in vision or 25 trtatltf1 msmfmwa min eight Robert NcDOnIld 1W Campbell lendult m1 Vice Mrs John Como petunia single col sun Wire tun nob alum collection to one ulna Hrs Black tnniu giant eight Band Mrs also Onion coupes Io bloomk tion in one containerMrs Black Mrs Jean Hind was annual collection in one con himJim Small Mrs Campbell phlox perennial collec Joan Rand Mrs Black snapdragon ssigm spikesaurs Earl Wicc sweet pens with foliage in one con fi wineran nah che Mrs Len basket any Black no Black thdlola embellishmentwllrs Mrs John Cowan gladiola collec tion six varieties in one contains carMrs Snail Mrs Jean Hand panslu 12 bloomsMn Earl Wice Mrs Robert McDonald dahliu collection io one containerMrs Smlll dining table bouquet Mrs It Black Mrs Lucas Class Petunias double eight bloomMrs Earl Wicc Mrs Campbell snapdragon collec tionMMrs Earl Wicc Mrs Campbell gladiolus specimen spike Mrs Small Miss Jean che ghdiola three spikes all differ entMrs Small Mrs Black gladiola 12 spikes three varieties in one containerMrs Small Mrs Black basket of cut flow ersMiss Jean Wice Mrs Black asters collection in one containerf Mrs Earl che collection of cut flowers in one containerMrs Black Mrs Earl Wire collection of African violets four varieties Mrs William Black Mrs Lcnnox Black collection of geranium bloomsMrs Lennox Black best collection of vegetablesMrs Black Vegetables CarrotsMrs Roy DETROIT MAN DIES Injured week ago when the car in which he was driving left the highway and turned over in ditch near Collingwood Daniel Carnegie 71 Detroit died Sunday His wife is still in hospital suffer ing from severe scalp lacerations and three broken ribs Mr Car negies two grandchildren Daniel and Richard 10 were silghtly injured in the accident sister of the deceased Mrs Frank Pat terson resides at Collingwood PENETANG LAD Km Paul Legault of Robert St died in hospital early Tuesday after he had been hit by car driven by George Kerr Mayor of Penetangdlshene Mayor Kerr was on his way to council meeting when he hit the boy outside the boys home did not see him all heard was bump said Mr Kerr The boy suffered head in juries and broken leg KIWANIS LUNCHEON Second last of the summer Bar rie Kiwanis luncheons was held at Community House with Presi at Roy Kightley presiding Gil arrick was at the piano and Frank Perkins led the singsong Plans were discussed for the 30th anniversary celebration next month Final luncheon will be at noon on Tuesday Sept Hou Amelia Webb collection of Iwcrc Mr and Mrs Allan Fraser islflowe Goodallow Mrs Small brothk Mm Small Mrs Black pota toasmMrt Smnll Mn Black com six earsAla Rubbed Mn Roy Goodtcllow tomntoea ripeMn Small Mrs Black cucumber collectionMrs Black Mrs Small cabbageMrs Small onions at least three varie tiesMrs Small Prize winners in Mr md Mrs Donald Wake and son Duffy are visiting in Barrie with Mr and Mrs Laurence Mavcs Drury Lane and are renewing ac quaintance with several of their friends in tovm Formerly with the Barrie branch of the Industrial Acceptance Corporation Mr Wake who muons were has been with the Halifax branch Grades to Calendull 10 company me zttlr land half and has Just been trans wxihbogx grred to the branch in London hiss eight bloomsCraigie Hunter Douglas Lowery Douglas Camp bell pctunlas rosy mornJohn Goodfellow carrotsElla Kelcey Craig Hunter Mervin che beets Juan Small Selby Bowman Dale Webb cornRonald Cowan Herb ert Shannon Eric Reynolds Grades to Zinnlas eight bloomsFrank Hogg Andrew Co wan Dorothy Shannon petunins mixedvElla Kelcey Gwen Lowery Joyce Pratt carrotsDorothy Shannon bootyBeverley Coch rane cornAndrew Cowan Frank the public