sponsoredby Elmvalc Lions at the fair grounds AUG 25Digging potatoes is the order of the day and an average yield isrcporlcd Mrs Robinson and son Eddi attended the Exhibition on Satur day Calvin Mcmee has started to build his house in the village Mr and Mrs Edwards To ronto visited Mr and Mrs Ed gar on Thursday Mrs Edgar and daughter Betty returned with them for few days They also attend ed jthe Exhibition Mr and Mrs Edgar and family Sudbury spent few days visiting friendslhere and Mrs Ruddickspent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Finder Stayner tWO children Gloria and Gary Mr and Mrs Wilson and family vinces and Northern Ontario weekend in Toronto and attended Au ust meeting of Baxter ladies Mr and Mrs Cochrane and have gone up North for few weeks vacation hosrhino recharge Misses Marilynand Mary Den heyrand Doris Ruddick spent the theExhibition Baxter padies Aid Aid was held at the Presbyterian mansel Angus horde of Rev and Mrs Karam Guergis There were 12 members present The presie dent Mrs OTurnbull conducted thg worship serviceassisted by Mr Gubrgi The Bible study Club recently in the new arena Above some of the interesting CRAIGHURST AUG 2lMrs Mary Ellsmere Tilden Lake is visiting Mr and Mrs Ern Ellsmere Mrs Little and Mrs Rowfat Elm vald visited Miss Richardson last week Mrs Flanagan Aurora is spend ing some time with Mr and Mrs Tattoo Mr and Mrs Roy Richardson and Donna Toronto are visiting Mr and Mrs Thomas Hodgson andother friends Mr and Mrs Charis Lewis and family Stroud have moved to the Keil house Mrs MOrIey Edwards and Lynn Vggey visited Mr and Mrs Berti Caston during thewebk Mr and Mrs Garry Cuff and children Toronto spent Fridzr with Mr and Mrs Robert Graves Kay and Brian Shanahan are visiting at Utopia and Jack is at Oro Beach Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Carr were Mr and Mrs Harry Stephensonde family of Creighton Mines Mr and Mrs Questions prepared by Mrs Ruddick were answered from the 7th and 8th chapters of Hebrews For the program Mrs LMcLach lanland Mrs McKnight Contrii buted readings on Reaping which were enjoyed by all During the busincss period it was decided to have quilting in the hall Sept most delicious lunch brought the meeting to close The next meet ing Will be aft the home onMrs Gauley Jr Sept 10 Up lo 24 mm Io copay gaming your SOME 4000 PEOPLE attended the twonight cernlvul exhibits by village and district artists Below Mrs Bork er one of the art exhibitors explains some of the work to interested spectators William Jarrett and daughter and Mrs Gardiner Orillia Mr and Mrs Ernest Ellsmere and family spent Sunday at Port Stanton Miss BarbaraAnn who has spent the summer there re turned with th Weekend visi ors with Rev and Mrs Newman were Mr and Mrs FranklinHaddon Slreetsville Mr and Mrs Fred G053 and Mr and Mrs Bert Ball Orillia Mr and Mrs Wrightmyer Pet erboro are visiting Mr 5nd Mrs Roy McCracken Mr and Mrs Thomas Ellerington are home after spending two weeks BETHESDA AUG 25 Mr and Mrs Cow an Toronto and Mr and Mrs Joel Presser Lefroy were rcccnl vis itors with Mrs Aaron lilroy and Ralph Ernest Parker spent last week in Toronto Bonnie and Ross Parker arc vis iting for week in Toronto Mrs lrcnc Browu and Jackie of Toronto have returned home after spending two weeks with Mr and Mrs Jack Murray Mm Sarah and Dalton Sleight Cookslown visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs David Pearson Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs David Pearson were Shirley and Marie Qucsnellc Pcnctang Miss Verna Pearson and Bill Campbell Toronto Operation in Toronto George Squibb underwent 21 maj or operation in Toronto on Aug 22 Everyone wishes him very speedy recovery Mrs George Squibb is spending two weeks with her sister Mrs Smith in Toronto Mr and Mrs Harry Squibb and Mr and Mrs A1 Gow visited in To ronto on Sunday Mrs Jim Rainey Rita and Bon nie spent last week visiting