AUG 1052 mooted him nu principal here Mr and Mrs known Btu linzton Ire spending few days holiday with the lutterb Iilhtl wnuam Rummy 1nd sum Mrs Daisy Mlillxun Return from South Amertn Bcv and Mrs Andrew mm Mrs Powers and Lions Club are making plans for and firmly Smelly 01 kawwn Miss Marga Jobbm and Mr and in Frank bl carnival Wednesday Sept iowho have been llvmx In Smtbgpom was vmmg hm hm week Met Wt Hominy at Burketon My Mn Herb Harman HeiAmcrlca doing missionary work in friends relullveu visiting their son and daughterm $110016 British Guiana will be err$3 her musm unabh Jamie Mr McCuug Drilln vmlcd law Kr and Mrs Bert Harmaxxm5 Cmd Anl Ross Gilroy Barrie is spending and Tom myes and other Rogphwn days gdrew wrll be gaining up posrtlongal lew days New Jameson blend in Lookstown Smddan and daughter teacher at school south of BarI Mr and we mm is spending ter Miss Wilma Sloddarl Torontove Emma THE GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINE GIFTS TOYS Where You Buy More for Less SALE OF GLIDDENS PAINTS CONTINUES AUG 24Service will be hEIOgulld Donald of Bluekwatcr while in St Judes Anglican Church onllmlldaying called on several Sunday Aug 31 nds here during the past week llecent visitors at Dick zuwlli Mr and Mrs David Confer t1 Mr and Mn East ashvxllc Mr and Mrs John Hilary and Joan Girvan Creemore loud Miss Sophia Bulmcr Toronto Vernon Jexlnett Mr and Mrs Barry LaPlante tlltwa and Mrs Graham Dixon and Gloria visited on duty in Toronto visiting Mn Mrs Richard Coulis returned on May from two weeks visit in neutral Mr and Mrs 10 Bowlcs Kitchen er spent few days last week visiting Mr and Mrs Smith Mrs Graig Lindsay is visiting her son and daughtermung Mr and Mn Don Graig Mr and Mrs Sullivan Toronto are awaiting few days the guests of Mrs Miller Mrs Donald Monkman and chil dren have returned from their col lage at Balm Beach after spending two weeks holidays there Mics Joan Dermolt has rclurmd home from Toronto after spending weeks vacation with relatives Miss Lila Wcsaon Toronto is spending two weeks vacation with hermother Mrs Williams Miss Muricl Jrnkins Toronto has pttulrncd homo after spcndlng several weeki With Mr and Mrs Church Recent visitors of Mr and Mrs Willis Corrigan were Mr and Mrs Allen Road and son Paul St Ca tharlncs Mrr llantlcman Roulcau 8851 Mrs Norman Smith and son Kennlrth Montreal Sunday guests of Mrs Bart lam and Dave McMastcr were Mrs Gaulcy Miss McMostcr and Raymond Muir Angus Lions Plan Carnival The CookslowuT and District spent several days calling on frirnds Misses Gladys and Mabel Chant lcr had as their gucsts for few days Mrs Brewster Palgravc Mrs Martin and children Barrio wcr visitors of Mr and Mrs Burt olvman Thursday lrascr Carr rclurncd on Salim day tom the United Church Camp at Sparrow Lake whire hchad been holidaying for twu works Sunday Virltors Wllh Miss Mar ion licrson were Mr and Mrs lloward Ellis and Mrs Owen lloidgc Toronto Mrs Harry in the village Watson Niagara Falls spool few days holidays will Mrs Watson and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hughes Mr and Mrs Alcx Nolan Itc ginn have rctlnncd to Illtll homo after months visrt with the lat terS sister Mrs Willis Corrlgan and Mr Corrlgan Mrs Scylhcs Thornton spcnt day with Mrs Long Sunday guests of Mrs James Millcr wurc Mm Barbara Miller and Boggl Toronto Mr and Mrs Ilbb Miller and son Barrie =Mr and Mrs Bob Miller and chil dren Ncwmurkct Engaged at Angus School Gcorgc White who for the past few years vas principal ofCooks town public school has been on gngm as principal of 11 new school at Angus Mrs George Molr will The CNE is the worlds largest annual exhibition stirring spectacle