Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Aug 1952, p. 6

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heLaureniritrills71issu to Murrumbi PERMANENT money $11123in to active elderly man territory Produ tr thin 11 District Distributors 133 ohms EXAMINER wannasosr AUG 27 1952 lieu WANTID SALESMAN With some knowledge at Book keeping must possess car Permanent responsible position in restricted territory who qualies Examiner stating full particu lots in first letter 19698 MILLWRIGHT Savvmill and woodworking mach inc experience essential Permianl ent work with good wages and extra benefits Apply in writing to Box 720 Grovenhurst 79798 WAITRESS AND Dishwasher Transportation supplied Phone 2029 198 RELIABLE Woman or Girl for helper in general housework Stea dy job Apply Box 86 Barrie lax aminer 98 GOOD PLAIN Cook for iarge fam ily in Tomato Excellent wages Other help kept Apply Box 32 Barrie Examiner 197100 REGISTERED Nurse for doctors office in own handwriting ply to Box Barrie Examiner 19799 BOYSThere are only few Globe and Mail routes open Apply at once Good prots and commisswn PhOne 2223 19698 KAYBEE LUNCH Bar requires waitresses full and part time Ideal vlorking conditions Uniforms sup plied Apply KayBee Lunch Bar 91 Bradford St AT CAMP BORDEN telegraph messenger Canadian Pacic Tole rah commencing Sept Phone or 1094 Camp Borden or Bar rie W6 after 530 pm 19899 AVON COSMETICS offers won derful earning opportunity for smart reliable women Write Box 43 Barrie Examiner for personal interview l98 YOUNG GIRL to assist with cook ins housework and children in modern Barrie home Phone Bar rie 3897 or Barrie PO Box 34 198104 AMBIIIOUS neat appearing young married man for special work Free training Car essential Write or phon Roy Tracy 87 Maple Ave Barrie 149899 YOUNG MAN wanted to work in milk bar Must be over 16 and ableIto drive BCI student would be suitable Apply Lakevien D8713 YOUN MAN wanted to work in milk at Must be Net to and gale to BE udetakwoiuld cu ev ew Dairy Wt9798 MIDDLEAGED Woman or active pensioner as mothers help in fam 1y pf three adults Good country home Ivith conveniences Referen ces required Phone Stroud l7r4 19899 AUTO BODY and Fender repair man with experience Good man will receive good pair permanent work splendd opportunity with extrainturance etc benets Call and see Mr Davidson 55 Eliza beth St Barrie 19299 AUTO MECHANIC experienced wanted for large auto dealers garage Permanent employment good working conditions good ay schedule insurance etc See Dav1dson55 Elizabeth St Barrie 19299 WAITRESSRequired 48hr week ood wages living accommodation separate building on the prom Jisesh rovided for employees Year roun employment Only neat at tractive and fully experienced necd apply Bennetts Restauran Cookstown 195 telligent active youn married man for sales and selgvlce busi ness in this district Permanent position good salary and commis ly Caressential Write Barriexamlner 37 making op exclusiva rodiicts in this not sold in stores You matte profit on all sales serviceand no lies Free No laceration Cai nec St Peterborough 2W1 volmom lop earnings assured for man 198 slon Give two references in rm I98o99 14099 HELP WANTED YOUNG Woman or Girl after noons tomind 3ycarold boy and do cleaning once week Phone 3579 DISHWASHER Goon salary and good working good starting salary plus excellent working conditions Cigar tore Atwly to Box 24 postTIONS WANTED IEXPERIENCED Caretaker Apply film 42 Barrie Examiner 298 ZWILL