or to Ron Stewart at second who immediately placed the force at the bag and relayed to first baseman Don Newman three North Simcoa baseball semifinal with Chcvs Barrie led +3 in the bottom of the eighth inning wheanor Win Colllngwood had runners on first and second with one batl for retired Heavyhitting Pete Switaer smashed groundE In for the third out flower the umprro failed to was the dramatic climax to the turn to first for the play and al Chevs uphill struggle Embed on though both the crowd trams kinw the it and llllcwuc official call allowed Barney Wallnslcy to scampcr home from second for the being run rhubarb followcd and it was pure Jack Wilson of Midland rc tored order Wilcox admitted the call was wrong so did lclc Swnz er the Cilcv rullncr but the chl lon stood and Colllngwood went on to dcfcat the Drys 54 in the erim opener The second cuntcst of tile acrics 1S1 slated for flame Agricultural Park Friday night at 730 p111 The Irys will have to fight the uphillvway if tllcy flbpc to kccp their playoff IlilllLtS alive For rightilzlndcr Czlrl lInllnS it was definite lltIlbltakfl In actuality he won the game on brilliant performance of mound work blazing onehit ball for six innings and nishing with ll iivc hitter over the eight frames There was none more disappointh than Emms when the official ruled the double play out The fireman pitched his heart out for his best mound effort of the season Against Emms was lcfthunder Charlie Fryer who only weakened in the first and seventh fralms while carding neat sevenhitter lie was tough ill the clutch and only some timcly hitting by Don McMurray Dan MacDonald and Ron Stewart allowed the Drys to carry the front until the fateful eighth Barrio got away to big star with two runs in the first Mc Murray lived on an error to leadoffonri Danny MacDonald drew walk Polands slow rollcr to rst advanced the runners and Stewart defying an intentional walk grabbed bad pitch for loft to centre The runners tag ged and McMurray scored while MacDonald crossed the plate on an overthrow to third Collingwood didnt hit the score sheet until the fth when two suc cessive infield errors and single by Fryer brought run across Both teams counted twice in the seventh Johnny Feltis led off with single and scored on Mc Murrays linedrive double to left MacDonald With twoout single sent Mchlrray scampering home with 41 margin Collingwood rnustcred two runs off single and an error both runners tallying before the next three batters retired The eighth Mrs Ted using Puts 0n Blue Bonnet For Big Events Mrs Ted Husingwife of the famous sports umouncer says BLUE Box NST Margarine is the alltime cham ion with our guests lou too mil lbw the delicate sunnysweet avor it adds tobread vegetables anv food you some And dont forget that Burn 80mm gives your family real old foshioncdnourisbment No others read for bread is richer in yearround ita min nutrition Save dollars usc BLUE BONNET exclusively Buy Burn BONNET get All Flsvor Num ptiou Economecl Bun Bouum Margarine 19 sold in regular economy package with color wafer also in the famous mew Quilt bug for fast easy color gutI an umpirel crude decision Fryer started with single and would not change I115 dcciswn ills Wallnslcy beat out sacrice bunt SBCIlfiCE was played as forcecut at third and then Switp appcarcd After the rhubarb Len Cook lined several minutes before plate mm doume centre or the Winning Another crs double play ball run Len Cook and Charlie wood Danny MacDonald lllt attack Barrie 000 204 Collingwood 000 010 225 BASEBALL North Slmcoe SemiFinals bcsLinthrcc SERIES Collingwood Barrie Last Night Collingwood Barrie SERIES Midland rillia Last Night Midland Orillia South Simcoe SemLFlnzl best1nflvcl North Division PIS Barrie Last Night Barrie 12 Stroud 11 South Simcoc SemiFinal bestinflvc Alliston Newmarket Last Night Alliston Novmarket SOFTBALL InletTown Senior Pts 25 19 12 10 ll Stewarts Gravenhurst RCAF xMidland Last Night Barrie Gravenhurst Barrie District Ladies SemiFinal bestinthrcel SERIES Midland Stayner Monday Night Midland 16 Slayner Barrie District SemiFind bestinscvcnl Angus Barrie Last Night Legion 19 Angus Noriliv Slmcoe Ladiees Finals bestInfivel Elmvale Wonder Valley Lust Night Elmvale 18 Wonder Valley gt Visitor Scores Andre Jumbo 11 regular visi tor to Barrie from West Vir ginia United Stilts scored birdie on the long 41013111 three llole of Battle Milky Club Mr Jambe was phyla with Doug Cockburn and Bu ryBeli wflelhgr CIotIiCoat foro Fur Coat Wehove the wantiot ihe priCeyou wonthpOY Fryer