Roy Theatre HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIES LAST SHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY INVITATION with VAN JOHNSON DOROTHY MCGUIRE RUTH ROMAN THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY 230 pm TOWERING THRILLSI HIGH ADVENTURE mum at his exciting best teamed will explosive ilzatetll Scotti mun THEY FLY WITH THE FLEET IN MIGHTY TECHNICOLOR EPIC ACTION our or my mourn INC ADVENTURE TREATS CARTOON EWS BE SURE TO SEE THIS ON STARTS MONDAY Five Great Stars In The Entertainment Masterpiece Of The Year masterpiece of bold and chaIIen ENTERTAINMENT inn emotions SHEILIY IJMY WINTERS MLIilllLL menu new RENNIE WYNN LASLSHomuoloulour WEDNESDAY JANE RUSSELL Cr VICTOR MATURE inTHE LAS VEGAS STORY PLUS 2ND HIT INSIDE THE UNDERWORLD IlIIequIIIe IIllIIlth MMIIT IIIaIsIIalnII slopvhtfl mrrin TMALA Muslim ACTION CONTINUOUS SHowsAT 230 plm EVEfSIIOWS 635 lam ti COMEDY HITS PLUS LATEST NEWS For Movie MorryGoRound Tune CKBB EochpAttemoon at No Polio Cases ReportedYet InVBarrieArea There have been no cases of polio reported to the Sirncoe County Health Unit to date in theBarIie area In Juneimeasles mumps and chicken pox and Some scarlet foyer Were the maimcommunicable dis reported tojhe unitthrough if out the county with no cases or poliomyelitis recorded D12 John Read assumed his appointment as assistant medical officer health atthe monthly or Read completed his elder with the ulnit during the last two weeks or June AnOther new addition to the health unit staff is Mi$ Audrey Orr clerkstenographer at Allis ton who was takemgon the stat atfthe first of June Two hundred and sevenlyem people had Xrays at the chest 1x in June One hundred them people attended for the first les held throusliout the county time Sixtyfour home visits were made to caSes contacts of sus pects 01 tuberculosis Fltteenhorhe EightDay Camp For Painswick Children Closes Friday we the postal day for the palnnwitk lily Laid at the end of the To Road since the beginning of Cylinder the sponsorslup the lsuiswtck Womens lflsilluk inch and directed by the Stilltuv County Recreation Srlvlu The li Cllllllftl the eightday camp presenth special afternoon parents pro gram which went off almost as scheduled in spite of perjistent downpours Under the direction of Miss Marie Burke of Barrie the P31113 wick Camp begun on Wedresdayx July clown after eight Jays camp experience for the children UT the district or Friday July 18 The committee III charge of are rangemerits for the day camp con sisted of Mrs till Lloyd Mrs Charles Smith Mrs Dalton Len nox Mrs lemme Young Mrs Charles Hawkins and Mrs Robert King The crimp was conducted EICIT day from 930 oclock in the morn Ing until four pm the program elmer llilllllllng life In ll camp in the north woods in the wood land setting ltll mu pitched till vacant lot not for from Lake Sillltllt lIIlI the day camp eis were divided Into four groups each with it hideziuuy In it cedar grove The lildmways were made homey IIth fireplaces and inter esting Cimip craft and tire chil dren did outdoor Ctltiklilll while some made nature rollvriiiuls to SIIOW their parents on LIOSllli day The must popular event of the day camp was swnummg under the Instruction of George Benton of Barrie and the youngsters pro gressed well under Ill guidance On Thursday the iin before the closing of camp lied Cross tests were held and Six campers passed their junior tests IlIIl two posts ed lllltllllttlllilc tests Juniors who received crests were Carole Ol iver Nancy Ford Nora Jensen Judy Willis lion Simpkin and Janet Westmzui IOSIlll Guest and Ken Barnes passed their intermed iate tests Assisting the supervisor Miss Burke with the day camp pro gram were four volunteer leaders Joan Saijeant of Barrie Helen Mc Kenzie of Barrie Catherine Cole man of Stroud and Beverley Westman of Tollendal Special camp activities included leathercraft with the chidren try ing their hands at making knife cases walletsand bookmarks Sing ing folk dancing nature hikes and rhythm band led by Catherine Coleman playing the accordion were also camp features The closing program on Friday started at two pm All the par ents were invited and the W0 mens Institute supplied soft drinks and cookies in spite of the un fortunate downpour the children folk danced inthe rain for their parents and sang The second day camp of the county recreation service gets underwayat Glencairn on Wed nesday of this week who attended HEALTH PROTECTION More than four Df 10 Canadians have voluntary health protection 51 million are insured against hos pital expenses 34 million against surgical expenses 24 million against general medical expenses 870000 against temporary disability Valuable Swim min and ten of visits were made because of acute Gite arrir Examiner WEDNESDAY JULY 23 I952 Lake Sea rch Kin riidu when Iesuient Oi IIllATII near Szruud went out Ii and did not get back over 11Lit II Mic finally became wor ried and turned in an alarm about it urn ultlrI caused search to be made Eventually he was brought In In Tll from Belle Ewart Early Ti morning The missing mun Vl Sileddcir it an