youll remember always Thrill to the stupendous Grandstand Show Canadiana with popular singing star Tony Martin the Mounties In colourful dress uniform performing their amazing Musical Ride the chic and glamour of the Fashion Shows screaming Air Force lets in breathlaking manoeuvres lhousands of intriguing exhibits from dozens qt countries and host of olhi great attractions Something new and exciting every minute Be sure to come to the CNEits the biggest annual exhibition in the world comment some ajchfEvOTcOf 811913610footwork wars Picnic The two auxiliaries of the WMS of the United Church hold picnic on Thursday afternoon on the specious luwn It Mr and Mrs Stuart Corrlgans Mrs 1Carr presidnt of the Afternoon Auxil lary had charge of the scrvlcc with Mrs John Corrtgan leading the devotional period The hymns and scripture selections exempli fied the natural beauty of the sur rounding countryside Mrs Willis Corrlgan road the Scripture lesson and Mrs Carr and Mrs Corrigan led in prayer An interesting read ing was given by Mrs Stuart Cor rigmu Mrs Course read the cor respondence After the discussion of many itemr of business con tests conducted by Mrs Carr were enjoyed bountiful and dc licious picnic luncliiwas served on the lawn undcr the trees Home from Toronto Home for the weekend Mr and Mrs Tcd Nixon Miss Patricio llnnr Tom Williams John Lond lay Kenneth Coburn all of To ronto Took Spcclal Course Joseph Davis who has been tak ing special course at University of Wcstcrn Ontario London has returned to his home in town MrsJR Glass returned home Friday after spending several weeks visiting relatives in St Cn tharincs Miss Alice Smith who has been visiting relatives at Bond llcad returned home Thursday after spending ftw weeks there MITCHELL SQUARE AUG 25Mr and Mrs JIray nor and daughter Lyhn whbr have been spending their holidays with Mr and Mrs Dan McArthur are moving to Burks Falls whcre Mr Traynor will commence his duties as Provincial Police officer Mr and Mrs Lang of Regina visited Mr and Mrs McArthur Womens Institute will meet Sept at Mrs Gordon Jermeys Womens Missionary Society will meet Wednesday Sept at 230 at Mrs McArthurs Mr and Mrs Bernell McKay and Norman visited frlends at Torpitt Miss Beverly May visited her aunt Mrs Roy Martin Toronto NEW LOWELL AUG 25Mr and Mrs Hunter Chatham spent few days last week with Mr and Mrs Horace Gilpin Ken Gilpin and three frlcnds are holidaying up north Mr and Mrs Cliff Plaxton and Sharyn of Angus spent Sunday Lilith Mrs Paddlson and Mrs Allen Mr and Mrs Bert Wilkinson Lavender spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Day At Funeral of Mrs Mitchell Mrs Paddipon Mrs Allenby and Edward and Mr and Mrs Oak ley Duncan attended the funeral of the formers sisterlnlaw Mrs Omar Mitchell who passed away suddenly at her home in Toronto on Saturday UNDERWATER TV Visitors to Britains ltlth Nation al Radio Show at Earls Court London Aug 27 Sept will see the first public demonstration of underwater television or 1951 M0NARCII SEDAN in first class con dition ngl equip lied 1951 lt DESOTO SEDAN equipped with radio 1948 DODGE toass Sea 1047 DODGE 7point Sod runomsmomm Sed anradlo 1047DODGE Sedan 1946 Horizon Burton 1939 roan 0011110 1938 Donor cam 1038FORD8000 1933 01101160151 Sedan 1036 onuvnowr Dough 1934 vbvmouunooaoh Sunday with Mr and Mrs Percyillurric Frankcom IIlmvalc Mrs William Henderson Isaac Jennctt Mr and Mrs James Moore Sud bury spent day last week at Alfred Spencers Mrs Jack Johnston and youngi son have returned from visit with Mrs Johnstons sister at Novar Mr and Mrs Howard Irwin To ronto were up to visit their aunt Mrs Wrcggclt for recent WeekL end llomlns