Fair Time Starts Next Week Nine Shows in Simcoe County Even before the Canadian National Exhi bltiou at Toronto is over for 1952 the Fall Fair season will have begun in County of Simone Largest agricultural county in the Province of Ontario and wall termed the banner county by local legislators the pro ducts of the farm which will be displayed during the month of Setcmber in Simcoe are worthy of considerable pride First exhibition on the list is Orlilia Fair this year extended to three days Opening 15 Thursday of next week but the main days are Friday and Saturday Sept and Or illia starts the agricultural ball rolling and the following week the scene moves to Cold water Monday and Tuesday Sept 89for Huronia Fair an exhibition which is fast deVeloping The energetic directors have much improved accommodation in the Cold water fair grounds now in track and stands However 1952 must yield first honors to the Oro Agricultural Society because its 100 years for the Worlds Fair the oldest ex hibition in the county and probably the top fair in the province for oneday stand All roads will lead On Wednesday Sept 10 to the Oro fair grounds at Mitchell Square where special attractions will mark the Cen tennial Year Now we go on around the circuit and the Midland Fair is listed for Thursday to Sat urday Sept 1113 Elmvale takes over from Monday to Wednesday the next week Sept 1517 We note that this year the F105 AE ricultural Society will have new arena for exhibits and have acquired more land which allows race track to be extended to the north safety angle has been intro duced here in that no crossing is required for spectators as the exhibits midway and build ings are nearly all outside the track Cookstown Fair have earlier dates this year following right after Elmvale on Thurs day and Friday Sept 1819 Then comes the big Barrie Exhibition Monday through Wednesday Sept 22 23 and 24 Coliingwood Exhibition takes over the last three daysrof that same week Sept 25 to 27 And then finally Beewn Fail Fair comes on Tuesday Sept 30 and Wednesday Oct That is quite round of activity in the County of Simcoe But it is marvellous time for manyrreasons provide an opportunity for our citizens to exhibit their best products of rural and ban centres to compete for the prizes not so much with the object of winning money or trophies but rather to compare and strlvc for improvement in quality to the benefit of everyone Keen competition is healthy for advancement And of course where is there better time or place for the people to get together merchant and industrialist for housewives to chat Theres healthy atmosphere about the rural Fall Fairs such same about to begin in the County of Simcoe that is just wonderful Were all for giving the hardworking directors of these agricultural societies all the credit they deserve for build ing up their shows into bigger and better than ever and everyone should get behind them and see that they get plenty of help and encouragement The Harvest Exile Harvesttime is the happy time on the prairies but for the prairie native working in the city its period of dreams and vul nerabllty No matter how far he may have drifted from the old homestead certain change comes over him as the crops ripenwhether hes in salty old Halifax cosmopolitan Mont real mundane Toronto or even fair Van couver Farmers sons from Ontario Quebecand film modules may alsobe smitten with the fal1 fever but hardly with the same roam ing restlessness that comes over the prairie sop He remembers vast fields sweeping half mired miles wltditheir golden sea Of danger comes in the way he stares into space his mind with the combines into traffic and gives up his street at Publish ed Monday Mainly me fail5 Anothertrelevoni foot about thifprddictiondnf to gel acquainted for farmer to meet town Examiner AClassfA Newspaper 4rWednest Frida wusonsulidmgrmonlogsqpmnmlzmmctymhw car seat as they used to do in the old days or forgets to wear tie with his shirt The malady comes from having been close to land in his earlier days too near the ripening grain and too much involved in the rugged fun of harvesting From his office or factory or ill crowded theatre or restaurant his thoughts go back to the bustle of men and machines under the wide prairie sky to the chaff and dust from the slowmoving combines to the streams pouring from the threshing machine and the rows of siooked grain And if he grew up in some small town one of his most tantalizing recollections is the trip to the cookcar of the threshing outfit There he got real meal and if he was just youngster he got piece of rich apple pie or hemans steak sandwich He thinks to himselfwthe city meals are never like those we used to get at harvest time