TEE BARRIE EXANHNEE WEDNESDAY JULY 1m su work togcthci trying taI at go amt1 trauma can in mix41c tlflLlttiLlj 811 we Will prova ULUJ ilanlizl that more it Market Slmi Barrie tr Ian bitth 31 told xryv mucus WI In xv Excavations lleai Cookstown Reveal Interesting location Wit fun dcr 8011 pltl Southey Huron vmage BORN IiimcmgmmmI WW WWWMW II II IIIII III III VIIIOIIIII TL IN me arrnine rrrtrnitzrz lunar of lomntr Willi my 53521153 331 on 221L393 muffni swag lvit utirkrlltl Ni ulcl 52 it lIlnIil Hartley wwv WM gt tliil mood rifl trr Loafiazvk HuhH rw mu AN Nahum YXUHRFWWM thi own or rm Lias WWW IniiiiiiirvAz 2r Grace nus on 1W to 1mm iyle vim 3qu whim Jory 1932 to rumeu rm rim rm inn and Mr mm Iliulf itllibLmbIw hapgg xi my ghuvkghiy Irwin nnIvIle Ian httli iy on 109 SlltlilLtltl Ave iiiutroi 0g lt pm lSMM is rytiI II III III Iiiuim In Iirie lliyil IIIiInII IIIIIIIII PIIIIIIIIIIIIIILSIMIgugrggm I1 III INNIII In liIJIIIIiII1III3I KIWI If III WWW Wm7w inkIi Annim llii thriftI LIJKI ltIuad trIiIiiiIIiIlIvIIII BED SITTWU ROOM and men icr and it inlglthh Al JH RibH IIIIMIXIIJ mp mummy Wmmuy lmaledI of Srzztim to luv it tho ilmpitn llama OHI Jilly 195 lhone till cvrtling l584 III bank VIIIIIIMIIFI III IIIIIII Im IILIIIIN FIIIEIIIII IIMIMIIIIIWMI II IIIIIIIk IIII IIIII IIIIII III IIIIII 5va 5m Imp IImgIl 1w Nibuu ROOMS for hn IIIHIIII II II Null MI MIL Apply 133 Hayfield St Mlf ll til 11153 mlfmliill 5W vlllallrl Lilltmlami mm 15 11pm mn III rI Aww firor NIoinzau Lilliirlttlill iirr WitlltlillllllkklllrWillsiitillilTlulf RUUMFD unfrrnhm pvaxle vi til xv zif HI III 13$ IIQ vll millHUEHIV 11111 Mx EillileUWrlmirvti LIWUV ii SWV lltlltlltTlixlkll Diagonal pupil llui in Sir ut Lil tl lti rill xolzl Alli PM lnddhlrmlmlh Ulnhrr IHIHI lrvdjiazmn Putlllihyl i131J111311 52 19 EIi PIE Iminwr hlmrdmlIptcnic in Suiingngitny 3mg Iy juttilt Rutltlltk tirarmiri iiiloved LIGHT lionsvkveping rooms if ailmiftI1er IIImlZhunt yvslrztlny lilvlllmill lhi 4de ELLE An Firms mu Hm of Balm applywa EilIIIIfIiIIIdIiIIIIII IIIIIIIILIIWIII IIIIIIVmun in iltriltlurimr MI IMF He Made Up His Own Mind IIBordenMeaford FlSh Fair Chance Given CNR iIcinIr IIRIIlIIliIIlIlfI tIgznaonggffdPEIf1593 320 Elm Julia ma 21 lg 1mm by the Frmwh mungly III lln leitI lilllLl Lofidifnnts And Game SOYS Pfeid 60760 an nMis tllflunl bvnutti Balm WM 3mm bralwhN MI 01 hillmi Mrs lxwrs limitlwringtont with llwa HOUSE Val IIIIIi Im WWII Ur Dino IIIIILUIV Influx mum is at MUNIRRA JULY l40ll llvlllg GROW 11th undImu olI Lraighurst electric lights IA Th mm Iillilt HHIHIM of lllUMP iirixu III II II II inioruwd that Hwy 350 had talc Allttil Graham in his 76th 800d gum 131 33 flff h1h Iil rid uarly to Vinny noun picnic II bttll gmm to tho Cillliltllilll Niilltllli your litbllllg ill his homo Lr8485 32 Ilunth no 11 park and mpndunm II IIIIii HHIHIMIS of In mmavg Capital Runyon ALII cicii until 11 3111 1luusdayIJuly MODERN OFFICES renrczg 01 ll rilill iiirimillltrlnlii Fish 1H llliil in Si Davuis Clutcl glipinvs llllllll tlu illtlilllilli reach II II Uvndld NHIHH UMHIWH PLb Irlly locuttd Ant Ln 11mmth uwmnthx Hurond ham III MW and mm imd 121 In huh uh 1I um III III CNRI um mm for IMIIlLIt at III pm Iiuiurmnt cum COI CIEIIIIIIiIIIIm 5L llliliitll in illiii to tho tillnggc muldihmMimi Imrk LlllI nmm int 11ml llu llr II wm WWI bl Dumb LUHLUTL qumw 32st 1543433 mi moi leltll after that limo ibv 2m fllltl Hi lmltitill llkt 11 gt gt ML BI 113 mm that in Master of Ctivniiinivs for tho ll lie llliltlt up his own mind just Ihlvafuil lhi lltlltr llittlllll