Association Trinity United Church Womans Association arc visiting the Egbert group at their regular meeting this Wednesday The members of Thornton WA are holding their regular meeting on Thursday Sept at Mrs Will McLeans Stroud Miss Joan Wallace Tliornbury has been holidaying with Marian Black for tho past week tlul from PcthlckSmitb Funeral Home in Barrie last week Mr and Mrs Alfred Spencer are spending this week at Niagara with the latters daughter Mrs Harry Watson Margaret Cnmpbcll spent last work in Barrie with Edith Torry Mr and Mrs Fred Johnston and fmmly and Mrs William Johnstoh mothtd last Sunday to Toronto Mr and Mrs Gills Weston were in this community one day last week on business Rev and Mrs Robertsoni Pulls were recent visitors with glluth McArlhur Sixth Linc Attended Mr Alllso ton visitcd last week with Mrs Caldwell Funeral and Mrs Angus Cmnpbcll intruded the Orloff Caldwell fun rfor tho day with Ircds unclc Art Johnston Harvesting and Threshing lln farmers are certainly taking advantage of the pcrfcct weathcr for finishing harvesting and getting the tlucuhing oomphted One cannot help noticing thc differ mcc in the harvesting methods of few years ago and now It woms nowadays it is almost nec cssziry for farmer to have his own threshing outfit Ever 537309 Ev SWEATERS AND MORE sweat crs are the big news for fall They are being shown with every1 thing from tailored skirts and blouses to evening dresses Some of the jewclled evening cardigans we have seen are really lovely If you feel that one of these would not fit into your budget we sug gest you buy the trimmings and go to work on one of the inexpensive plain cardigans yourself BLACK HAS REALLY taken ov er from morning to night For those who feel this little sombre they are showing touches of glow ing pink brilliant red or beauti ful sapphire blue Those touches of color may be brought out in your accessories belt scarf gloves or hat SPORT CLOTHES FOR this fall are simply elegant in their sim plicity Tweed flannel and wool jersey seem to be the preference in so far its materials are concerned tiny touch of furusually de tachable collar and cuffs gives even the most tailored outfit an air of femininity It need not be expensive either IF YOUR FALL PLANNING in cludes any home redecoration visit to your local paint dealer will pay big dividends Theyhave such wonderful collection of color schemes from which you may sc lect and also they can be of much assistance in helping you with any decorating problems INCIDENTALLY spilled paint can be removed from tile by using 11 little nail polish remover The remover softens up the paint so it can be wiped off TEA TOWELLING can most of fectively decorate your kitchen Buy gaily striped or plaid towel ling by the yard and make up cur tains tea towels and place mats for your table This makes most attractive set and naturally laun ders beautifully Used Car lot 100an1 AT 172182 amateur St BARRIEV PHONE 5355 1950 onuvuouir sup 1950 FoamsnuAN 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN no VANGUARD cumu 1949 VANGUARD SEDAN 19521 ruuuurn nusurssr cum You must see this ex ceptional our inappro club the value was 1949mm mum unbound it tonEx WIENERS ARE udunlly favor itc with everyone inexpensive tool and theyre simply dolicious with barbecue sauce Cook V4 le chopped onion in 21 little but fat add cup cutsup cup water tablespoon each Sugar and Wor cestershire sauce tublcsmons vincgnr teaspoon dry mustard Simmer covered for 10 minutes thcn add pound frnnkfurtcrs and simmer 15 minutes longer Serve on cooked rice or in split buns LEFTOVER PEAS can add new interest to boiled potatoes All you do is make thin white sauce to which