CP SUBSCRIBERS SERVICE OPINIONS OF OTHERS Communism vs Trade Unions Toronto Daily Star Conservative newspaper has reached the asg tonishing conclusion that trade unions even thRc they purge their ranks of Communists are the best allies that communism has in North America The reasoning Ls that the unions by gaining higher wages and shorter hours for iheir members food inflation upon which the Communists are counting to wreck our economy Not word is said of busin ness profits as factor in ination Oh no it is labors fault and labor can cure it by ceasing its efforts to improve wages and working conditions and by abandoning the strike weapon In other words when the trade unions lie down on the job for which they were created they will be doingi their duty as good antiCommuants Our confemporarys approach to this subject is so blinded by prejudice that the light of reality cannot penetrate Consider the charge that trade unionists are aiding the Communist purpose to cripple and destroy the vast productive economy of North America The weight of evidence directly contral diets that charge The major growth of trade un ionism on this continent has taken place during the last 20 years Production has not declined in that period it has grown and multiplied not only ini terms of inated dollars but in volume of goods The past two decades have witnessed prodigies oft production on this continent never equalled in prevl ious history Of course instances of union featherl bedding and unjustied work stoppages can bei cited only those afflicted by blindness of the othcrl extreme would claim that union leadership hasl been entirely wise and benecial at all times But the thesis that trade unlunimrl cripples production simply does not survive examination of the generall record wealth on this continent is that by and large It now is distributed more evenly over the populationl than ever before This improved distribution oflS wealth did not come about by accident or by Ilce cream was iced cream S11urday night was bath night Beer was 71 lollWSW tunQ uld ch radon1 Romlnbcq IN THOSE GOOD OLD DAYS 50 DIFFERENT THINGS WERE wLadies wore bustles Monday was washday Nobody swatied the fly lilere were no appers Nobody had appendicitis Ihcrc was no traffic cop Ivcrybody played croquet Thcrc wcre no Communists Men sported wiry whiskers Nobody worked but Father 1Crcom was five cents pint Nobody was ashamed to walk Boys shoes were copper toed N0 one was fined for speeding Vitamin gauges were unknown Milk shake was popular drink Wtdows weeds werent cigarf cites Oilly pants Un1y little girls wore short skirts small boys This Funny World wore shonl 0601111 Nobody was told The lineis bm Doctors wanted to see your tongue The livery stable was the sociR centre Nobody caredfor the price gasoline Only lumberjacks rolled their stockings Women nor men either didnt play golf Farmers came to town for their mail 1here were no germs even in Germany hfelodrama supplied the dryl tic kick tar No one had to look for park 31912 191 tdf dug place mChickens all went to was sundown cents glassinc1ud 111g lunch whlskey was fty cents quart collective impulse of generosity on the part of boule employers The trade unions have had greaIA good cigar set you pack deal to do with it They have been effective ghters against poverty and exploitatiomconditions which offer communism its choicest breedinggrounds The countries which have succumbed to commun ism did not have high living standards and strong trade union movements before its advent with few exceptions they are lands where poverty and ex ploitation were the rule In truth the large and vigorous trade union movement of North America far from being an unwitting ally of communism is powerful bulwark against communism Editorial Notes The average schoolboy may not feel too jubilant about going back to the classroom next month but to many Canadian business men the ringing of the school bell is sweet music second only to Decembers jingle bells With ovor three million young Can adians scheduledto join the schooldesk par ade thats around million more than in the last war year backtoschool business is expected to reach new highs Some estim ates put the backtoschool business pie to be carved up at 5100 millions An estimated $75 millions would go on outfitting youngsters across the country the rest on their tools The average annual cost per pupil of texts and supplies is about $7 for elementary grad es 319 for grade IX 21 for grade XI and 326 in grade XIII The estimated cost of The hired girl drew $150 week outfitting boy with sport coat slacks shirt tie shoes socks and underwear goes up with age as follows six10 years 37 11 16 years 344 1720 years 373 Surely humanafairs