rela tives in Wiarton Mrs Frank Mucha and children of Geraldton spent couple of days with Mr and Mrs Jim Rhiney Mrs William Cppeland Mr and Mrs Don Rodgers and children Larry and Ca lgStone visited on Sunday wit and Mrs George Dunn Allis Mrs Joe Roulston and Maxine are on motor trip to Saskatoon to visit relatives Mr and Mrs Jim Rainey spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Merchant Mr and Mrs Alan Gates and Linda of Barrie visited on Satur day with Mrs William Copeland at their island Pointe au Baril Mr and Mrs Craig and Mr and Mrs Max Craig and children visited at Eady at the Weekend floiiliuk inSchdd Youryouiigsers feetcarefully fitted QTouhowmochashmm from Wonderful Selection Orwellknow mans Slices of 99 HURLBUTS nBROUWER sew RED SCHOOL House compliedopener Lidkgtllilalibtl iv My lampml iec in lt 31 T1crl will Wclc Hallie 15 Aug 2d 1332 Si Al forgotten Churn Moving To Whitby M13 Alrx Andrew leL amazing few days wall flu ez Mrs WJLizlm Al iuking up chairme El Jud mother ii Lkiozl KYLIE Anni Mrs Armuud Tzipp lllLl llogg pem the wckemi wuh 31 lell Mr George Reynolle Now Hilly ciuuuird for 11 week zi Cldzdlilv and Elliott have returned from lm Simildrd lluilalo and lumle all um Piws Mary llilrhio hos reluzu rr hoILdny at Willow IiKJL Simcoc Ln Kobe Vlnllapr spent tin3 iwurkund Willi Mr and 3115 and Mm Hardy Wallace Bell Visited rcmnt lll her mumdnw md dough Tlr iunl Mm Rudcll DEullw 1i uburg Mr and Mrs Cluulw Ellis vuiicd Mr and MM Lionel Puulnte ll mg gt 11h Mel llouzii Leland fillll are splllillllg week at 551 mm lullx Miss Joan Greenlmnk i5 spvndmg wmk Willi Mr and MrS Clare Krupp ioronioi l1 and Mrs Allan Mollison Sill uinuJms spent couple of uh Mrs Mollisons parents Mrj and Mrs Verne Eczudsoll Mr and Mrs Drysdolr Humil ion wwkended with Mr and Mrs Drysdnlc Mr and Mrs John Ncill and Linl in ixmd Mr and Mrs P1 Rodgch llrllMlulu Mr and Mrs llzlhn mdi daughter Lorrie of St Stephen NB 0l guests of Mrs George Usher and Mrs Thomson Don Drysdalc loft Tuesday for Yellow Gross Sask Miss Luella and Drew llogg Col lingwood are visiting their gmul parents Mr and Mrs Tripp Mr and Mrs Manning and Marlene of Stratlord are vlzaitingi the formcrs parents Mr and Mrs Manning Mrs Steele and Max Mrs Alvin Crowc and Miss Juno Crowe spent Sunday with Mrs Ham mond of Dorset who is ill at her home Display of Baking On Friday the members of the Willing Workers of the Presbyter ian Church held bake sale in the adjoining store of Mr Martin and it was reported great success Saturday the ladies of Wycliffe Anglican Church held sale of homemade food at Mr Martins store Cakes pies etc sold quickly nth associations are grateful to all who made the sale so successful Honey House Desiroyed Elmvale Fire Brigade were called out iwice on Thursday afternoon around 230 They were summoned to Calvin Ellerys where the honey house was burning It was com pletely destroyed along with sev eral hundred pounds of honey The brigade only returned to the fire hall when called to the home of Houden Yonge Street but it was ion under control when the firemen arrived THE BARRIE WEDNEDAY AUG 17 wczrsgfol our lonumre fir ml MT Lille Q7 lion until Honor Btldelobc in lxed owning number of inrmb us rumbled in 1210 Presbytri Snm School room which has decomicd to honor Miss who normed mung 1ll After being Confetti Royem xx 12 Spec mini gr Tod lliuhkrl sznl gin was anal and happy hour cnluytd CENTRE VESPRA thust lllllilcll like lizcu back in school lionsV will 141 us leather Joan Wullwrn 1i spending week they rod AUG for he one more lo um us the little Mrs week mm rclolxvm in Toronto at wmcl CNlI Mr and Mrs Campbell Maur lune blll lllllllds lo Hill the icr and cciL and Mr and Mrs llli in TzunpbelL illnwulu oo Wallwm uiicmlmi Spoutc llllll Saturday Glad to no but hey have the lib line mnwllLl but as yci it is wry luud driving Mr and Mrs niinm spool Wellington obsons Mr and MrS Bowycr and Midway Low