Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1952, p. 7

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Obituary 830 11117 my want After Long Illness Bert Partridge Dies at Home Here 31200 News Headlines th THE LATE BERT PARIRIDUL Following an illness of om four months Cecil Ethclbert Partridge better known to family and his many friends as Bert pmsed away on Wednesday July 30 1952 at his home 10 Donald St Barrie He had undergone 11 Serious operation at Toronto General Hos pital had been patient there for 10 weeks and was in bed at his home for seven weeks prim to death Born on Jan 1878 in Vespra Township near Ihelpston he was3 son of the late Warlon Inii fari olinc Partridge On coming to Barrie he took up the trade of plastering became contractor and had Worked in many public buildings such as the firstiBCI building on Bradford Street and many homes and had spent the rest of his life here ex cept for short time in Coilingf wood shortly after his marriage the late Caroline Uriy who predeceased him in March 1917 Mr Partridge was faithful member of Central United Church member of he Trustee Board and for many ears member of the Session and had been memv ber of the Congregational Churchf prior to Union when he made the transfer He was Conservative mem ber of Kerr Lodge AF and Ail1 was formerly prominent in the LOL and had served on the Bar rie Union Cemetery Board resign ing only because of declining health Bert also took greatplea sure from crokinole and was one of the Big Four group of out standing players service of the Masonic Order was held on Friday night Aug at the PethickSmith Funeral Home under the auspices of Kerr Lodge with Alfred Shepherd WM presiding Brother Masons of Kerr and Corinthian Lodges gathered to pay last respects The funeral service was on Sat urday Aug at the Pethick Smith Home conducted by Rev Bewell of Central United Church Interment was in Barrie Union Cemetery and pallbearers were William Sarjeant Chantler Rodgers Charles Alexander Morrison and Howard Nor llS Many lovely flowers expressed the regret of relatives and friends and of Central United Church Group of Neighbors Her Worship the Mayor and Town Council Kerr Masonic Lodge Sarjeant Co Alexander Son The Town warts 30 News 350 Bme Bond Too Soot BM 13 Operation Baldy 30 News cu limbo Brenda gt 00 Paul Pesme 1115 Houndlip ltiiie Medium THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUG 29 1952 CKBB 1230 ON YOUR DIAL MDNEDAY ll 631 lith um mt Hunt Emmi 645 630 on Wed L0 Heartbeat in Sport newqu ii av Bum WW Bond of the We Club News flood mam To this Movie lam0v Mod Prelude to Dinner Pam Hutu Bevan County our am 10 Heartbeat in 80011 Headlines 15 flqu News Bulletin Baud 30 Shop 39 White Rose Present oranges 900 New Hemline 5w Platter Put lb Canada Work it it News lit The Chanel $85888 ESOwuQaft 8838888283 1630 Trauma Pod souls 11 no Kc 1105 Kl flotsam 1130 Penny for You Thoung 1140 RoundCu Time 1135 for Today URL Term Time THURSDAY Stun Oi hen Headlines Burl LLI Results Weather HJSMBI Clock Nels News Headlines and gamma Block iser Maltt Revolt futon Hwaiun Nu Show New liudllnu News Nzl 888 FIIMY can 28 Meet the Arm 1200 Luncheon mm ygtana ciaov uaowvaHygtb meat until 12 10 5mm Dues 12 15 units Keven 1230 Tim Burial 12 30 He 1250 Bulletin Baud 100 Form Features 100 The Voice of the Partner 10 Rum Weather 13 Down to Ruth 10 hulls Pu 200 205 You Like It 300 Benmnm Benn1 330 Ken 335 Baron Wheeler 43 News Hammad 430 Peter Alien 415 Hidden To 500 Club 12 30 600 Sign On 590 New 600 Na Headlines Buti 510 Movie Manhoo meu until inn Results vuuierl Round 1210 Sport bum cos Musch Clock 215 Market Report 15 News 00 05 Heres Health Foxin Martel Report mm mm 15 boon by Doris Day is lie 8501he Lites of Horn Net Sports Roundup News Headlines Nu link to Soul iisdtnx Post News Zelierl Sherwin rntrc 10 30 lracut Post 11 Du News 11 of Bond of the Wch Lime 00 News Hth 00 Partly Theatre 930 Plotter Put lie is Shades I10 so New I1045 In The Chapel Cumdii 00 Paul Pantheon 51200 News Reunion In trier Temp Tim 888232283 113 Tone for Today THURSDAY 1200 Luncheon Ensue 550 Prelude to