DO Baby Sitting at home Phonc 5486 298 MARRIED Woman wishes position as baby sitter during eyenings Box 38 Barrie Examiner 298 WANTED BY woman with lOyear old child housekeeping in mother lcss home Must be good home Apply Box 41 Barrie Exainncgr WANTED Barrie Metal Salvage Dealers in scrap iron raw furs hides featherstlive ultr etc Special price aid delver Our trucks Will cal anywhere within the county on request Phone 2983 or 820r31 residence 5308 Stayner 08J2 or MAX PUSHKOFF CO Yard and office 156 Tlffln SI 3168143 ATTENTION Highest Prices Paid For STEEL CAST METAL BATTERIES Industrial Iran Metal Yard and Office Elizabeth St Phone 811r3l Ferndale 3811f LIVE POULTRY We have special market for Poultry and can offer you the HIGHEST PRICES ANYWHERE SCRAP IRON also have special market for all kinds of scrap and can pay HIGHEST PRICES ANYWHERE See us for the best prices on hides feathers wool and horsehair FREE PARKING SPACE Our truck will call anywhere LEVITS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 2301 Collect phone accepted 388127 STOKED Wanted for medium sized house Must be in good condition Phone 5010 199899 50000 CHRISTMAS Trees Will pay cash now for Scotch Pine Spruce Balsam Phone 5894 39699 ANTIQUE CHINA glass lamps jewelery bricabrac from barn and attic Turn in old relics for cash Little Antique Shop 116 Dunlop St phone 3141 119599 Accommodotkm Wanted SMAIJL FURNISHED Apartment wanted Abstainers Phone 6209 1198 HOUSE OR Apartment urgently required References supplied Ap ply BOX 33 Barrie Examiner 119799 WANTED or room unfurn ished cottage anywhere near bus line for Oct Apply Box 29 Barrie Examiner 119798 ROOM loosen ROOM AND BOARD far gentle man Phone 6777 1298 ROOM 0R Room and Board Phone 6254 1298 ROOM AND BOARD for working men 53 Worsiey St I29899 ONE on rive Rooms Breakfast optional Apply Box 34 Barrie Examiner 1H0 WOOD FOR SALE PTWOOD SLABS ft length cord delivlered Phone 4861 H799 SOFTWOOD AND Hardwood Slabs for sale cut in stove lengths Softwood $12 Hardwood $18 cord delivered Phone 2938 69799 SUMMER con AGES FOR RENT roamed cottage with spaccforgarden Hydro and telephone miles from Barrie 1n side sink and toilet Apply Nor mganflofiey Sunnidale Rd MIOO 1110110111120 198 starting condi tions United Cigar Store pp 198tf vsxrsmsucso Waitress over 1E Apply United l98Il r011 stir Clearance of Ice Refrigerators MUST BE SOLD NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED PARIS ORIGINALLY $3500 FROST KING ORIGINALLY 3000 NIAGARA ORIGINALLY 1950 NIAGARA ORIGINALLY 1500 Allandule Hardware Phone 2941 7418 BROWN STEEL Folding lied lien sonablc Phone 3936 7w90 PIANO Mendelssohn dinin room suite walnut Phone 76 Emvale 7w9890 NEW SCALE Williams Plano made by llcintzmon mahogany perfect condition Phone 2791 798 LADYS BLUE flowered dress size 20s ladys black coat size 22s Phone 3393 79890 EMPIRE COAL and Wood Cook Stove in excellent condition Phone 4571 after pm 79899 360 FEET OF first grade maple ilooring in thick wide Nev er used Phone 4968 701l dINCH CEMENT Block Machine with rock ftlttl plates $100 Jesson 4th on Illnistil west of Highway 27 79399 v1 CCM BICYCLE Girls like new $35 Outboard Motor hp will demonstrate $65 Phone 4935 79899 CHILDS FOLDING Play Pen sturdy rocking horse baby bath inette baby scales baby auto seat Phone 3393 79899 MEDIUM SIZE Qucbec floater excellent condition Apply Me Cann Utopia Phone 6r21 Ivy 7418 FRAME STUCCO House 34x30 storey Can be moved intact Thomas Higgins 16 Reid St Bar