Mr and Mrs Harold Darch and sons have returned from motor trip to Prince Edward Island and the New England States Miss Dorccn Spearn has rcturnf cd home after visiting her sister Mrs Ccultcr who has just recently moved to Trenton where her husband Cpl Coulter has been stationed with the llCAF Mr and Mrs McClcary have returned to their home at 77 Drury Lane after spending IIII wild flowers and woeds in one con tainerBevcrley Cochrane Linda Small Joan Small 9T CLOWES AUG 26Reccnt visitors here at Wasaga Beach Mr and Mrs Norman Johnson Stoney Creek arc spending thcir holidays with Mr and Mrs Robert Johnson ISS Bradford Strcct Mr and Mrs Corruthcrs MISS Agnes Swanson of Edinburgh and family and Alvin Bethune of Rosscnu at Frasers Mr and Mrs Verne Beardsall Elmvalc and Lorne Toronto at Dickers WI Meets Sept Womens Institute will meet at Mrs Alf Bcnhams on Wednesday Sept at pm Mrs Sinclair of Barrie will be the speaker Motto by Mrs Bcardsnll Current events by Mrs Partridge Mrs Jory Dalston spent few days last week with her daughter Mrs McLean Mr and Mrs Bouncy Mr and Mrs Charles Simpson Myrna and Avcning spent the wcckcnd with friends at Kashalon Lake llalibur ton Mr and Mrs Alfred Little and their two children of Scim machcr in Northern Ontario have been spending few days with the formers sister Mrs II McKen zic 21 Wellington St West lhcy will also visit with relatives and friends in Simcoc and Niagara Falls before returning homo John Little Sr will return to Schumach or with them for visit Miss Phoebe Irene summer months at their cottang Scotland and Carruthcrs oil Mr and Mrs Currie m6 last weekend with friends there Former news editor of The Bar rie Examiner Richmond Ashe now publisher of The rnbrlor Ihrunlclc was Visitor at Barm lastweck when he was Eurst of Mr and Mrs Mlnhman Mr and Mrs Frank Craig and Mr and Mrs Walls Visitors to Barrie last Friday Iinrluded ll Sandison Toronto national advertising manager and II Crnnston Midland vice presidcpt of Class Newspap crs Frank Harris publisher of thr Vernon BC News and from Thu Simcoc Reformer Clcndon Pearce copublishcr Dick Pearce new editor Otto King sales manager Eddie ODonnell plant superinterr dent and John Steubmon advertis ing manager Mrs Ivan Sparks and her chil dren Hill and Susan of Ottawa are visiting until the rst of Sep tcmbcr with her mother Mrs ll Rogers ltffin St Mr Sparks who is secretarygeneral of thc Ilntcrnutional Junior Chamber of Commerce has left for Australia to attend the Junior Chamber of Commerce internatitfnal confor cllcc From Australia he Will make an Asian tour on behalf of the intcrnntiona organization istopping off of Singapore Ra Igoon and Bcirut In Home he ll ihave an audience with XII llc cxpccts to rcu home to Ottawa at the 0nd of October Now on ageretirement from To ronto Custom and Excise John Millcr formerly of the Barrie off icc has purchased the fine build ing lot at 159 Essa Road in Allan dalc and plans to build residence thcrc ENGAGEMENTS cred to Clean New York to spend Wayne visited Mr and Mrs Irwin Clark of Mitchell Square during the weekend Mr and Mrs George Rugman who has been teaching for four years on Vancouver Island is vis and Mrs iting her parents Mr Cumming Dr and Mrs George engagement of their Francis WatsOn of Kitchener announce the daughter farm to hglp and threw 300 gal Elcns of water on the hay mow wheie the blaze started The frame buildlngs burned down to their Istone foundations and the fire was Esull smuuldcrmg Tuesday morn iFarm Buildings iCrops and Stock Destroyed by Fire My Continued from page one Mr Ebiwllaiwt 15 59 DZ wrom neigh rs arm ere 810 Mm me 1m was working