Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1952, p. 11

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Gulutlt and Dev Tfi mm as wu ybz Surmrtdg Elie 3ffxik was lollJutlfc by to 141 smo ada 4W3 mm Iii jot Newyweds retell uproar Aug iii or merlaiam 3m mg VV Mi Flu Is 54521 Elfit who 11 was 331 Wetd 5mm Sciences on l1 vb1 Sir86 SUPER SANDWICH susxes fur coat in your fall 1nd winter too which we picked up to budget try and get in on on Gloom Falheri VV kgmah famous Christ restaurant results of the sales lF LV in heavenl blend flavors Wng 23 the COQVQSXN Take gm of rye bread LINGERIE lS ALWAYS on tho on mi tr M151 bux llcf out brows m4 cuugzry nz on It we mm dreamy rude to womans thoughts To the rsm of bl and Lung 21 xllou2gt mu ux 53y Magma Tm Eemm but chicken mem mm met so no doubt youll be glad to hear playel Sergedlmuc filling LL ingzuzfmgu Md 173 may Mn Join Home Lu of Swiss cheese and crisp lettuce la main 5MP Elxruuelh Heather Dumm dauzb Over this ladle Thousand island gulf fl be huudw mm er of Craftsman md Mr William Dressing Top Will slice of to yum lac You an VVud Duncan Camp Borden entered tin main and slice of bardbotled egg am 5lrnple by comparison Camp church on July when at sandwich thats out of this world lust buy youmu mph yards was riturrmd to kill Henry Coat of lace and transform them you HAVE YOU SERVED scalloped self potatoes lately Next time you make them if you me less milk FOUNDATION GARMENTS are mined tumour on triough odd lillUlUW line he upnuor of the datlv uLLIA if the unmarried Cormorant it wle Ti lltl Willi muttmug gamer Jud LLiuqlle was of pink 14 gulps down quick 122 Mutlteal son of Srr can NV Lax dumb and qum lt VAICM C03 VWml 13 gloom Ami pszax 11765 gum mu Mh VM ff Aline Wilma Toronto llfldlblllali Vlu mam 02 have yin Munm1 guppcf 16 para plant beta Ln es Shuts Fryer Mm amazzult of Room want of ml lbw of Toronto were llrlzlr was div35m to blur u1 Alli atiuplrgg ggwgm tummyExits ever tuna onto VVV mum muruuwette ovulllovvtr buddltm to Mullet If Wu Wei Uj plurzrzgul of VllAth Vsl1 103 ptmlmtl lll lme llLlkl for lllt pull 13w your llv nus 12 Guiltl iv for four Lt For mmlimo 14 sh 5L mu the llrtllv wrm lllUlAile mil with pmk umwvorus and vor gt21th of purl rows HARDWO Irzlwllug lie brillv chml VV PHONE 2517 The bride who was given away yawn Hm 0531 of Zliv by Cfu Wllllaln Duncan was rmviLf 21 velluw ruse NJ 41113 Nd and subeututeVune can of Veream ob must for gm 030812325332 JWuwhj IV 913 up 51152nhrnlumn Mm 2L he expertly cleaned ml VYolVllll 313CV m3 ivglzgl just me am While sz over toffeigl iier flnr ou wan igyvrrtavzdvzgi rumour111135 its Buckner of Hermie girl mother coufln of 1m lmlr low imn 3w mume Thur on me JD Li Ifll gt vam VT 15 youn2 PLANNIVC on re uacme mo new comm med Wm 5li Mid Sillifiild3i51liillia T5 lullVlejufwlililr gt WNW Klt nicz ll gt311 dmrwng your mm mm MANY OF THE VEW m1 ham will wgifeerbban md swccllteart mm mm TWIN mam mgr VJ Wm WNW mm VV MW tlty Camp 80 vm in she do Emly may book ham Clever adaputlME me Shell rich the lrldt3nllltl wus dressed AV iwlfudnh ZEUS humid 31323 HWY ll llllltli tHWt le WM ml to 15 rurcn elwm IV VV Sman It bllshltSl and must lltigt idea and made in Own versmn colorful kitchens ever Every mm of it Veils with plenty of glitter Liffhhlursalnhgms wuqmt Ml drug mufn hm CWW IWMH mm mum mam mg lmed 3mme luv rifle lliu crwrwn Sgt 11 Em Vth My Vmwmm lm llmwcw Ch Actually brighter kitchen wrll wear and really elaborate fashions AC AND MRS WNRY COATEs ll kl link mrmlmns lhvm1VVV tm brzdth umqu mi in Myw V3 Wit mm 0011le England rim him crupu and lace mill pink mm of tho groom THE ME HAS COME 85 lb SPEAKING or FESTIVE even r1=gt and CHW ENEV rm on miller dltr saying goes this time its for mus reminds us of brued chicken Splendd To Tll brides nmthm was dressed Ur 1ch mi Mm black Theres something very barbecue 933 prepme but 1muo5 Hymn 5m Wm ratflVlvcllhluuh Alu You pleasant and soulmllsfymg in sllp lmun uice table VV mc chsm snwr wall mvy md Muir 31th we gm doth of sum hgpsercadmhlg mmespmns bu rnlolllrylfpwyrul dumb of pgwde mhugt of pmk Md Mutt hig men Silk crepe is mm favorite On 111 mm lllVVV and whllt mces