rmIII Saving TOUR mm AND COUNTY OF BRIGGS owls 88th Year440 IO4 Winn3M6 ummmmc Show of Shows Declares Premier Opening Oro 100th Anniversary Worlds Fair By JANE KINDS Examiner Oro Worlds Fair entered Staff Writer upon its second century Wed can Uhrarririixami BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER l2 I952 llllll BENIENNIALIIIII lllll PREMIER FR 051 IN FESTIVE FAIR MOOD gCitizens Band To Give Concert lllv following prograzli lil br givm by Bazrlc ltzzcnw Baud it St Incsrlt Park Sunday beginning $30 whither Evrlillll ting cvclllg MONDAY WY mm lam Club CWJA and Audit lam Circuit SIIIIlllNlI and FRIDAY laugh l2PogesTw05cticm SUCCESS SCHOOL BOARD ASKED IIIVIIII ACCOMMODATION POSITION UE KINDERGARTEN INCREASES Blue Away march Otcr the Wows waltz lmpcrlll Echoes march Fight thc COOLl Fight hymn Aztlors Anvclglz march Uklnornl Ilrcl Nelger le Goli to lhwg hymn Zlv Illid lzlsl Ruse Utrl lilinlcl lhu Mllili IIh Barrie Public School Board at their first meeting of the of the school year in illcrcst School Wednesday evening were asked by the Management Committee to immediately revi the question of accommodation in schools in View of the in creasing n1mber of kindergarten pupils who are enrolling and who will be registering next year nesday afternoon when the Hon Leslie Frost QC Prime Minister of Ontario proclaimed the 100th anniversary fall exhibition and bdrse show open before record crowd For its 100th birthday the fair had the largest crowd of its long history conservative estimates placing the number of visitors at between six and seven thousand The weather was as warm and sunny as any fall or summer day on which the date of the fair had fallen since 1852 and racing events were held in midsummer heat that averaged around 90 do greesat the track iml lu lllp ill Alix llylnll God Saw the flown lzlst The main interest in the big an nual show was centred around the livestock competitions and racing events but the Oro School Fair the achievement day program of the Oro ltIH Calf Club and dis plays of domestic manufactures farm roots and vegetables baking dairy produce and grain and seeds made the fair centre of interest also for the women of the town ship junior farmers and school children big mid ay refreshment booths and industxal exhibits were added attractions on the town hall grounds when most of the exhib Its were housed in permanent buildings Of special interest was the an nual flower show of the Oro Hor ticultural Society held each year In conjunction with the exhibition Main livestock events were the Bacon Hog Show the sheep and cattle shows and the big Horse Show School Parade The fair opened in the early afternoon with parade of child ren from the 17 township schools led by the Beaverton Legion Pipe Band and marching under their in his speech at the openingWe have so much to be thankful for In 1852 this was different coun try wonder what the people of 1852 would say and do if they could see the differences in this countryif they could look about the old township and see what has happened as resultof their Inag niticcnt battle against thclforcsts 0f Uppcl Canada Obtain Ceremony Chairman of the opening cere mony was Victor Ross president of the agricultural society who welcomed the old boys and girls of Oro who had travelled from great distance to attend the Cen tennial Fair Visitors were rcg lstered from as far away as White horse in the Yukon Fort William Regina Victoria and Rcvelstokc BC and Manitoba Among the officials and guests present for the opening were Reeve Smith Campbell of Oro Township MrsMarjorie Hamilton Mayor of Barrie the Hon Druly des cendant of one of the first families to settle in the township to whom Turn to page two please Ira4a at wme lg Rain Holds Off Still No Frost Summer seems to have no in tention of leaving The past three days have been almost up to the level of August and it was still warm this morn ing with possible high tcm pcrature again surprising future in the past two months is the lack of heavy winds and electric storms in this area It has been ideal since July for holiday makers and for lines of business connected with summer trade and pass ible record summer Nights have been warm with low on Sept of 36 only Temperatures were IIigh til 74 80 79 82 Low 36 It 50 54 Sept Sept sept Sept It Sept II Thanksgiving Day will be cele THANKSGIVING DAY Ilur Slncnlr chairman of the old board members llllll this year had lltcll lllliitlllttl that 01th in by Jilil 1053 approximately llll 11min eight pupils graduating and With the new youngsters com up along Illre was golng to he gin acute shilling of classroom ac onznodutzou Only four class rooms Will be vacated by the grade cluh pupils who wzli finish at the curl of this your while nuu clams rooms lllllt Ixccdcd for the grade one pupil Tho lIlZIflflililltfll committee rc comncnds that the board start now to Isidcr how to supply the extra accommodation needed he added It was reported that Mrs Fcrue chv and It Wither had been llkl on the fill tho vacancies caused by the re IW Walls is New EWeeklies First VicePresident Walls managing editor of probationary staff to signations of Mrs Faye Jamimu and Mrs Frances Besse The report of the principals committee which was read by Smith King Edward Schoo in the absence of Win Law Pr of Wales explained that meeting had been held with the Rotary Club sports committee It had been proposed that the sports meet be held this year at the arena grounds and that competitive