Ills children liar fold seven Brian three and Lorna The heat was so great new we ninc were graying in the yard be burldings that the farmer and his liwmn the house and barns when neiglibors who rushed to llclp mm like blaze broke out Mr and Mrs vere unable to get int mg b3yn iCltlpIiluse aim have an infant ill fit any of the animals Iduughlcr Bonn agr swen weeks mt were We mum Ncighbors Iluni all around the pm pen and he mum and district came to help and there was tool shed The farm machinery crowd of 400 people at the farm was outside the builds butlme watching the fire Monday night tarmcr lost all his tools Neighbors kept the Chipchasa chil Only Well Water loren for thc night The fire broke om abum 530 The tool shed burned to the pm With no water on the arm ground Ill about half an hour and adapt from deep wells them was the rest of thc buildings were do hop Wing Ute buildings stroyrd in almost as short time but the direction of the wind say M4 WNW ed the farm house some 500 yards CEREAL GODDESS 3MB Ccrcnls takc lhclt name from About pm Monday the Camp Ceres lhc corngoddess of classical Borden fIrc brigade came out to the myumlogy How Important IIIB roon snors ask Your Dealer A0321 OBOIIAGI SYDNEY NS CPI There are about 100 teaching vacancses In Cape Browns rural schools closed for time last term by teachers seeking salary increases pctted many of the vacancies will be filled by permissive teachers with lower qualifications It is cit1 TONY MARTIN AT 13 Tony Martin ringing nag ngge screen and radio mil the guest artist at the G8idyl1 inns year CANADIANA mm and produced by Jack Arthur also feature many islnging and dancing teams flags Aug 22 to Sept llCSlllllLlfl Evas YB mamr to out of Banksblc security or romaine not required Leann for balance of down payment on homes and home pairs Phone write or come in today 100 um mu um 10 us FINANCE cog Public Utilities Blip 1S BAYFIELD ST BARRIE m=m would Aka popll nun nrynl 00 ivnuh k4 MIMIm cono QM Kg Fish YES MANIger OPEN DAIIY f0 SMIURDAY IO l2 laps nods to midrib of all My Ions fume Flam sunny IT Cum HOLIDAY STORE HOURS Thurs 845 600 pm Sat 845 mm to 900 pm CLOSED MONDAY LABOR DAY Andrew Cumming and many friends Mr and Mrs Kerridge and Ross attended the CNS on Monday Mr and Mrs Andrew Cumming and Phoebe visited at the homes fMr and Mrs Ivan Cumming on and Mr and Mrs Theo CURRlEAt the home of her daughter Mrs John Powell 36 Parlumeml Cannington Sophia St Barrie on Wed nesday Aug 27 1952 Janet Orr Jessie Smith beloved wife of the late Laughlin Currie in her 92nd year dear mother of Mrs John Powell Barbara Mrs Anderson Edith and the latc William and Arthur Currie Resting at the Lloyd and Stockley Funeral Home Barrie for service on Friday Aug 29 1952 at 230 pm In terment Knox Cemetery Oro IN MEMORIAM Earl Cox motored to Dorset yes ROADWAYIn loving memory of Ierday to attend the Common Charles Reuben Boaqway who wealth Foresters Conference and passed away Aug 30 1940 while there made several record Until the day dawns and the shad ings for later use by the CBC ows flee away Lovingly remembered by Ed win and Mabel 98 TWISS Treasured and loving memories of very dear daugh ter and sister Norma Cubitt Nichols Twiss passed away Aug 26 1948 The golden gate stood open Four years ago today With farewells left unspoken You quietly passed away Gone IS the facevwe lovedso dear Silent the voice we loved to hear Sadly missed and ever remem Twcntytwo members of the An drew Cumming family visited on Sunday at the home of Rev and Mrs Ross Cumming Coldwatei Mr and Mrs Thomson spent last weekend at Peterbor ough with their daughter June Mrs Morton Knox