Dinner 555 Hum Report BURNS Work Starts On School AUG IQWorkmen started this week to dig the foundation for the new classroom which is being erected at Burns School 53 No Essa Halbert Thornton has the contract to erect the struc ture which will be cast of the present school building It is ex pected to be completed in October Burns United Church Life is personal problem to all of us was the subject of challenging message delivered by Rev Craik at the rgular wor ship service at Burns United Church Sunday afternoon Miss Donna Bleay Tavistock was solo Miss Catharine Williams has re turned after two weeks holidav at Southampton the guest of Mr and Mrs lid Prain Toronto Mr and Mrs Percy Bleay and Donna of Tavistock visited rela tives and friends in the district at the weekend Misses Donna and Beverley Buy ers have returned home after holiday with relatives at Milton Miss Marie Henderson accom panied by Miss Mary Denney of Baxter spnt last week with friends at Welland Mr and Mrs Henderson anad Ronnie accompanied Mr and Mrs Ruddick of Baxter to To ronto on sunday Mrs Margaret Durwood and gOver lbs 30 27 18 Miss McKnight of stmcoe are to lbs 28 25 16 guests of Mr and Mrs Woo gUnder 41bs 24 21 12 at the weekend km Mr and Mrs George King and VESTGCK 0N DISPLAY family spent the weekend at Port More than 10000 animals of Elgin Margaret remained to spend many breeds and classes will be vacation there on display in the Horse Palace Weemnd 3119513 Of Mr and Mrs Cattle Barns Sheep Paviion and Reg 3193 in10dd Mr and Mrs Coliseum at the 1952 Canadian Na Early Milton and James Dun 22 to hell of Toronto gonal Emlbmon ep Several ladies from the Burns vcommunity attended shower at the LegionHall gt Alliston recent ly in honor of Miss Ada Bleay whose marriage took place on Sat urday Mrs Morgan Peel and children Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Ross Williams over the week end Judith Wilson is returning this week after months holiday at the home of her grandmother Mrs Kennedy Bolton Mr and Mrs Mort Butchers Dawn and Vernon returned on tsr so 1952 DOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY as quoted by First Coopcnttvi Packers of Ontario Barrie 11068 Prices to Farmer Basis Grade $2535 SOWS $15 $1550 Large Small Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special 42 Grade Grade Grade 20 14 to lbs Special Grade Grade IGrade 18 Capons 20 over the above prices FOWL Grade Office Staff The Barrie Examiner Staff Junior Group of the WA of Central United Church Members of Barrie Union Cemetery Board CNR Flower Fund Windsor Surviving of the family are two daughters Mrs Beaver Audrey Barrie Mrs Chant ler Hazel New Toronto son Lloyd of Barrie four brothers and Edward of Barrie Mait land of Collingwood and Eldon of Windsor Smosmma COO MIL Coop UNIVERSAL coom Is FASTER EASIER THRIFTIER FASTER because sprayed at the cream ture of caliWlf 60 minutes holding period ins rapid Fastensaier EASIER because makes your boy full dairy band ing easier more thogugh mum on cause it Illgalloan and interior walls chance of doors gives years of unit protected by 53year in salad scui sires ddonsns 63 and Illcab finTie compaprode complete mmam Maintenance from $26500 111 Andi moan stops color narrow low iffrontopen litin lug eliminates heat led Removable rack and water distribution pan makes clean Monday evening after motor trip through the New England States and holiday with relatives at Hudson Heights Que Miss Janet McCague has return ed home after spending month at Pioneer Camp Port Sydney Miss Barbara Hisson spent week recently at the CGIT Camp Midland Point Miss Sally Switzer has returned home after holidaying at thehome of her brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Murray Bouncy Barrie Terrace Mr and Mrs Russell Stoltz of near Kitchener visited Mr and Mrs Elmer Stoltz at the week end Miss Annel Stolt is holidaying with relatives at Roseville xr BUSY PERIOD VSYD NS CIDThe Syd ney ai rt bad one of its bisieSt periods on record when weather caused temporary diversion from Gander in Newfoundland Twelve transocean clippers were serviced load to safe 46 degrees