Monster Bigo Tuesday ST JOSEPHS AUDITORIUM Mulcclster Sf pm iI $30000 Progressive Jackpot 3451000 SPECIALS UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS 1952 Al Shelburnes Canadian Old Time Fiddlers Contest Js the liliiilur rvi librftflliplclttn5cd him in 1933 Simply Continued from on nu un min or ms and more mod lleuul fii iv yewII L417 EL CI mg EllMl liloIiIIIlIlUIIUII Una IA lII IIIIIIIIIIBIILIIII JjIIlIIIIIIIIiIllilltv Al Klnmlh ml 303 CI 1II II IIII VIII II III IIIIIIS III French Mary Gm CI Em IhllllrlfI Li Tho ltlllclil SLXVICC was conduct 2I ZOO 3I Chm II SI HI CI lfl tamer vtlllalil hlllltlwhc Lulg Reggae Yens ml mm wows mic zieiirrsIId by Lam pallbearen II lo v5 35 tI Camp Donald OCT CI All ULl as II MrsI WI JI Potker Dles my MW 5va 31931ka fth Clllll lA VSmm3r am lmm filli dw llil Garrick Leon rrrrrr El HtsL It II iowul at ruwufldle SI GIIIIIII 3I TIIII CIIIIIII FA IlIrt IfI1ILII II FIIIIIIIHIII SIIIVIIII for MIII WIIIIIIIII IiiIlIIII lIlIIIlIII1IlIIl ltIIICIILIk III JI IIundIIInIIIIIIIImgIMSII FC CI iil ll nru III IIIIIIIIHI If rm WI mm mj vus ill owvt ill at LIL tD Croat Moira ILMEC 51113 WI UM Lmn Wm Fame Pm 51 $29 in Um my LL in 19 linulnn lS in loam 11m Grom lot Bot lool IIIIII Wm GIIIIII gt QITIIIIIII IIIYIIJII KAI III113C new gt II II II Ir Vlllfillfyzclrlllkllcuc ManetC Fl Trig Phys 29 ill Lisle following Ll 3111le Ellyl Hmani JkaygiC EL Emlflh II tack Shc was in her tillth ycalr lFuneroI Service HIS Gm 7W1 CV IA Cl bllhrllulil ItiyartlwAlg Phys The former Ellzobvth Ann JulieF Gear SM KC Wuullucott lllt thCLZlSttl was 9e LL PA 1C Kmst Ronald lgEC HE Zingcrx SHE 3IIXLLILIIL lIItIIIIII31destprghaiwmgiutoms Hem Yea 05 ariaru iI 111Ig3IIIISf13EELI Hut Bot Ihiid bite Wlldvlll tll Lllt WI Illmml VWltt l0 GlOrgtIEd 2001 Chem XI Sliitalt Douglas WEC EL Ilwli Iilllmd 1193mm 10ml Mum IDI LIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII AIIIEC III EL 3I A1 101an CIphyscIChcm CI llic dcccascd wan lncmbr ufarmcr was hcld at the MIICNub condihon Heater Stcwmp HI Duuglas R053 Ithc Church of England land on luncral lluptl iii Milton All 000m Own LA Survxvin ar oilllt hillrind on 192 if LC FA PC 111613 55 All Tng lis Hiy illfarvf William LJ gzllmlrhnril lngtllll Rutlle lClutlsl only Mae IamomI BI DUIIIIMEC CI 1A IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIMIIIIIC III SIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIFIC 2I II thSlZL Mrs bliuw lBllnllailllosliital in Burn on chncsda SPARE NEW MYSRMCWu11LrstlylMr$J1r3uI IAIIIIII IIIIIIIIII EIIIEC CI III swim Pl lllm EL IMIIIIII IEVIIIIIIIII RIIIIIIIII GII IIIIII SymnmI BruceEL 3I II mm of my puwmhgpI in 0m Tm 1A EC Tm II pm Ch FC CI th NlllltEWllI llillllllll Ham Cmme when he was IIII TIIIIIIII IIIIIld FC Flic fullcrlil Schicc was conduct DH 15 M70 mugged Longhccd Ralph TWMlLsic ed by 11m RW Mr Kcrr of CXCW EC gI mm LII not 1001 2I III IIIIIII II WM mt mm Uf an 15 USED CAR mvxsmx Lynch Hi da IIIIIIIIII FA II EC III Ilit tdlLlh wcrc rwln st II band of Guthrie liclerlllrd licarl MacDonald Allan EC El IDI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII KIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIEC CIiiIIiIIiIIIIIItII IltIIlILIIIIIiItILIIiIsIIIlItIlI MIIIIIII IIII IIIII IIIII IIIIIII IIIS IIIIIIIIIIII 30 Bradford at Dial 981 FA Thomas A7ool Li Im lnlurnicnt was ill Alliston Union 1933 mm ml Buy With Confidence At Barries Largest Cir FAVEFe LA LC cjrn re CmcmyI braInd Church on into binding1 McCullough William IEC IIVIlCJIEI 53in BERT DIXON MEL LAVIGNE HAROLD