CHVIVVZHWV In mm 1th caisup teaspoons alt led mm Um also mde llmurti for this time of yeahnut too warm hm dark enough teaspoon Tabasco sauce heat to Gumrd WMS Thurgdw Aug Th Wm was mnduckd by HastingSWilson lwhtlc lilllt lllltfllllllc illllt boilin lll two to 2pound vV lhr brute sun ilnl MW SCARLET SUITS Win in add Chickfns 215d place skin side down Aft thL 0mm 13371 umlu 11l1BllIlvr gm Rt goomsm1n You illll Bltmmx lln church Wm lumphcm many an SC on rack in broiler pan Brush with lhl gm 3f mf Hllnfti Tlib 51 foil Ldglp BOP lng SGFVICS ldccmalcd thlt pink tlflll Wlllil this autumn so keep them in mind 91le di llllllmllh 10m lllll Ulllln Mlllu organ VV Following the wwplmn lllLll 91 for new They parl hung 40 45 memn Tum andqmbrf fh mm mndumun 524 MCGOW was held at the llrulc home the cula love on brunettes Ihalus and haste With sauce every owu praytr mpml the young mph mm the llll WtdLllfll took place in Guth mewlymguriwi couple wt all on 10 minutes during bro mg LS The roll Ldlt Wdh hmmnd bv uh thumb Abom all ptoplc attended INCIDENTALLY AUGUST is allour servings of the most tastP ing the word tree in verse the reception which was held at IV Um Umle ballrdulmleV wedd mp Kingka enough to be able include new were MSG me bwk whom we Mm Benton Hastings daughter of Mr lWm reside in umhm thvu rrt WNW have be mad mi past month Montreal Mr and Mm GV Ben and Mrs levxlle Roy Hastings turn Mr Wilson is Sllllllllflllil mm Toan Members Of the In and 12 hospital and six home callS Montreal Mr and Mn Mayes madev Montreal and lllll llld Mrs QMSElfbixldgeglll $333311 the wmml 53 uwslcd In For travelling on their wedding iBaSQbau Club FameS 50mm 333112 Mm 55WerRML1S mp which will mko mm to map 15505 an mm Falls the bride was dressed Bmdfmd Mens 59mm Club and VV in lime green pucktrcd nylon With Bond Head Softball Team Baker md iwllm SM brawn and whim accessories On Popular Young Farmer tggllseft gm flglgig their return they will reside in loanlo IId Player Coidwafer part of the meeting dwelt on the Dies After Operation OWN BRAND drde gown Anklelength H1 mmm June Mustang Guthrie the flow Dom Eric lur tlw girl Does she was My serve often lines and also be comfortable At decoratm vc we com 053 huh damn 36mm to ban en All gem of tallllllml other Jllll rtcvlvmi lint Wllxtuzl gmuub we your spud ML you know are offered or festive evening L04 plmnul flit mth marled EV umtmx dubxd mm mum 150 1UUV Linn cel553l95 and carried Dink my ulu inc wr lzlfia ping inmyour black dress 41 e3 Comm V3 up bu Glllord GlVen ten r0505 whle the bridegroom 3mm mm id spoons Worcestershire sauce and 14 mm mm Sawyer emcmmm Wm we cliurrll ultlillllnl pmvuml music if you are going to bo in me mark sauce Broil lo inches from Bible which dealt with hlvvsb was played by Captain Hutch and at lawn mi SM mm wonderful time if you are lucky tempting chicken youve ever eal Thirteen mvmbers and four visit the brides parents home among W3 05 ML JUyCc LOgOttuwu and lllvr pullllb em Up Euen Sheet CNR me 10 par men Mrs NHHY 35 in Charge 01 Longlin Montreal gClub Cookslown Softball Club we Mrs MSG and MW Ms Mary Beach Dies emt fL lrust Mr Robimon vice DrcsV Mar News of the death of Alexander 30 some Feb demV Suufh Vsmlfoc WMS Mackenzie Constable on Saturday 5900191 Welkel All SCHP 1C Gilcord Brlde of Aug 1952 was learned with COLUWATEK Mrs Mary lure readings had been heard from shock and regret not only by rei atives but by his many friends and the softball fans of South Simcoc Mac had been taken to St Michaels Hospital Toronto for serious operation from which he never recovered Son of Mrs Constable and the late Alexander Constable he was born on Oct 15 1915 in lnnisl Township and after completing school had taken up farming as did his father before him He was member of Churchill United Church and had been an outstanding player of the Church ill baseball andsoftball teams far some years clean sportsman and favorite with the fans By his untimely death to his widow the former Jean Watt is left the care of two small sons Ian six and David who is four years old Others of the family surviving are his mother Mrs Alex Con stable sister Mrs Wiliigm Kel ly Mina of Lefroy and