ric 79899 EXTENSION TABLE ROClilg Chair Wide Couch Wooden Bed stead Small Churn Phone 7122 Ivy 79899 STRONG Wooden Trunks Pack mg cases and crates For appointz ment in Barrie to view write Box 31 Barrie Examiner 79799 lJ HOG PRODUCERS Your feed sup plied 1111 market time at no extra charge Drop in or phone 5000 Brown Co Ltd 79099 UNIFLEX CAMERA No 11 with flash gun 2x2 negative size 620 or 120 roll lm Brand new Phone 5758 76711 GIRLSCCM Bicycle in good re pair Suitable for girl age 610 Apply Mrs Raikes Box 206 Barrie Post Office Phone 4023 Oro 79899 TRAILER 600x16 wheels body 4x6 hardwood reinforced by steel ball hitch Going for $45 May be seen corner Essa Rd and Burton Ave 79799 NEW MASON Risch Pianos re conditioned used pianos Terms to suit your budget Phone Elm vale 9r11 Frank Kennedy Phelp ston 794111 iMONARCII ORIGINALLY $3500 FURNISHED ROOMS Very can lral Phone 6719 1598 BEDROOM FOR RENT Phone 97 1548 FURNISHED Bedroom Girl pre ferred Phone 6779 1598 FLINFURNISHED Rooms upstairs llhone 4847 1598 lBRICK BUNGAIDW newly dec Ioratcd bedrooms $75 Occupancy Sept 26 Cotter Ave 159899 LARGE ROOM in itewltEme Sill able for working girls Phone 2320 15981 LARGE FRONT Bedroom Charlotte St Barrie Phone 4389 1598 FURNISHED AND Heated bedsit ting room and kitchen Phone 2675 60 pm 15 96 N761 WARM Small House with Wilbor couldnt find lob And was down to his lost dime Ho desperately tried classified Now hes working overtlmo AUTOMOBILE I947 Buick Roodmoster Convertible Cheap for Quick Sale Wilwn $1339 1181 TERMS 1r DESIRED TED TWISS PHONE 3431 OR 2207 13 Elli99 15 Willi 99 preferred Abstainels icllt Phone 5550 ii WINIERIZED Cottages Apply Albert Szulvc Belle Ewart Phone 3114 1590f SMALL Compact Unfurnished Apartment available Sept Prol for business couple Phone Milli 159799I BEDSITTING Room and kitchcn cite unfurnished downstairs Pos session Sept Phone 2588 between 530 and 730 p111 154111 SEE EN on rn 1511 cd JOE grooms and bath heated hot and scold water selfcontained over Cross Town Motors looking the lake Phone 3104 1598 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 FURNISHED Basement Apart lSIMOD nlcnt ground level in new home Suitable for two Apply Box 35 MORRISON COMPANY LIMITED erie Examiner 159193 Mercury Lincoln Meteor PURNISHED Bedroom in house kitchen privileges 3133 Bradford St Barrie PHONE 5566 FOR YOUR CAR IN MINUTES We will buy your car pay off what you owe on it and givel you cash for the balance new Suit Phone 159899 BEDROOM Wllll Beautyrest mat tress and box springs suitable for one or two business men Central Phone 5013 1598 BEDSITTING Room with grill Sllitable for or girls One block 1951Meleor Coach maroon heat from am 51 Hot water Phone 31 $1975 3900 call at 36 Clapperton St 1950 Mercury Sedan twoton tan 1598 $1975EOMP1LETFiLv iModem furnished unga 0w auntry tubs oil furn 1949 Ford Coach green $1Orifice Must be seen to be apprecia 1946 Mercury Sedan maroon $1019 Wilson Shanty Bay 1910 Cadillac Sedan ileetwoodj 154189 1200 bod 09 UNFURNISHED Room heated 1393 apartment bedrooms living room tiled kitchen and bathroom 1937 BLACK DODGE Sedan 00d condition Phone 5847 13 899 oak oors on heat $70 mommy How Realty 51 DunIOp St 1951 STUDEBAKER Deluxe lsI 1598 class condition with extras Apply 80 Napier St Barrie 398100 LARGE Unfurnished rooms Iiv lug r0013 kifchen Separate en 1938 CHEV PANEL good running lance oup Abstamels Call order new valve jot mes fair Wednesday or Thulsday after Phone 4737 1398 pm last house Baidwin