upmyws ml wwpmxy ETD RESPONSIBLE pARiY hIImIImII IIIIIII mum III dII was Alp Immm Ur lianbwleI about mm up the mm of II mm HIM II IIII IIII IN III lhv Canadian National RilllWySilN mum new home centrally 16C Sign of tln liiilslurds and 011105 lfIWimm WMIWL WI lion Willzani Earl Rowe man in will had by ill Lum HULMH nm wish to thank the nurses dictinLd dVJlIibILIbtPl Alli 30X 14 it 1nvoiecl mm thi art1 11 15 pg LI rm Ill Iii1111111 lllt who stands Surrounded by an aura wontn irini1 Inummur 1L 0w ltlilll Dr Smith WA Eastern Star Bm Exammr lmss timatvtl that illtllilltl lltltl pmplu pmgrm ml VIEW mm Wm Ill of idiiiiintmn from cvenlhis polit Iv tiiii ilzi p12 Linn Id IN Chum Shuw Hm WWII of Ittlnlivvs and friends or fruit anxEmTihb1 for lI II II II immutth 21 II II mm wuss upmmmm in mum III II II III III III1I II Par or IIIII llll lltlt ldiltt tillll llliJhl ital nppontnts and it man tho in llt 1111 iltl tip in tin normal II II II II xIrma Lilli iiu otiti llIltlth slum wdu Wm memom above or pumpkin Skttlfi and bonus haw Spunkvrr at the OlflLlZil opening lllt fan of bittirr opposition docid Moiiizi1i lullit liruiiti I1Iu Isl IllI during my stay in Royal Victoria ippioxiirizitely 22x40 Apply been found pilllllllll to tho possh oromonlos at 130 pm includvd id to cntcr politics l1tll ho was TIIII IIIIII IIIII II II III INN EVHIyWVFI Vail IIICIm 05mm Mrs charch vngfoiIthcillaIIIttg CU l7 CIHPDIETIEEISL hlitv that tlir lntiranz llilll by tr lloy ilickliug rccvo of Vuspra only 24 yours of one II Im LII SI curl 51mlle 34 one 88 srarch dcveloped more than one lownship Sikurl Page of llar Bum 10 hu VTbilfhlflww tmld HM berm me Gamma Nahum 5513 ITWO FURNISHED ROOMS rh of mrhI llin Md no and Kath Md up Amsmn II II yI lHI IIIIH UWH it game mm being Will no longer ti ktl tt III III II II II III II III II 1311 of tuninlifin parents in come hrs Iiltllllil IlllIlIl lltlllh nni ln obscure the 1mm 1c Mk IL on stpuratz bathroom lilllltL illlt Mi Ian iLiitnI 1111 ltpltvtllldllt1I oi lit to NHVMH Rubnmm Wm my 1911 In IIIII IIII IIII LAWN fluor Vacant on July very ri pita will 11w In of Lil 1d Will be 1012 kuiim mpu mirror to Ontario Dvpnitnnnt of Agiittiltiiit wars of and was mm MII Ii II I17 ROOM AIND BOARD wqumd fiiljttlitia tonne 1400 or apply at II to Ih BII cm an many otlur 15pm or lblc ng6 us Smcny on the cur busmws mb central 10m109 Owen St 15 45485 mourn in Orll in oil dill out bimtoe ililll he mm of his purmtSI ASI ban IIIIIIII III SIIIHIIIII IIIIII III II wo Lb LII record Plus is what we havu tton Phone 8042 limitl dm lmuh Jon Mdlmd de Im young man he married Trcva1 and tithp hunt mml 1m humS mm or mm 05 CH lt llkz lf1nl bor IIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIISI It IS IIIIIV RI HI KIIII DUI aIIIIII IIesIdIIIII ltlllltIrlIl of NLIuton Robinson Ilhtu llu oftuinls btllIllItllt Vilnll 5mm mmom mndmup and wmwm utiult tIoIoin Ioi In 41$ gt llicy lune two ongt Bill and mg llltl lltllltlll lluv ttlllltl for on AW 0x PRINTINGPHONE possihlv that tlwy ltCtlVld will of the Womens Institute George favor there lies UDDH US more mil Barrie Examiner 128486 0m1U0dv Juhmmn MM gimm 10mlmmul WWI I11 IgtIV challengv to produce the Ia II III II IIIIIII through lllt country and were able ire and Eugene Smith UlopiuI IIILOIIhIlIITIyljtuIi IAIIHEhL fmnly mdi um ur my 51 VLly bust FUSUIIS WL CUH 50m in oin ilwir more northcrlv rela president of the County Federation Chi MchiIiivlsFisliim rod for thing in fact just bit better than III VCSI The is no mmmon of he of Agricultum Jean has one daughter