would be far happier if thigpower in men to be silent were the aame as unit to speak But experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govrn difficulty than their Benedict Spinoza nothing with more Its but little good youll do Watering last years crops GI0RGE ELLIOT bucket of water whole nickel rThe shieks all lived in Arabia or Turkey Shows in the Town Hall came only so often Paper and celluloid collars were popular Food stuffs came in bulk not in packages Women wore bathing dresses not undresses Car1dies for the girl cos her fellow 10c bag School teachers licked pupils goodand plenty The boyish form was displayed only by the boy Ladies used side saddles not the whole road girl was mostly bustle behind not hustle ahead Statics was merely mathemat ical study at schooL They were days mostlyevery thing over at 10 p111 No one had to listen to saxo phone thank goodness Everybody went to church or to sleep on Sunday Giris set their capsnot their kneecapsfor man Oyster suppers and church soc ials were 25 throw Moving pictures happened only at housecleaning time Females all wore corsetsat least we think they did and did the washing iHot dogs were those with their tongues protruding eThey bobbed your hair only after they got you in jail The melodeonmot the radio supplied the famin music The family Sible and family al bumiwere popular institutions play Everyone 1001 Ladies Clubs were the Ladies Aid Sewing Circle and the roll ing pm Milk3 was delivered into your own pitcher frOm the dealers tin measure 111 took girl twodays to ge ready for party now she ready any time Continued on Friday ll norm ELECTED REGINA van Mercury WIGGILY Mir but make came out of They didnt have to hire big husky man toteachboys how to in the family took sul rphur and molasses each Spring The bird man got dollar day for steen hours4am earned it Editor Syd Stevens of the ShaImavon Standard bun andAssiniboia Times is the new president of title Saskatchewan division of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association He sue ceeded Stirling King of the Este CALGABI CP homewife was checked recently whom she turacdoplthe kitchen tap nd FRED GRANT IMMIGRArIO By DEACHMAN The movement of new settlers into this country has been some what slow and spotty performance 1We put on good show in the lyears 191013 as revealed by the ifollowing gures Years Immigrants 1910 286839 1911 331288 375756 400870 This remains the record of the years It has never been surpass ed These four years stand out like beacons Will we reach that level again Who knows whzlt may happen in the future Things im possible today become the realities of tomorrow There are many barriers which check the free movement of humanity Our pop uhiion will increasethere is no doubt of that Twenty years ago in 1932 there were roughly 10 510000 people in Canada By 1941 this had risen to 11506655 For 1951 the estimate is 14009000 This is fairly good but not too good We shall do better in the next few years The Magnet of Free Land The magnet of free land brought the early settlers of 1910 and 1913 The West was filling up In 1914 18 the war sti ulated both indus try and agric ture Then in time came World War II from 193945 Higher prices helped the farmer It put broad foundation under industry It increased our indus trial plants and equipment When the war started in 1939 the total production of manufactured goods had reached $474783528 At the end of the war in 1945 it stood at 58250368866 The fear of war is barrier to human progressbut it must be admitted that industry and agriculture still go forward even on powder cart World War No broke out in 1914 Immigrants in that year numbered over 150484dropped to 36605 the following year There was slow recovery after the close of theorem 138824 in 19207133329 1923 The boom years returned and in the four years of 192029 inclusive 824644 immigrants ar rived They werebscattered from one end of the country40 the oth er most of them west of the Great 1930 to lmwereyears of semidepression thn in J939 came another war Wars block migra tions It is naturalthat it should be 50 From 1939 the growth of population was slow War and the isthe record Population Alfons 1939 11267NO 1941 11501000 1943 11812000 1946 12301000 1917 12532000 1948 12883000 1949 13549000 mo 138210002 not 1mm llhis is angall too brief picture of what happcoed We paid the W110 two wars Had 114an for these developments out would have been great1 mutation 9th creator than itis today do the immigrants cords rm min More for 1951 follow914 The spake about four inc long alivrmswam1bontr country eighth Canadian Facts for instance Do more Canadians live 111 the In 1951 was the leading grouo of lotion is costly fearof