and family Mr and Mrs Frank Dohcrty from Amherst NS are visiting with Mrs Garrity Clappcr ton St Warren Wilgar Was in Toronto last week at Canada Life meet ing and then went to Cobalt on Friday for the official opening of the Silver MillerMiners new mill by the Ontario Minister of Mines Hon Phillip Kelly He accompi anied his brotherxinlaw John Tovell president of Silver Miller bered by father mother and sister Maisie lt LILY SPECIES There are between 50 and 60 species of lilies of which the Ber muda Easter lily is considered the best in the world September MEANS Ilry Cleaning Time Cooler days and mgan mean Autumn is Just around the corner They alsomean Itsripry Cleaning Time for Fall and Winter Back to Schoolclothes SUITS Itv presses mam customs nonqu sum SLACK rnousrns consult ussanrmrsu purlyum may casuanamu Frances Isobel to Dr Ralph Alli son Hunt son of Mr and Mrs George Allen DcVerc Hunt of To ronto the marriage to take place on Saturday September 20 at oclock in First United Church Waterloo 98 The engagement is announced of Vallcrcc Virginia only daughter of Mrs Charles Goucher and the late Mr Gouchor of Nova Scotla to John Donald Belanger son of Mrs Belanger of Barrie andfthe late Thomas Belanger the ar riago to take place at St ys Roman Catholic Church Barrie in lat September 98 CARD or THANKS DONNELLYMere words diein adequate to expresscgr gratit do to each and everyon wharf try ng helped us thrOugh these days of sorrow with deeds of in finite kindness wordsand lettrs of sympathy and beautiful flowers We can only say Thank you all so very much IIugh Donnell and family SHOWER CURTAINS Metallic prints and stripes have entered the shower chrtain field with gold silver and gunmetal glittering on waterrepellent easily washable fabrics Misses chins to Guide You We are prepared to serve you carefully our selection of Oxfords Boots Sandals complete in all ranges BOYS SPECIAL Campus Oxfords stars was $395 $445 $595 $695 $795 Moore Shoes Best of Core For Your Child 54 Dunlop St Sites to 59 Barrie BIC 045611001 15 snowman suiting Winch wonarrur arm wlnrdgfor war Its cram mlstant touch of with velveteenrtxow some Morton It own belt For whom for dates wide wide and must for your Full wardrobe Nnvyfbelge min runways to cordurOy ensemble lm Counted five butyou can find morn wsya lowest this Teena Palxej pin walo corduroy thats jumper dress nd pull drcsn pllln one Little on the skirt and asst belt Rod logically black purple gt Tues 845 am 600 p111 CANDY SPECIAL ASSORTED SUGARED JELLIES SPECIAL DAISY GUMScira29 REAL VALUE FANCYSEA GEM OR BLACK KNIGHT SALMON REAL SAVING wane FACIAL nssurs lhl Th EXCEPIIONAL VALUE SPECIAL SPECIAL 26 AUNT SALLYS RASPBERRY SHIRRIFFSGOOD MORNING SPECIAL MARMALADE 343 BISCUIT FEATURE HOLIDAY 11 TERRIFIC VALUE CHOICE SPECIAL CREAMSw stall356 ASSURE FLAVOURS SHIRRIFFS LUS ass29 AYLMERHALVES OR SLICED FEATURE PEACHES 233 MARGARINE MARGENE CULVERHOUSE PRODUCTS CULVERHOUSEFANCY 37 ASPARAGUS TIPS tl375f CULVERHOUSECHOICE GOLDEN CORN 2v35 CULVERHOUE CIIOIcs PEAS Ls20 BLACK TEA gush mun SMOKED Parishioners wIi 45 lh 55c BONELESS Ileulwoust Linens hm Bologna pinup LEAF tsxmnsss Pork sausage ONTARIO PRESTO CALIFORNIA swam also Alulugu collisioni Burbank Plums in humfolio No WnSWWS msch lvwi rut in 3kgng mTTlI Emilio SIC Sliced IL 33b Ii 45 jail 67 WM Tllbest Cake Mix Deal Buy One Package Angel Food Cakeltllix 510 Get One Pkg Chiffon Cake Mix FREE Dodson TABLE NAPKINS it Price Sale Pkgs are New Crop CLOVER HONEY lb on 410 lb tin 79c iDeiLuxe SALAD DRESSING Jo 22 16 02 he Ale bouncy morocco All Grades r1hnmsu Qt Jur Valucs Cumin Thursday Friday had Salad Aw rutrun at