three broe thers William of Toronto Jock of Churchill and Blake ln Lefroy The funeral was held on Tues day Aug 12 from his home Le ftfoy RR where the service was conducted by Rev New Bcach Goldwaters oldest resident passed away in her 93rd year at Herbs Nursing home here Sundav evening Aug 17 l952 Until the summer heat wave arrived Mrs Beach had continued fairly active being up and about each day and taking an interest in current af fairs Recently she had to rest in bed and her health became prn gressively worse Her tenacity of life amazed rela tives and friends as ever since she was choked by thief in her homo many years ago Mrs Beach had been able to take Liquids only her throat having been permanently injured She completed consid erable amount of knitting and cro cheting this year Mrs Beach was the former Mary Jane Lang and was born in Barrie on Feb 14 1860 She had resided actically all of her life in Cold ter and dis trict Her husband the late Beach who prede ased his wife 40 years ago was employed by lumber firms in this district Iinmediate survivors are two sons Chief of Police William Beach Coldwater and Edward Beach Weston TWO sons prede ceased her one of whom was killed Genesis and Revelations Mrs Rob inson referred to lhe fact that man started off life in garden but in Revelations everyone is invited to the holy city with its 12 gates open to the North South East and West After this splendid talk the hymn Come ye thankful people Come was sung followed by the benediction delicious supper was served by the hostess BICYCLE OFFENDERS Campbellton has bylaw regu lating vehicles on town streets which includes bicycles and that means bicycles should not be rid den on the sidewalks Too many clti ens are forced off the sidev wa by thoughtless youths rid ing bicycle Campbellton NB Tribune ODINE SOURCE About 70 per cent of the worlds supply of iodine comes from Chile as layproduct of nitrates Douglas Fryer St Johns Presbyterian Church Coulsons Hill was the scene of pretty wedding on Saturday after noon Aug 16 1952 at 430 oclock when Mary Babel only daughter of Mr and Mrs Linwood Sturgeon of Gilford was united in marriage to Douglas Clifford Fryer son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Fryer of Toronto Rev Cunningham performed the ceremony Miss Genevieve Fyfe accompan ted the violinist Mrs Raymond Percheron cousin of the bride who played Perfect Love prior to the service and Promise Me during the signing of the register Given in marriage by her father the bride choSe gown of drift white shadow lace and net fash ioned with lace redingote The sheath lace sleeves were lily point ed and the tightfitting bodice fea tured winged collar set off with combo of Churchill United Church in World War 0119 Interment was in the Sixth Line Cemetery and the following friends wAnmons DAY AT ONE $11511 neighbors were pallbearers warriors Day Saturday Aug 23 agew Igggllst gasanay All will see one of the largest paradgs mam ever staged at the Canadian Na Sharpe and Harold Fields The attendance was large and the mass tional Exhibition on the veterans own Canadmn and gs of owers very mummy gw day Ma mg ample evidence of the esteem American units will pd accom in Which he was held They were Famed by MS and drum mam from relatives friendE group Of ettes making very eclorful dis neighbors Church United play Bundle John Rocky Church Stroud Presbyterian Rockingham former commander of Church Employees of the Town the 25th Canadtan Infantry Brigade shlp Shed Churchill Womens Inl in Korea will take the salute at stitule The CNR Police Associa the March Past at the Grandstand GAUGE 4W cdian DENIER VV FOR ONE WEEK ONLY FIRST QUALITY SHEEREST or SHEER Low REGULAR PRICE $129 murmtff 0Allll5MlNllTE QNew lhlnloliv fodiu aoonVVvVesV 3ngodgoffragmntlathereeqvseeiwlJill cremoveoevery triceo dirt WV 4V VVOAquicle nnse yourhm 5835024ngan my mm PLEASE SEND snug nxqmsm Hymns taglovrvvithnewsporklinghighlights 9mm She CW it 13fFoamyActioOfPalmOlivemikespermmntstekebetter rnhstllllxrs We Adams Town or County enclose Cheque or Moneyom or bend 091 $300 0m hits Allan 19paaggqn

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