in in less than four hours They car keeps it safe for 12 hour ried 632 passengers mostly east Exclusive air injection system bound water circulmionassures you of cooling UNIVERSAL 7M0W COOLER constant flow icy water line lowers milk tempera DRIES1M0 511 JOHNS Nfld JCPlOf ficiels at the TDrbay weather office confirmed July was the driest month on record here was less than an inch rind average temperature of 68 degrees with high of33wasi ll idegres higher than normal your elcctric meter requires only 125KW to cool Air cc between ice bank Spa heat loss less alumnus 1r Toll EXPRESS PLAY TIRES Milk Cooler Service Instal secondment SildmthWMmI sx MOW prafrtl taker by Ix Colaper Barri di line has inadvertently missedi nibitiut Max033 ILgh Sc FLUID DRIVE nauseatrio Town and County WWI0W PHOTO BY OWPER The wedding photograph of Mr and Mrs Bruce Gapp which ap at Monday Examiner was Cre lfl pubixultuu rnon BANTING man Warriors Day guests the Saturday from Banting gt will be Jack elhet of lnorr and Maximsl te Piper of Beetou Also invtttd by NE uncutorg are Principal Bruce McCamland 316C gut and COLLINGWOOD llESTS Guess of LIVE directors Saturday from Collzngxood DISIILL Collegi ite wgl be lflftclpJ MacRae and the cEiairnum of the school board Christie with and of All board Wlvt tl MINOR FIRES Barrie Fire Department had two weekend culls Sunday morning they turned out to the BA service station 233 Blake Street where mall quantity of wood was burn trig hour the Llillitilrlr On Monday morning they Wire 111th to Eliz abeth Street when grader being had ultlrbn the new highway 01433431 it1l1btlfl cases however the outbreaks were put out before the firemen 11111 time to reach the scene Little dziziiage resulted in either case ENGAGEMENTS Mr and MIN Nelson Magoo an nounce the engagement of their daughter Evelyn Lorraine to Wes ley Herbert Acker son of Mr and Mrs Ernest Ackcr of Halifax Nova SCOlltl the marriage to take place Friday August 29 at Camp Borden 95 The Rev and Mrs MC Laren Penetanguisliene wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Ida Rae to Bruce Ver non Cameron sort of Mrs Cam cron and the late Mr Cam cron Barrie the marriage to take place Friday September 19 at pm in All Saints Anglican Church Penetanguishcne 95 The engagement is announced of Alfrcda Marjorie daughter of Mrs May Hutchinson and the late William Harris of Cookstown to and their saws and the Student delegates will be Hilda Cook and Margaret SDOUD LARRY CAMPFAU of Dept was presented with an ash standfront his friends in Depts and Bill Raycrafr did the honors Larry married Eileen Delaney on July 19 at of 13 59900115 Marys Church Barrie The same date and the same inch was shown by the Bracale sisters Above Fran and ST PAULS AUG srM and lser nut dun England and dialigiitew= iiy and Jill spent day witi and MrsJDrakc 13 week Duke Item The Drake family reunion was Mr and Mrs Drakes vi 30 flitfllbtfi present pm ppci Wain enjoyed TUIIOWUO by games and sports RLCLSL visitors at Mr and Mrs Kciis Were Mr and Mrs on Levels and family dc Mrs William Garrett Gram Mrs Gordon Whippa Mid at Mrs Waller lralick motored to its River today to Spend ZwZLdJy With her son John and ms vie iiittll visitors of Mrs Fru ick and Mr and Mrs Douglas Fru were Mr and Mrs George Minnedosa Manitoba Mrs am Jelly and Mrs Lorne Jen ks New Liskeard Mr and MrsGeorge Stundeii Ind family spent Sunday in llam ton Returning with them was 11 Stunden Sr who had been his sons for week ifiss Velma Hubbert has com piuicd her summer course at the University of Toronto and is writ ag examinations this week Best of luck Velmai St Pauls Church News Baptized at St Pauls Aug 10 Patricia Ada Elizabeth Robertson The recent guests of the rectory have been The Rev and Mrs Lancaster Rev and Mrs Williami Prior and Rev and Mrs wj Downer Mr Downer took time out of his IN MEMORIAM STEWARTIn loving memory of clear husband dad and grand dad who paged away Aug 21 1951 the Silent slurs look 01 grave not far away Where sleeps dad we cant for Aid And one Wt could not save the dearest dad the World could hold cherriest smile and gold For tho who knew him