moka Floral tributes included those Wm befall II 1st 00 cm from the RCAF at Camp Borden party gIIgFII ghysmt hfrlgf mom FA FC Thc Canadian Old Time Fidd Friday some 58Iconloslnnls look 31m r0n0nd by Cwmom pm mu Legion and WA 0f Creemuw ms unto the 1310 Annie Butts tDl Wallacc GrantEC my Chalnplonghlps last wuokmd our in tlic tllllllllilllilils from lzliss Cluhi Reunion cmnd Llec WA Angue wa and the mi wwvrwrwrrr McLhiii Donald EC FL Hm Mg Geom Trig L1 Alg room lrlg 31hy III Shelbumc was another huge ill tI rt cnltrccd eight for tireltnllcy lndIBcrt Dixon chroy btklll LDdgt Englullarl Cllcm FA FC nals Saturday Wilflcd Mitchell licr llilVlgnt succussfullv dc ph Chem FA pg kd ys DI wIIIIIIm Donald EwBOt lltLL3 Ch thc ircnzi was pc LondonI Matthew Huner GunmlfIIIIdIId IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII WOII McLean Elizabeth esso on Years nIIdIV IIIId SIIIIIIIIIV III IIII IIII WIIIIII BIIIIII TIII III III II CI Ic war EC 3I EL 2I mg II Geom II Chem D1 Whipps Audrey EC SIIIIIISIIIIIII it 3L ind ulll llkL p111 in annual event by ignc Winghnm Ward Allen Win Vll gt 07 Ollle Die EL Hist 801C 13001 Chtm lmm mouth Zr LA LC FA FC FA 1I FC the Rolzlly ClubI ham Harold Morby Horningsllit Loillswllc Kentucky Brother Mrs Lynn at McMichan Gtorkt In Mason EleanorEC wlk Cmmllnknc EL A111 Gcom Chem LA Onc of the most bclovcd docto LA to EL 3I 15 lI Goom 001 LC FA III FC II Past Weekend Had in Du SI IC 3I Fa FC II CWIIIIIIIII YIIIIIIIIII III II IIIIII CI SIIIIIIIIIEIlIEIiIIII IIIDIIIILI WIIII BI Stephenson Jewellers plometrlstsI CI Elfn MAESSIKgEIIIInaIC Elms CI FA rc No Trafc TeUP in Tllcssalon following lengthy Will not be in attendance at his office from II Students marked will rc illness Monday August to Saturday August Chem LA LC celve an honor graduation dl The deceased was brother of IIIlDiIIMiIiIiar BIIJongIIIfICCCIEIL IIIIIIIII Through Orlllla Mrs Lynn of Barrid Dlullop St Barrie eom Dr Sproulc practised his pro For appointment after Aug 16th Phone 333I if vi LC 2I FA Quinn 15 no tra chanb III Morrow Anne GEC EL ind delays during the past two SlaYIneT Sum TO the South 209 by 121 foot 35655110 For 37 yeals 3I Bot CI Chem LA LC days for the first Weekend Since With the design of the drafting onestorey area will accommodate tumem 1950 II FA FC 2I he holiday seam began report boards and tenders soon to be reIa combined gymnasiumauditorium unwed Thessalon 35 Rog EMusic 1I tates CeVlVBd construction of one of the as vcll as cafeteria seating 175 Vyfung man in February or 1914 rrwr cl ht cars all Nelson lrvmg McLEC Hist Volume of northbound name nigh second SCI001 bliiluings This last ction of the school can 01 l5 graduation nateriallyI lessenedand at no time orChardr Barbara DEC LA resunm long lmes at unmov lfglnflolllgmgIollrllsmtzclxgl 891 gmtginilylggiis meetmgs Sign egggnse ff wed mom LC FA FC II SgngalIfIIII If ighaayI vhere be completed for September 1953 The Colllngwood District Cone nan to Mum and acted in that ca Owens Eleanor EEC OrmmI and Toronto architects Shore Moff glale Inblllute Board is composed paciy until local coroncrs were ap EL 201 Chem LA CRLC 382 it wgay norm Even fro alI have drawn up the plans and of thcfollowing pointed in each centre In 1915 pg C1FIp5ceI Judith AIEC 2I EL nong at steady and undclayed the SChOOl W111 be one Of the most Christie Chairman Coll DI bmele assumd the duties of ham worst bottleneck 1n the modern in Canada Wellset on an inrrwood Cole Collinlwood Indian medical officer for Thessa Bot 3IIIZIcIgtoI1IIg