the pens are added When heated pour over but drained pota toes For touch of color try dash of paprika Try it and sec how much this dish is appreciated CAKES ARE real pleasure to make now that the coolcr weather is here Heres recipe that is sure to make hit Simply make up chocolate layer cake use your favorite chocolate layer cake recipe or one oflthc handy choc olate cake mixcsfor your frosting try boiled marshmallow recipe When cake is filled andfrosted sprinkle with three tablespoons finely crushed peppermint sticks Its good looking and good eating av HIGHWAY SAFETY MONCTON NB CP In auguration of New Brunswicks highway warning system this sum mer has triplcd the provinces safe ty program Ten constables were added to the motorcycle patrol Three warnings for minor viola tions result in suspension of motorists license +a BIG HOBBY SHOW MONTREAL CF Everything from wooden nickels to 50foot scale model racing yacht was on display at hobby show in Can ian National Railways Central ation heroQ More than 250 pieces were entered by 150 railway em ployees in Canada and the United States DOG STAYS SMITHS FALLS Ont CPl Dogs are entitled to live in houses even if they do smell ocpasionally Magistrate Smithruled here He refused to eas Anysuit evict Clipper cocker spaniel owned by Levi Clark after landlord complained Clipper smelled barked and had veterans who may PRICES AS LOW AS ONETHIRD GLOCOAT SPECIAL SIZES MONARCH OIL SPACE HEA 4000 Cubic Foot Capacity 5000 Cubic Foot Capacity We have found this line to be very satis LITTLE GIANT size only BIG GIANTsize only 16 cents and twentyle cents worth Free DINNERWARE OLD ENGLISH SAMPLER 32 piece sets are 60 piece sets are 96 piece sets are ODD PIECES in this design are Covered Butters Cheese Triple Trays 235 Cruct Sets 300 Salts and Peppers pal GLASS BOWL Sets of for 69 68 120 factory OFF TERS 8600 11950 Mayflower Jugs 160 130 Regular Tea REFRIGERATOR SPACESAVER ere Rack with Plastic Food Containers in Set $259 WINGS PLATE SILVERWARE and Inspiration Designs Individual place settings in attractive Gift Boxes consisting of one each medium Tea and Dessert Spoons Fork Knife and Salad Fork for set $900 Absolutely guaranteed in every way Sterling insert at points of most usage The power of punitive thinking Is the greatest factor in progress all down through the ages It can be done turns aside the wi WHITE GRAPE GLASSWARE SHERBEIS and Sherbet Plates each 15 JUICE GLASSES are only each 10 WATER GLASSES are ANIMATED JIGGERS for 25 doubts of the fearful today too COLORED REFRIGERATOR SET pieces in this oven Pyrex $325 BONE 21 pieces in this dainty set CHINA TEA ssrs s2500 for 110 PYIlEX COVERED CASSEROLES special buy enables us to ular 125 Casserole for It has the popular utility cover RICHMOND PAINTS ENAMELS IIzilf pints 39 Quarts 125 Gals 425 sell this Reg HAVE YOUR GLAZING DONE HERE Our stock of Window Glass is large 89 WE RENT FLOOR POLISHERS HARRY and RONALD ARMSTRONG TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 Dunlop 51 Phone 2801 1900 Canucks Return to Homes mm drone OTTAWA Aug 22 CP The army may soon start discharging overseas veterans coming home from new direction Headquarters said today SINifs fle that will bring 1900 married members of the 27th Brigade home from Germany and send 1900 men overseas to replace them will start in November All 1900 will be home by Christ mas The army promised men who en listed in the 27th Brigade last year that they could apply for discharge on return to Canada and said they might get hit the world situation permitted Many of them have been in uniform little morb than year spokesman said today it has been indicated that those who do want