all willl knots How much we lost year ago Sadly missed and ever rc Iiieiribeieti by wife and family 93 Tllv heart of AUG IllMr and Mrs VictorI Barr St Pauls Minneapolis Mel on holiday with his brother MilI Barr Mr and Mrs Barber Sally and Anti Buffalo NY are frnnds here The garden club girls are busy getting ready for their achievement day Visiting Forestry Club Forestry Club meeting was held at the school on Friday even ing Plans were made for the achievement day early in Septem ber The girls served lunch Mr and Mrs Kible Buffalo NY spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs King Mr and Mrs John McCutcheon and Karen Collingwood visited Mound Mrs Phil King Mr and Mrs Miller and fam ily attended the Dutton reunion at the Burns Cottage Bass Lake Mr and Mrs Sid Clarke and John Lawrence Blain son of the holidays 10 Pleat11 315 Pams nIfamily and Herman Barr attended late Mr and Mrs John Blaine of Barrie the marriagcto take place at Trinity Anglican Church Bar rie at pmlSeptember 95 The engagement is announced of Laura Ottelene daughter of Mrs Speers and the late Mr Speets to Melvin Wilkinson son of Mr and Ms Arthur Wilk inson Angus the marriage to take has been wonderful to see againi these men now with their RimE ilies who were with us as students in our college years The services at Innisfil Parki have been well attended this sumI mer We feel that this years arl rangement has given some newI vision to the public We have all the Ego reunion at Orillia Park Mr and Mrs Leo Berthelotte Mr and Mrs Frawley and Teresa attended the funeral of Mrs Leo Fitzgerald Kirkfield mother of Ramona Fitzgerald Donna Miller is spending few days with friendsin Barrie Mr and Mrs Joseph McHugh place August 30 at 230 pm in appreciated the services ofa groupTor0nto visited Mr and Mrs St Johns United Church Elmvale Young People 1mm TommOlMaurlce Fitzgerald 95 Victory Volunteers each Sunday Miss Ewing and Thomas Ber londlthelotte Toronto cm last week Mr and Mrs Jone evening The ha mg Florence Skeet Ban3a anngunce three organists and several gOOdjend With Mr and Mrs Leo Ber the engagement of their yOunger VdcaliSlS lineIr umun wayilhelmte daughter Doreen Marion to Gil bert Ormiston son of Mr and the fact that they have known the Gardner came to that com Mrs Charles Ormiston Parry they have been steady witness to saving power of Christ Have your munity from Labrador Apsley us Sound the marriage tthake place attended yet There are only two ed to be quite remote but now September at four oclock in Trinity Anglican Church 95 BELANGERAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Aug 19 1952 to Mr and Mrs Belanger Minets Point daugh ter CAMPBELLAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Aug 16 1952 to Mr and Mrs Norman Campbell RR Shanty Bay daughter GEORGIANNlAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Aug 16 1952 to Mr and Mrs Georgianni Steele Street Bar rie son stillborn GILLESPlEAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Aug 16 1952 to Mr and Mrs Leon ard Gillespie RR Phelpston son Vincent William David KELLYAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 19 1952 to Mr and Mrs James Kelly 96 Sunnidale Road daughter Elizabeth Anne LAMBAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on Aug 18 1952 to more services at the park Mrs Rowe has had short holiday at Apsley Ont At Apsle some years ago she lived in thel rectory when her father IThe Rev Lt and Mrs Lamb 65 VCollier St Barrie son LITTLEAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 10 1952 to Mr and Mrs George Little 201 Essa RoadBarrie son MALEKAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 17 1952 to Mr and Mrs VBruno Malek Barrie son ONEILAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug 16 1952 to Mr and Mrs Paul ONeil 16 Sampson St Barrie son SOKOLOWSKIAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Aug 16 1952 to ME and Mrs Frank modern motor road is being cut through from Burleigh Falls to Bancroft In driving down to Aps ley we discovered some more of the beauty spots of Ontario Going by way of Gamebridge you hop over the canals