wxck Eboliv of Tampa Florida ulsowvurw Iccmil vision5 Wi Dobsons We are glad to rcporl that Mrs4 Wilbur you is home from Royal =V1clorizl Hospital Barrie Pickling and Threshing The threshing in this ilslrict is gelling pretty well along and the iwomcu are busy getting the winter gtupply of pickles down up or down Which is il guess will say up and ilicy will be down in winter when the garden from wluch they come will be blanketed with Snow Budworms Well what will we have next to bother us and destroy the beauty of our evergreen trees was just few days ago that the chil dren brought in worm very closely resembling the large grch unwanted tomato worm but this worm had eight horn affairs at its head with spots resembling raised pinheads lined in rows on its body According to an article found in one of our weekly farm magazines these worms are known as the budworm and have done extensive damage in Northern New Brunswick There they worked from an aireld hcwn out of the wilderness and loplane armada sprayed nearly 200000 acres of rich softwood in an allout effort to save the valuable stand from cs truction by spruce budworm only hope that they dont hit on our beautiful Springwater Park at Midhurst Say where is an the young fry in the community as the last two Sundays there have only been four out to Sunday School It certain ly seems too bad to have Mrs Lennox come out from Barrie for so few So lets see dozen or more next time Sunday School at 200 as usual with church at 230 pm The average factory price of Canadianmade apple barrel is $162 FREE FREE FREE mwsmu nun mm 1m TV RADIO IN ONE NIH CAIINET ilhDynanaylc NEW TRIPLE LONG DISHNCE CHASSIS do BU TlNl uhllllldl mmdmmm at will TV In its mm ISTM Mil thmmlhnWMM mumsmrmxnmnm waiterduh palm him calldun um on em in am In nun who no murmur One Years warranty fmmGribbles Radio serviced Barrie Lupine do he MADE rerrLEs rum IIClllEB 17 You TOAN IBEDRAW NTRYfiN res Jill lllclz good Wisluul Boll Willi EGBERT Home MEG AUG Some time during Tues day night Aug 19 lllc Summer home of md Mrs John Holly we broken into and consideri able uugtunl of belongings W811 toiezi illrfisgezanm radio ma lielid from four beds and accum cleaner were some he =ilgiillg Sexczal lockii Mord open gain emf Krill am been raml Mrs lilk For William and Mrs El Merlin Port Arihur hovel beer vuitmg llliii brother and irmulv Mr or Mm John Church mad Ms Herman Powm 02 Lives sprm my weekend Willi Mrs llhomm iimruc my fire L056 llzir evening iimlil 630 thcj alarm rum summon help lo the jfurm of Row Tlupclmac wlioscl lbziru wok dwiroyrd by are of unl lknowi llll Much sympathy is cxhzudcd to Mr Alld Mrs Chip icllilu in Him loge James Eclzis lr sprndutg Week 31 the home of Mr and Mrs IDumpster lllopmi Woods School Opening of Dont fnigll lhv opening gWoods School on Friday evening 11 ll oclock There Will be wpcciulE speakers MI and Mix Stewart Workman lAuroin voilcd Mrs Thomas WorkE millL Sunday Maynard nod Anhul Wont Angus jwcrc Sunday visitors in the com imuniiy Mr and Mrs lluberl Stevenson Bcamsvillr spent the weekend with William Stevenson Mr and MI Hugh Stevenson Sr who llTle Spent the summer at Muskoku returned to their home Sundoy er Thoma Fraser is spending few days in Toronto Muster lanws Guuiey returned home having spent some holidays iin Oilllia To Mount Alberta Mr and Mrs Garvin Burns have gone to live at Mount Albert or low mouths Mr Burns opcr rtcs the stone crusher for Curran md Briggs Construction Co Congratulolions to Mr and Mrsl louski at Sunday new car 11 Floyd Folds who were last Saturday Mr and no Joesph Vlilcd Mr and Mrs Frank 30 WADENA Aug MiCPluw ard Blackely asme cm icrs helper from Tisdala belie in miracles hex day At the an nual Kmsmcn fair here he won Only recently he said family sickness wiped out big sav ings He has young family at three girls and two boys erh Han Company of Canada le Dom SP locum lumen Ontario lor pickling de booklet