Nancy hump b11353 1b 71 UL out be IIIIIIN village urar Cookslown in the Childrenus races were under the Jeull WIN Bl 3150 has foul W01 DirviusIRccl for longest we have been given fair share MI Jesuit Relations the only Enrop mention MISS Loum my yeurold daughter Jane Jean 15 bass 17 58 in or much needed relief but at the ean hibtory of the area county recreation director and Ruffled to 301 QCBSSEImanMP Mr CorinneReel for heaviest same mne we have been put quite According to the Relations Or Ray Lougheed mm amen for Grenville Quinni the ON 11 EARL ROWE picketcl oz only on impormn that szeatures Fast Friendly Farm Some was considered the southerly the Childrenvq evemfwa he gar glesslve Conservative whip at OtI Cpl MasseyFishing md for WW boundary of tho Huron torritorv lawn 1111059 or 0w 90 per longest pickcrvl 16 in REPAIRSHome auto tractor SPRING PLANTINGSprays WOIIIIIIII with Mr Ben are III In bags race when the CllllIl1gt1l sullsion but also by his opponents MI BIIIIEi$liIII Id fur barn machinerylatc fertilizer seed Wt mute archwolwism The site Cleaned 19 Park refuse Early Career who openly praise him for his hcaiI5t pm pAlNGHousefmm build LIVESTOCKPoultry canto is being QXploled for the Depart hmry Earl Rowe began his career ylloiillly 10 Party and VOICI like wor CIII1IRILI for In DlxtNIn loving memory of 195 Implement etc horsessheemelc The very DOPUIRF ladles Weill9 Dixon who passed away July 22 running for reeve in West Gwil Today he is the president of the est porchI 13 limburyn lie was successful and Great Lakes Paper Company Ltd Rum likes to make loans to fanners Cash promptly co makers baulrable security not required Write for loan entirely mom of Anthropology at the Uni were under the direction of M13 1940 IJ framm IglfuukilltmitIILOEIE rclalned that office from 1919 uri and is one of the bestknown breid who have SWIM 183 davs or Noqlmnigwc 13015335131 by mail Or phontI rst for lvmt loan or come In today ig Mr JmCIBeu of adva Mem 1923 during which he was In ers of Shorthorn cattle and standard more in the war theatre Fond memories linger every day to Sign Fm 15 member SW0 Cmty Ccbd Cmada 5pm The ma allowance will to Remembrance keel events 919 handkd by Around that time however hislof his busineg and farm interests Evm remembered by wife dau Mickey McGuire of Dunkerpon vision Nausea on Queens Famine keeps strictly to policy that gigiIlietIISIIgf RthIoIzII ngaIl dLanadgiIn gmm and SWI x4 wa um COIIAIIV mu uus rant vn In and Walter Lloyd of Bradford andehIenIthe Dru UFOIGQWIW his rst Comer is the walkbeing na ianI ir or of our SIM Among the Spam events Of the ment 19 in 1923 he won the of his supporteiS Kan spam qus engagea the KIdNG IgnotlavmgAllIJertn King who rr afternoon was mnmg pm throw nomination for Slmcoe Centre and His main interest outside his Sllaxmes Wm be paid to piled away July 1950 2nd FL Public Utilities Bldg15 BAYFIELD $1 KRIS for the ladies at straw dummy went on to yet 8110mm VICIOFY family and the House of Commons numbers of me gpecml Forces Silent memories truc and tender Phone 29520r4584 Donald Fish YES MM Winners 05 the several all For two yeags he remained aniat Ottawa is his love for trot 1m endof hci 5pm moment Juit to Ishow veIIstilIli Itembemger OPEN DAILY To 5SATURDAY run MI 1w Ke neth Willa ltmem F0 31 tom mode in minimal at all iurrmding 1m Personal Finmn my ticnit EggfyvgfDeirodwhfw the MPH but dmbllwn 18d mm toIIIg mes WIh We 0mm to leseive low membvwmie end and sigterinlaw ail contest the federal seat for Dufferagement he will