olfstliil of the In is Izui Forests Dept lie applr entl lllI other things on IIIS Inmd but filling and when the ildllll iwi forestry Olfllldlj across the In il tm rushed back when It at that police Search covering the Like Lost Child Found In Hay Field lsi to keep the lXCllflllflll gomil ml will 1I Visiting Mr Wiiicek on 11 lJlli line was piuyuig around with he Colbln and wandered off aIlll By lilt time Search had started tile child had apparently Clltl himself to 5100 III the middle of lIIj Iltltl The alarm brought people from lllI ports of tile district Flt111i 12gt and searchers who lined up uul walked through waist high In and crops ll nrmsdengtll dist mw Ililll almost given up when the Child was found by Mr Mcliidden Iii iluirie IOlICl from Innisfil and ProerIeinls from all the surround in lltItS were on band together With army personnel The child only four years of Ilge was apparently none the worse from her ordeal ller name was Helena Konruwnsky The country where she has lost was mostly cropped land Fights At Beaches During the search the police ra dio notified the township police that lililll was in progress at the Bench By the time the Officers got there it was well Cleaned up and the participants had left Nam ed of one or more are known and they may be located later Porking Problem At Pork Well Handled The new parking regulations went into effect this week ntbe 8th line have entirely clean ed up the dangerous conditions there Newly appointed Constable Tom Beamish who was engaged to handled this problem spent busy day but with the aid of signs plac ed at close intervals and diligent work he prevented any parking The piece Of road from the park gates to the lake is in the no parking area but cars desiring to go to the store are allowed half hour stop Some drivers or cars who got parked and away on the Lake lands road may have found note IIiIlL Ill macsnunaguIGCIOUUUIoocuucnu hIMIh nunon HORIZON PICTURES the van rundown MMEEEESEEE HELD OVER SEE IT TODAY IMPERIAL9 SO GREAT3 ACADEMY AWARDS NOMINATIONS on returning asking them to see the constable at the gateand avoid summons Many dollars worth of parking fees were added to the col lection and the road was kept clear for both foot and vehicular traffic Memorial Service In Cemetery St Pauls Church lnnisfil held an Open air service in the Cemetery across from the Church Sunday morning It was largely attended and many had placd fichwersi on 4343153 ab Vi AAwnu Given SimcoenCIOunty Children family plots before the service be gan Seats were brought from the schoolroom and placed under the trees public address system had been obtained but owing to the area being blacked out by the Hy dro they were unable to use this Reverend Rowe conducted the service Abundance Of Rain The continuing rains are beginn ing to worry some of those farmers who still have haying to In Va we Section 2Poges to the south part of the county there are many acres of splendid wheat crop cut Some of this has not been stocked and the rains may rc tard this harvest somewhat Com bining cannot get under way until the grain is much riper than when stooked and wet weather may add risk of rust However the second crops oi hay are growing very fast also pastures are again being re plenished Busy Weekend At Township Prick With Wasaa Beach partly under water Innisfil Park is getting 3bit percentage the Sunday picnicb ers However this in only small part of the attendance On Saturday asoupmaking firm from New Toy onto brought picnic needing clash en buses and over one hundrgd cars to transport them They brought Band with than which paraded into the park led in many activities Their pro gram of sportsl was well organized and the outing which Would lla small picnic ground was sprouting er the big lakeshore park and one said they greatly enjoyed the day On Sunday the revenue at the gate was somewhat lower than pre vious weekend but was still ovgt last years attendance The installation of better facilit ies will greatly improve the general conditions there Drive Out To The HURONIA DriveInt Theatli miles south armsi Concession 14 MMEOXWMq TONIGHTSTHU Scott health unit director She farmers 01 coAmItniunicgble diseases holidaysughaS 0933 feian DEMONSIITAIING THE fundamentals of the crawl to left to right Marilyn Davidson BarrieyYronneWoods Bar the reports group of advanced swimrners atdIiilsdale recently is ifhtruei tie James Rumble mllsdalll DOnna Miller MounbSta LOU15 SQ em 36m has tor George Woods of Barrie The class every Monday consists Dome and Patsy Jones Vasey Theresa Waverley Mount St notystopped The recording the reschool Lo Leslie Wells Coulson EdProctor Toronto andiack pros ram continues and of children from Hillsdale Mount St Louis and district It Shanahan Craighurst SW the cm is part or the Silncoe County recreation committee 8ng DID YOU KNOW 3mm cases oi chicken pox program Supplying rapt attention to their instructor are SUM ER SLAcKs Canada have equi lp their Smoky Gm memes cases of mm 03583 MVmemles and sandman were reported in Jone to cases or 70 of lmyearSautodoathe were it maa ween am or snuvaAannmmo Gnome noun