Lane North 1593 BODY FOR Milk Truck 1311 Phone King 3141 Gemmill an ROOMED House furnish1dv oi Aurora 1399 heated $50 month inside plumb ing also roomed furnished cot 1950 BLACK AUSTIN Sedan radio Page 011 heated msxde plumbing heater recently overhauled in Etc10$ per month For lnforma very good condition Private sale tion write Dorothy Jones RR Phone 6209 teachers or business girls 5487 Come in and compare our prices RUGS Broadloom Save up to 50 New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Newest shades Phone Barrie 2706 745 QUEBEC COOK Stove Jacket Heater with pipes length 10 galvanized pipe 10inch galvan 118d elbows No 30 range boiler AsSize felt mattress clean Phone 4994 798100 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers new and used sales and rent als Royal Typewriter Agent for Suncoe County Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto St Barrie phone 4824 738tf BRANTFORD BALER and Binder Twine The best at the best price Master Feeds Frost Fence farm supplies and Graham Plows For serv1ce phone Craig Hunter Stroud 53r5 79099 8Fl SILENT Salesman Mirror Backs 3ft wall case drawers and lift door 2600lb combination safe3 uorescent 4tub light IX tunes tables small awning Must be sold by Saturday Aug 30 Mr Jebb 22 Owen St 798 Livrsrocx r011 SALE HEIFER forsale Ap 1y Mc Cann Utopia Phone Ivy 9398 25 YOUNG CHUNK Pigs about 100 lbs also Chopping M111 Phone l0r22 Strouck 998 TAMWORTH HOG aboutaoo lbs Robinson Cookstowuu phone 27114 998 175 PEDIGREE Leghorn Hens year old layin well Sows due Oct also anedPigsHarold Dun ham Beeton phon 50rd 90690 HOLSTEIN Heifer Calves 80 Yorkshire Chunks Registered Bull McCallum Cookstown phi no 27123 0197 BOAR over year old Roll over years old dual purpose Phone 4326 Oro Raymond Emma Oro Station 998 mm lRISH HOLSTEIN years old Exchan for mixed grain and feed one 95 Minesing Jim Mc Gili rib890 GOOD BIG Turn of quiet work horses mile west of Newton Robinson Scheme Boston 5511 Holt 111m Saddle Horse also suit to for busy Will loan to farm 22900 till uno 1959 in exchange or boar thawatha Jr Cmg Bf liter otnt Phone StroudtBiI Him Stayner or hone Wasa 13 98179w1 ga 159799 1950 MERCURY PANEL Truck in good condition Must sell Terms if desired or will accept trade Phone 4059 139899 Brick and Stone Masonry 40 CHRYSLER Sedan fluid drive plasterihg Stucco radio and heater Al condition Free Estimates Call Collect Apply Norm Bates 11 Henry StI LESLIE SARGEANT Barrie phone 4095 1398 COOP MILKING Machine double unit in good condition also bred St Bradford 313 Sows artild Wearfiling Pigs for hsale or exc ange or ca one 4188 1396 PLUMBING 1946 CHEV Sedan Oshawa blue REPAIR WORK reconditioned motor new rear end clean car inside and out at 5737 or 345 1398 top twotone spotless condition phone 269 on or 3516 Barrie low mileage Accept 50 or 151 mo rie Examiner 134899 FARM 51 CHEV Fleetllne Coach in good covers and undercoated Phone 139799 $11500 buys 150 acr farm in Alliston District 140 acres tillable LOST FOUND frame house set in grove of LOSTWirehaired Terrier white spruce treesorchardbarn 36x lriity ot CresemHarbouRawardh good stabes concrete rbot cellar 174310 houseimplement shed with gar agegood water suple on the LOST Halliburton Aluminum 91100 able Terms ma be arranged between Concession and Hawke Apply Mc IGHI Cooks stone Please contact Ruth Cal gt 1743100 ACRE FARM tor9ale good land large solid brickhouse large and church Apply Muir 81085 1497 Barrie Con 11 ideal garden 200 PULLETS