with two hits each paced Coiling and Ron Stewart with two hits Mc Murray Fclfis and Long the fat for double rounded out the Drys LPIS Legion IIS PTS LPTS PTS ed the hit department Legion Bounce Bazrlc Legion finally shook the playoff jitter from their shoul 7dcrs and last nlghl lxllmccd back limo Barrie EllSlrICl champlomhlp they ruflcd Angus 195 in the third garm of the best illnsevon semifinal acflts The Legion still roll the series I24 with the fourth contcst gtchedlt ulcd for Angus Thursday night Coach John Murphys youthful charges failed to show the form til the early gamrs that carrlcd thrill to second place in the sermons schcdulc The tram wasnt hitting and the pitching suddcllly look turn for the worst The team contention as row to the occasion last night however at Queens Park as they backed Howard Stacklcys Sixhlt pitching with Vicious 17bit attack which in cluded homo rum from Null Glea son and John Malollcy Jack Plaxton who llmstcrcd lllt Legion in the second game of the series was shcllcd from the mound in the third inning and McMastcr relieved to finish thcgamc An gus had 32 front going into the frame and suddenly Legion erupt ed for two doubles and humor to engineer an llrun outburst that practically sailed the game With such comfortable cushion on which to work Stccklcy limited Angus to slim two runs in the sixth while his mates went on to score five runs in the fifth and single in the seventh before the game was called on account of darkness in the eighth Masher of Angus was banished from thegam in the fifth by plate umpire Archie Marshall Bob El liott heavyhitting Angus star homered in the second inning with none aboard Neil Gleason with four hits Squeak Tllurlow and Johnny Maloncy with three apiece paced the Legion hitting barrage Elliott was the only member of Angus to muster two hits 2011 0501xxIQ 17 03 0020xx Cliff Browns Angm Clinch First With 75 Win Barrie Cliff Browns assured themselves of first place in the InterTown senior softball stand ings last night when they edged Gravenhurst 75 at Agricultural Park Barrie hold sixpoint edge over Stewarts Lunch who are in second place and have only one game left to lay Only positions not de Lcid are third and fourth ro rspectlvely held by Gravenhurst and RCAF of Camp Borden RCAF meet Stewaris at Agricul tut211 Park Thursday and Graven burst plays host to Barrie Friday fglifSlIolndboth 103a tbeTinal standings could be decided Monday when Gravenhurst oppose the Fly ers George Miles tworun homer in the sixth inning proved to be tho winning blow as Pat Poland sent Gravenhurst down on fourhit performance Rangy Link Walker of burst was hit hard by Ba 11 over the seveninning aff placed double alongside er Steve Hines supported triple and single and Clare Widdes pol ed in tworun homer in the third inning AtrBowen with two driv ing singles 150 figured heavily in the ninehi attack Bill Raycraft and Pat Poland with singles round Although tagged for home runs by Ron Thornton and Bill Irwin Poland was in complete control of the visitors llt wasnt until the late innings that rGravenhurst showed any signs of overcoming the Barrie margin Gravenhurst 102 25 Barrie 212 002 x7 Rotory Risers Salvation Army Given Kinsmen Cheque Umpires Decision Was Fateluls Drys Drop Series Opener 4g Baseumpire Babe Sholtzs faulty decision on doublc WWWw play ball forced Barrie Collada Drys to leave Collfngwood with their backs against the wall last night in their best1mg BAItItIE KINSMEN CLUB recently turn 3d over the money they had mixed for the holiday trip 0260 local youngsters the end of July to the Salvation Army Harrie Mich ie president of the club is seen here hand ing cheque to Licut Frederick Mills who was in charge of the youngsters when followmg Anhy Roadeol Hiram Walker Cup1 Competition CPPed by local Comp Borden OAKVILLE AUG 16 Army ruck drivers will be in the sadg die when Roadeo climinaiions ct under way ill London King ton Petawawa and Camp Borden during the last two weeks in AugI ust These contests designed to promote greater safety and effiClt iency in driving will ultimately ick three army truck drivers from across Canada to compete in the service division of the sixth Canadian National truck driving day and tap his teammates in the competition to be held Nov to competition Kowcinak red 076 10 in the Automotive Building EXhbm ParkTrt eliminations will be held on Aug Competing with the three army 10 and 27 respectively Contest drivers in November will be three ants from No Army Adminis members of the RCAF Of these xative