IIChem LA RunnerU In IIIflISIIIIe IIII deIIIIW IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIICIII mum IIIII IIIII IIIICIIIICIII IIIIIIII IIIIId III MI WIIIIIIII COIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIgIII III IIIII Reserve II was III 1925 IIIIIII ThIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYMIIIIIY EC EL detailed attention to the landsmp Bourrie Collingwood Brock Dr Spruulc teceivcd the appoint you go condently on vacation is for the time you hold it For Paddlson Nomi 201 Ph Acmdems all Exmmum mg 05 the She we as to the in ConingWOOd The foregoing all me Mical Officer 0f health With 55 $100 mplenooiwluumh Cr Gm Cr 30 Cana an gfugtse PM mm teIrior deIinngi and gIIreai elpanses of represent Collingwood for Thessalon post he held for mdzedin your Virgil for emir you only 3200 phoncmnmor ass wi rim out ours and use Perkins Barbara Arm ChampionShiP Southbound traffic became heae igts changes of sgason into the class wngm representmg the yequ gm up to his reme gent mam today merit He alo se Th EL lI Alg II 13331 Chem on Saturday as many summer momSI ofIIIISIIlIInglIngcIIIIIgr iIeelIzIIOIIlg IIIIIIIIIISIIIII IIIIIgtI IIIer QTIIWIIIGIg Ll muomstaoo on Signctmomlmm 3I LA LC visitors went homcward from the The 11 ht Perkins JaneMusm 39 Dlxon W011VBS2I summer resorts but agaiInI the some 716051131andafgrggfrigtiriggigngogasgs wBePGelg zghgndecegid 33 by his MW mu common mu ml to SAY Pickles Marian AEC EL lifgselrslhglcege cw IIllfIIIeeenIIIy traffic volume was not sufflClently history Wm be commemorated IIIIWIIIIIIIIIIII IEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIcIrg SIIIlgIIrIeII GI mu C0 Chem th Mdmcham ionship 01d large use mam mpg series of panels Eyesaving dc Culham representing Sunnldale Reid Allan EEEngSECL 1Eer Fixing come at Shel viccs have been incorporated inItlieTwp Lyons representing the first three innings 2nd FL Public Utilities Bldgy 15 BAYFIELD 51 Ml Alg Geom burne last weekend He got into instrument Em Vernerv Who ac demg to safeguard StUdemsy Slgm Wasaga Beam Taylor rep Austin Bowman and Robin Phone 2951 Donald Gthpyzs MARIN in the province Collillgwood Dis be completely shut off from the the uanQYSlly 0f TOFOMO Chem Chem FA FC th N0 Ion er is the classroom dream re the nals beln choSen out of 58 companles 03 3r 59 mg SPreY TWPr Mom er ht scored in the first mnm OPEN ONLY HATUW Rlcmr JOhnEc 3EI But as one of eightgwho played for the omes from Toronto They have DIME COIFldOIS alld leaChlng son repreSenting Collingwood andgthen the homesters outscoreg tom modulonsidmn of all surrounding towns Personal Finance Company offload FA FC re Wu be ZOOI EL championshlp on Saturday mng neen runnersup at er con eIsts Ill pa res wp Morby representing Ivy 34 inn1e second They collect IX Allan E9 CPhys He failed to make the top three hm have yet to make me Champlon bright comm MUImur Twp ed the final run of the game in Alg Geom Trig places but did come ahead of 1116 29 There Will be an Oifstreet park Normanrc Taylor is Secretary the third frame Chem FA FC ion who came When it was learned that the ing space for teachers and visitors Treasurer and MacRaeI Sup Bl kI rth Robert Paul JGIeom fgragtugkgmt campeteI winner of the Shelburne contest Provision has also been made for ervising Principal of the 23teacher ac Wl wo smg es an Austln BowmanI Gary Beamlsh and Phys besrdes the prize money would tennis courts baseball diamond stair Robertson Melvm CIEC ML DlxonI who deals metal also get an auexpense trip to and mick and