Light Sussex ing or poultry Suit gentleman for house withall convenienoes Barn em PM 121 Mineiigsdm on foundation Electricity Isaac CHICK 100 ACRE FARM clay loam iii dro 7room brick house im steel roofon both steel stench $333M down Buildings all in excellent coni ow it eg rcesoreata church5nmlles from Barrie Box announce that we have number 17 Barrie Examiner 89899 of started pullets on hand Age of clay loam 7room stucco house 65 C1 glib3m hardwood floors good in on thud Po barn pigpen and drive Hy dro throughout good terns screshardwoodbush never 11 1113 flowing spring waterggro condo acres mixed bush with creek rulings ac oss do Priced for uick sale Phone Keith 52 PLYMOUTH Belvedere hardy del as part payment Box 39 Bal 3584100 condition air condition heater slip 5815 after six Private sale growing excellent crops10 room with black red harness in V19 10 on concrete foundation with phone MAyfair 5053 Toronto concrete siliilhn house broader faimhydro and to eavail Overnight Bag near Lake Simcoe town RR No QMDnt 993103 noun 200 Monroe Jefferson City Mb barn driving shed oifiposite school pulnals iron SALE Applyv pia Mc annUtopiqa Phone 6r21 Iv 20ACRE FA les south months old started to in $235 meror retired man Good stucco Spring l7r4stroud Vile9699 KELLY CHICK amen merit shed so by 25 barn to butter of 1011 114 miles from school and making level we are pleased to ranging from 10 to weeks 190 ACRES consisting of 65 acres of stone basement stanchions hay 24 am apple orchards Across th road is acres with scalar fra barn cellent crops Adjoi miles east of H11 WW raorrnry FOR arm rsorrcrv FOR bathroom hot and cold water FURNISHED Bedroom Gentleman Reasonable 15r99991 183 Duckworth St or phone 5209 Spencer 10th Essa PO Box 264 ROOM Cottage wmterlzed heav sxu molar NOTICE TO carmroas All persons having any claims or 13573 Burton ave Phone 5750 CARSON FURNfN mMNEygtwum Town of East Greenwich in the REPRESENTATIVE State of Rhode Island in the Uni OBOYLE ted States of America Gentleman deceased who died on or about thus 11th day of February AD 1950 E22 Baytield St are uired to forward their $96435 =clalms uly proved to the under gsigned Solicitor for the Adminil atrator on or befme the Third day lof Se tember AD 1952 AN further take notice that gLovely cut stone home completed Specializes with Beginners after such 135 mentioned date the 1950 fully IRWIN OWN1 OC Announces the opening of her Administrator will proceed to dis cupied live rooms and bath down Itribute the assets amongst the par ilalrs 1011508011 Ollskfulll 31de ep tics entitled thereto having regard asement exec cut on oorng lautomatic electric hot water oil Mrs TlltlIClUlI 130 Penetang St Barrie 59699WF the modern way Reasonable rates For information ESTATE Phone 2442 Phone 4849 Eonly to such claims of which it will then have notice water heat with convector radi DATED at Barrie this 2lst day ators beautiful cut stone fire place laundry tuhs storms large of August AD 1952 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE garage with overhead door large lot with shady trees Partly fin Barrie Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator islled heated upstairs could be completed into twothree rooms FORRENT FLOOR SANDERS your own floors 11 only Our new HighSpeed rloor Sander docs exceiluit work Low rates Complete line of door nishing materials paints varnishes shell acs fillers brushes etc We sell everything needed to make new floor from old wBOYDS PAINT and wsmmpm 