that link together the various lakes into wonderful waterways This is one of the WONG of man that has not spoiled the natural beauty of the country At Kirkfield you see howyears ago they did their bat to make the countryside look like Scotland You Iare impressed by the healing na ture herself is doing all along the route where land which was never suited to the plow is now quietly but surer returning to forest The trees again are rising to bless manv kind and restore again the fertility of the land that played out after its forest mantle was burned and son IUSSELMANAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Aug 16 1952 to Mr and Mrs Tony Usselman 15 Dunlbp St Barrie daughter Diana Lynn Sokolowski 59 Park St Barrie destroyed chatted with strang er at Coboconk as we looked upon the great beauty of Canada said be We have everything Why must cities grow so large with all this beauty out here to live in REV ROWE Extensive Auction Sale Havingreceived instructions from Chartered Trust Company Committecfor the st ate of Hannah Bowler Slessor will sell by Publicuction at the resulence 83Capperton St Barrie the entirghouseholdVfurniture and effects on gt Fldlll5llllldl llll aipnaoriinns can FOLLOWING is just tmnstmg of the itcnisto be sold uvmo ROOM FURNITURE Chesterfield and chair wing chair and footstool lounge chair Victorian chair and footstool walnut gatelcg table Wilton rug ap name comma or Agnnt Chin proxs 12 number of wall mlrrorsbime clock sot of Shakespeare small volume peroxide motor rug mama noon FURNITURE Muscat or silverware Dr cm comic or Vpsonoons including lurniture blankets and linens KITCHEN Including refrigerator electric range piece suite walnut tea wagon large VI EN ineluding hook desk lamps curtains etc Mickey Bracalc were lucky recipients of two beautiful table lamps and china ornaments presented by Bill sunons or behalf of the Assembly Deparment Fran Mickey 111d double wedding ceremony when they pecans Mrs Ccrsneil and Mrs Penak Tm lilllTiAt her home 484 Dup iex Ave Toronto on Saturday Vm Aug 15 3952 Laura May Dixon mad cr John rennin Inter Ann Elm Cuban it irzrttt Baffle Lnion cattery AW Aug i9 JT jcuzgc KERRAI 38 41331 yum Monday Aug IZl 1952 after Danth Aw lengthy illness Edgar Kerr wantth beloved husband of Amy Laurel Chmdun Lam Webb dear father of Winnifred Service or Lilla IMrS William Townsend 1tciztc1t Si Lute Cemetery SWANVick AIMU Punt31 SE LLbkit Will be open from noun WW 51ml Phi131 331W Place until time of civice on Ihurs All 30 CGmFUStb day DONNIjLLY Suddenly at her home imiroy of Monday A119 15 1932 Mabel Stewart beloved Wife of Hugh Donnelly and 31141 ther of LinIla Jean IMrS Rut taut Marn ad Stewart RestingE at her honw for service on Thursday Aug 21 at pm In ferment Six Line Cemetery Iri nutil Canirose Alberta 00 WHERE THE ERESDSPITAIITI Barrie Business College Phone 4824 SPECIAL 9MONTHS BUSINESS COURSE REGISTER NOW FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PROGRESS AT YOUR OWN RATE OF STUDY FINAL EXAMINATIONS AT THE END OF ANY MONTH FALL TERM BEGINS TUESDAY SEPT JOSE Corn Principal Member of The Business Educators Association of Canada 66 Toronto Street Barrie in on no out 7011 NEW DREAM HOME The touch of brush the proper blending of colors and the quality of paint to give years of lasting beauty can transfer your present home into New Dream Home Call into our store we will be pleased to assist you Moore WallSatin washable rubberized finish for inter ior walls and trim Covers most surfaces inoneuniformcoatdriestoasatin sheen in less than hour Gal 3695 Of $210 Moores lmpervo Enamel Any surface painted with impersona amelseasiertocleandirtjustcant get grip on its high gloss Ideally Kitchens Bathrooms etc Gal 945 Of 2455 VTMTIOIes Dulamel Gal $675 01 3195 semigloss fmish for kitchen and bathroom walls and woodwork In 10 smart colors and white Come in and let us tell you about 19 Newest patternsand colors in our smart group led so Fall Redeemsting Sn om NEW PATTERN moons SUNTBSTED DESIGNSVFOBm srnmo mam PIECES emsrounrm wallpaper with the not unionmm

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