent condition equipped for air conditioning loaded with ex coal Oil or wood Reasonable Ap tras ply 51 Eccles St Barrie 1950 Chevrolet Tudor 7103104 LARGE MIRROR size 46 4Light Grey nish has air con ditioning Clean inside and out in excellent condition like new Apply Joffre Averali Cookstown Barber Shop Phone Cookstown 49 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan An attractive low priced late model car They dont come any 7104 NEW MASON Riach Pianos re condlthned used pianos Terms cleaner than this one to suit your budget Phone Elm vale 9r11 Frank Kennedy Philip 547 Plymouth Dell1X8 Sed ston 794111 Here is one of the nicest 47s iCE Refrigerator Coolerator 24 youll see up any car lot Beau x30x60 white enamel To be tifui like new Dark Blue Finish seen at 93 Davis St Offers Mrs that really takes shine Were Cody 11 Castle Frank Cres Torr really proud of this can onto Phone 2542 7104105 CAST IRON Basin Complete with I939 Chevrolet Sedan If you want agood car without taps and spray used in beauty shop only year shampoo tray investing too much money then see this one today Completely and stand also black leatherette chair Phone 5019 7103104 overhauled from bumper to bum per new tires all around COLEMAN 011 Space Heater med ium size $75 or best Offersmall Pontiac Tudor Here is well cared fOr car Quebec Heater $9 Acme mod coal kitchen stove oven and reser glued running condition 4good res All Priced Right for Quick Sale Our Demonstration anywhere cars are guaranteed Open Evenings till 10 pm Phone 5735 13104 1947 Buick Roadmastei Series 71 with all accessories Lifeguard tubes Excellent motor Complete New tires mileage Low $1795 Phone 3292 13 104105 Low In Price High In Quality FALL TRUCK SPECIALS 1947 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery 1940 Wiiiys Jeep power takeoff 1947 Ford Dump Truck 1947 Dodge Dump Truck 1942 international Dump Truck T500 Weight Army Truck CORBY MOTORS l5 ESSA ROAD PHONE 5481 13104 There Are NO Junkers In This Group Of Used Cars WELL GIVE YOU DEAL TopTradeIn Prices 1951 Chevrolet Belaire You must see this smart 2tone Hard Top Convertible Has air conditioning undercoatingu 951 Chevrolet Sedan Beautiful Metallic nish like new car Just 7103104 WASHER BEATTY weekly and your old washer no down payment laces new Bea thermo tubpwasher inyour 110133 60 Thls Apply Barrie Hardware 7781091 gt Week gammvgymddi CheerIet Coach DEVIL mime sales and meg all tires motor in perfect condition neyt II Frances 87 Ba Phone 4115130 87 mil Co Pf representative ligamentan apdbAdding 113 nesnewan ac re 111112 lrvisce btfyl 1313103331051 me 11 pa an Irena rates Call Rein lowland le lied 70 Dania Pattie Phone 5m 02001 ADDING MACHINES prpwrib era and Cash Registers New and used Sales Rentals and Re airs District agents for Royal and em 111 ton Rand Simone PI1015513000 13104 PLYMOUTH Sedan soon lion 131 124Puget Strain4 cries 661T blue tdiolh 33 PONTIAC Sedan AUTOMOBILES blue good condition heater defroster good tires Phone 6358 far trial 13103104 39 DODGE good throughout ra dio and heater new paint job $350 Phone 845r5 Barrie 13103104 51 STUDEBAKER Sedan excell ent condition Will take lradein Apply 80 Napier St Barrie 115103104 1952 DODGE Coronet Sedan autov matic transmission radio and heat er less than 4000 miles Phone Sgt Hunter 781W Camp Borden 151103105 vp 46 FORD COACH good condition heater good rubber $800 cash or terms Apply Mitchell Maples Cliff Rd Minets Point 13103105 Barrie Phone 3533 FURNISHED Bungalow urday Phone 3371 75Elliabeth Slicer 1952 MERCURY MercOMatic tone maroon pebble tan radio heater slip covers whitewail tires low mileage Apply to 152 Bayfleld St Apt after pm 113103104 51 FORD DELUXE gray Tudor air conditioning heater slip cov ers excellent condition through out Cash or $1000 and payments to responsible party Phone 4446 after p111 13104 42 PLYMOUTH Sedan has 47 mo tor radio also 36 Plymouth Coach Both have goOd tires heaters dc frosters and engine heaters and are in good running condition Terms arranged Apply 32 Burton Ave Phone 5260 13104 CASH TRADE or Terms 52 Dodge Sedan 51 Buick Sedan 42 Pan tiac Coach 41 Pontiac Coach 41 Chev Sedan 39 Plymouth Coupe 39 Chev Coach 38 Chev Coach 36Buick Coach 37 Chev JIton pickup Apply 217 Dunlap