field day similar to that held last jyear be organized it was also pointed out that ELloyi Tufford music supervisor Ihad bad meeting with the school principals and the music program had been discussed at some length festival is to be held this year some time in June with theme based on the coronation Board Briefs Finance report showing expend jiture of 325883 for June July and August was approved It was decided to advise Domin lion Sound Equipment Limited that similar PA system to that install Ied in other schools be fitted It the King Edward School Barrie Agricultural Society noti fied the board that free admissr on tickets to their fair would be is sued to pupils on application from The Barrie Examiner is the newgme teachers It was amid that Additional Street letter Boxes Come Into Use Monday Beginning Monday six new street letter boxes will be put into ser vice and these will involve change III the times of clearing boxes throughout the town Postmaster Thomson who has just announced this new ser vice asks that members of the pub lic acquaint themselves with the new times of collections In addilt tron parcel post receptacle will be added to the street letter box at Nelson and Blake Streets The locations of the new boxes are Napier and Duckworth corner Dundonald and Theresa Eugenia and Horny Bayfield and Grove West Gunn and Berczy and Dun lop and Poyutz The box now at Dalton and Maple willlbe moved to Maple and Toronto Other improvements in the ser vice it is announced are under school banners Shanty Bay Crown Hill Dalston Craighurst Jarratt Edgar Hillview SS No Rugby Leighs Corners SS No 11 SS No 13 Clowes Nevis SS No 17 Argyle and SS No 19 SS N0 at larratt was judged the best marching school and the prize for the best banner went to SS No HillVlew with Clowes and Lefghs Corners schools getting honorable mention Declares Fair Open As he officialbr declared the 015t0ro Centennial Fair open emler Frost looked back on the success and achievement in the 100 years history of the annual Show and wrshed the directors future which would dim the brillizfrit past declare the worlds fairthe show of all showsopen and con gratulate the officers and their pre de 5355011 for the success and achievement of 100 years and wish them future which will dial the very brilliant past which we are commemorating prime minister rode into the fairgrounds in 1906 Tudhope run IION LESLIE FROST premierhof Ontario takes part in the grand procession which was highlight of Oros Centennial Fall Fair on wednesday afternoon After of of the Orqmultuml Society history was referred toby number of the speakers at the formal opening of the Oro Worlds Fair Wednesday after noon by the Hon Leslie Frost premier of Ontario the actual historical significance of the event was captured and most interestingly portrayed in material fashion by school ficially Opening the Fair he climbed aboard the old 1906 Tudhope car Seen here and made round of the track with officials Pupils ol OroSchOoIs capiir True Centennial Atmosphere By Imaginative EXIIIIJIIS Al if Although the landmark inthe 0170 Agricultural Soclteys turdbackground it was 5appr0 priate that reference be made to the soil and those who made their living by it The pupils of Hawke youth Odour or human traditions on much Maura built lin Orillia and driven Gordon Smith an orilIia collectoiC of o1d cars Several of the fair offlcrals and distinguished visitors drove to the speakersplgtform in the ltvocylinder woodenswhel ed Ecuadoran The historical nature of the tennlalfalr was further cornuiieiii grated III ta parade of oats depict ing the progress of century in agriculture which was on the earbr part of the afternoons pregram fireman Freedom Premier Ernst referred to the heritage of freedom which the residents of pro Township possss wrth the historyohheir itownship dating back to the days when the land was set Effie as settlement toEIEScapeulee Oslaves rec see coin in the fields irrigthe dayds films stated lthe Orilliaborrf prune ministeri 1he toWuship has been annealed with the great liberty Those people came here because the peo ple ofUpperCau da recognized that people she dinot be dis cruninated against blecause of race cflor tEgon bavelbeen associa tom ver om beginning wrtb C0ming township of lug toa to this old historic place deeply rootedjln the wanna blglrd pegce forthe wodye to euuer rost repeatbd 9f Irwin mcMahon honorarygmf ideal of the Agricultural Society Sixth can Officer Cadet ism Monaco on mm hose We trmdr hospital in Owen scum pests his death toll 188 Solomon tti my youth am com slon Severani the Harold amyr review at the present time chldren who took part in the By their skill with paper plas ticine paints and other media they Ore School Fair School Exhibits In all there werevthirteen dis 1CltSfl111 Staged Wan exhibittou plays andeaeheportrayedrsomein which became the focal point in allowing visitors to piece together not onlythat which went to make up the background of the Fairas such but the actual story which was the mirrored DenotingWednesday Friday and Saturday nights at Club 79 Ad mission India 50c gentlemen 75c am Old tyme and modern dancing 95 to am Mac Jones and his eptones every Friday at Pine Crest miles north Barrie on Highway 21 Admission 50c 7W Enjoy the band entertainment and the best in modern dancing to No Burling andJIisrIOpiece en Orchestra at Beetou every Friday night Opening Frilt day Sept 12 930 p111 to am Door rum 101104 zlon Presbyterian Church