eld eventsI IOSIIISIIZIrIrIiIrIIIiIssuIIIiItIlIiIIItIiIne each rounded EL Alg Gem Ci T33 Scrapsi has been in Innism only LouiSVille KentuCkY MrS Dillon Plan of the building is cruciform ChiitC FA FC year or 50 He used ddle made who is the mother of three child in shapwiththree major wings Bub Emmy Bin Laycmk and by John Stayner after whom the mm girl and boysI had hoped classroom block an adminism Ellis hammered single hits for the village of Slayner gets its name tht the trip would include the Leafs ML Stayner grade ldles Stme 53 gm Miami 2$00dangugitggwgfga Series opener Evy 000 61 ear ins rumen use trou and apollllary seruces area 5V 318213111233 cgddlgicoalieciin gal WAS NORTHERNER The arcmteds have kept mmd VV 53 owe 99 Ha Prop wIlmr covou Will Be Closed dew Stephen Foster who wrote songs plansI for the schools expansion lggrgsrgglgggcssmlne opagtseon 1L about the south was north Provsmnhas been made im fn Mr re rndll01umnCLMIm78 3le $5051 Elli 3353 $33 Vimseamh the ltheVafyyosRinggmanirf vI the addition of ten future instruc ban champiODShip placed the right EvelTdEVice and 19k known VV tionalroorns onthe wcst end to 00 forward FlldaY night With man has been used down the years mommy runiw an 15 News serve student populaton Of 1000 vmtory over Ivy maple Leafs to eradxcate hm yet thls 51 hte 600 County Hour until 71200 Luncheon sum 630 News Headlines sum The twostorey reresistive at SerUd wolf continues to hold his own We wish to thank our customers and has now very lovelytoned erner rt Emma 33 3131 on News mm is on thecastwcst axis of the plan semifinal of thenorth leismn The now in Canadaalone and ever Egg mm Eggs IIIIIII IIIIIIIII facing Cameron 5L It contains 11 winner will advance against BIIIIIeIIImIom In the United States in advance for their conSIderotion Son Shop 100 mm Features 140 Reslonnl millim classrooms plus home economics Generals Stett1er Alta Independent 11m ion in mg sin son out Re we er art sew two up e55 Paul Emmsf0rmer Barrie mound CKBB Banstand Down to Earth DIAMONDS THAT lI 10 practice rooms four seiencc room msSIIIIIIIIIIII CIIIII III N3 Icon IIbraIyI mm mm and In addII star and now prOVIdlng Stroud With MONEY CAN Vl Hemm Sm 90 Ne tion book room teachers room plenty 0f good mmg set the 5m oo 05 00 fend 935 531 ing Leafs back on three hits in 9301mm Post washroom and health room 33 39mm in 30 coasting to oneSided series wm Barbm in 1000 Neva 4511 ch 011ml L00 Parse Fathom 09mm eastest bkckI the admlmstratmn Stroud only gathered five hits Off 39mm in 59 mm I30 533 me week classroomblock 314 by 6115 feet The win opened the bestinthree There must be around 200000 right Bond of the Week 11005 Zellers snappmg At the approximate centre of the 200m mwI 43 cm mo 1030MB Post court if Ivys Clarence Hogarth but they otces srec 101 an Tmw made 73 11113 gfllelguuol are housed in onestorey 101 28 were timely knocks Theefendmg wasnnv 3238 52311233 mm 1130 APenny Yor Your champions did an their scoring in sun 01 mfnmwd 11555110353 mm oo News new 555 ram Market Report 05 gsgggkwwm 800 Countyjnom until mggu 15 News getts 39 men until 830 New Headlines and 1210 rt Dina min uarkel Rewtt when News mIIgo wg IW Form Ill 1m gt ills Voche 9315i 133m 11 ght 3311 IIgIrIInaIIIIlngII Post tccntdl 55 New Sentimental Serenadc Rev inlwm 2323lt52l22 gt 1005 miners Bhopvliit no Neuummnu 133 at melanin VzV 01 gt VoV 1153 me in route II II In 750mlannual 6W1 We names equMe cob VV mmmmme mt oontdV memlm 445 alarm to llmllmwm VV VV VV VVVV 1V 8ch chic 15 will CV VIV VV