19 Clapperton St Phene 5206 5911fb HEARDS GLASS MIRROR 9698 AUCTION SALE Household Furniture Effects The undersigned has received instructions from Mrs Gertrude Groves 60 ANNE STREET BARBIE to sell by Public Auction on SATURDAY AUG 30 THE FOLLOWING 2piece Chesterfield Suite Small Dining Table Small Centre Ta bles Combination Writing Desk and Book Case China Cabinet Piano Stool Floor and Table Lamp Scatter Rugs 011 Space Heater new Bedroom Suite Num ber of Feather Pillows Wardrobe in brown mahogany Day Bed Kit chen Cabinet Medicine Chest Chrome Kitchen Chairs Kitchen Tables Kitchen Stools Empire Cook Stove Elcctric Refrigerator good condition Electric Rangette new Beatty Electric Washer new Wash Boiler and Water Pails New Lawn Mower Number of garden took Screen Door Com bination Door new ZOOgal Oil Tank Some cooking utensils glassware etc Terms cash Sale at pm SLESSOR Auctioneer FARM common MCCORMICK Corn Binder fair gcondition Phone 2157 Barrie 3998 MILK HOUSE ft by 10 ft frame covered lined 33d insulated Paradise Camp Olive Crew 0r illia For inspection call at 78 William St Barrie lGdltf LOT 44 135 Terms if desired Phone 5803 111418519 NEARLY NEW Brick Bungalow newly decorated 26 Cotter Ave ilk98419 BARN 40 50 Apply Devitt Vnscy or phone Moonstone 1698v99 ACRES CHOICE garden land good buildings miles from Bar rio near beach open road VLA approved Phone 4861 169799 BRICK Bungalow ranch style rooms and bath full cellar 011 ailjconditioned heating brick gar CLISOm ml Mum age Immediate posse35ion Phone Mrmr Resuvermg Store Fronts Builtin Glass for all purposes 4929 1698 Phone 3091 SIX ROOM Modern Bungalow in North Toronto well sell or ex 107 Duhlop St 597136 change for home in Barrie Quick possession For details contact FOR FURNACE and Chimney Cleaning call Barrie 3513 59698 Henry and Elrick Realtors 1698 DRESSMAKING and Alterations 56 Maple Ave or phone 2021 $420052250 DOWN rooms 596tf brick piece bath garage full basement in town of Tottcnham Phone Mrs DeForcst Iottenham 118 1693 EAVESTROUGHING and cement work done promptly Prices rea able Workmanship guaranteed one 5717 588tf NHA HOUSE in Barrie one year old bedrooms large living room and tiled kitchen oak floors gar BUTTON BUCKLE and Bolt Covering Overnight service Large number of styles and sizes Barrie age Immediate possession Phone Angus 835rli after pm 160899 Tent Awning Co 34 Hayfield St Barrie 597107 MODERN Roomed Brick House 011 burning forced air heated gar age attached Good location on bus line Reasonably priced 35 Grove St East Barrie 1698 MIMEOGRAPHING and 11th stenography Let Miss Cora heis well or Mr Alvin Thompson help you with your secretarial work Phone 4824 H811 HOUSE containing unfurnished apartments and rooms 3piece HOUSE REPAIRS and alterations roofing and cement work Sun buth in each furnace ill one Sep arte ggranccs Separate basements rooms and verandas specialty All carpentry work Fast efficient Sam on St Barrie 169298w service All work guaranteed DESIRABLE Solid Brick Six Phone collect Stroud 47r13 59299 room house centrally located on Essa Road For further particulars apply The Sterling Trusts Corp HOPEWELL LODGE Convales cent and Rest Hame where clean liness good food and kind care oration Barrie 1694419 SPACIOUS NEW Bungalow bed0 predominate Particulars on re quest Stayner RR Phone 15113 rooms 4piece tile bathroom pic 59199 ture window near Godrington D065 PET STOCK School Now ready for occupancy FREETo good home on farm small black and whiteJemale