launch into remin of their employment with the Ac iiiSimeon and at his first attempt=iscences about famous standard 11va Force or to members of the in 1925 he was elected with anIbreds remembering of course his Active Force released on medical overwhelming majority Ten yearsiown famous Van Ridddell which set grounds as result of service in after this he vas given the title Canadian mile record of 208 for the theatre of operatiuns of Honorable when hebecame flireeyearolds and also his Van Clothing allowances will not be minister without portfolio in Baldwin Incidentally he is the paid to officers or men whose ser Bennetts Conservative Govern only Canadian to have owned and vice has terminated as result of family coming from the farthest distance Gordon Mason Stroud whose family car license Y2l added up to the lowest aggregate Mr and Mrs Earl Parnell of Elin vale Mr and Mrs Joseph Leahey of Orillia and Mr and Mrs William Always Look Ball of Alliston who won Jomtly II lt BLANKEIS 312 02 gdfarwlu as 12 fads Cmwahves York liabilitatiou grants Will not be paid 01 On I0 WI 1111936 Earl Rowe became leader I10 officers or men released as re Ple male mOSt reem Of the Ontario Conservative Party sult of civil or service convic lam Anders 0f Omla the Old but TBSignedthiS Post to be leINew Arm order lion Neither will be paid to est gentleman Presentr and MTS elected in 1937 to Ottawa By thisI lipse who leave the Special Forces Alfred HaIWkev Comwater RR time the voters of DufferinSimcoe for immediate enrolment in the the OldeSt lady present had come to recognize that in him Ill la m9 Regular Force of any of the three When go to buy fresh fruits and vegetables expect flavour freshness and choice quality for my money ll3 The 5179081 gueSSing contest they had member who upheld services sponsored by the 309309 0f Ba his promises to work on their be The $100 allowance is the same rie was won by MICKEY MC half Undoubtedly he has done paid to veterans of the Second Guire TWO FEdelation 11955ng more than any other person Ito Under new Army order civil Great War They also received contests for children were Won by make the DufferinSimcoe ridihglian clothing allowance of $100 andonemonths pay and allowances Glen Hastings TOtIenhamv and Progressive conservative strong rehabilitation grant of oneIfor each year of service R011 JOIIIES IMIdlaERL hold No matter where onemay months pay and marriage allow find it pays to look for prime produce picked and dis played at its peak of goodness succulent firm and ap petizing know at IGA get this bonus value quality at low prices So too in meats and groceries IGA offers me Specials that mean extra savings in delicious enjoyable food in famous brands like to use Au rizes were donated by coun travel throughout the constituency ance wrll be paid to Special Force TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD in ARM ty megchants and businessmen his name is respected not only by veterans of the Korean campaign PHONE 2414 FEWSQN Faun It Fe grit0n CU lure OIS IP er Vlce Il ass I3 FEATURED THS WEEK CALIFORNIA SIZE 2883 sunkm oranges MT Am ER CHOICE 37 CALEORNIA CEBLO 15 PKG Tin Vi RED WILLIAM STOKELYS 190 II II 20 oz Tomato Juce for 29c II CALIFORNIA AYLMEIR Asparagus Tips 39 Calilaloupes 35 19 ouAurv IrishISlew5iv 31 SWIFIS PREMIUM ion chomp 2MP PICNIC SHOULDER es mm II IIHEINZ In 13 isuimvuuo mm PORK HQPS gt See and feehhe Slaetence fl with our better kind ofdri cleanmg DPShfil3 SW gt n51 colors osmium sh coversblanketsm sot as Call its for CS ZMZSQ lt II cm