war checked progrem Here annqu ltaly Latvia Nherluruls Poland WW Russia We have dealt with the past and the present what about the future The movement of immigrants lflli Canada declined sharply look back to the year 1913 with lllc 400870 immigrants match that against total of only 430389pm the five years 194650 rdlflon Canadian invented Proust Tlmo System Canadian engineer two greatboonafor which human fly budgets Frcedom and 09903 in In the Clue mwmm 3de me 355 Canadian export commodities pro an me ducts of our farms ffer fac dty it Is Winird out in the new edition of Quick Canadian Facts the handbook of facts about filial Sir Sandford thought the scheme up In 1878 as device for simplifying the chores of authors and readers of railroad timetables Until Flemings schemel was adopted every district or large community in 1hr World operated on its own local mean time and we railroad Nunh Anwrical uptodaie information abom the had its own time system or if theyi Dominion the pwvmces govern were large enough time systemi mm mt census guns trader Canada has seven standard lime zones and the difference between Ethe most easterly Notvfoundiand and the must Westerly Yukon five and half hours The above and many other intri 511ng facts 1h tpullcd 111 11ch of Quick Fleming many lcouniry or the city 162 per cent Put dependable acrylics btvc yor mont at our plant bile 11 an theyll be expertly cleaned pressed ready for you It pm on the some day NllSERVICE CLEANERS Barrie tones mines or fisheries IForI est products mainly pulp and pa per totalled about third of all exports What manufacturing industry Is the largest employer of Canadians IPrlmary textiles As with former issues of the an nual pocket book the mom contents of the 1954953 edlllon of Quick Canadian Facts is compilation of and land industry natural resources finance and taxes and all signifilt 14mg Sp cont aspects of Canadian life Dis lilbtiltd through bookstores and rmwsstunds the new issue of Quick Canadian Facts is this week releas iIL across ilic country CRAWFORD co Phone 2471 2333 Est 1919 Member The Toronto Stock Exchange 3744 91 Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone Day 2443 Evening 2388 BOARD ROOM FACILITIES DIRECT WIRE Time repairs the ravages of war people Each country has its towering mountain of debt These debts may be repudiated but repud It docs not satisfy an obligationville bills remain un paid Slowly Europc will return to life There an many thousands who would like to escape come to Canada raise their families under freedom They will come in time The heartbreak of two wars in one lifetime is too much to bear them rest for time they will come to 21 free land and learn to love freedomif only they know what it means There must in iens of thousands in Europe fur which the human conflict was too great They carry their wounds not on their bodies but in their hearts and minds Recovery Is 11 slow and painful process The channezs of trade have been obliterated The longer free strain 111 no Let Eventually YOUR SAVINGS WORK HARDER AT mrrnrsr The banking facilities of The Sterling Trusts Corporation are at your service and think of the advantages of having your account with us interest is the trust company is up from 900 am to 415 pm except ednesday afternoon you can have your cancelled cheques as receipts Open anacoount with us today Our banking hours in Barrie 900 am to 415 every weekday except ednesda 900 to 1200 noon Werlliesdays opened this story with record 0000 33992 TE Ydli of 1394753 immigrants coming to Canada in the four years 1910 1911 12 and 13 In the years 194650 430 389 immigrants came to Canada am condent that the years will birng 11 great increase in the movement of European and American citizens to Canada with the purpose of making permanent residence It offers the next few Q000OOQOQ00000000000000000000000 lt For0011111111 inure 115911310 THEAIIIE Ar Editor1111s c1IuIInIANcrur before you invest lea71 allfe detainf 000000COCOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOO000000O STERLINEE rRusrs CORPORATION 13 Dunlap $1 Barrll it their 62 cErIrIIIs ll 130 GENEHllw minim WM youll want to Consider before investing in Television wisely trans Booklet includes brief historyof thc advances that have been made in Television gap explanation of she miracle of the picture On yOur TV screen features to look for when buying set plus practical tips on TV ipstallation operation and reception Soon youliuigablcto View Television in Comfortat your neighboth GE Dealers Television Tbcctte so phone 11 today to arrange yourrFeServed Seat RA 1ru gm fawn rs 0m Ipronfo Wasting tr Here are the answers in the do mydwm questions 1111109 facts you shonld knowjto help you choose