dog Barrie 98 also acres second ut Alfalfa Joseph Pratt RR troud after pm Phone Stroud 54113 3908 WATER WELL Drillers 25 years experience in Barrie and District Quotations and advice on request without obligation Wright and Son 629 Hurontario St Coiling wood phone 318111 3930 F2 CASE COMBINE years old Model Case Blower new VA Case Tractor new VA Case Trac tor years old 6can DeLaval Cooler new Thesemachines are priced low to clear Apsply Howard Heacock phone 1171 lmvale 3H597 rnun VEGETABLES CUCUMBERS 30c sixquart has ket Dill size 40c basket Georges Place 256 Duckworth St 2098 POTATOES Tomatoes 65c 6qt Onions 6qt 60c Beets 50c 6qt Carrots 10c bunch Cucumbers 6qt 35c Apples Wealthy late Duchess 6qt 50c Windfalls 25c Glads 50c doz Zinnias 40c doz Pumpkins very larg 50c 298 Bag eld St 2096 SEED FEED HAVE YOU Ho to nish You feed supplled market time at no extra charge Drug in or phone Brown Co Ltd arrie 109699 169899 UNFINISHED 5ROOM HOme fur nace and bath installed Possession one month Six rooms and bath excellent location quick po sess lon Henry and Elrick Rea tors 1698 ROOM Cedar Block House part ly nished on acres land one cleared Oil burner and ZOOgal tank With house Apply months old Phone 4131 52 High St Barrie 3898 COLLIE PUPS childs pet and watch dog Males $3 Females $2 Mrs Frasaer 5th house on deft side of Ferris Lane Cundles 389899 Barrie 169799 ily wired nice lot 60x300 close to school Full price $2500 $1600 cash Apply Mrs Eursey FIR No Barrie Tollendal Rd sev enth house off No 11 lft hand Side 9899 CORNER Property in villa 16 miles from Barrie on big way Suitable for garage or any busi ness Formerly used for hardware store Would exchange for prop erty 1nBarrie Phone 4861 169799 ROOM BRICK House insulated hardwood floors oil heat storms and screens 3piece bath Approx imately acres good land small fruit trees and evergreens Lar lawn double garage Phone 23 Beton 169799 NEW SEMIBungalow on Holgate St Three bedrooms living room replace dining room tiled kits chen hot air conditioning laundry tubs garage Available immedi ataely For real value contact 7W How Realty 51 Dunlop Street IG9899 BEST CASH Offer houses Lot 28 Margret St Angus 0112 6ltroomed lslNhite Stucco electric stove and refrigerator pressur sys tem 3plece bathroom and laun dry tubs garage valued at $5600 Also 4roomed rolled birch siding 2piece bathroom oil stove and ice box valued at $2800 Ap lv Mr Arthur Raines Margret Angus or write Mrs Dudley Evans Crystal Beach Post Office Ont 1696a98W lyrrcsoNAL FARMS WANTED WANTED farms with 150 to 200 acres suitable for growing tobacco Phone 5894 319699 AITENTION FARMERS Now is the timeto Order YogiAgricultural Lime for Fall Seeding CONTACT VARCOEi silos gt Fox nuns oN TRUCKING To FARM PHONE 46000123375 Full eat Earnhar Fertilisaer Pays SDlvldends INCREASES YIELD OF BETTER QUALITY In good supply Truck delivery to farm eise has been discontinued in favour of 2166 24210 3189 double unnaturalunset still available Barrie Arthrltlc Vfllla 10pmDlly AppolnttnehtlPhone sis11 Seed WilliamSeed Blenniuglllill eaoeamr WANTED WILL PAY CASHfor sored of land suitable for retoresting ne 5894 1399699 10 OR MORE AC and house barn near Barre eason ble Cash Box 40 Barrie Exam er ssfwloow WE REQUIRE newglistlngs Our sat vo eded any previous at period and have edema do tvr some time itlrismuef ac Realtors Notinopsrstlou Vllaveyour seed wheat cleanedvand treated at toop 109d seed available now

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