St or phone 5109 13104105 1950 DODGE TRUCK 1949 Fargo to tan with twin hoist com bination bodies stock racks load ing chutes for stock gravel sides and tail gates Equipped with PCV License C1055 in perfect condition Priced for quick sale Ludiow 10 Albert St Allis ton phone 180 13104 FARM EQUIPMENT MCCORMICK Deering Corn Bind er tractor hitch good condition Apply Eldon Atkinson RR Bar rie 39104 USED ALLIS Chalmers Combine new cylinder bars and concaves used one season fully equipped with pickups Ken Heatherington RR Stayner Phone 27712 Stay ner 39104100 1951 JOHN DEERE Tractor done only 300 hours work excellent con dition Reason for sellingtaking new job Price $1775 Contact Ed ward Woods Stayner phone 520r13 39102104 WATER WELL Drillers 25 years experience In Barrie and Distrch Quotations and advice on request without obligation Wright and Son 629 Hurontario St Coli wood phone 318M 393 1951 MASSEY Thirty Tractor like new 1945 Ford Ferguson 1944 Ford Ferguson Krause oneway tiller demonstrator $250 Krause oneway tiller used seasons $200 1938 Dodge platform truck Graves Bros Ferguson Farm Equipment 305 Bayeld St North 39104 PROPERTY FOR RENT ROOMCottage partly furnished 56 Ann St STORAGE SPACE or garage 18x 24 83 Owen St 15104 BOOMED Unfurnished Apart ment separate entrance Phone 4165 15104106 LARGE Light Housekeeping room in New home suitable for two Phone 2320 15104 FURNISHED Bedroom very cen tral location Gentleman preferred Phone 3990 FURNISHED Bedroom newly dec oratedcerltiaiSiiilable for two girls Phone 4683 15104tf NEW ROOM furnished cottage onhighway south of Barrie Poss esston Phone 5387 15104 LARGE Weii Furnished bedroom In private home Central Gentle men only Phone 3090 15103104 FURNISHED Room in new home bath oor student or business girl preferred P1170 15828 15104105 LARGE Furnished Bedroom Kit chen prlv11eges East end at bus stop Phone 4737 after 030 15104 UNFURNISHED Room Apart ment self contained heated avail able Oct Phone 3261 024585 lea104 UNFURNISHED room apartment upstairs inhouse Lot 23 Con Essa Write or phone John Major 15402404 modern equipment first class winter roads 01 mace Apply Er ison Shaty Bay 151 Ivy 8132 sums semifurnished apartment and tarnished studio and kitchen Call Friday to pm or Sat 101104 two workin g1rls Kitchen priv lieges it pre erred Abstalners Call after pm 20 McDonaldSt BRP rte 15103104 ROOM watchedA tment heated elecic stove ptlreplacei Furnished rooms garage All downtomi Barrie Others Adults Abeltainerc P1100 udimnm 10011101 Children come Abatainerslltetare 11 monthly Phon lag104400 MISCELLANIOU CONCRETE GRAVEL GET OUR PRICES VESPRA SAND dz GRAVEL PHONE BARBIE 6635 5102tf HARRIS MAINTENANCE WASAGA Roofing Carpentry Painting Chimneys and Furnaces Cleaned and Repaired Covering Barrie to Wasaga and Surrounding Area FOR PRICES CALLl WASAGA BEACH 78W AND REVESRSE CHARGES ASPHALT HOT ROOFS 15104 15104 FURNACES AND Chhnneys clean Eavasraouanma and Cement writable W01 marten 11101 66 GUARANTEED FLOORS DRIVEWAYS Anything requirng Asphalt Fioori HARRIS MAINTENANCE Wasaga Call 78W and reverse charges 599tf FORRENT FLOOR SANDERS your own hours Its easy Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander doe excellant work Low rates Complete line of floor finishing materials paints varnishes shell aca fillers brushes etc We sell everything needed to make new doors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clapperton St Phone 5200 59ltfb HOUSE REPAIRS ALTERATIONS ROOFING CEMENT Specialties Sunroorm Verandas Carpentry Fast Efficient Guaranteed Work PHONE COLLECT STROUD 47118 5102107 HEARDS GLASS MIRROR Custom Built Mirrors Mirror Resilvering Store Fronts Builtin Glass for all purposes Phone 3091 107 Dunlop St 597136 RADIO TELEVISION REPAIR ALL WORKs GUARANTEED BARBIE RADIO SERVICE 22 Owen St Phone 2084 5100138 WELL CROCKSF Lids New Wells Dug Plumbing sunniies and installations ALEX SHAKELL Phone 53r21 STROUD 5101106 REUPHOLSTERING Complete and competent workman ship at moderate rates Free Pick Up Chesterfield sets rebuilt $11000 up Barrie MAYER UPHOLSTERY Instead 56 Noble Ave Phone 2021 5104406 MODERN TILE FLOORING It Asphaltaad Rubber Tile Plastic Wall Tile Linoleum Counter Tops Broadloom Rugs WOLFENDEN 9115105 BARBIE IIILMAFLE