to leavethe ranks wont be refused Howeyer he said the army hopes many of them wont want to leave Discharges of Korean veterans of the 25111 Brigade reportedly saw the army IOSe strength in July for the rst time in years andthere still are alew thousand of those go The armys strength now is abbut th same as slNIIONE lug CLEANING 50 1131115 g0 5km Nominatiohuruoforitbls survivor it was ve months ago around 49000 The rotation system for the 27th Brigade provides that married mn come home after one year single men after two Defencclenister Claxton has indicated that this is being changed to 18 months for both The returning veterans wtll ar rive in Canada in four groups late in November and through Decem ber The first draft is slated to arrive at Quebec aboard the Nep tunia from Rotterdam Nov 24 Other scheduled arrivals are the Empress of Canada at Saint John NB Dec the Scythia at Halifax Dec and the Franconia at Hall fax Dec 14 Rotation is bcing carried out on CKBB PROGRAMS DlAl 1230 ment until WEDNESDAY 000 County Hour un 010 Heartbeat in Sport Headline 015 Sport 030 New 050 Bulletin Bond Carefree at the Ex Sons Shop Operation Met White Rose Present 1230 New 200 News 20 300 335 30 News Exhibition Notebook Platter Party cant 1015 Canada at Work 1030 New 1045 In The Chapel 1100 Pauls Penthouse 1200 400 us Round 550 Prelude ther Tampa Taunsbn Ml 600 Sign ca 600 News Headlines ball Results Westher 005 Musical Clock 815 News 630 News Headlines Ind Farm Market moor 045News 100 New Hoodlum l15 News 135 Farm Market Report 015 Sports Booe 030 News 800 News 750 News 1100 Boom Roundup 030 News Headline 000 Nels 905 8011c in Bonn 030 Tradlnu Pout 1000 Now 1005 Zellers shopping Centre 1030 lrudlnu Post Oontld lt00 ewu 05 Neighbour 15 Caldwells Bab Show 1130 Bond of the Week cannon 1200 Luncheon Innu Limb 900 PI 030 Flu 1030 News 1250 Bulletln Bond 100 Firm Futures 10 Regional Weather 30 T100138 P001 As You Like It Sentimental around Baxbun Wheeler Bond of the Week Club 1230 News Kcndllnel Hidden Ton 40 Movie HornOo News Headlines Wu 555 Farm Market Report Time 600 County Boul until 010 Heurtbeuts In Sport Headlines 650 Bulletin Bong 700 Carefree at the Ex 705 Sons 8110 715 Meet the Artist 30 Summer Stock 15 Rilph Plannlnn Show s05 Heres Health Hones Walther Report 815 Bonusby Doris Day 830 The LIVE5 of Bury 900 New new 1045 In The 211ml 1100 Pauls Bentham 1200310 Heudunu W003 than Imp Time FRIDAY 600 stun 011 000 News Headlines 6971 Elizabeth St Phone 4946 manforman basis To replace these troops four drafts will leave Canada in Nov ember from Quebec MANY TREES Morethan 20000000 tiny trees were distributed for planting in 1952 by the Ontario forestry de partment PYTIIONS NOT POISONOUS Pythons have no poisonous ven om according to the Encyclopedia Britannica ltgt DISPLACED PERSONS Establishment of Pakistan and India as separate states made 13 000000 refugees 7000000 persons left Pakistan for India ball Results Weather 05 Musics Clock 15 News 30 Bond of tha Week News 11830111100 30 News Headlines and News Farm Market Report 00 15 735 Farm Ill 740 Weather 11000 Sports Rounde 830News Headline 300 on 05 tyles in Soul 930 Trade Post 1000 News 1005 Zellera Sherwin Centre to mun 1100 News 1105 111 Neighbor 1130 Penny for Your Thoughts 1140 BoundUp Time FRIDAY Pl 1200 Luncheon Enum ment untll 1210 snortu Disest 1215Market Report 1230 Time Signal 1230 New 1250 Bulletin Bond 100Furm Features 00 The Voice of the Farmer Regional Westhor Tbeuhg Part 930 Exhibition Notebook 1015 Shadows Burbua Wheeler New Handling Hidden Town 00 Club 1230 530 New 540 Movie mrryGo Round 550 Prelud to er Due 555 Market Ruporb import 1030 Tradlnu Post toontd ur