unit Ottawa will holdE six service drivers the three judg cir own ellminations prior tog ed most procient will be award command finals at Camp Bord Eng 29 Personnel from the ed cash prizes of $300$200 fin 51W respectively by the Automb em Ontario area Will meet tive Transport Association of DixI Aug 21 Three contestants andf tario Golfers at Aurora lerllc Country Club captured lie Ime Walker Trophy crud blclnlltlc of handicap play for team of four at Aurora Sniurdayl despite continuous light rain JIle Nixon Mike Kowclnak Bill Dymcnt and Art Powell formed one of four Barrie teams that com wind in the cvnt and they splash ed through the Aurom course to win top honors Nixon fired 74 gross lllct 67H to win second low gross for the The drivers must have accident free records and write tests of highway regulations re ghtingl Central Command nals will be and rst aid They are requircdheld at Camp Borden on Aug 29 drive Wk around an ObStaIat which time two representatives cle course which duplicates allfrOm the command will be picked the traffic hazards which wouldim represent the command in be mel in normal mad OperationlCanadawide contest to be held Se 12 and 13 Area and camp elimination conwat Vancouver tests will be held for the westernI The winner of the command Ontario area at London Aug 185nal will be presented with thing Trophy for retention by For personnel of Camp Petawawafcommomd and Camp Borden including allhls unit for one year and trophy central Ontario contestants thcwhich he personally retains mations commit mun $995 ITHORTURBOROLL DEMONSTMTOB WIISIIHIE MACHINE Bea $19995 Sale Price $14950 20 cc Dish Sets Fashion Wore $439 Clothes Hamper and SeotCOLQBFD WICKER $595 $419 gt2BWKBIH01 Plate EXTBA Enamel Dishpans Outt PilingM qt ry$l29 Aluminum Coffee Percolittor cm $149 lrpnftoononnu $219 vllqglSet Pyrex TuniblorsJ 12 OzfillomTOUGK $129 All MotoLWogons VIIIOYSSMDY Garbage can LARGE inhuman Plastic Picnic Cups Tumblers $495 Those Genome SPEGIALS16uced out be lowregulor printer morningonly they attended the Salvation Army open1111 camp at llawkc River The youngsters well off lll two grdups the boys spending their week at camp first and then the girls the week The through the peanut tugday which the Club run some time 11530 George Young madc up another fourman formed the run mum EXAMINER WEDNESMY no 1mm WW lChampionship Set Opens 930 Sundainives Rugby Edge 011 Barrie Zf2 Ln Cw if 552 lactic Lake plau 53763 the luauA3 1154205 Hump wa Vic mum Rugby con vzya in the Sum If Provm piuylrwm Monday incldll walked over Quinn Part if the llpclch iflmri no1 3111 Ancizir Ms Lam blur p13 Iliulill gt gm bl v1 lmvzol ldo il rump newcomer to LA filml 4411 pm ctttt ls flcl Bu till llii 131 1l lune of the home 1+cuunl writes in Tiizlrduy rm rd fillguys third llzllalid KH liglit 2llllc5 vlJI AlliLl AIIision Defeat Newmarkei 84 RugbyBarrie lt Ewamt All Pup Ilwnlvl or New Lo to advance into mils ll minutes as for lllffP ii mini ll Ken for in route lllmvioli is rntru lilli by ILljlzu SCI SIM le ix lllmfvf mums Paamt Features Fast Friendly Farm Service SPRING PLANTING Sprays fcrldizrr cocci money was rulscd REPAIRSHomc cute tractor born rrcchuncry etc PAINTINGHousc Icmi bulidlt lngs IfflZILHICHIS arc 1M mm LIVESTOCK Poultry collie Wt 67 lfllLlli Til ltllrltssl1Cl3 etc 0813 Inst llflm WOW like to make loans to farmers nsll promptly co makers bankuble security not required Write for loan entirely mam Burmdp 011 RIm ly by mall Or phone rst for lvmt luau or come in today Kennedy lml Lclgllmn Clarke Ramsay llLfl illr days loans $50 to $1200 on Signature Fault at run mm to an vrs or FINANCE co Dr Fred Mchlwcll Art McKen zic Ken Trczldwcll and Harry 2nd FL Public Utilities Bldg 15 BAYFIELD ST BARBIE Phone 5931 Donald Fish YES MANager OPEN DAILY TO 5SATURDAY l0 l2 om mud to resideolr of all surrounding loony Personal iincnu amynrly of and nut itll andl team yvnilc Kcn Ilclli Ken Bulk will Ernie Salter and Lt Lavcrty fourth loam my AN EXAMINER WANT AD SIMMONS INNERSPRING lone spare will be chosen during leach of the area and camp cllnl KINGDALE These lovely mattresses are filled with hundreds of resili ent Cells The ticking is at 7froclive in appearance and is of excellent grade They have roped roll edges handles on ventilators AUGUSTISALE SPECIAL Regular $4550 Quantity Limited Countess Simmons Mattress Superior dualitytfillcl with coils padded with rich white felt High grille damask covering yoursof wear Ventilators taped edges bundlesA roof August Special when 5mm All Sizes quantity Limitoil