DRESSMAKINO and Alterationsi 50 Maple Ave or phone 2021 FOR FURNACE and Chimney Cleaning phone Barrie 3405 51104109 ed Call 2442 Robinson amid er 5109122 CONCRETE GRAVEL Get our prices Vespra Sand and Gravel phone 6635 Barrie 599tf PLAIN 101th an Alterations curtains etoiorerzPtch up and deliveredw P116116 5639 51404105 delivered in Johnstoan ctakitrlltzsn Barrie weekly Poultry Farm Ivy 11r23j 571001107 Work done rOmp P1 11 1028 16 suntan teed 01010 31101011 and Belt 0110 ch alas To Phone 5717 identifier sm OUIET JERSEYVCow od heifer V23r12v Straudl nem Thornton Can Thornton Phone PHONE MISCELLANEOUS WRAPPIING and bite stenography Let was Cora heels wcll or Mr Alvin Thom help with your aecretar work one 4824 538tf HOPEWELL Lodge Convalescent and Rest Home where cleanliness good food and kind care predom inate Particulars on request Stay ner RR Phone 15113 51011f LADIESAre you interested in getting your sex darned the easy way See Elna Sewing Machine do it Call and arrange an appoint ment today Phone 3482 Roy Tracy 5104113MF ATTENTION anyone wanting that new home and is looking for someone to build it or alterations of any kind Please contact Ed ward Starr phone 827 Oro coll ect 5103104 ARMY OFFICER wife and schoal age child require apartment pre ferably rooms Box 61 Barrie Examiner 11104100 SOLDIER AND Family child rent require homing accommoda tion minimum of rooms Phone 2570 Barrie 11104A105 ROOM House or Apartment ur gently needed in or short dis lancefrom Barrie Box Barrie Examiner 11104100 OR ROOM Apartment or house wanted either in Barrie or near town for adults only Harry Michie Realtor phone 3551 11104 ARMY OFFICER and wife require by Sept 20 to roamed unfur nished apartment with stove and refrigerator Central location Phone 5422 11102104 URGENTLY Needed to room ed unfurnished house to rent by adults References can be sup plied Phone 5356 Mrs Grant 46 Clapperton St Barrie 11102104 FLAT OR Apartment consisting of or unfurnished rooms required by young couple no children by Oct Preferably in Barrie or Allandale Box 69 Barrie Exam iner 11103104 ACCOMMODATION required by RCA Officer wife and daughter ed five furnished or unfurn ed near Camp Borden Alliston or Barrie Write Box 73 Barrie 11103105 ROOM BOARD YOUNG Married Woman will board children for working moth ers by day or week Phone 4459 12104 AGENTS WANTED EXTRA CASH FOR YOU Sell NameOn Christmas and Everyday assortments Earn highest commis srons Over sixty outstanding items terric sales appeal Tremendous valuesanciuding 25 card Deluxe Christmas assortment Christmas card boxes include Velvetone Holly Box StarBrite metallics Christmas Capers Beloved Auth ors Canadian Winter and Moun tain scenes English and French Pageant assortments Everyday re ligious personal humorous cards Personalized cards ribbon napn kins stationery Gift Wraps Kids dies IChristmas stockings books cutouts Write for catalogue and samples NOW Nameon Stationery Company Limited Dept 1A Room Yange Street Arcade Taro 49911 LOST POUND LOSTSet of keys in red leather case Liberal reward Finder please phone 832r3 Barrie 17102104 LOSTGirls Coat near corner of Wellington and Peel Sts Reward if returnedthCl McCarthy 67 Peel St 17104 MM IFOUNDA sum of money Form formation phone 2764 Owner may have same by identifying and pay 17104 STRAYEDFrom Lot 30 Con Essa Red Heifer may have calf at foot Please phone Ivy 6r23 and reverse the charges 17103104 SWED To Lot32 Con 10 Essa red calf 0WDer may have Same by proving property and paying expenses McGirr 17104 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CALVES FOR Vealin 41122 cookstown 31112 SOW due Sept 2to choose from thirdlitter Phone 01086 9104 25 PIGS WEANED Orval carr ThorntonPhone Ivy 12r21 9100104 VACCINATED and Bred Jersey and Holstein Heifers Phone 58r12 Bradford 9103104 Phone 9104 11 FINEXOUNG Pigs Green Reasonable milesnortlt of Barrie on Higb War 11 opposite 91041051 15 Pros WEEKS Old also 116 months 018 ApplyVincent LAN 97103 is horse Phone 12114 Stroud ll c4 mine REGISTERED Serviceable Tamworth Boar also young bggeg Jim Leonard Strand phone users Yorkshire Saw with 7plgs weeks old and 111 Ciro weaned Howramp If 11111 with month 1101 0104 9103

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