anniversaryservice Sunday Sept 14 ll 3m and 730 pm Special speas ker Rev Farris MA MTH 01 Bolton out Guest soloist Mr Ronald Lindsay of Onngevinm Special musierY the churchrchoir 1021 Crystal Chapter No 31 Alliston wrll hold church service in Knox Presbyterian Clinch Alliston on Sunday Septl4 at pm Mem hers of Cristal Capters LOBAs and Black Knights are invited Rev PMaltlaud will address the assembly Membersxwill meet at the Orange Lodge at 830 pm 10s Dancer Guthrieommunity Halli Friday Sept 19 Music Pattendens Mountaineers Adnusu workmen counted 106 bet auspices Road years of life in Cm itself Through their creative ability and talent alone the Fair possess ed unique feature By their imagination welth of historical detail was made available to tbos who visited the building in which they staged their show SPECIAL SPEAKER teresting phase of the development of thedistrict during thccentury which had paassed For example the life of the early settlers was the theme of the daily Shanty Bay School Through careful research the youngsters had amassed wealth of material which traced the am cestry of many people Through the medium of old photographs 7nd explanatory notes the Visitor was able to find how men like Neil CarrierOn Henry McCuaig and Alexander Graham came to this country from Scotland back in the early 1800s and helped to lay the foundations of this part of the country Notoly was this infor mation presented but the names of descendants of men like these people belonging to fourth and fifth generations were given in concise biographical notes lafo 0W one aspect of the exhibition however In section of the county so rich klu agricul ECNIR 53szan Concrele Blocks Fer Floor Mill Thltprobleni ofmthe huge concrete blocks of all shapes and sizes left after the meat the Barrie Flour Mill has been solved The entire lot has been purchas lat anniversary ser at 1am and again ed by the Canadian National Rail ways through the engineering de partment for the maintenance of way and is being used to reinforce any uncertain spotsinthe break water alongtli shoresot Kempeu feltBay and ther on by Lake Slowed Their estimate is mintleast 25 cars will be mediaclear ll all out byuseotlheavy clam which bratcd this year on Monday Oct 13 The neivs was announced from Ottawa yesterday Thanksgiving is normally ob served on the second Monday in October stone School captured the proper spirit with their model of farm home as it was in Cm in 1852 Con trast was provided by USS Ves pra whose model was of modern farm The Mitchell Square School pupils broadened this theme some what to Farms and farmhouses providcd the motif for the exhibit by Edgar School youngsters who wove an imaginative pattern around life in the country in the first quarter of the present century Other exhibits which gave true atmomherrot the real centennial occasion were those by SS 11 On Station schools and churches Turn to page twoyplease VFROM THE TOP LOOKINo include homes as well First VicePresident of the Cam135555 would be dismissed on lm dian Weekly Newspapers Associa ltion following his term of office lduring the past year as second vice president The announcement was made on Saturday the final day of the thirtythird annual convention of the CWNA which was held at St Andrews by the Sea NB Cranston editor and pub lisher of the Midland Free Press was appointed Chairman of the Postal and Parliamentary Commit IBQVWIIIIE $433113 Acton Free Press was elected to the position of Chairman of the Execuhve Committee Other appointmentsof Ontario representatives consisted of the eiection of the following directors Shearer Blenheim Scott Gananoque Warden Leav tens Bolton and Spence Strathroy ll Bach the composer was the fa Ither of 20 children laftevnoon on question Sept letter was received from bl commune thanking the board for flowers which were sent to him during his recent illness Mrs Mildred Shear also wrote thanking the members for the radio presented to her just before bet retirement from teaching in June The board was also thanked by the Women Teachers W303 CenuevSimcos for the use or Cod rington School when they held their annual meeting on May 31 Frances Knight lecturer on education Universityvof New York informed the board that she had been particularly impressed by the ability of Miss Milligan mem ber of the boards stafff who re cently attended summcrmurse for teachers The board agreed that MISS DeHart and Bell be 312 lowed to attend confer211cc on curriculum development in Toronto on Octlf 18 19 memorandum was renew Ed Harris chairman of the nance from the deputy minister of educd tion informing the board that law had been Amused schools lei provider freemillrr school children and that the de partment would reimburse the board up to 50 per cent of the cost It was decided to postpone the opening ceremony of the King Ed ward School addition until the middle of January 1953 The Last Column WEEKLY flMlXFURE 37 TAYLOR wouldjst liketoiskethlsop portunity of thanking Ralph Spat grove of CKBB on behalf of the 000 othermembers of The Rimming staff for hilettngesturelast week When we Imped into coffee house the educator we were informed that els grove had left instructionstbut but coffees were fonethe statiori Of course we received beautiful bouquet from CKBB unwillth the Mason Trophy to the Canadianweeklyuewspaper in darts but the persmall to providing thestafcscup of cams as wrcw would put it was our preciatedb 3m avenues hale mm and 33 Mow jers anuncensordf